• List of Articles اخوان

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Meaning, Language, Image in “The End of Shahnameh” a poetry by Mehdi Akhavan Salis (M. Omid)
        Ali Noori Ahmad کنجوری
        “The End of Shahnameh”, is consisted of the poems written in 1335-1338 SH by Akhavan. It can be considered as the acme of the poet’s mature style. Here in this article we try to study the poem ‘The End of Shahnameh’, which is one of the best in the collection. Having in More
        “The End of Shahnameh”, is consisted of the poems written in 1335-1338 SH by Akhavan. It can be considered as the acme of the poet’s mature style. Here in this article we try to study the poem ‘The End of Shahnameh’, which is one of the best in the collection. Having introduced poetry, its features and elements, in general, and some approaches to literary criticism, we will study and interpret the mentioned poem using a combination of approaches, and regarding the interactions of meaning, language, and image, as the three major structural elements of poetry. Manuscript profile
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        2 - ‘Multiple Head Phrase’ and Its Aesthetic Functions in Akhavan's Poetry
        Mohammad عمران‌پور فروغ  صهبا
        The present research is about multiple head phrase and its aesthetic functions in Mehdi Akhavan Sales' poetry. The research has been conducted deductively. One of the linguistic introductory materials in Akhavan's poetry is to use multiple head phrase in order to extend More
        The present research is about multiple head phrase and its aesthetic functions in Mehdi Akhavan Sales' poetry. The research has been conducted deductively. One of the linguistic introductory materials in Akhavan's poetry is to use multiple head phrase in order to extend the constituents of speech and to elaborate it. Establishing lexical or semantic relations between the two head of the multiple head phrase that has been made using ‘apposition’, Akhavan makes them function as the elements of foregrounding linguistic structures, and as the aesthetic elements of poetry. The main functions of such phrases in Akhavan's poems are defamiliarization, foregrounding, leading the referential language to the poetic one, and creating beauty. Some other aesthetic functions of multiple head phrase in Akhavan's poems are to lead the language of the poems to elaboration, to describe the antecedents of the appositions, and to create an aesthetic distance between reason and emotion. Stressing the main poetic function of the multiple head phrase - which is to create the illusion of identity between the entities of different types- Akhavan selects opposition among the set of "abstract entities, objects, plants, liquids', and coordinates them with their antecedents. Doing so, he provides beautiful images which rely on creating the illusion of sameness between the entities having features of different values such as: + abstract/ - abstract, + concrete/ - concrete, + plants/ - plants, + liquid/ - liquid, and etc. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Lexical archaism in Akhavan Saleth’s works
        فروغ  صهبا
        Akhavan Saleth poetry link to ancient persian language and literature. Using its words, combinations and expressions in a various way and scattered is clear cut to any one. It is one of his poetic arts giving his language epic and fixed form and appearance. This feature More
        Akhavan Saleth poetry link to ancient persian language and literature. Using its words, combinations and expressions in a various way and scattered is clear cut to any one. It is one of his poetic arts giving his language epic and fixed form and appearance. This feature is one of the ways toward defamiliarization with the past archaic element of the language called archaism as one of the most important feature of Akhavan’s poetry. This article tries to study and describe Akhavan’s poetry word related elements having ancient form and style and make his poetry prominent. The result of the study shows that Akhavan’s poetry archaism can be divided into two groups: A-The first one concerns the words not used today or used rarely including general, B-epic science related words such as the words used in medicine, musician and the like. The second one concerns the words experienced in archaic way some changes such as aphesis, heightening, mutation and inversion. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Discourse analysis committed and social literature Based on the ideas of Akhavān-Sāles
        Maryam Musharraf kulthum Miriasl
        Discourse analysis as a linguistic approach to social science examines how literary works relate to the social environment and how these environments influence their method and style. Discourse of “committed and social literature” is one of the well-known discourses in More
        Discourse analysis as a linguistic approach to social science examines how literary works relate to the social environment and how these environments influence their method and style. Discourse of “committed and social literature” is one of the well-known discourses in contemporary literature which is analyzed in this paper, using Laclau and Mouffe’s method. Here, the formation of this discourse and Akhavān-Sālesʾs approach to it has been studied. It is shown in this paper that the relationship between literature and society causes Akhavān-Sāles as subject to be influenced by linguistic and non-linguistic discourse functions and the power behind the discourse. He consolidated his discourse system by creating deconstruction in rival discourses (Moje-no, Individual Romance, and Formalist Literature) and understanding the empty pointers of non-own discourses (literature's attention and commitment to people and society). In the semantic system of his own discourse, he considers society and its needs (as an independent variable) including art and literature (as a dependent variable) and by emphasizing the centeral pointer of one’s own discourse, he defines other floating pointers (such as art, artist, Ghazal, poem and poet). Using some strategies mentioned in this research, he seeks to strengthen his own discourse and weaken non- own discourses. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The study of belief components of in Mehdi Akhavan Sales and Ahmad Shamlou poetry from the perspective of intertextual critique
        Elham  badloo Abol-Ghasem  Amir-Ahmadi Ali  Eshghi Sardehi
        intertextuality is a concept that implies the existence of a basic text in the field of literature, critique, or science in relation to texts, that these texts deal directly or indirectly with the original text over time. Intertextuality and, in a sense the theory of in More
        intertextuality is a concept that implies the existence of a basic text in the field of literature, critique, or science in relation to texts, that these texts deal directly or indirectly with the original text over time. Intertextuality and, in a sense the theory of interacting texts, is an important topic of attention of scholars and literary critics, and this new achievement in the field of literature studies the similarities, differences and the impact of a text from other texts, both in poetry and prose. The current paper aims at examining the poetic words of Mehdi Akhavan Sales and Ahmad Shamlou based on their relationship with the Qur'anic verses and narratives based on the intertextual theory of the direct or indirect borrowings of the terms. This is an applied analytical-descriptive paper based on intertextual theorists theoretical foundations to revealing the coherent structure of the work, the audience understands how the poets, with what literary tricks, include these revelatory themes in their poems and contrary to the beliefs of some critics, they have given their words a Quranic and religious tinge. In the end, it is concluded that, in spite of the critics' opinion about the thinking governing the poetry of Mehdi Akhavan Sales and especially Ahmad Shamlou, the Qur'anic and Islamic and religious beliefs are evident in their works. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Mystical Spiritual Dangers in Poem Concepts in Brotherhood Poems
        Leila  Sayegani Habib  Jadidol-eslami Ghale No
        Undoubtedly, Mehdi Akhavan Saleh is one of the most important post-half-generation poets whose poems, according to most scholars of contemporary Iranian literature, are a poetic and artistic combination of the classical Persian poetry tradition and new poetry. Akhavan S More
        Undoubtedly, Mehdi Akhavan Saleh is one of the most important post-half-generation poets whose poems, according to most scholars of contemporary Iranian literature, are a poetic and artistic combination of the classical Persian poetry tradition and new poetry. Akhavan Saleh is a representative of a generation of poets who is committed to the community and its developments, and literally, his poetry enjoys particular ghana. In fact, he is a poet who cares both in literary form and in his poetry content. Hence, by understanding such features in his poetry, many have tried to discover and examine the dimensions of the Akhavan-Sale literature with new readings. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Effectiveness of Phoneme-Based Working Memory Education on Improving the Ability of Reading in Dyslexic Students
        Elham-Sadat Naji Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta Saeed Hasanzadeh Elahe Hejazi Javad Ejei
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of phoneme-based working memory educational program on enhancing reading ability of dyslexic students. The research method was Quasi-experimental with control group and random assignments, using pre-t More
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of phoneme-based working memory educational program on enhancing reading ability of dyslexic students. The research method was Quasi-experimental with control group and random assignments, using pre-test, post-test, and fallow-up stages. The statistical population of the study consists of all the students with reading disability in primary schools in Tehran. Among them, 30 students with dyslexia were selected by available sampling method from leading disorders centers and randomly assigned in experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 24 educational sessions of working memory on phonological stimuli in auditory and visual dimensions. Reading and Dyslexia Test (Kormi-Nouri and Moradi, 2008) were used for data collection. The data were analyzed using the multi-variable variance analysis with repeated measures. Findings showed that the phoneme based working memory educational program significantly improved the reading ability of dyslexic students in all three components of reading accuracy, reading fluency and reading comprehension. These findings were also stable in a two-month follow-up. Therefore, it can be concluded that phoneme based working memory education, can improve the reading ability of dyslexic children. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Efficacy of Sternberg Triarchic Instruction to Improve Reading Skills in Dyslexia Students
        Masumeh Farsinejad Elahe Hejazi Javad Ejei
        This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of triarchic instruction method to improve reading skills in dyslexic students. In order to achieve the goal of the study, 12 second to fifth grade students were selected among children visiting Atieh and Ravanmehr therap More
        This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of triarchic instruction method to improve reading skills in dyslexic students. In order to achieve the goal of the study, 12 second to fifth grade students were selected among children visiting Atieh and Ravanmehr therapeutic centers in Tehran city who were diagnosed with dyslexia. The diagnosis criteria were Woodcock- Johnson Reading Test, Integrated Visual and Auditory Test (IVA) and diagnostic interview. Students were assigned to experimental and control group randomly. The experimental group passed sixteen 1.5 hour sessions for ten weeks learning to read through the method suggested by Sternberg. Significant improvement in all three reading subtests (fluency، phonology، and knowledge and information) of post test showed. The follow up test conducted three months later also indicated that the experimental group had an increase in the scores of reading. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Stylistic analysis of Akhavan's poems
        Mahin Zendedel Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Gheibi
        Stylistics normally involves the analysis of the linguistic, semantic, and ideological features of a literary text. Mahdi Akhavane Sales, as a prominent figure of the contemporary Persian literature, with piles of knowledge on classic literature, turned to modern poetry More
        Stylistics normally involves the analysis of the linguistic, semantic, and ideological features of a literary text. Mahdi Akhavane Sales, as a prominent figure of the contemporary Persian literature, with piles of knowledge on classic literature, turned to modern poetry, and with his unique poetic style he proved that composing in vain of modern poetry is not due to his inability in following classical poetry. To provide a better understanding of the Khurasani poet’s unique achievements, this study conducted a stylistic analysis on his collected poems in linguistic, literary and ideological levels. The study attempted to determine these features along with some concerned examples. Archaism, novelty of allocation, applying symbolic language, being under the impacts of Khurasani style, applying meticulous rhetorical figures and epic tone in poems of this great poet, are the most outstanding conclusions of this survey. Ideological level, linguistic level and literary level of Akhavan’s poems has been analyzed in this study Manuscript profile
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        10 - Survey the dimentions of intertextuality of shafiei kadkani poems with Mehdi Akhavan-Sales and Ahmad Shamlou in words and compounds and images
        sonia hasani seyfaddin abbarin barat mohammadi
        Abstract: Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani is one of the Iranian contemporary poets have a vaste intertextuality relation with the Iranian classic poets and some time with Iranian modern and contemprary poets. His itertexuality with classic poet has been studied by some r More
        Abstract: Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani is one of the Iranian contemporary poets have a vaste intertextuality relation with the Iranian classic poets and some time with Iranian modern and contemprary poets. His itertexuality with classic poet has been studied by some researcher but Synchronic intertexuality has not been investigated and because of this, in this article we tried that survey the dimentions of Shafiei kadkanies intertexuality relation with contemporary poem. In this regard, we survey the interteexualty relation of shafiei kadkani with two famous contemporary poets Mehdi Akhavan-Sales and Ahmad Shamlou in context of words, Vocabulary and compounds and poetic images. the result of this research makes it clear that the intertextuality relations with contemporary poetry also forms a significant part of the Shafies intertextual relationship and can be seen , more words and compounds and images that shafiei loan from These poet. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Classification of Sciences in Ikhwan al-Safa and Farabi
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseinee Mehdi  Amiri
        Although many philosophers have spoken of the classification of sciences, none have referred to a single one agreed upon by all. Here, both the source of division and the divisions are different from each other in each classification, when classifying sciences, Ikhwan a More
        Although many philosophers have spoken of the classification of sciences, none have referred to a single one agreed upon by all. Here, both the source of division and the divisions are different from each other in each classification, when classifying sciences, Ikhwan al-Safa consider pure types of knowledge and, initially, divide them into two theoretical and practical arts. However, Farabi divides scientific rather than pure types of knowledge and classifies them into two instrumental and non-instrumental sciences based on their functions. In the classification of Ikhwan al-Safa, drawing on the neo-Platonic approach, the place of the soul, politics, logic, and ethics are different from that in the classification of the Peripatetics, such as Farabi. The most important basis for classification of sciences in the view of Ikhwan al-Safa is the end. Nevertheless, similar to Aristotle, Farabi relies on two main criteria for the classification of sciences: end and subject. This paper, in addition to examining the differences between Ikhwan al-Safa and Farabi in their classification of sciences, discusses the specific place of some of sciences from their points of view. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Transition from Intellectual Philosophy to Esoteric Wisdom in the Ideas of Ikhwan al-Safa (An Analysis of Early Encounters of Muslim Thinkers with Philosophy)
        Hasan  Bolkhari Qehi
        The present paper initially discusses and explores the early applications of philosophical terms and their meanings in Islamic culture. Then it clarifies the dominant approach followed by those Muslim thinkers who try to reconcile Shari‘ah with philosophy through using More
        The present paper initially discusses and explores the early applications of philosophical terms and their meanings in Islamic culture. Then it clarifies the dominant approach followed by those Muslim thinkers who try to reconcile Shari‘ah with philosophy through using an acceptable concept in religion by resorting to the term hikmah (which is a purely Qur’anic term). This is an approach which managed to result in a kind of esoteric wisdom between the second and fourth centuries (AH) through employing such concepts as t’awil (interpretation) in the Qur’an and promoting the interest in piety and gnosis. Ikhwan al-Safa, who exercised a huge influence on the development of wisdom and philosophy in Islamic culture, are among the pioneers of the above approach. By composing a corpus of 54 Epistles, called Rasa’il, they took a great stride towards reconciling Shari‘ah with philosophy and explaining the concept of wisdom and, particularly, Batini wisdom. Here, following an analytic-historical approach, the writer performs a conceptual analysis of the two terms of philosophy and wisdom during the first period of the rise of philosophical thought in Islamic civilization. Besides, he deliberates on the efforts of Ikhwan al-Safa in order to reach a kind of esoteric wisdom, which is a synthesis of a completely philosophical and, at the same time, Qur’anic (and narrative) approach. This was an approach which inevitably advocated the unity of religion and philosophy in order to demonstrate such a synthesis. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Ibn Miskaway and the Evolution of Species
        Mohammad Nasr Isfahani
        Ahmad Ibn Muhammed Razi known as Ibn Miskaway, the famous philosopher, historian, physician, and literary man of the fifth century, lived in Isfahan during the last years of his life. He passed away in the same city. His ideas regarding theoretical wisdom are gathered i More
        Ahmad Ibn Muhammed Razi known as Ibn Miskaway, the famous philosopher, historian, physician, and literary man of the fifth century, lived in Isfahan during the last years of his life. He passed away in the same city. His ideas regarding theoretical wisdom are gathered in his al-Fawz al-asghar, and those related to his practical wisdom are recorded in the book Tahdhib al-akhlaq. One of Ibn Miskaway’s philosophical ideas is rooted in his belief in the organic connection and unity among the natural existents of the world. He views the corporeal worlds, similar to the spiritual world, as a labyrinth with certain grades that encompass each other and are connected to each other. In fact, he draws a comprehensive map of all these grades. In his view, it seems as if the movement of each moving thing is intelligently directed towards its own totality and everything that agrees with its perfection. This motion is rooted in enthusiasm, in which the lover is the effect of its beloved. He believes that, in order to specify the stages of the prophets’ evolution, it is necessary to clarify the quality of the connection of existents to each other. He argues that God has divided each species into different groups and types through His certain wisdom and prudence. He has also established a vertical order among species so that each is more perfect comparing to the previous one until we come to the last type of the last species. It is at this point that the end of this species is connected to the beginning of the next species. By going through the various stages and levels in this direction, vegetation becomes animal, and animal turns into human being. According to Miskaway, after traversing the levels of biological perfection, man attains spiritual perfection and finally reaches the last level of human perfection, which is prophethood. The prophet, too, is promoted to the level of the next species, which is the intellect or angel. Given the situation of empirical sciences in Ibn Miskaway’s time and the prevailing philosophical school of that time, it seems that his philosophical system was not capable to clarify the theory of perfection from a philosophical standpoint. This was because philosophy did not have the required capacity for explaining such problems yet. This view had been posed before him by Ikhwan al-Safa and also by some of his contemporary thinkers such as Aburayhan Biruni and Ibn Sina with some changes. However, it was Ibn Miskaway’s thoughts that were transferred to later thinkers such as Mulla Sadra, so that he would be able to clarify it philosophically. Perhaps, if Ibn Miskaway had shared the same philosophical principles of Mulla Sadra, he would have been able to explain biologists’ theory of evolution from a philosophical point of view. Manuscript profile
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        14 - A Historical Glance at the Move from Self-Knowledge to Knowledge of God in Peripatetic and Illuminationist Philosophies
        Seyyed Mohammed Kazem  Alavi
        The development and consequences of self-knowledge is one of the important discussions in Islamic philosophy. One of the most noteworthy of these consequences, according to the hadith of “One who has self-knowledge verily knows God”, is to know the Creator. The explanat More
        The development and consequences of self-knowledge is one of the important discussions in Islamic philosophy. One of the most noteworthy of these consequences, according to the hadith of “One who has self-knowledge verily knows God”, is to know the Creator. The explanation and interpretation of this hadith was not taken seriously in earlier schools of Islamic philosophy. In fact, it was not until the early periods of the Schools of Shiraz and Isfahan up to the period of the dominance of the Transcendent Philosophy among contemporary thinkers that great attention was devoted to clarifying and interpreting it. This paper is intended to discuss the background of these explanations and analyses in two of the early schools of Islamic philosophy, Peripatetic and Illuminationist philosophies, and even in those preceding them. The interpretation of the hadiths on self-knowledge in Islamic philosophy is united with psychology. That is why its background is traceable to Greek philosophy. In books on Islamic philosophy, some ideas and words have been attributed in this regard to Greek early philosophers, who are considered to mark the beginning of writing the history of this issue. The narration of these hadiths and similar words began during the first periods of Islamic philosophy with Ikhwan al-Safa (Brethren of Purity). They mainly focused on the importance of self-knowledge and the immateriality of the soul, which is more prominent in the Peripatetic philosophy considering the significance of psychology and self-knowledge in this school. Through relying on these hadiths, Ibn Sina demonstrated the most important problem of self-knowledge, that is, the immateriality of the soul, and uses it as a religious confirmation of this point versus the view of mutikallimun as to the corporeality of the soul. In Illuminationist philosophy, given the fundamental status of the dimension of the epistemology of the soul, a more basic approach to the relationship between self-knowledge and the knowledge of God is observed. This approach is introduced as an argument in order to demonstrate the existence of God and His attributes; it is an argument which is indeed superior to other arguments. What is clearly witnessed in this historical process is an interpretation referring to the possibility of self-knowledge and the possibility of the move from that knowledge to the knowledge of God, which is considered to be gradational in its most Illuminationist explanation. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Optimization of LZ78 compression algorithm in tracing location of mobile communication users
        M.R. mirsarraf Mohammad Hakkak
        For location updating of mobile users, two compression algorithms, namely, LZ78 and proposed compression algorithm (modified LZ78) are introduced in this paper to be used in PCS networks. Some problems related to using these algorithm are the usage of memory of dictiona More
        For location updating of mobile users, two compression algorithms, namely, LZ78 and proposed compression algorithm (modified LZ78) are introduced in this paper to be used in PCS networks. Some problems related to using these algorithm are the usage of memory of dictionary in mobile users and HLR data base as well as the ambiguity about the last location of mobile users due to delay in location updating caused by the compression algorithm. The advantage of these algorithms is reduction at the number of location updatings for a mobile user. With some modifications in the LZ78 algorithm, its problems in implementation are reduced and its usage for PCS networks is enhanced. These changes result from combining this algorithm with distance based location updating algorithm and sending symbols corresponding to some limited neighborhoods identity instead of cell number by compression algorithm For comparison between LZ78 and proposed modified algorithm, we use simulation technique. The simulation program have two structures for PCS network, namely, square cells and hexagon cell networks. For mobile users, we considered two movement pattern: one is directional and the other is omnidirectional movement pattern. The outputs of the simulation program are the number of location updating, the maximum ambiguity of user location and size of dictionary for compression algorithms. Comparing the two algorithms by simulation, we observe that in the modified LZ78 algorithm the parameters of location updating number, maximum user ambiguity and size of dictionary are lower than those in the LZ78 algorithm. At the end of the article, cost of location management of mobile user versus call to mobility ratio (the average number of call toward user to the average number of its movement) is calculated. By comparing location management for LZ78 algorithm, modified LZ78 and distance based location updating algorithm, we observe that the cost of location management is reduced for modified LZ78 compression algorithm. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Cell ID Assignment in Cellular Networks for Location Management Based on Distance
        A. R. zolghadr asli F. nazarpour
        In the design of mobile cellular networks, the option of methods for location management of mobile users and updating this location is very important. In general, numerous methods of location management could be classified in two different categories named static and dy More
        In the design of mobile cellular networks, the option of methods for location management of mobile users and updating this location is very important. In general, numerous methods of location management could be classified in two different categories named static and dynamic. Analysis and studies show that the second category imposes less computational load onto network. One of the algorithms in dynamic case is based on distance which has better performance compared to other algorithms which are based on time or movement. The important point in this technique is the calculation of cellular distance by mobile unit (MS). Because MSs could receive only cell codes or cell identification (cell ID) by BTSs, in this technique the mobile unit should be able to calculate the cellular distance from these codes (ID). In this paper the authors propose a method for cell ID assignment based on real geographic location of BTS in GPS system. The achieved IDs are then used for applying the distance based method for location management. We have also tested the performance of this method by simulation of a real cellular network in city of Yasuj, province of Kohkiluyeh in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The effect of collaborative learning method on first grade students of Yasouj city
        Gulnar  Salehikhah Maryam  Bastam ziba Bastam
        The purpose of this research is the effect of cooperative learning method on the first grade students of Yasouj city and whether their reading problems can be solved in a group and with each other's help or not. Therefore, two learning methods, One Saw I and Jake Saw II More
        The purpose of this research is the effect of cooperative learning method on the first grade students of Yasouj city and whether their reading problems can be solved in a group and with each other's help or not. Therefore, two learning methods, One Saw I and Jake Saw II, have been used to investigate its effect on improving children's reading and learning. According to the subject, the semi-experimental method of the pre-test-post-test design has been chosen. Hoshi and Kessler's scale was used to collect the data, and to determine the level of students' reading disorder, the reading recognition test known as the Shirazi test was used. Also, the data obtained from the results of the pre-test, post-test, post-test and delayed test were used to collect information. . The validity coefficient was estimated to be 0.85 and the reliability coefficient was 0.95 for the total scale, 0.93 for the class scale and 0.9 for the practical scale, and the mean of the reliability coefficients was 0.73. In the learning disorders center, an instructor provided educational services to 20 students during the week, and preferably 40 students were trained on two occasions. In this research, 20 students of the first term were randomly selected as the experimental group and 20 students of the second term were included as the control group. The information collected using the t-test of independent groups (t-test) and spss software was used for statistical work to compare the performance of two independent test and reference groups. The findings of the research show that cooperative learning is effective in reducing the problems of the first grade of elementary school compared to the individual education method. It is concluded from the hypotheses that cooperative learning is effective in not adding or removing words in the text compared to the individual education method, so we can conclude It was concluded that the students who were trained in cooperative method have better performance in acquiring reading skills. Manuscript profile
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        18 - -
        Abdul Hossein Peshgo Siddiqa  Talebipour Zahra   Talebipour
        The purpose of this research is the effect of learning method with individual education method on dyslexic students of the first grade of elementary school in Yasouj city and whether their reading problems can be solved in a group and with each other's help or not? Ther More
        The purpose of this research is the effect of learning method with individual education method on dyslexic students of the first grade of elementary school in Yasouj city and whether their reading problems can be solved in a group and with each other's help or not? Therefore, two learning methods, One Saw I and Jake Saw II, have been used to investigate its effect on improving children's reading and learning. According to the subject, the semi-experimental method of the pre-test-post-test design has been chosen. Hoshi and Kessler's scale was used to collect the data, and to determine the level of students' reading disorder, the reading recognition test known as the Shirazi test was used. Also, the data obtained from the results of the pre-test, post-test, post-test and delayed test were used to collect information. . The validity coefficient was estimated to be 0.85 and the reliability coefficient was 0.95 for the total scale, 0.93 for the class scale and 0.9 for the practical scale, and the mean of the reliability coefficients was 0.73. In the center of learning disorders, an instructor provided educational services to 10 students during the week, and preferably 20 students were trained on two occasions. The findings of the research show that cooperative learning is effective in reducing the dyslexia problems of the first grade of elementary school compared to the individual education method. From the hypotheses, it can be concluded that cooperative learning is effective in not adding or removing words in the text compared to the individual education method. It was concluded that the students who were trained individually have better performance in acquiring reading skills. Manuscript profile
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        19 - يادداشت سردبير
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        در خلال دو قرن اخیر، دربارة مجموعه نوشته‌هایی موسوم به رسائل اخوان‌الصّفاء و خُلان الوفاء پژوهشهای مختلفی صورت گرفته است؛ پژوهش پیرامون این پرسشها که نویسندگان این رسائل چه کسانی بوده‌اند؟ و اینکه زمان و مکان نگارش، مقاصد و اهداف و مخاطبان این نوشته‌ها چه بوده و نگارش آ More
        در خلال دو قرن اخیر، دربارة مجموعه نوشته‌هایی موسوم به رسائل اخوان‌الصّفاء و خُلان الوفاء پژوهشهای مختلفی صورت گرفته است؛ پژوهش پیرامون این پرسشها که نویسندگان این رسائل چه کسانی بوده‌اند؟ و اینکه زمان و مکان نگارش، مقاصد و اهداف و مخاطبان این نوشته‌ها چه بوده و نگارش آنها آیا به قلم یک تن یا گروهی از نویسندگان بوده است؟ از زمرة نتایج پرثمر این پژوهشها تعیین زمان و مکان نوشته‌هاست که برابر قرائن و ارجاعات و سبک و ادبیات نگارش آنها معلوم شده که بلحاظ زمانی در اواخر قرن سوم یا اواسط قرن چهارم و بلحاظ مکانی به‌احتمال زیاد، در قلمرو حاکمیت فاطمیون مصر و قرامطه پدید آمده‌اند. همچنین روشن شده که عناصر و مبادی شکلگیری اندیشة اخوان‌الصفاء ـ‌که بیتردید متنوع و چند وجهی است‌ـ به کدامین مکاتب و جریانهای فکری آن عصر باز میگردد و از این طریق تأثیر خطوط فکری مکاتبی چون نوفیثاغوریان، افلاطونیان، مشائیان، نوافلاطونیها و همچنین نحله‌هایی چون غنوصیها، صائبین و هرمسیها در این نوشته‌ها پیگیری و ردیابی شده است. در کنار این پژوهشها، اما بلحاظ تاریخ فلسفه دست‌كم سه مسئله همچنان محل تأمل و تحقیق است: 1) دلیل یا دلايل پنهان داشتن نام نویسنده/ نویسندگان این رسائل چه بوده است؟ 2) آیا میتوان این مجموعه را به سنخ نوشته‌های حوزة اسکندریه ـ‌یا بطورکلی مکاتب اسکندرانی‌ـ مربوط دانست؟ 3) نسبت این نوشته‌ها با سنت عقلايی مشارب امامیه و معتزله چه بوده و آیا میتوان آنها را به چنین مکاتبی قابل تحویل دانست؟ در مورد نکتة نخست، کافی است به شیوه‌های نظری و سلوکی نوفیثاغوریان، نوافلاطونیان (بویژه شیوة آمونیوس ساکاس و شاگردش افلوطین)، غنوصیّه و اسماعیلیان در متن تاریخ فلسفه و دلایل پنهان‌نویسی و غیرعلنی کردن آموزه‌های آنها ـ دست‌كم در مقطع یا مقاطع زمانی خاص‌ـ توجه کنیم، تا از این راه مشابهت یا عدم مشابهت شیوة آنها با نویسندگان رسائل اخوان‌الصفاء مقایسه و تحلیل گردد. در مورد دومین نکته، باید گفت برغم تتّبعات و تحقیقات وسیعی که دربارة حوزۀ فلسفی اسکندریه و مکاتب اسکندرانی صورت گرفته، همچنان پرسشهایی مهم و کلیدی باقی مانده است؛ از قبیل اینکه نحوة انتقال و ترکیب عناصر متفکر فرهنگی، دینی و عرفانی در این حوزه چگونه رخ داده و اینکه نحوة اتصال و پیوند این هیئت تألیفی با فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی از چه طریق و طی چه فرایندهایی بوده است؟ دربارة سومین نکته، یعنی امکان ارتباط معنایی این نوشته‌ها با شیوة و مسلک عقلايی امامیه و معتزله نیز هرچند در میان پژوهشگران این حوزه اتفاق‌نظر نسبی وجود دارد، لیکن آنچه مسلّم است ـ‌برغم تسلط اندیشه‌های اسماعیلی در آن مقطع زمانی در حوزة غرب عالم اسلام‌ـ چگونگی اقبال اخوان‌الصفاء به اندیشه‌های معتزلی و بویژه دیدگاههای امامیه، نیازمند تأمل و تحقیق بیشتری است، از اینرو که امکان تحویل و تقلیل کامل این رسائل به اندیشه‌های اسماعیلی منتفی است و نقدهای کوتاه و مفصلی که در این رسائل نسبت به افکار و نحوة عمل اسماعیلیان بیان شده، حکایت از تمایزات فکری نویسندگان آن با نحلة اسماعیلیه دارد. بهر حال، اهمیت این مقطع تاریخی وقتی دو چندان میشود که رسائل اخوان‌الصفاء بمثابه پل ارتباطی و محل تلاقی سنتهای فکری، دینی، فلسفی و عرفانی شرق و غرب و مهمتر از آن، تقید و تمسک این مکتب فکری به شیوه‌های عقلانی مکتب امامیّه و جدا شدن از بدعتها و بدعت‌گذاریهای رایج آن عصر که در سراسر این نوشته‌ها مورد تأکید قرار گرفته، مورد توجه قرار گیرد. Manuscript profile