• List of Articles emanation

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Emanation of sensory perception and its certainty: inquiry of the influence of the Stoics on Mulla Sadra
        Ebrahim  Arash Mohsenn Fahim Mojtaba Jafari ashqavandi
        In this research, Mulla Sadra's theory about the union of sensory and senses in sensory perception was examined based on the issue of the emanation of sensory perception and its certainty. The importance of the issue is in the sense that Mulla Sadra was influenced by th More
        In this research, Mulla Sadra's theory about the union of sensory and senses in sensory perception was examined based on the issue of the emanation of sensory perception and its certainty. The importance of the issue is in the sense that Mulla Sadra was influenced by the Stoic theory in relation to this issue, and he himself clarified this issue.. Mulla Sadra's theory about sensory knowledge is the actualization of the forms of sensations for the soul and its realization in the sensory world. This kind of approach to knowledge as an ontological form that considers the relationship between the senses and the sensory perceptions as a kind of evolutionary relationship is different from the peripatetic theory. In Peripatetic theory, the forms of sensations in the soul are a prelude to rational knowledge through the abstraction of these forms. According to Mulla Sadra, the soul is active in the level of sense because it is the issuer of forms of sensations instead of being passive and therefore knowledge at this stage is also scientific and certain. Mulla Sadra has stated that, many thinkers before him had believed this promise. Accordingly, in this research Mulla Sadra's theory of sensory knowledge has been matched with the theory of epistemological impression of the early Stoics. In the theory of epistemological impression, the early Stoics consider sensory perception as the face for the matter of the soul on which it is engraved. The early Stoics consider the certainty of an epistemological impression to be synonymous with the soul and use it for the excellence of wisdom and morality in individuals. The results of the research show that Mulla Sadra and the early Stoics paid attention to the homogeneity of the senses and the activity of the soul in sensory perception to obtain sensory certainty. The method of conducting the research is content analysis and innovation of research is the possibility of dialogue between Mulla Sadra's views and early Stoic philosophy in the field of epistemology. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Study of the Rule of the One from the Viewpoint of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī
        Rohollah Adineh Fatemeh Babaeiy Adeleh Fallah
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in More
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in the history of philosophy, and many philosophers have resorted to it when explaining their own cosmological views. However, some philosophers have found it completely inconsistent with the absolute power and will of Almighty Truth and harshly criticized it. Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī is one of the scholars, who, in spite of being a well-known philosopher and presenting a great number of innovative ideas, has not received the attention that he truly deserves. He studied the “rule of the one” extensively and intended to demonstrate it based on several rational and traditional arguments and through resorting to various Qur’anic verses and narrations. Following a descriptive-analytic method and based on several historical documents, the present study initially explores the origin of the rule of the one and its historical development among philosophers. Next, it presents the view of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī regarding the rule of the one and analyzes and examines his rational and traditional arguments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Comparative Study of Mullā Ṣadrā’s and William Craig’s Views of Temporal Origination of the World
        Monireh  Sayyid Mazhari Alireza  Esmaeli
        One of the most profound ontological problems which has occupied the minds of thinkers and philosophers is the discussion of origination or eternity of the world. In Islamic tradition, through introducing the theory of trans-substantial motion, Mullā Ṣadrā has tried to More
        One of the most profound ontological problems which has occupied the minds of thinkers and philosophers is the discussion of origination or eternity of the world. In Islamic tradition, through introducing the theory of trans-substantial motion, Mullā Ṣadrā has tried to portray the renewing origination of the material world in such a way that, while enjoying consistency, it does not contradict any religious teachings. According to Mullā Ṣadrā, renewal is the same as existents’ being, and each renewal is an independent origination which ceaselessly occurs in the essence of existents in the course of time. The chain of events will never stop at a specific point due to the continuity of emanation; therefore, all components of the world are temporally originated. As a result, the world, as a mentally-posited whole, has no independent existence and is temporally originated as well. William Craig, the Christian thinker, has also based his cosmological argument on a new approach to the temporal origination of the world in the contemporary Western philosophical atmosphere. He maintains that the world and all its constituent parts, including time, have been created from nothing at a specific moment on divine free will and, since then, God, who existed prior to the creation of the world in an ethereal state, is now exposed to time because of His true relationship with temporal origination of things. The present study aims to reveal the efficiency of Mullā Ṣadrā’s interpretation of the temporal origination of the world in comparison to Craig’s new approach. The findings of this comparison indicate that Craig’s attempts at presenting this new approach deserve due attention; however, comparing to Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, it not only lacks the necessary consistency but is also in clear contrast to some of the most fundamental religious theorems including the impossibility of attributing change to God’s essence, His eternity, His everlasting simultaneity with the created, and continuity of emanation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Morphology of Practical Wisdom and the Role of Five Crafts
        Ahmad Mohammadi Peiro
        There is an inseparable connection between practical and theoretical wisdom. The five crafts, as a part of theoretical wisdom, can play a role in practical wisdom, which is used sometimes as knowledge and sometimes as temperament or virtue. The present study was conduct More
        There is an inseparable connection between practical and theoretical wisdom. The five crafts, as a part of theoretical wisdom, can play a role in practical wisdom, which is used sometimes as knowledge and sometimes as temperament or virtue. The present study was conducted to answer the question of the extent and quality of the role that the five crafts play, firstly, in producing the cognitive elements of practical wisdom and, secondly, in the origins of the emanation of act. It also aims to identify the factors and variables in relation to the five crafts that construct the practical wisdom. The significance of explaining the relationship between the two types of wisdom lies in the fact that mental habits determine the human identity, and that the five crafts are mental habits that can play a role in determining the human life by influencing the origins of emanation of acts. As a result, they can affect all aspects of human life, such as academic, social, or political ones. In this paper, the author initially introduces the five crafts and, particularly, their common features based on logical books. Then, following a descriptive-analytic approach, he examines their effects on the elements of cognitive and temperamental practical wisdom. The first section discusses an epistemological turn of erroneous concepts and judgements, the efficiency of the methodology of practical wisdom, formation of mentally-posited concepts at the level of act, and attainment of the intellection of practical wisdom by different human beings. The second section explains the regulation of the particular task of practical wisdom, the development of the skill of matching cognitive affairs with administrative ones, affecting the cognitive origins of emanation of acts, and the formation of human acts as the results of the study. Manuscript profile