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        1 - Image of the Greatest Prophet in Mathnavi In Comparison With Ebn Arabi View
        محمدحسين  بيات
        Mawlana is one of the Persian poets who has portrait the existential dimensions of the prophet in his valuable work as a good example of Islamic teaching. In this article, attempt has been made to explain the Mawlavi's special view about the prophet and to compare this More
        Mawlana is one of the Persian poets who has portrait the existential dimensions of the prophet in his valuable work as a good example of Islamic teaching. In this article, attempt has been made to explain the Mawlavi's special view about the prophet and to compare this view with Ebn Arabi's. One of the most important views of Mawlavi in Mathnavi, is the account of Mohammadian truth. About this matter, Mawlavi has introduced the Glorious prophet as a source of accomplishments and loves and also he considers that holy prophet as source of all loves and he believes that all of status and perfections of all other prophets and saints, are a reflection of Mohammadian truth. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Reflection of Prophet's Character in Contemporary Persian Poetry
        سعید  بزرگ بیگدلی مریم  صادقی گیوی
        The high, lofty and the humane manner, in addition to the unique behavior of the Prophet Mohammad, have always been of notice to the poets and writers in the Persian literature. After Islam, the Persian poets praised that dear character due to a variety of occasions. Es More
        The high, lofty and the humane manner, in addition to the unique behavior of the Prophet Mohammad, have always been of notice to the poets and writers in the Persian literature. After Islam, the Persian poets praised that dear character due to a variety of occasions. Especially after rejoicing God and the creator of the universe, they have focused on the praise and the commemoration of this dear Prophet, the high rank of the Prophet; as the last Prophet and especially by emphasizing on one point; that Prophet Mohammad is the center of the whole universe. Based on Ibn-Arabi's interpretation and the mystics following him, they believe that Mohammad's truth lies at the center of the universe and is indeed the major reason for the creation of the world in the first place. The Iranian literary poets and writters have reflected the life events and the different aspects of this perfect and ideal character, as the perfect human and man's role model in all life in their works. This issue is observed in the traditional Persian poetry. This article intends to survey the contemporary Persian poets' works regarding the Prophets' character. The purpose of this study is to survey the quality of such reflections through comparing the traditional and modern poetry. this research reveals that the contemporary poets reflect the Prophet's character through four aspects; praise, incidental, narrative and illustrious within their poems. In addition, most of the prominent poets who have composed poetry in the four mentioned aspects are also analyzed and evaluated too. Manuscript profile
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        3 - (The Ontological Foundations of man's Intervening stage in Islamic filasafy and Mysticism (‘Irfān
        zhuir al-jashhi Ahmad saeidi مهدی ایمانی مقدم
        What is the truth and dignity of man as manifestation of the divine name of the cosmic world? The ontology of Islamic mysticism is based on the personal unity of existence and the multiplicity of appearances of existence. What is the effect of this look on mystical anth More
        What is the truth and dignity of man as manifestation of the divine name of the cosmic world? The ontology of Islamic mysticism is based on the personal unity of existence and the multiplicity of appearances of existence. What is the effect of this look on mystical anthropology? According to this view, there is an absolute existence, which has manifested numerous manifestations and has perfected itself in detail. The truth of man is the first absolute determination or the first appearance of the transcendence, but man (complete), in addition to the first determination, is also present in other modes of being, and therefore, unlike the first determination, and contrary to other general and partial definitions, the unity of truth is manifested And give her countless compromises. Human being is the only advent of the Imam which is the right to assimilate all the names and attributes of God, and equivocal (without one over another), and so to speak, is the divination between the truth and the creation or interruption of unity and plurality. In this article, we examine the most important ontological foundations of Islamic mysticism, which leads to a particular type of anthropology, and many works and topics in verbal topics. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Quranic and narrative themes in the poetry of Bidel Dehlavi
        فوزیه  پارسا   Abbas Ali  Vafaie
        Since the advent of Islam, all the poets who have cultivated their souls through their poetry have concidered the Qur'anic verses, hadiths and traditions, and have combined their thoughts and spirits and poetry with these two blessings. This effect of the Qur'an and had More
        Since the advent of Islam, all the poets who have cultivated their souls through their poetry have concidered the Qur'anic verses, hadiths and traditions, and have combined their thoughts and spirits and poetry with these two blessings. This effect of the Qur'an and hadith turned back to the middle of the third century In lunar system, although the manifestation of the Qur'an and the hadith is different in the poems of various poets in each period. Due to having witty poets and their interest in the Qur'an and hadith, they have provided a platform to use these two important things more. one of the poets who has Composed poetry based one Qur'an and hadith is Biddle Dehlavi. Biddle has been able to articulate the path of mystical journey excellently through the artistic application of Quranic verses, hadiths and narratives, and based on three stages of Shariah, Tarigh and Truth. As well In this article, the effect of divine words and prophetic hadith on Biddle's poems is investigated; in his poems, Quranic themes and teachings are abundantly found. They can be seen in different aspects such as lexical, propositional, narrative, allusive, adaptive, and visual effects. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Methods of being influenced by Quran and Hadith in Vesal Shirazi's poetry
        amir jahadi hamidreza kharazmi alireza khodavanddost
        Mirza Mohammad Shafi Shirazi alias Vesal in the thirteenth century AH, a Muslim poet and a devout Shiite, is one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt and one of the poets who in composing his poems on the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, hadiths and religious events and ma More
        Mirza Mohammad Shafi Shirazi alias Vesal in the thirteenth century AH, a Muslim poet and a devout Shiite, is one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt and one of the poets who in composing his poems on the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, hadiths and religious events and masterfully He has used his religious knowledge in his poetry with a fluent and eloquent nature. In this research, an attempt has been made to show the types of influences from the Quran and Hadith in the Divan of Vesal Shirazi. One of the important aspects of this research is that the methods of reflecting the hadiths and verses of the Qur'an in Wisal Divan have been highlighted and classified among a multitude of praiseworthy and descriptive poems. It also includes showing the reflection of religious beliefs in the court and the application of Quranic verses and hadiths and analyzes their frequency. The frequency of being influenced by the Qur'an and Hadith in Vesal's Divan in terms of poetic format is firstly assigned to his poems and then to his Masnavi, and in Vesal's sonnets, despite the high number, less influence is observed in this format; Also, Vesal has been influenced by the Qur'an and hadiths, who has taken advantage of this whenever he has a suitable opportunity and has done so in various ways; These include a special insistence on borrowing the words of the verses of the Qur'an, comparing them with verses and hadiths, and turning the audience's mind to the verses. The method considered in this research is a library method based on analysis and description of quantitative and qualitative content. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Typology of Deism in the 17th and 18th Centuries Based on Samuel Clarke’s Classification
        Mohammad Mohamadinia Mohamad Ali  Abdollahi Hossein  Saberi
        Deism refers to a philosophical and theological view of God, Man, and religion. The present paper aims to provide a conceptual analysis of Deism in the 17th and 18th centuries through exploring its etymology and following an analytic-descriptive method. Moreover, it is More
        Deism refers to a philosophical and theological view of God, Man, and religion. The present paper aims to provide a conceptual analysis of Deism in the 17th and 18th centuries through exploring its etymology and following an analytic-descriptive method. Moreover, it is intended to present a general classification of Deism based on Clarke’s classification. An encyclopedic definition of deism suffers from ambiguity, and a reference to etymological dictionaries reveals that the etymological subtleties of this term have not been taken into consideration in the conversion of dues into deism. However, through Clarke’s classification, one can develop a better grasp of the distinction of the deism of his time from theism and its different types. Clarke’s four-fold classification, as the first comprehensive report of deism, claims that the proximity and similarity of deism to Christianity, from the first type to the fourth type, proceeds stepwise from a minimum to a maximum. Deists of the first type reject divine providence but believe in unity, creation, and God’s knowledge. The second group of deists, while believing in the deistic propositions of this type, consider physical laws to be ruled by divine providence but reject its rule over ethical laws. The third group believe that God’s providence is related to His moral perfections, and He governs the world relying on His moral attributes including justice, benevolence, and honesty. Finally, deists of the fourth type, in addition to the above doctrines, believe in the immortality of the soul and otherworldly reward and punishment. According to Clarke, all types of modern deism deny the Christian revelation, and one of the main differences from revealed religions is conceptology and believing in divine revelation. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Fārābī and the Question of the Truth of Perception: A Critical Review of Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Ghasem Purhasan Ali Piri
        One of the most important and accurate problems in Fārābī’s epistemological philosophy is the question of perception and its relationship with the soul, reason, and ontological promotion. In sharp contrast to Aristotle, Fārābī challenges the theory of the passivity of t More
        One of the most important and accurate problems in Fārābī’s epistemological philosophy is the question of perception and its relationship with the soul, reason, and ontological promotion. In sharp contrast to Aristotle, Fārābī challenges the theory of the passivity of the soul in perception, considers the soul to be the creator of perception and, in this way, founds the theory of the soul as an active agent. This theory has influenced the ideas of all the philosophers after him in the field of Islamic philosophy, from Ibn Sīnā to ‘Allamāh Ṭabāṭabā’ī. Fārābī connects perception with manifestation and presence, which are mainly discussed in the philosophical schools of Suhrawardī and Mullā Ṣadrā and defends it from the view point of ontology. Some of Fārābī’s innovations include acknowledging the creativity of the soul in perception, granting a graded nature to perception and knowledge, paying attention to the emergent and ontological mode of knowledge, understanding the generous and giving nature of knowledge alongside attaching fundamental importance to sense perception, criticizing non-certain types of knowledge and presenting a fundamental view regarding certain knowledge and, finally, introducing perception as a process. Following a comparative approach, the present study examines the problem of perception and its nature in Fārābī’s philosophy, while considering the views of other Muslim philosophers, and portrays the significance of his theory of perception. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Demonstration of Change in Metaphysical Worlds Based on Two Different Foundations
        Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi Baygi Seyyed Morteza Hosseini Shahrudi Abbas Javareshkiyan
        Several problems have been produced in the process of philosophy’s interaction with religious theorems. One of the new discussions that has attracted great attention during the last decades pertains to purgatorial and otherworldly perfection of the souls. On the one han More
        Several problems have been produced in the process of philosophy’s interaction with religious theorems. One of the new discussions that has attracted great attention during the last decades pertains to purgatorial and otherworldly perfection of the souls. On the one hand, based on the principles and explicit theories of most philosophers and Mullā Ṣadrā’s words, the perfection of the soul after its separation from the elemental body is impossible. On the other hand, some sentences in Qur’anic verses and Islamic traditions refer to the perfection of the soul in metaphysical worlds. Such differences have persuaded researchers and thinkers to find some solutions. Following an analytic-inferential method, this paper seeks to provide an answer to the question of whether the soul is subject to any change and motion after its separation from the body based on both common philosophical principles and Mullā Ṣadrā’s gnostic approach. The findings of this study indicate that, based on philosophers’ principles, changes in the states of souls after death is an acceptable view of the type of sequence of forms and manifestation of developed habits and forms in the world of nature. Moreover, according to a gnostic reading of the Transcendent Philosophy, changes in metaphysical worlds are certain and of the same type of change in the material world. However, in this approach change and motion are not used in their common philosophical senses and are, rather, used in the sense of departure from undifferentiation to differentiation and manifestation. In this way, the authors provide a rational explanation of change and motion in this paper relying on philosophical principles and through presenting a new definition of motion. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces, based on teleology from the views of Kant and Coomaraswamy
        Mahdi Baniasadi Baghmirani Seyed Behshid   Hosseini azadeh shahcheraghi
        One of the most thought-provoking issues in modern Western and traditional thought is the issue of teleology in art. Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional architectural spaces requires a detailed analysis in the field of modern art and tr More
        One of the most thought-provoking issues in modern Western and traditional thought is the issue of teleology in art. Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional architectural spaces requires a detailed analysis in the field of modern art and traditional art teleology. The present study seeks to find a conceptual model to explain the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces by reflecting on the concept of teleology in the philosophical ideas of Kant and Coomaraswamy. This study is interdisciplinary, and by analytical approach, Kant and Coomaraswamy's views on the teleology of modern and traditional art have been explored. Then, the views of these two thinkers have been put together in the form of two types of outward and inward purposes to obtain a conceptual model based on it; Which provides the possibility of describing the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional art and architecture. Based on this conceptual model, the purpose of this study is to investigate the purposefulness position in Western modern art and traditional Eastern art, to explain how meaning is perceived and manifested in architectural spaces. The main question of this research is how the concept of purpose is related to concepts of perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces? Conclusion: In traditional architecture, people can perceive meaning by manifesting meaning in design and color. Accordingly, the main purpose is the perception unity and manifestation of meaning (aesthetic and glorious attributes) in architectural spaces. By manifesting multiple aesthetic traits with a single meaning in the architectural space, it is possible to perceive the meanings and glorious traits being the cause of violence in the observer. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Concept of place in quran
        بهزاد  وثیق
        Objective (s): Place and its status in Islamic art architecture have always been discussed by Muslim Philosophers and thinkers. The perception of place identity has affected the structuring of places and the ideal Islamic architecture paving the way for the recognition, More
        Objective (s): Place and its status in Islamic art architecture have always been discussed by Muslim Philosophers and thinkers. The perception of place identity has affected the structuring of places and the ideal Islamic architecture paving the way for the recognition, analysis and evaluation. Thus, this paper examines the concept of place and specifics like character, identity and sense of place. It also compares them with Islamic architecture so as to reach a general mental picture of Islamic place and home. It can be said that Islam recognizes identity for all places and evaluates places in accordance with the extent of Divine manifestations and qualities. In this way, places will have different levels of Islamic identity. Metod: The method used for this research was descriptive-analytical. Results: The concept of accommodation in Islam encompasses its two aspects, namely material and spiritual. The material aspect of accommodation also contains its spiritual concept and building accommodation for Muslims in its broad sense is a ritual issue. In this paper, the ideal Islamic accommodation in different spheres has been described and the required criteria have been pointed out. Manuscript profile
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        11 - A Study of the Principles of Sadrian Philosophy in Imām Khomeinī’s Lifestyle
        Sayyed Hamed Onvani Vahideh  Fakhar Noghani Sayyed Hossain Sayyed Mosavi Sayyed Mortaza  Hosseini Shahrudi
        Political lifestyle refers to the particular method of encountering the most important duties of the realm of political life that develops in order to achieve political purposes. Given the important role of ontological principles in constructive approaches to lifestyle, More
        Political lifestyle refers to the particular method of encountering the most important duties of the realm of political life that develops in order to achieve political purposes. Given the important role of ontological principles in constructive approaches to lifestyle, their analysis in the political lifestyle of Imām Khomeinī, as an individual with his own style, seems necessary. Accordingly, this paper is intended to investigate the effects of the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy in relation to the principiality of existence, goodness of existence, unity of being and plurality in its manifestation, simplicity of existence, and the place of perfect Man in the levels of being based on Imām Khomeinī’s political lifestyle. An analytic library study of the publications on Imām Khomeinī’s life and character indicates that commitment to the principles of Sadrian philosophy played a significant role in the development and consolidation of his political lifestyle. Moreover, given the gradation at three levels of the “political lifestyle of the perfect Man”, “the political lifestyle of the divine leaders influenced by the perfect Man”, “the lifestyle of people who follow the political life of divine leaders”, Imām Khomeinī, as a figure believing in the truth of the perfect Man, managed to have the support and trust of a huge number of people through insisting on providing for the conditions required for people’s access to the perfect Man’s lifestyle in order to attain a new style of transcendent political life. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A Critique of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Ideas on the Concept of Manifestation Based on the Qur’ān and Shi’ite Traditions
        Fereshteh Samiee Amir Tohidi Mohammad Kazem Rezazadeh Joudi
        Manifestation (tajallī) is a frequently used concept in Islamic tradition, the interpretation of which has a great influence on ethical, epistemological, and religious beliefs. The background of this term goes back to the Holy Qur’ān and some ḥadīths with Muslim thinker More
        Manifestation (tajallī) is a frequently used concept in Islamic tradition, the interpretation of which has a great influence on ethical, epistemological, and religious beliefs. The background of this term goes back to the Holy Qur’ān and some ḥadīths with Muslim thinkers having provided several interpretations for it. Prior to Ibn ‘Arabī, manifestation was, more than anything else, a mystic concept that referred to the quality of the ontological-epistemological closeness of the wayfarer to Almighty Truth through removing veils and revealing the acts, attributes, and essence of God. However, Ibn ‘Arabī’s particular views and interpretation of this term were different from those of others. The present study employs a descriptive-analytic method in order to comparatively investigate the uses of the concept of manifestation in Ibn ‘Arabī’s view and in Islamic verses and traditions to reveal their similarities and differences. The findings of this study demonstrate that Ibn ‘Arabī’s ideas regarding some important discussions such as the definitions of manifestation, similarity, and essence or absolute non-existence; absolute judgment about God’s essence; limited terms; Man’s concepts of God; God’s manifestation in the Hereafter, and manifestation of denial are greatly different from the views in Islamic verses and traditions in relation to the concept of manifestation. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Explanation of the relationship between God and the universe according to Mirza Javad Tehrani (RA)
        Ali Akbar Haeri Movahhed yahya Kabir Mohammad   Saeedi Mehr abbas zahabi
        The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what is the relationship between God and the universe from the perspective of Mirza Javad Tehrani? For this purpose, his written works were analyzed by means of content analysis of sources in a library manner. Sage More
        The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what is the relationship between God and the universe from the perspective of Mirza Javad Tehrani? For this purpose, his written works were analyzed by means of content analysis of sources in a library manner. Sages in response to this question of rational assumptions such as; They have used the principle of causation, falsification, composition, the principle of oneness, the subject of manifestation, etc., and by proposing a separation between the first creation and the first emission, they have considered the relationship as an existential matter. Mirza Javad, one of the thinkers of the separation school, while not accepting the aforementioned principles, does not consider the claim of the sages to be free of problems. He believes that determining the example of the first creature and expressing the type of relationship is beyond the realm of human knowledge, so we must obey the Sharia texts in this regard. Therefore, the relationship between God and the universe is definitely established. Although its quality is unknown to us. Manuscript profile