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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Smart Specialisation and the roles of universities in the ecosystem of innovation in the evolution towards sustainability.
        Mohammad zarinjooee drnemati drnemati
        Globalisation and the rise of the knowledge economy have contributed to redefining and extending the roles of universities in society. Together with teaching (first mission) and researching (second mission), the third-mission concept and fourth mission was suggested to More
        Globalisation and the rise of the knowledge economy have contributed to redefining and extending the roles of universities in society. Together with teaching (first mission) and researching (second mission), the third-mission concept and fourth mission was suggested to identify interactions between universities and the rest of society, and co-creation for sustainability. This transition have been transformed from entrepreneurial to transformative university. The basic enabler of innovation (co- creation and exploitation of knowledge, seeking for opportunity and capacity building), the basic principle of triple and fourth(quadruple)helix , and the role of universities in the third and fourth missions to develop capacities and support the change in concept of innovation through the Smart Specialisation Strategy(S3) and several studies in this context was discussed. from the perspective of innovation policy, several trend and problem in lagged and developing countries in conclusion was discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identification and Analysis on Systemic failures of Iranian National Innovation System
        jafar bagherinejad ahmadreza kasraei hooman farshad
        National innovation system(NIS) includes a series of organizations and institutions at the national level which aims to incorporate  in developing and diffusion of science and technology and creates innovation climate.  Governments in this system  develop and implement  More
        National innovation system(NIS) includes a series of organizations and institutions at the national level which aims to incorporate  in developing and diffusion of science and technology and creates innovation climate.  Governments in this system  develop and implement  their innovation policy. In systemic approach besides problems of  each elements of this system ,there is another failure which related to interactions of the system elements, that is called systemic failure. In this research , at first by reviewing the literature  conceptual framework of national innovation system of Iran is presented. Then, in a field study by distribution of 350 questionnaires among Iranian innovation experts  and specialists and using structural equation modeling technique , analyzing of interactions and their impacts on each other and effectiveness of national innovation system has been done. In this research, the elements of NIS of Iran consists of strategies of  transfer and diffusion of technology, structural elements, innovation drivers  and legislations frameworks. Findings of this research show that the most important systemic failure of NIS of Iran  is lack of effectiveness of legislations frameworks’  impacts on innovation drivers. Identification and analysis of systemic failures can lead to appropriate policies for each elements and at last upgrade the performance of national innovation system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Emergence and evolution of Japanese system of Industrial Property Rights
        Parisa Riyahi
        The influence of the intellectual property rights on the innovation and economical performance is of a complicated type and it is necessary to be precise while designing the IPR system which might be applicable for the economic development as an effective instrumental p More
        The influence of the intellectual property rights on the innovation and economical performance is of a complicated type and it is necessary to be precise while designing the IPR system which might be applicable for the economic development as an effective instrumental policy. While designing such systems, different countries go through different paths depending on the local context and the global environment. Thus, comparative assessment and benchmarking is widely used in most studies of policy-making. This article deals with case study evaluation of evolution procedures of IPR in Japan and at the end, it encompasses some suggestions for strategic design of this system in Iran. Japan has greatly benefited from its preliminary phases of development of the IPR. Technological learning in Japan has been established in support of a fragile system of IPR. This system paved all the way for absorbing innovation and beyond boundaries knowledge by the local firms. Some initiates such as “profitable models" and “the industrial designs” not only developed the patent culture in this country, but also it turned into a strong driving force for the incremental innovations and partial improvements based on the foreign ones. When the technological capabilities of the local agencies increased, and the firms were requesting for a stronger protective regime for their own inventions, Japan intellectual property rights system was reinforced in such a manner that presently it is considered as one of the most strict and complete IPR systems in the globe. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A cognitive view of the concept of innovation and innovation policy
        Sina Laleh Ehsaneh Nazari
        Like all sciences, initially, we have to achieve basic understanding and deep cognitive about that science..the artificial constructs must commence with the recognition that there are phenomena to be observed and studied and about which testable hypotheses need to be ge More
        Like all sciences, initially, we have to achieve basic understanding and deep cognitive about that science..the artificial constructs must commence with the recognition that there are phenomena to be observed and studied and about which testable hypotheses need to be generated and tested. The innovation and innovation policy concepts are not Exception too, although in relation to innovation and innovation policy issues, there are highly expression by many scientists, this paper presents the view that one of the reasons for the current state is a lack of a sufficiently wide ambit in our understanding of the various phenomena that go to make up innovation and not simply immaturity. so we offer another definition of the concept of innovation and creativity and their separation from each other at first, then, express The concept of "situated cognition" with the basic elements are associated with it. After that, according to this concept and value systems we define the innovation and express the effect of situation and changing of the manufacturers and creativity and innovation adopters, based on value systems and organizations and innovation adopters. Then, after expressing the definition of a constructive memory and effects of its interaction on the change of value systems and creating the Emergence values, finally, we present the concept of innovation and innovation policy. At the end, we introduce the FBS ontology to describe the innovation, we offer a Workbench to Test Innovation Policies Manuscript profile