• List of Articles برابری

      • Open Access Article

        1 - New Economic Geography and Explaining Regional Disparity in Iran
        Iran has many potentialities for the formation of regional disparities. There are intense inequality between provinces development in common and especially between central and border regions of country. The development index has relatively improved over the past 15 yea More
        Iran has many potentialities for the formation of regional disparities. There are intense inequality between provinces development in common and especially between central and border regions of country. The development index has relatively improved over the past 15 years, in all provinces, but, provinces with the highest and lowest development index is almost unchanged. The main aim of this research is analyzing current regional disparities and explaining its creation and continuity factors from the viewpoint of new economic geography. Study area of research are all provinces of country as geographical regions, but, Sistan & Baluchistan province as a less favored area has been investigated for demonstrating local factors effective on regional divergence. Research required data are collected through field study and some documents. The coefficient of variation has used for understanding Iran regional disparities. Viewpoints of 50 local experts has been analyzed through liker's method for extraction local factors effective on underdevelopment in Sistan and Baluchistan area. Research findings show that two factors are effective on country regional disparity. First, adherence to the conventional economic geographical view based on neoclassical and neoliberal approaches, and neglecting new economic geography in the planning. Neoclassical approach scientifically, haven't explaining, predicting and prescribing potentialities and its resulting planning cannot lead to regional convergence. Second, lack of production-oriented institutions are important effective factor on regional disparity and its continuity in Iran. Lack of production-oriented institutions formation has rooted in the rentier system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Dialogue in the E-World (The Impact of Informative-Communicative Technologies on the Cross-Cultural Dialogues)
        Ahmad گل‌محمدي
        The persistent and increasing concerns about the perseverance and raise of possibility of peaceful and fair coexistence in the infra-national, national and trans-national have all highlighted the significance of dialogue to a high extent. That is why the factors and fie More
        The persistent and increasing concerns about the perseverance and raise of possibility of peaceful and fair coexistence in the infra-national, national and trans-national have all highlighted the significance of dialogue to a high extent. That is why the factors and fields influencing dialogue have become the topic of many researches and discussions. One of these factors is the communication-informative technologies which affects the differing aspects of social life more than ever. The topic of this article is the impact of communicative-informative technologies on the cross-cultural dialogues within the general electronic sphere. In this framework it will become clear that although the possibility and potential of communication and transaction about information increases the potential for dialogue, it also causes its own certain limitations and distortions too. The mentioned limitation is basically the result of the uneven division of related possibilities regarding this kind of technology, while the particular circumstance of the general electronic domain distorts the cross-cultural dialogues. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Dworkin and intergenerational justice problems: An introduction to theory of intergenerational equality of recourses
        Theories of justice are bound to look at the future when it comes to outline the requirements of justice. Intergenerational concerns that have been aggravated by environmental problems and natural resource depletion have brought out new issues including the realm, patte More
        Theories of justice are bound to look at the future when it comes to outline the requirements of justice. Intergenerational concerns that have been aggravated by environmental problems and natural resource depletion have brought out new issues including the realm, pattern, and criterion of intergenerational justice. Although Dworkin has not discussed independently about intergenerational justice, the theory of equality in resources, providing uniform images of values of human societies such as justice, has the capability to respond to these issues. The principles of independence and Interpretation of values, together with the specific interpretation of rights, make it possible provide the theory of intergenerational equality of resources using the deconstruction method. This theory is individualistic considering all future generations along with preserving the human dignity of everyone. This goal is achieved by observing the two principles: first, it must show equal concern for the fate of every person throughout the ages. Second, it must respect equally the personal responsibilities of each person towards their lives. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Morality and fair procedure in the light of predictability principle of procedure rules
        jalil ghanavati Eslam Mondani
        The relationship between morality and law is a definite affirmation and endorsement of philosophers, ethical thinkers and lawyers. Ethics in the process of procedure are one of the issues that can be specifically addressed in relation to these two issues. Predictability More
        The relationship between morality and law is a definite affirmation and endorsement of philosophers, ethical thinkers and lawyers. Ethics in the process of procedure are one of the issues that can be specifically addressed in relation to these two issues. Predictability principle in civil procedure is considered as one of civil fair procedure principles, looking carefully at provisions of the civil procedure code of Iran and other regulations and Shiite jurisprudence judicial discussions related to the role of judge and the evidences, predictability principle can be recognized in Iran civil procedure code as civil fair procedure principle. Documents of matching transnational procedure and documents and rules of arbitration sample significantly support predictability principle in civil procedure in judge’s performance and litigants of private disputes in relation to evidence. The relationship of other procedure principles is sometimes coordinated with predictability principle such as contradiction principle, parties’ despotic domination principle on civil claim, and the principle of judge neutrality and sometimes is conflicting with other principles of civil procedure such as prohibition of unduly prolonging civil procedure principle, the principle of civil party’s hearing right. In this field, the exact scope and the quality of implementing this principle should be carefully investigated in the light of other civil fair procedure. The sanction of violating implementation of the predictability principle in the civil procedure is invalidity of judicial decisions and possibility of research or appeal violation in this principle of civil fair procedure. The research method is descriptive and analytical. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Equality and Non-Discrimination in Social Security in Islamic State
        Ramin  Movahedi Seyyed Hossein  Malekuti Hashtjin Abulfazl  Ranjbari
        Social Security is one of the most important mechanisms for the realization of social justice. Iran's legal system, especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the spread of slogans of justice and equality, and the elimination of all forms of discriminati More
        Social Security is one of the most important mechanisms for the realization of social justice. Iran's legal system, especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the spread of slogans of justice and equality, and the elimination of all forms of discrimination and inequality, at least is in the pursuit of policies and programs to spread social justice through the social security mechanism in many constitutions and laws. The Islamic state of early Islam (Prophet's and Amir al-Momenin (pbuh) governments) views was based on establishing the principle of equality and non-discrimination in the welfare of Muslims. The Islamic State of Iran, whose constitution is regulated by the application of Islamic laws and principles, has also sought to establish the rules governing social security on the basis of principles such as the principle of equality and non-discrimination, and the legislator requires the Islamic state to interfere in its implementation and supervision. Therefore, social security laws in Iran, although as set out in its original objectives, have not been able to comply with the principles of Islamic laws, due to lack of resources and increased population, the efforts made represent the will of the Islamic State along the path to justice and equality in this category. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the Role of Virtual Education in Reproducing Educational Inequality in the Corona
        sina torkashvand Mohammad minaei nezhad vahideh moradiyan mohammadeh fatemehsadat hashemi
        The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of virtual education in reproducing educational inequality during the Corona virus epidemic.. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Thus, in the first step, the challenges of e-learning in the country are More
        The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of virtual education in reproducing educational inequality during the Corona virus epidemic.. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Thus, in the first step, the challenges of e-learning in the country are analyzed, then the challenges in reproducing educational inequality in the Corona period are analyzed. The most important challenges of e-learning are distributing resources and facilities (spatial), the economic challenge, the gender challenge and the cultural challenge. Findings show that each of the challenges in the field of formal and public education has led to educational inequality. The challenge of distributing resources and facilities has led to lower quality of education in disadvantaged areas compared to the regions. The economic challenge has also created a class gap between deprived and privileged areas due to the low income level of people in deprived areas and the high cost of virtual educational aids. Gender challenges due to unequal use between men and women, most women have limitations in using e-learning. The cultural challenge is also due to the fact that the ruling classes have a larger share of cultural capital than other classes and are more able to deposit this type of capital in their children. The results show that the education system in the face of the challenges should consider measures and mechanisms, because until the challenges of advancing virtual education in the formal and public education systems are not addressed , educational inequalities cannot be eliminated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A New Statistical Characteristics Based Method for Adaptive Learning Rate Adjustment in Learning Automata
        M. R. Mollakhalili Meybodi M. R. Meybodi
        The value of learning rate and its change mechanisms is one of the issues in designing learning systems such as learning automata. In most cases a time-based reduction function is used to adjust the learning rate aim at reaching stability in training system. So the lear More
        The value of learning rate and its change mechanisms is one of the issues in designing learning systems such as learning automata. In most cases a time-based reduction function is used to adjust the learning rate aim at reaching stability in training system. So the learning rate is a parameter that determines to what extent a learning system is based on past experiences, and the impact of current events on it. This method is efficient but does not properly function in dynamic and non-stationary environments. In this paper, a new method for adaptive learning rate adjustment in learning automata is proposed. In this method, in addition to the length of time to learn, some statistical characteristics of actions probability vector of Learning Automata are used to determine the increase or decrease of learning rate. Furthermore, unlike existing methods, during the process of learning, both increase and decrease of the learning rate is done and Learning Automata responds effectively to changes in the dynamic random environment. Empirical studies show that the proposed method has more flexibility in compatibility to the non-stationary dynamic environments and get out of local maximum points and the learned values are closer to the true values. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The effect of relative redistribution on economic growth
        marziyeh esfandiari mohadeseh Rahimi
        Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of countries, economic theorists in relation to the impact of income distribution on economic growth have a positive ef More
        Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of countries, economic theorists in relation to the impact of income distribution on economic growth have a positive effect on economic growth, and in some other earnings distribution studies have a negative effect on economic growth. Most of the income distribution studies are mainly measured by the Gini coefficient, but the revenue comes after deduction of taxes and forced payments based on income distribution. Hence, the present study investigates the effects of relative re - distribution on economic growth with the use of Iranian economy data between 1359 to 1396 and using the generalized method of moments (GMM). The results of the study show that relative redistribution has a negative and significant effect on economic growth in the studied years. calculating income distribution based on market income and the obtainable income provide conflicting results. According to the results, indirect relationship between economic growth and economic growth is confirmed by relative redistribution index. since taxes as a means of improving income distribution, calculation of chinese coefficient based on income after mandatory payments and taxes can create a more accurate picture of income distribution and its consequences. The results show that planning for fairer distribution of income (after tax deficit) is stimulating economic growth. While on the basis of conventional gini coefficient, income inequality causes economic growth.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigating the Impact of Religion on Income Inequality
        Mostafa Heidari Haratemeh
        The present study aims to investigate the effect of the role of religion on income inequality. For this purpose, a simple economic-political model was considered and following the study of Azzi and Ehernberg (1975), the basic structure of Meltzer-Richard was completed b More
        The present study aims to investigate the effect of the role of religion on income inequality. For this purpose, a simple economic-political model was considered and following the study of Azzi and Ehernberg (1975), the basic structure of Meltzer-Richard was completed by modeling religion as the intensity of satisfaction from charitable donations for public goods. It was developed in which the more religious people are, the greater the satisfaction they receive from voluntary donation. Thus, the political process has led to a reduction in the size of government in more religious countries, meaning lower levels of spending on public goods and redistribution, and tax-based redistributions have shaped income distribution, which means more income inequality in more religious countries. The " belief in an after- life " index was considered a measure of religiosity and the Gini coefficient was considered a measure of income inequality. Finally,the GMM, FMIL and (2ls) IV econometric models have been used to estimate the patterns over a period of 15 years (2005 - 2019). The results showed: a ) There is a positive correlation between religiosity, being and income inequality. b ) The coefficient of variable belief in an after- life in all regression models with the presence and absence of control variable is positive and significant. This means that countries with higher levels of belief in the afterlife have more inequality. c ) The coefficient of variable GDP per capita is negative and significant in all patterns and shows that countries with higher per capita incomes tend to distribute income more evenly. Perhaps the inherent priority of religion, smaller government, and lower welfare spending in more religious countries is only a reflection of the broader perspective of research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Unemployment, Uneven Regional Development And Spatial Patterns of Internal Migration in Iran
        Rasoul Sadeghi
        Internal migration and movement occur in response to a wide range of factors with different effectiveness. One of the important and key contexts for the formation of internal migration is spatial inequality in facilities, opportunities and development components. In thi More
        Internal migration and movement occur in response to a wide range of factors with different effectiveness. One of the important and key contexts for the formation of internal migration is spatial inequality in facilities, opportunities and development components. In this regard, the article uses the secondary analysis of the 2016 census data at the provincial and county levels to investigate the impact of youth unemployment and unequal regional development on internal migration in Iran. The results showed the spatial clusters of unemployment and underdevelopment in the country and inequality in access to economic and social resources and opportunities on the one hand, and regional differences in migration rates, on the other hand. The highest level of development and the lowest unemployment rate of young people, as well as high immigration in the central regions of the country, especially the capital. In contrast, the western, northwestern, eastern and southeastern border regions have the lowest level of development and the highest unemployment and emigration rates. Therefore, internal migration is a dynamic, multidimensional process that arises from structural conditions and regional inequalities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A Study of Behavioral Duality and Social Discrimination of the Soviet Government in the Asylum Seek of the Democratic Sect in 1325
        ghader kiyani
        After the defeat of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan by the military forces of the Central Government on December 12, 1958, a number of military-political leaders and some ordinary members and supporters were forced to take the path of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaija More
        After the defeat of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan by the military forces of the Central Government on December 12, 1958, a number of military-political leaders and some ordinary members and supporters were forced to take the path of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. They faced great problems in terms of housing, food, clothing, and health. Of course, considering the economic, social and other conditions after the Second World War, these bad conditions seem natural and acceptable in terms of the lack of basic biological facilities. But in these circumstances, what was seen from the behavior of the communist government of the Soviet Union in practice was the dual and discriminatory treatment of the refugees of the democratic sect. The military and political leaders of the Democratic Party, along with a few others, had the facilities and privileges, but at the same time, as mentioned above, a very large number of simple refugees in addition to the smallest living facilities including food, housing, health, clothing. Etc. were deprived. Distance from family and relatives became an additional problem and they demanded to return to Iran. But party and military leaders were free of this problem. It should be noted that he was the only sincere leader of Muhammad who wanted to return home. The article seeks to answer the question of whether the Soviet treatment of refugees was discriminatory. The hypothesis of the article is that the slogan of socialist equality of the Soviet government in dealing with the refugees of the democratic sect was forgotten. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Religion version from the Baha'i point of view, investigating and criticizing the point of view with emphasis on the fifth verse of Surah As-Sajdah
        ali khalaji ali ghanbari amir khalili
        Khatamiyyat is one of the most important and common principles between all Islamic sects, including Shiites and Sunnis, and based on it, all Muslims believe that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) is the last prophet and that God sent him as a messenger or prophet to guide hu More
        Khatamiyyat is one of the most important and common principles between all Islamic sects, including Shiites and Sunnis, and based on it, all Muslims believe that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) is the last prophet and that God sent him as a messenger or prophet to guide human beings and religion. The misinterpretation of the meaning of the word "Ya'ruju" in the fifth verse of Surah As-Sajdah, which is considered to mean "removal and abrogation of the religion", has raised the question of what is the basis for the interpretation of the verse in Baha'i texts? Furthermore, what is it difference with the interpretation of commentators of Islamic sects? The purpose of this article is to critique one of the Baha'i claims. Achieving this goal is possible through the descriptive-analytical method as well as collecting information through the library research method. After a precise Literal and idiological analysis of abrogation, the Baha'i claim about the abrogation of religion is dealt with. The interpretation that "Ya'ruju" means abrogation and abrogation means cancellation is a contemplative and incorrect interpretation, and its interpreters seem to have confused the literal meaning of abrogation with its idiomatic meaning, which results in the abrogation of the original and the essence of the previous religions and decree on the invalidity of their laws; while Islamic commentators are not bound to follow this result. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Role of Inequalities in Migration from Iran's Border Counties
        Valiollah Rostamalizadeh Reza Nobakht
        The role of regional and spatial inequalities, especially the role of inequalities in the border areas of the country, has been given less attention in the issue of migration. Although Iran's border areas have strategic importance from economic, social, and political as More
        The role of regional and spatial inequalities, especially the role of inequalities in the border areas of the country, has been given less attention in the issue of migration. Although Iran's border areas have strategic importance from economic, social, and political aspects, and Ignoring paying less attention to these areas can have irreparable consequences in various sectors. This research aims to investigate the situation of Iran's border regions in terms of spatial inequalities and what effect these inequalities have on migration from these regions. In order to measure the spatial inequality among the border counties, the data of the general population and housing census of 2016 and other related findings have been used. Factor analysis has been used to weight and combine indicators and create spatial inequality. Arc Pro software was used for zoning and stratification of counties based on the dimensions of inequality and migration, and GWR statistical method was used to analyze the relationship between inequality and migration. The results show that inequality is higher in the eastern and southeastern counties compared to other places. Also, 66% of Iran's border counties have a negative migration balance. The geographically weighted regression model shows that 67% of the changes in the net migration variable are explained by independent variables, and based on the average value presented, the population structure factor and the economic factor have the greatest effect on the net migration in border counties. Also, the effectiveness of factors for migration is different in different regions of the country. Manuscript profile