• List of Articles سياست

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Government, Industry and University Relations, the Horizon of Iran 1404
        mohsen bahrami mahkame taati
        The relation between government, industry and university is a pivotal issue in moving towards the 20 year vision of science and technology development of the country. Identifying and detail study of underlying factors and forces are necessary for improving this relation More
        The relation between government, industry and university is a pivotal issue in moving towards the 20 year vision of science and technology development of the country. Identifying and detail study of underlying factors and forces are necessary for improving this relation. In addition to analyzing the current situations, a future study approach should be undertaken to evaluate and asses the compliance of development plans with the goals and targets of the document of 20 Year Vision. In this paper, the result of a future study of some of the factors affecting the said relation with the horizon of 1404, involving some of the specialist and policy makers in the field of science and technology, is presented Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - پيشبرد ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه در قالب نظام ملي نوآوري مطالعه‌ي موردي فن‌‌بازار
        kamal tabaeian alireza boushehri
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Political Thought of Reza Davari Ardakani
        سيدرضا ‌ شاكري
        This essay is a look into the political thought of Reza Davari. The author seeks to address two basic pivots in Davari’s political thinking; first his deliberations on Farabi’s political philosophy; and second, his critique of modernity. It is claimed here that Davari’s More
        This essay is a look into the political thought of Reza Davari. The author seeks to address two basic pivots in Davari’s political thinking; first his deliberations on Farabi’s political philosophy; and second, his critique of modernity. It is claimed here that Davari’s political thought is primarely philosophical, and also necessarily affected by the historical context of his life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Formation of International Cooperation in Confrontation with Terrorism: Strategies, Opportunities and Challenges
        Reza سيمبر
        This article emphasizes the idea of global cooperation for confronting the phenomenon of international terrorism and it also argues that the failure to reach a consensus over the definition of terrorism is the main obstacle for overcoming this problem in global level. T More
        This article emphasizes the idea of global cooperation for confronting the phenomenon of international terrorism and it also argues that the failure to reach a consensus over the definition of terrorism is the main obstacle for overcoming this problem in global level. This article also argues that a more effective role can be taken by the United Nations and international law to confront terrorism. The United Nations should fight poverty, inefficient governments and underdevelopment, whether or not these issues are related to the terrorism phenomenon. In confrontation with terrorism, the United Nations should show terrorist acts as undesirable and detestable as possible, so that there would be less motivation for committing such acts. In other words, the crucial question posed here is: what are the main strategies of the international community for confronting international terrorism? The article argues that these two strategies can complement each other and pave the way for more international cooperations. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Hegemony in International Politics: Conceptuap Framework, Historical Experience and Its Future
        jahangir karami
        The concept of hegemony was first used in the third decade of the 20th centuty to analyze internal politics and it was only aftre 1960's that this term entered the domain of international politics. During 1970's the theorists of international political economy used the More
        The concept of hegemony was first used in the third decade of the 20th centuty to analyze internal politics and it was only aftre 1960's that this term entered the domain of international politics. During 1970's the theorists of international political economy used the tern as a pivotal concept, but in fact it was only at the post cold war era that many debates began on this subject. In this article, hegemony is studied as an important concept in many different theories and ideas of international relations, which is equally very influential in the domain of international politics. Different views on hegemony are presented and studied in order to illustrate the reason behind the emergence, function, continuance and fall of a hegemonic power. The present situation of international politics as well as pro and con views of the American hegemony during last decades are also studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Politicography in Iran (Methodic study of five works from political science field)
        سيدرضا ‌ شاكري
        After the establishment of the new political system in Iran, there were many attempts to comprehend this newly generated order and its important axis, the jurisprudent guardianship. The increased number of political science guraduates and religious scholars of Qom resea More
        After the establishment of the new political system in Iran, there were many attempts to comprehend this newly generated order and its important axis, the jurisprudent guardianship. The increased number of political science guraduates and religious scholars of Qom research centers in the last one and a half decade, which is due to the existing political conditions and power relations, has led to the creation of a preoccupation that we have referred to as "politicography" in this article. In the descriptive analytical report on this phenomenon, some outstanding works of contemporary political writers has been methodically studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Mysticism and Politics from Aziz-Eddin Nasafi’s Point of View
        داود  فيرحي مهدي  فدائي مهرباني
        One of the major and most important issues of survey and study within Aziz Nasafi’s ideas is the study of his political approach in his mystical thoughts. This essay discusses Sheikh Aziz Nasafi’s thoughts and opinions (probably born in 596 A.H.); one of the seventh cen More
        One of the major and most important issues of survey and study within Aziz Nasafi’s ideas is the study of his political approach in his mystical thoughts. This essay discusses Sheikh Aziz Nasafi’s thoughts and opinions (probably born in 596 A.H.); one of the seventh century mystics and philosophers; who had an undeniable effect on Iran’s philosophical thought; especially in the relationship between philosophy and mysticism. This paper trys to reveal how Aziz Nasafi’s thoughts led to the foundation and establishment of a political thought on the basis of mystical thought in Iran. It seems that this movement became persistent in Iran and finally turned into the dominant flow. Nasafi’s political thought can be observed as a political-mystical thoughts. Therefore the present article surveys the influential aspects and dimensions of the Iranian political thought evolving from Nasafi’s mystical thought. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Iran and Regionalism in South-Western Asia: Strategies and Solutions in Iran’s Foreign Policy
        Reza سيمبر
        Presenting a ladder model for the process of regional convergence, and explaining its different phases, the present article studies the major differences between neo-regionalism and classical regionalism. Regarding five positions - regional space, regional assemblage, More
        Presenting a ladder model for the process of regional convergence, and explaining its different phases, the present article studies the major differences between neo-regionalism and classical regionalism. Regarding five positions - regional space, regional assemblage, regional society, regional community, and regional institutionalized political assemblage - and considering the present situation, south-western Asia stands in the second phase, i.e. regional assemblage,; and to provide it with negative peace rather than positive one is of priority. This is the main idea of the present article which surveys the main strategies of Iran’s foreign policy in this regard in order to find suitable solutions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Theory of Conventional Constructivism and Researching about International Relations and Research Implications
        The emergence and expansion of constructivism as one of the significant conceptual and theoretical frameworks in International Relations in the two last decades was accompanied by an increase in interest toward empirical researches in this framework. Researching in the More
        The emergence and expansion of constructivism as one of the significant conceptual and theoretical frameworks in International Relations in the two last decades was accompanied by an increase in interest toward empirical researches in this framework. Researching in the framework of this approach has some special implications which is unfortunately less followed in current researches and surveys, especially in students’ theses and dissertations. In addition to this, many of the young scholars in the field of International Relations who are theoretically interested in constructivism are in doubt about choosing domains of subjects they can empirically research from this perspective. The purpose of this article is to show The implications of conventional constructivism survey and it's subject domains. The applied method for collecting data in this essay is library-based and depends on the theoretical and meta-theoretical texts and empirical surveys and researches and shows that how can constructivism be a theoretical base for almost all subject domains in the field of International Relations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Importance of Multiplicity and Variety of Resources in Success of Forming Process in Research Spin-Off (RSO) Companies
        Mazaher Ziyaei
        The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and varie More
        The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and variety of resources which should be available at the right time and portion for success of the process. The aim of this article is showing this multiplicity and variety of resources and their role in policy making for successful RSO companies, by having a glance at Iran’s circumstances. It starts by having a look at the RSO concepts and the studies of their formation in an "open innovation model", then the two aspects of this process; knowledge and the financial and necessary resources for developing in these companies are studied. It shows that financing is not the only needed resource at the beginning stages, but a variety of technical, financial, social and human resources are needed, too. The existence of experienced consultant teams, access to scientific, technologic, industrial and commercial networks and experts of technology transferring, commercialization and management of growth companies are some of them. In conclusion it emphasizes that in Iran only some resources for the start stages are considered but more resources are needed in the middle and final stages of process . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Policy Making for R&D Centers According to Idea to Market Process; Case Study Iran Petroleum Industry
        Seyed mahameddin Tabatabaei
        Nowadays, R&D is becoming one of the most important pillars of corporations. But there are several different and diverse approaches regarding the structure and position of R&D department in corporations. Most of the large companies have in-house R&D department. Except More
        Nowadays, R&D is becoming one of the most important pillars of corporations. But there are several different and diverse approaches regarding the structure and position of R&D department in corporations. Most of the large companies have in-house R&D department. Except corporate R&D, also independent research and development organizations has been established in many countries to promote scientific and technological capabilities. Each of these two types of research and development organizations has a special mission then policy making for them requires a particular process. The aim of this paper is to policy making for research and development organizations according to idea to market process. For this purpose, first, the elements of idea to market process and then the types of research and development organizations, including corporate and non corporate were described. Then different types of structures of corporate R&D ( in large organization ) will be defined and policies for the duties and nature of their activities in centralized and decentralized sectors of corporate R&D (in hybrid R&D structures) based on the elements of the idea to market process are discussed. Next, the proposed principles for the oil industry as the country's largest industry, which has several research and development departments as a case study, have been applied and finally suggestions for improving research and development in the petroleum industry are presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Programs and Policies of Technology Diffusion in Turkey
        Naser Norozi Farhad Shah miri
        Technology diffusion is recognized as one of the most crucial premises and main key factors in success of development plans in developing countries. Technological innovation of a new idea or a new system is successful when is accepted and diffused on behalf of the socie More
        Technology diffusion is recognized as one of the most crucial premises and main key factors in success of development plans in developing countries. Technological innovation of a new idea or a new system is successful when is accepted and diffused on behalf of the society. In this paper, definition offered by OECD for technology diffusion is tented. Technology diffusion or the widespread adoption of technology by users other than the original innovator is recognized as necessary for the ability to generate income, economic growth and enhancing return to R&D costs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The role of government, university and industry in national innovation system in iran
        Reza Radfar Abass Khamse
        Rapid changes of technology in the past decades are caused that the countries find out the importance of innovation more than the last. Complex interaction between technology and innovation is caused the creation and appearance of innovation systems. The National Innova More
        Rapid changes of technology in the past decades are caused that the countries find out the importance of innovation more than the last. Complex interaction between technology and innovation is caused the creation and appearance of innovation systems. The National Innovation System (NIS) plays the important role of commercializing the ideas and continuous transfer of knowledge from knowledge creation up to its application and commercialization in national level. Main components of this system include organizations and institutions from one hand, and the rules and procedures in the other hand. This system has the role of creation, propagation and the use of innovations. In other words, NIS is a comprehensive system that is formed by; policy makers in government, creators of new ideas and knowledge, knowledge users and various types of their interaction. In this paper we have tried to study the function of government, university and industry and their interactions in NIS Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Effect of Available Biomass and Technological Capacities on Bioeconomy Policies: Comparison Beteween Iran and Selected Countries
        Soheila Kheradmandnia
        Access to biomass resources and innovation capacities is important in adopting bioeconomy policies. This study has explored the effect of mentioned parameters on the orientation of the countries with more than 50% of agricultural, forest and aquatic biomass resources as More
        Access to biomass resources and innovation capacities is important in adopting bioeconomy policies. This study has explored the effect of mentioned parameters on the orientation of the countries with more than 50% of agricultural, forest and aquatic biomass resources as well as innovative countries. Also, the bioeconomy policies of I.R. Iran have been compared with similar countries and some north neighbors. Bioenergy is the main field of bioeconomy considered by all countries based on their biomass resources. Countries with enough biomass and top innovation ranking, increase the leverage of bioeconomy in various areas especially health and marine industries. Development of agricultural biotechnology by conventional methods and technologies is followed in the countries that their rank in innovation is modest or weak. In Iran and similar countries with the limit forest and agricultural lands, the health biotechnology is comparatively dominant area. Biofertilizer and biopestiside application and bioelectricity production using wastes have been considered in "Sixth FiveYear Development Plan: 2016-2021" law, but these areas havenot yet the acceptable share in Iran's bioeconomy. Achieving a balance in bioeconomy development needs to identify national demands and priorities, improve the biotechnology capacities in the field of agriculture and the environment, adopt the clear policies and strategies for the use of other resources, especially marine biomass, and strengthen the regional or international cooperation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Philosophy and Religious law in Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise: Admist Averroism and Textualism
        Reza  Najafzadeh
        Given the Multi-cultural nature of the development of philosophical systems, it can be claimed that Baruch Benedict de Spinoza formulated his view of the problem of the possibility or impossibility of concurrence of philosophy and religion in line with the tradition of More
        Given the Multi-cultural nature of the development of philosophical systems, it can be claimed that Baruch Benedict de Spinoza formulated his view of the problem of the possibility or impossibility of concurrence of philosophy and religion in line with the tradition of Latin and Jewish Averroists. A major part of his Theologico-Political Treatise is devoted to responding to this problem. Spinoza’s philosophical thoughts were influenced by several philosophical and political traditions. Inspired by the naturalist philosophers of the Renaissance period, he advocated the radical republican tradition and played a significant role in developing the radical Enlightenment heritage. In unity with such trends and while being influenced by the Protestant religious reforms tradition and having a Jewish educational background, Spinoza was continually occupied with the important problem of the possibility or impossibility of reconciling theology and philosophy or religion and rationality. This radical philosopher of the Enlightenment Period encountered holy texts in the light of the Islamic and Jewish legacies of rational thoughts. In order to provide an answer to this problem, he openly dealt with the rationalist and textualist trends of Judaism. Given the huge contribution of Islamic rational thoughts to the rise of the Middle Age Jewish philosophy, his thoughts also dragged him to the domain of Islamic rational philosophy. In comparison to Muslim and Jewish textualists and rationalists of the Middle Ages, he chose the middle way and defended the reasons for his choice in the theological parts of his Theologico- Political Treatise: he argued that neither is philosophy at the service of religion, nor is religion at the service of philosophy. Based on this Spinozist idea, two hypotheses can be postulated: 1) the impossibility of the unity of philosophy and religion in Theologico-Political Treatise does not necessarily indicate providing some secular principles for the public domain; 2) following the historical hermeneutic approach to holy texts, this treatise provides a fideist theory which frees the vast field of living in the modern world from meaningless sterility and coldness. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The Place of the Prophet in Ibn Sina’s Ideal City
        Mohammad Akvan Fatemeh  Mohammad
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and re More
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and revelation and tradition represent the law. Since, before him, Farabi has discussed politics extensively in his al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah (Civil Politics), Ibn Sina does not see any need to provide more explanations in this regard and deals with this field in short without presenting the details. However, he has discussed the quality of choosing a leader and devising laws for his utopia extensively. In fact, he has completed the same prophetic politics that Farabi had initiated previously. The present paper briefly deals with Ibn Sina’s political system in order to clarify the place of the prophet in the hierarchy of his utopia. In this way, the quality of establishing a utopia based on the “definitive text” as the best method of electing a ruler is clearly illustrated. Moreover, the authors demonstrate how the nature of Ibn Sina’s view of the caliphate and the Prophet’s successor bring him closer to the Imamiyyah political philosophy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Religion and Politics in Sadrian Philosophy
        Mehdi  Najafiafra Rohalah  Modami
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s so More
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s social nature in his works and did not consider individual life to be enough even if it were intertwined with religion. In his view, the development of Man is possible only through living a social life. He also maintained that a society which is geared to provide the context for the growth and development of its members should be governed based on Islamic laws. Politics is different from religion in terms of origin, end, act, and passivity; however, it is completely melted in religion, which is the innermost and truth of politics. Mulla Sadra considered the relationship between religion and politics to be the same as the one between the intelligible and the sensible or between the inward and outward aspects. He argues that as the knowledge of physics is incomplete without the knowledge of metaphysics, using politics without resorting to religion will result in Man’s plunge into forms and ignorance of transcendent truths. This will cause some irreparable damages to human life. A correct clarification of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is the best barrier against secularism, which emphasizes the separation of religion from politics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Politics and Ruler’s in Suhrawardī’s Political System
        Nooshin Naziri khameneh Abbas Zahabi Baabak Abbasi Ahmad Beheshti
        Conduct is a keyword in Suhrawardī’s political system. In his view, conduct or wayfaring begins with self-knowledge at the individual level and moves them ahead to the social and political level and, finally, to ruling over a society. Suhrawardī’s intended ruler is a ph More
        Conduct is a keyword in Suhrawardī’s political system. In his view, conduct or wayfaring begins with self-knowledge at the individual level and moves them ahead to the social and political level and, finally, to ruling over a society. Suhrawardī’s intended ruler is a philosopher who, through self-knowledge, steps into higher worlds, including the world of Ideas, which is the first world higher than the world of bodies in Suhrawardī’s philosophy. Through wayfaring in this world, the philosopher turns into an intermediary between the world of human beings and the world of God and angels. Through self-knowledge, wayfaring in the world of Ideas, and obedience to God, the philosopher further reaches the level of the spiritual leader, Imām, and leadership of the world. By considering the ruler as the spiritual leader or Quṭb and as an individual who is capable of connecting with the world of Ideas and mediating between God and human beings, Suhrawardī investigates politics, governance, ideal governance, and utopia in the light of a new philosophy. His views in practical wisdom and, particularly, politics correspond to his views in theoretical wisdom concerning some principles such as gradation, nobler possibility, wrath and kindness, and gradedness of the world. For Suhrawardī, as the world of Ideas, which among his own innovations, mediates between the world of matter and the world of omnipotent lights, the philosopher-ruler is related to the world of Ideas and mediates between human beings and God and also angels. The ruling of a ruler with the characteristics intended by Suhrawardī is never idealistic, far-fetched, or limited to specific people; rather, it is quite real and possible. Such a ruler pays attention to people’s happiness not only in the material world but in the hereafter. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - ارائه مدل ارزيابي سياست ها در صنعت دارو با بهره گيري از کارت امتیازی متوازن و تطبيق بامدل اسکاپ
      • Open Access Article

        20 - Investigating the Scenarios of non-Muslim non-Iranian Tourists of Mashhad Within 2025 Perspective
        Arash   Ghahreman Ahmad roumiani Sareh   Nematian zahra bostan
        The uncertainty caused by environmental complexities has made it difficult to forecast the future of Tourism in Mashhad in terms of non-Muslim tourists visiting the city, about whom no sufficient information exists. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the trend More
        The uncertainty caused by environmental complexities has made it difficult to forecast the future of Tourism in Mashhad in terms of non-Muslim tourists visiting the city, about whom no sufficient information exists. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the trend of variations in the visits made to Mashhad by non-Muslim tourists using the scenario writing method. To this end, this applied study used the analytical-qualitative approach, collecting the required data through detailed in-person interviews. In this regard, twenty-seven interviews were made in three phases with tourism experts in such fields as sociology, economics, planning, and specialized tourism services. In the first phase, the factors involved in attracting non-Muslim tourists to Mashhad were identified according to the views offered by the experts in interviews using the Delphi technique. In the second phase, the critical driving forces were identified based on two criteria of effectiveness and uncertainty. Finally, the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios concerning the future of non-Muslim tourism in Mashhad were described. The study’s findings revealed that smartizing tourism, making connections between tourism in Mashhad and its neighboring cities, increasing the number of media advertisements, improving the hospitality culture, and promoting a sense of security in the visiting tourists were the most important driving forces at the local level. Therefore, the number of Mashhad’s non-muslim tourists could be increased within the study period by improving IT infrastructure (including electronic trading, and electronic banking), introducing neighboring cities and villages of Mashhad and their tourist attractions, offering instructions regarding hospitality (especially for taxi drivers, business and shop owners), creating tourism police, and providing security in high-trafficking urban places. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        21 - A letter for Iran; A Study of The Relationship Between Religion, Politics and Iranianism in "The Letter of Tansar" in the Framework of Machiavelli's Thoughts
        ali tadayyonrad sara najafpour
        While the relationship between religion and politics is considered one of the basic issues in the study of the political thought system and action of the Sassanid era, the prevailing idea is that the politics and commanding of this era was mostly in the hands of Mobdanb More
        While the relationship between religion and politics is considered one of the basic issues in the study of the political thought system and action of the Sassanid era, the prevailing idea is that the politics and commanding of this era was mostly in the hands of Mobdanbar, the circuit and clergies in Zoroastrianism, to strengthen and consolidate it. Sassanid politics is thus considered to be religion-oriented.. This research is an effort to rethink this familiar concept by re-reading the relationship between religion and politics in the light of the comparative study of the text "Letter of Tansar to Goshnasp" with the ideas of "Machiavelli" in this field. From this reading, it seems that the strategy and approach of the Sassanid founders in relation to the categories of religion and politics should not be considered religion-oriented, but rather as Iran-oriented and Iranist. The axis of their political action and thought is in consequence political and Iranian, using the tools of religion. Manuscript profile