• List of Articles creation

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Factor structure of knowledge sharing, knowledge creation and organizational trust (case study: staff of engineering faculty, university of Tehran)
        farnoosh alami fateme narenjisani Alireza Youzbashi
        Today, Organizations needs creating and sharing knowledge for development and this meet in the trusted environment. The Purpose of this research is identifying the influencing factors of knowledge sharing, knowledge creation and organizational trust of staff engineering More
        Today, Organizations needs creating and sharing knowledge for development and this meet in the trusted environment. The Purpose of this research is identifying the influencing factors of knowledge sharing, knowledge creation and organizational trust of staff engineering faculty of university of Tehran. 100 people selected as research sample randomly. Data of this research analyzed by T-test, regression and AMOS. The results show that knowledge sharing and its dimentions between staff is lower than average level and externalization is higher than average level. Combination, internalization nd socialization and also trust to managers is lwer than average.. implicit knowledge sharing factors, trust to managers and socialization have the most importance from the view point staff. But socialization, synthesis and internalization organizational trust have an indirect influence on knowledge sharing and knowledge creation and knowledge sharing have a direct influence on knowledge creation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identification and assessment of HPWS practices in the Iranian Banking Industry
        mehrdad estiri mahdi sharifi
        This paper aims to identify and assess HPWS practices in the Iranian banking industry. This study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data of this approach in banking industry's efforts to review and evaluate. In order to answer the study questions, this More
        This paper aims to identify and assess HPWS practices in the Iranian banking industry. This study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data of this approach in banking industry's efforts to review and evaluate. In order to answer the study questions, this study was conducted in two stages. In the first phase, Using Banking Human resource management expert’s opinions, HPWS practices in Iranian banking industry recognized. In the second phase, based on a quantitative survey, the impact of high performance work systems in the research case study (Mellat Bank) has been asses. The results show that the high performance work systems, includes: training, recruitment selection, performance-based pay, career development, performance appraisal, teamwork and decentralized decision-making, quality jobs and effective supervision. Indeed, other results revealed that the impact of these practices are classified in three areas: Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity to participate of employees.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Innovation Performance among Employees of Company Members of Co-operatives of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of Razan
        davood ghasemi
        The overall aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational innovation and organizational performance among staff members of the Cooperative Co-operatives, Social Work and Social Welfare Co-operative in Razan. The re More
        The overall aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational innovation and organizational performance among staff members of the Cooperative Co-operatives, Social Work and Social Welfare Co-operative in Razan. The research method was descriptive correlation. The statistical population of the research includes all employees of the cooperative companies in the city of Razan, which is 320, the sample size was chosen using the Cochran formula, which is equal to 175 people, which we increased to 180 persons due to the drop of subjects, and eventually 176 people completed the questionnaires by random sampling. The data gathering tool was a knowledge management and organizational innovation questionnaire distributed among individuals. The data were analyzed using inferential statistics. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the management dimensions of knowledge use and the firm's performance (0.213), with the increase in its use, the company's performance increases. In other words, 1.4% of the company's performance is affected by the use of knowledge. There are significant differences between the dimensions of the speed of the two variables, the speed of innovation and the amount of innovation with the performance of the company, so that with increasing speed of innovation and the amount of innovation, the company's performance increases. In other words, the company's performance is 2.1% and 1.17%, respectively, due to the speed of innovation and the amount of innovation Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Data-Based Study
        hassan nadalipoor karimi fariba mohammad ali nadi
        Social entrepreneurship as a branch of entrepreneurship has a key role in the sustainable development of society. Higher education, on the other hand, is considered a good course for fostering entrepreneurship. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to identify t More
        Social entrepreneurship as a branch of entrepreneurship has a key role in the sustainable development of society. Higher education, on the other hand, is considered a good course for fostering entrepreneurship. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to identify the components of social entrepreneurship in higher education. The research approach is qualitative and in the research process the strategy of data foundation theory has been used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Modeling structural equations of value created in businesses
        fateme hamidi naser shams
        The world economy has undergone significant changes in the last two centuries, moving from an agricultural system to an industrial system. Most of the changes in the last four decades have been due to the evolution of service-based economies. The growth of more develope More
        The world economy has undergone significant changes in the last two centuries, moving from an agricultural system to an industrial system. Most of the changes in the last four decades have been due to the evolution of service-based economies. The growth of more developed economies around the world has been in the direction of economies where the majority of services are. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the Impact of Tourism in the Economic and Social Development of Rural Areas (Case Study: Villages in Talesh Township)
        samira asghary
        Abstract: Since the 1950s, attention has been paid to rural tourism, and the 1960s marked its economic aspect with respect to local communities and since the 1990s, new horizons have been created in the development of tourism and have been used as a tool for More
        Abstract: Since the 1950s, attention has been paid to rural tourism, and the 1960s marked its economic aspect with respect to local communities and since the 1990s, new horizons have been created in the development of tourism and have been used as a tool for the development of rural communities. So, today the most important tool for sustainable rural development is the use of tourism capacities, especially natural and cultural. Tourism development in villages, increase of job opportunities, creation of additional income and decentralization in rural areas leads to a lot of environmental and cultural benefits. The purpose of this study was to investigate the economic and social impacts of tourism development in the cities of Talesh province. In this research, villages of over 200 households and sample villages of the province have been surveyed. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The research data were obtained through library and information documents through a questionnaire and statistical documentation and field surveys. Due to the lack of reliable statistics about the number of tourists entering the area, 383 questionnaires were used using The Cochran formula was obtained during the springtime and spring seasonal periods.. The result of the research shows that in the above-mentioned sections, there is a meaningful relationship between the arrival of tourists and the creation of employment and income of rural communities. Due to the existence of unique natural attractions such as Gisum beaches, Alalan Khalifabad, taki tazeh abad,ghorough, Hawigh , Chubar and the beautiful road of Asalem to Khalkhal, , talesh to Marian, Lisar to Sutaban, and talesh to Sharsul, Investment and the creation of tourism infrastructure will have a major impact on the region's further development and sustainable employment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Role of Tourism in Rural Employment )A Case Study of Firoozkooh City(
          saeed ahmadian    
        is seeking to investigate the role of tourism on employment in the studied villages. In order to accurately describe the issue, 8 villages of Firoozkooh city were selected purposefully. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, documentary and field methods is More
        is seeking to investigate the role of tourism on employment in the studied villages. In order to accurately describe the issue, 8 villages of Firoozkooh city were selected purposefully. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, documentary and field methods is used. Therefore, after designing the theoretical framework of the research for collecting data, field operations were completed by completing the local community and experts' questionnaires. For analyzing data using software SPSS and performing t-test, Levene's test, ANOVA and Walsh, we compared the research variables in all the studied villages. In calculating the reliability of the measurement instrument the Cronbach's alpha method has been used and the obtained coefficient of reliability is 0.9. Validity of the questionnaires is based on previous studies and experts' opinions. The results of research show that tourism in Jalizjand, Badrood, Khamdeh and Mozdaran villages can have an important role in increasing employment and in Harandeh, Lazor, Tares,and Simindasht villages, tourism has not had an effective role in increasing employment. Also, the highest rate of employment is in Khamdeh village and the lowest employment rate is in the village of Simindasht. In the Khamdeh village, which has the highest employment rates, the job creations were the field of supply and sale of crops and gardens, rental of houses, villas or suites, tourist’s services, livestock products supply and sale, and finally, the sale of handicrafts. In addition, according to more than 60% of the local community, jobs have been created in the areas mentioned for indigenous people. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Processes of Word Creation in Colloquial Farsi
        مرضیه سادات  رضوی فریبا  قطره
        The study of Farsi is so important due to current today differences between colloquial and written Farsi. There are many differences between these two types in many languages particularly from grammatical and lexical patterns that double the significance and necessity o More
        The study of Farsi is so important due to current today differences between colloquial and written Farsi. There are many differences between these two types in many languages particularly from grammatical and lexical patterns that double the significance and necessity of separately studying these two. Based on this, the article reviews and analyzes words that are usually applied in conversation of Farsi speakers and are never or rarely used in written Farsi; and based on Boy’s view (2007) they are the result of word creation processes but not word formation. Following Boy view, under review data were categorized and reviewed based on the kind of word formation processes like shortening, combination, innovation, comparison, loaning, metaphorical expansion and phrasal conversion into four categories of Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb. The findings show that Shortening have the highest frequency (32.58 %) and phrasal conversion and combination have the lowest frequency (5.62 and 4.49 % respectively) in word formation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Relation of Human to Nature in Mawlana's View
        Seyyed Hamidreza  Raoof Mehdi  Hassanzadeh
        Human interaction with nature is an important part of human life which due to the devastating effects of recent attitudes, needs to be seriously reviewed and to be provided with new approaches which can promote this interaction into a more sustainable and meaningful one More
        Human interaction with nature is an important part of human life which due to the devastating effects of recent attitudes, needs to be seriously reviewed and to be provided with new approaches which can promote this interaction into a more sustainable and meaningful one. One of these effective approaches is Rumi's mystical view that emphasizes the special position of man in the universe and its link to humanity. Studying the principles of human interaction with nature according to Rumi’s world view, this article presents a pattern based on which, humans should consider the nature as the manifestation of God’s various names and attributes, and as the Caliph and his trustee, they should be the guardian of the universe. Additionally, human actions will impose inevitable reactions on him, among which humans must try to remove the negative ones. As a result, according to Rumi, understanding the special position of human beings in the world and recognizing the characteristics of humans and the nature, the empathic connection between man and nature will be revealed Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Techniques of Creating Fantasy in Stories of »Mohammad Reza Shams«
        reza sadeghi shahpar zohre behnam kho
        Fantasy has various types including fairy-tales, allegorical, realistic, philosophical and grotesque and so on. Fantasies have been classified from one perspective into general and modern and from another to worldly and supernatural. It can be said that what discriminat More
        Fantasy has various types including fairy-tales, allegorical, realistic, philosophical and grotesque and so on. Fantasies have been classified from one perspective into general and modern and from another to worldly and supernatural. It can be said that what discriminates different types of fantasies from one another is the kind of imagination used in them. But what they have in common is the creation of an imaginative and fictional world. The creation of this imaginative and fictional world is done through the techniques that are not fixed and well-known in all fantasy works but can be understood through various studies. In this research, by studying four fictions of Mohammad Reza Shams, the authors have identified eleven techniques for creating fantasy, some of which are novel in comparison to previous studies like choosing the narrator and the pseudo-insane hero, anachronism, objectivization of allegories, curses, and prayers, using the archetypes and magical characters of ancient fictions, establishing a story based on proverbs and popular culture, and bringing back a decedent to life. Also, various types of fantasy, such as realistic, philosophical, fairy-like, allegorical, grotesque and fantasy of objects can be found in Shams's stories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Green Development from an Entrepreneurship Perspective
        Negin Khatoony Mahdi Kolahi
        Nowadays, green entrepreneurship is one of the most popular fields of economics. Since entrepreneurship is a dynamic process, in order to create and increase capital, green entrepreneurship is a strategy to maintain both the cycle of nature and the stability and structu More
        Nowadays, green entrepreneurship is one of the most popular fields of economics. Since entrepreneurship is a dynamic process, in order to create and increase capital, green entrepreneurship is a strategy to maintain both the cycle of nature and the stability and structural continuity of society. The Green Entrepreneur is indeed an environmental think tank whose most important achievements for the green development of the country are job creation, wealth, welfare and discovering opportunities for sustainable development. This article examines entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and green development, and green entrepreneurship and its types. The relationship between entrepreneurship and green development depends on the relationship between the business and the environment, which acts as a two-way relationship. Accordingly, green entrepreneurship is a multidimensional phenomenon with multiple levels of analysis that takes place inter or transdisciplinary. As a result, the foundation of green entrepreneurship is environmental ethics, whose vision is nothing but ecocentric. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Necessity and methods of developing interaction and cooperation between university and industry
        mohammad saeid seif saeid jahanjiri
        Cooperation between the industrial sector and universities is undoubtedly one of the areas that is discussed in all countries and can have a decisive impact on the economy and industry of that country. Therefore, establishing a coherent and organized relationship betwee More
        Cooperation between the industrial sector and universities is undoubtedly one of the areas that is discussed in all countries and can have a decisive impact on the economy and industry of that country. Therefore, establishing a coherent and organized relationship between industries and universities is one of the basic needs of countries. This connection helps universities to align their educational and research activities with the needs of society and industry, and to develop specialists and researchers who can truly meet the needs of industry. In recent years, the cooperation between academia and industry in some areas has brought important achievements to the country, but there are still very important measures that can be taken to increase synergy and cooperation between universities and industrial units.Fortunately, in this regard, the country's universities and research institutes have started appropriate measures and have defined and implemented useful programs and models to develop community and industry relations contracts, improve internships, graduate employment, help solve national challenges and similar cases. The pathology of the relationship between academia and industry and the sharing of successful experiences of higher education institutions and executive bodies are very important in strengthening this relationship. For this purpose, in this article, a summary of the situation of the country's universities and research institutes is presented and new programs that can be effective in improving the situation are described. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Examining "Lo La Fatimah" narration from verbal view point
        ali emamifar
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well More
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well. In our time, fighting against this blight is one of the bonds of religious scholars and sages. Narration is one of the ways through which exaggeration infiltrates into religion. The famed following phrase is among the exaggerated narrations from the Holly Prophet Mohammad "upon him and his family be pray and peace" from Allah: Ahmad, if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence. If Ali had not existed, I would not have created you and if Fatimah had not existed, I would not have created you both. By precise examination, it was revealed that firstly; this narration does not hold a well-ground documentation and source. Secondly, in terms of content and significance, it holds serious flaws as well, since the mentioned phrase contains three parts, The first part (narrated by Shi'a), (if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence), is validated with accurate verses and narrations and common sense and the Sunni, but the other two parts is contradictive with Holly Quran, the Sunni and the common sense and consequently is not acceptable. Some has endeavored in order to justify it in one way or another. We have examined the justifications as well and it was clarified that the mentioned justifications from these two parts of the narration are unacceptable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Explaining the Existential Relationship of God with the Creatures by Investigating and Criticizing the Reasonable Reason in Sadra's Wisdom
        Ahmad saeidi Yaser  Hosseinpour Mehdi  Imani Moghaddam
        According to his existential authenticity, Sadr al-Mutawla'in established an existence in the levels of existence and called it a special formulation, but there were various interpretations of what he meant in terms of existence. Some of the unity of the existence of ex More
        According to his existential authenticity, Sadr al-Mutawla'in established an existence in the levels of existence and called it a special formulation, but there were various interpretations of what he meant in terms of existence. Some of the unity of the existence of existence is a modest doctrine of transcendental wisdom to bring the philosophers' minds closer to the ultimate vote of Mulla Sadra, the personal unity of existence. Some others believe that the existence of the existence is a philosophical version and an accurate interpretation of the unity of the witnesses of the mystics. But some believe that the unity of the mystical existence means the existence of all beings in the same vein and Sadra's arrangement is exactly the same. On this basis, matrix means that there is only one supernatural existence, and many, despite being, exist without the existence of a supreme, absolute and unified entity. In other words, in the opinion of the proponents of this interpretation, Sadr al-Muta'l-أīni sought to prove the existence of all being in the presence of God, or in other words, to prove the existence of God for all beings. In this article, the recent interpretation of Mulla Sadra's ultimate view assumes And with this principle, we have narrated and reviewed some of his arguments to prove this interpretation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - the theory of evolution and human creation; Reviews of views Allameh Tabatabei and Yadollah Sahabi
        mahdiye tabatabae Mohammad  Saeedi Mehr
        Since its development by Darwin, the theory of evolution has always been debated for its harmony or incompatibility with the scriptures, especially in terms of its inclusion of human creation. The story of Adam's creation in religious books, including the Qur'an, made i More
        Since its development by Darwin, the theory of evolution has always been debated for its harmony or incompatibility with the scriptures, especially in terms of its inclusion of human creation. The story of Adam's creation in religious books, including the Qur'an, made it possible for religious scholars to take different positions on this theory. This article examines the views of two contemporary Iranian thinkers, Mohammad Hussein Tabatabai and Yadollah Sahabi, on the relation between the theory of evolution and the Qur'an's account of human creation. Sahabi accepts this theory and takes it compatible with the Qur’an and Tabatabai maintains that if it were totally confirmed, it does not contradict the verses of the Qur'an. It seems that the reason for their positions was their attention to some (and not all) dimensions of this theory that do not contradict the definitive religious doctrines. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - A Pyramid Model for Networking of knowledge-based companies
        Ehsan Golshiri
        In this article discussion how is to create the Cooperative network among knowledge-based companies to get best rivalry. With a pyramid model describes the Cooperative Network relation such as management, technology and economical conditions. Each company or proficiency More
        In this article discussion how is to create the Cooperative network among knowledge-based companies to get best rivalry. With a pyramid model describes the Cooperative Network relation such as management, technology and economical conditions. Each company or proficiency set on one face of pyramid, and relation in network simulated with pyramids sides. This model has some profits in work distribution and covers all of the dimensions of the project. We used principles of geometric and simulation for pyramid model. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - The Role of R&D on Job Creation and Value Added of Small and Medium Enterprises
        Bita Faramarzpour Darzini Nasrin Khandan
        The organization economic co-operation and development (O.E.C.D) gives the definition of R&D as a creative work which is done based on systematic structure in order to find new usage out of technical and scientific resulted knowledge. Before the second world war, only a More
        The organization economic co-operation and development (O.E.C.D) gives the definition of R&D as a creative work which is done based on systematic structure in order to find new usage out of technical and scientific resulted knowledge. Before the second world war, only a few non-governmental institutions did research about industries. But at the time of the war, the R&D works developed quickly and the complexity of R&D works increased, so that resulted in improvement of new products. R&D importance and governments support and R&D proportion of GDP shows countries development ratio. In the present article, in order to have a better survey of R&Ds position and its network coincreasing ratio in Iran; at first librarian studies were done and some developed countries supporting samples were reviewed. All of them showed that relationship and network creation between R&D units in governmental and nongovernmental sectors in our country, accompanied with the relationship between industry and university. This, can be practical in the best way in form of reinforcing of technology and science parks model. Then the R&D position is studied in Kerman industries. According to managers opinions, many of them emphasized R&D and started to build R&D units and they believed, it is so effective in profitability and value creation. But the important point is the supporting role of the government and the better effort to make the result of the researches applicable and the works of R&D in form of network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Identifying the Indicators of National Knowledge Creation, National Intelligence and Gross Domestic Product (Systematic Literature Review)
        Ghasem Azari Arani jalal rezaeenour
        The role of knowledge and knowledge management in flourishing the economies is undeniable and can be mentioned as an important factor of increasing productivity and GDP of the countries. Intelligence has attracted the attention of many researchers as an element that inf More
        The role of knowledge and knowledge management in flourishing the economies is undeniable and can be mentioned as an important factor of increasing productivity and GDP of the countries. Intelligence has attracted the attention of many researchers as an element that influences knowledge creation. This paper is a qualitative research and systematic literature review about knowledge creation, GDP and national intelligence. To do this, exploring English articles in scientific databases such as Science Direct, Emerald, Taylor and Francis, Springer, and IEEE during the period of 1992 to 2017, and Persian articles in the Comprehensive Human Sciences Portal, the Noor Journals Database, and Scientific Information Database during the period of 1384 to 1395 have been taken into account. Altogether, 186 articles were reviewed that after, screening and evaluating, the number of articles was reduced from 186 to 114. This study has been conducted in papers with different sample size and different research methods and various models. Finally, four indicators with six dimensions in the field of national knowledge creation, four indicators with seven dimensions in the area of gross domestic product and six indicators with twenty dimensions in the field of national intelligence were identified. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Effect of Value co- Creation on the New Services Development: The Mediator Role of Intra-Organizational Coordination and Moderating Role of Technological Experience
        masoud parsa Mostafa Ebrahim pour Azbary Mohammad Rahim Ramzanian
        Globalization and high-tech processes, through information technology, have doubled the pressure on service organizations in the private and public sectors to compete in new services. In developed economies, the service sector is responsible for most employment and valu More
        Globalization and high-tech processes, through information technology, have doubled the pressure on service organizations in the private and public sectors to compete in new services. In developed economies, the service sector is responsible for most employment and value-added growth. As a result, more extensive studies on the development of new services and the factors influencing it are becoming more important. On the other hand, value creation is a new concept in business, marketing and innovation of organizations that has been considered with the aim of creating a competitive advantage to maintain the survival of organizations. Sharing value creation is actually the process of creating value through the interactions of organizations with other organizations, employees, customers and other partners in the market and today is the focus of managers of service organizations including the banking and insurance industry, which are central pillars of economies. The present study seeks to provide a model to investigate the impact of shared value creation directly and indirectly on the development of new services, the impact of internal coordination as a mediating factor between the two variables of value creation and new service development as well as technology experience variable as moderator of internal coordination in 41 branches. It has been done from the central branches of banks and insurance companies of Boroujerd city. This research is of an applied type with a survey strategy. Data were collected through a questionnaire and also structural equation method was used to analyze the data. The results show that the creation of shared value has both a direct and indirect positive and significant effect on the development of new services. Also, the mediating role of intra-organizational coordination and moderation of technology experience was confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A Study of Ibn Barrajān’s View of al-Ḥaqq al-Makhlūq bih
        Hamed  Nazarpour
        One of the gnostic expressions which is used in the discussion of God’s manifestations is al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih (the truth for which the world has been created). Ibn ‘Arabī believes that the origin of this expression is the works of Ibn Barrajān but does not provide an More
        One of the gnostic expressions which is used in the discussion of God’s manifestations is al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih (the truth for which the world has been created). Ibn ‘Arabī believes that the origin of this expression is the works of Ibn Barrajān but does not provide any explanation regarding his view. Ibn Barrajān was an Andalusian gnostic and commentator who presented his views of al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih” in Sharḥ asmā’ Allāh al-ḥusnā, Tanbīh al-afhām, and Iḍah al-ḥikma. The present paper aims to explore the expression al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih in the view of Ibn Barrajan based on a documentary and descriptive-analytic method. The findings of the study demonstrate that Ibn Barrajān’s source of inspiration for creating this expression was the holy Qur’an. In his view, the main purpose behind the Qur’an’s invitation to thinking about the divine verses is attaining the truth for which the world has been created. He maintains that believing in al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih is necessary for all faithful people. He also holds that al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih is the manifestation of God. It is single; includes all manifestations of God in the world, in the hereafter, in the purgatory, in Man’s being, and in Qur’anic verses, and is also the origin of all creatures and the reason for their survival. According to Ibn Barrajān, al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih is a route which leads to God; it is traversed based on knowledge and practice and is the same direct path and guardian religion. He suggests that the method of learning about al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih entails thinking about and deliberating over divine verses along with faith and piety. The most important consequences of the knowledge of al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih include sensing the presence of God, learning about heavenly existents, acquiring wisdom, and acting upon divine orders. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Social media and value creation: the role of interaction satisfaction
        Seyed Amir Hossein Madani Abolfazl Danaei gholamreza jandaghi
        The variety of ways in which customers engage with brands through social media has become a challenge for brand managers. The challenge is how to use social media with a strategic approach and how much content to generate so that company-customer interactions can create More
        The variety of ways in which customers engage with brands through social media has become a challenge for brand managers. The challenge is how to use social media with a strategic approach and how much content to generate so that company-customer interactions can create value for the organization. For this reason, it is important to know to what extent brands should focus on social media engagement satisfaction and its role in creating value for the organization. In this study, researchers will use descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data collected from the questionnaire to find the answer to this question. Also, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis along with structural equation model has been used for inferential data analysis. The results of this study suggest that high consumer satisfaction with brand interactions on social media is significantly effective in creating a higher customer longevity value for the brand. Also, high consumer satisfaction in brand interactions on social media has been effective in creating the value of higher customer influence for the brand, in creating the value of higher customer knowledge for the brand and in creating the value of customer knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        22 - A New Ensemble Learning Method for Improvement of Classification Performance
        S. H. Nabavi-Kerizi E. Kabir
        The combination of multiple classifiers is shown to be suitable for improving the performance of pattern recognition systems. Combining multiple classifiers is only effective if the individual classifiers are accurate and diverse. The methods have been proposed for dive More
        The combination of multiple classifiers is shown to be suitable for improving the performance of pattern recognition systems. Combining multiple classifiers is only effective if the individual classifiers are accurate and diverse. The methods have been proposed for diversity creation can be classified into implicit and explicit methods. In this paper, we propose a new explicit method for diversity creation. Our method adds a new penalty term in learning algorithm of neural network ensembles. This term for each network is the product of its error and the sum of other networks errors. Experimental results on different data sets show that proposed method outperforms the independent training and the negative correlation learning methods. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A Two-Stage Method for Classifiers Combination
        S. H. Nabavi Karizi E. Kabir
        Ensemble learning is an effective machine learning method that improves the classification performance. In this method, the outputs of multiple classifiers are combined so that the better results can be attained. As different classifiers may offer complementary informat More
        Ensemble learning is an effective machine learning method that improves the classification performance. In this method, the outputs of multiple classifiers are combined so that the better results can be attained. As different classifiers may offer complementary information about the classification, combining classifiers, in an efficient way, can achieve better results than any single classifier. Combining multiple classifiers is only effective if the individual classifiers are accurate and diverse. In this paper, we propose a two-stage method for classifiers combination. In the first stage, by mixture of experts strategy we produce different classifiers and in the second stage by using particle swarm optimization (PSO), we find the optimal weights for linear combination of them. Experimental results on different data sets show that proposed method outperforms the independent training and mixture of experts methods. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Provide a competency model for human resource managers based on spirituality in the workplace
        Hossein Mohammad Ghasemi Samerh Shojaee Mohammad bager Gorji Abdol gane  Rastgar
        One of the aspects of value creation in the field of human resources is to pay attention and focus on the core competency of human capital in order to help the success of the organization. The purpose of this study is to provide a competency model of human resource ma More
        One of the aspects of value creation in the field of human resources is to pay attention and focus on the core competency of human capital in order to help the success of the organization. The purpose of this study is to provide a competency model of human resource managers based on spirituality in the workplace. And with two indices of Cronbach's alpha coefficients and composite reliability, the reliability of measuring instruments and using the mean index and variance of convergent validity of measuring instruments was confirmed. According to the research findings, seven factors including individual factors, spiritual competencies, managerial skills, participatory management, human resource value creation, human resource management, adherence to rules were identified as the main dimensions of the model. Of the seven identified factors, the model of adherence to rules, human resource management and human resource value creation were in the first level, which act as the cornerstone of the model that spirituality in the workplace should start from these variables and spread to other variables. These three factors are interrelated. AMOS software was used to compile the model. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Evaluate the Effects of Service Innovation, Social Media Marketing, and Social Support on Value Co-creation
        akbar hoshyar Alireza Rousta
        The present research has evaluated the effects of service innovation, social media marketing and social support on value co-creation in Iran Khodro Company.This research is based on the achievement of the development-applicative type and based on the objectives of the d More
        The present research has evaluated the effects of service innovation, social media marketing and social support on value co-creation in Iran Khodro Company.This research is based on the achievement of the development-applicative type and based on the objectives of the descriptive type of the case that the necessary data has been collected by the survey method. The statistical population of the research consisted of two sections, in the first section, all the customers of Iran Khodro Company in the 5 districts of Tehran, and in the second section, the employees of the agencies in the mentioned areas were included. 384 people and 50 people were selected based on available random sampling in the customer section using non-probability quota sampling method. Regarding the theoretical foundations and background of the research, using library resources and in the field part, the tool for collecting information is a standard questionnaire. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software. The results of research hypotheses indicate that social media marketing, service innovation has an effect on value co-creation from both customers and employees, and the effect of social support on value co-creation is confirmed by employees but not by customers. Not approved. Therefore, focusing on innovation in services, organizations should try to strengthen value co-creation through social media marketing and social support from both the perspective of employees and customers. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Developing a strategic model for attracting and creating value for higher education management graduates in the governance system of higher education in Iran
        mohsen khosravi Mohammad hasani Reza eidy
        The purpose of this research is to present a strategic model based on which it is possible to explain the attraction and value creation of higher education management graduates in the governance system of higher education in Iran. The current research was qualitative in More
        The purpose of this research is to present a strategic model based on which it is possible to explain the attraction and value creation of higher education management graduates in the governance system of higher education in Iran. The current research was qualitative in terms of research method. Foundation's data theory has been used to build the absorption and valuation model. In this section, 18 experts who are familiar with the topic of attracting and valuing higher education management graduates have been used. Data has been collected by semi-structured interview method. In order to analyze the data, a three-stage process of open, selective and central coding was used with the help of MAXQDA2020 software, and the findings of this process show the paradigm model of attracting and valuing students including 27 main categories and 95 variables including attracting and valuing students as the core. or the main category of the model; 5 causal conditions; 3 background conditions; 3 interfering conditions; 3 strategic conditions and finally 4 consequences were placed. In this regard, considering the key role of higher education graduates in the sustainable development of knowledge and skills, it is required that higher education management graduates have a constructive interaction in the formulation and implementation of macro policies, and through a clear response to their request, their motivation to the increase responsibility for work in educational and executive organizations Manuscript profile
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        27 - The Role of IoT Technology Features in Perceived Value Creation, Intention to Advertise and Continue to Receive Customer Services at Sepah Bank
        Yaser Ghasemi Nezhad hamidreza fallah lajimi Ahmad Sheikhol-Islami Tonekaboni
        The use of IoT in the banking industry leads to the provision of various banking products and services to customers. New digital innovations, including the Internet of Things, have also created a competitive market for banks, and banks need to adapt their practices acco More
        The use of IoT in the banking industry leads to the provision of various banking products and services to customers. New digital innovations, including the Internet of Things, have also created a competitive market for banks, and banks need to adapt their practices accordingly. Therefore, in the present study, value creation with IoT technology was investigated in Sepah Bank. For this purpose, the statistical population of this research includes 130 employees of all departments of the information technology department of Sepah Bank. Using Morgan table, the number of statistical samples of this research was 86 people. For inferential analysis of data obtained from standard questionnaires, based on Balaji & Roy research (2017), the correlation method based on structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach and SPSS and SmartPLS software were used. The results of the study showed that the perceived excellent performance had a positive and significant effect on the shared value creation and the intention to continue receiving services from the Internet of Things, as well as the perceived aesthetic demand on the perceived value creation and excellent performance of The Internet of Things and the intention to continue receiving services and the intention to verbally advertise has had a positive and significant effect, as well as the intention to continue receiving services has a positive effect on the intention to verbally advertise customers, but perceived ease of use and perceived existence do not have a positive effect on perceived shared value creation. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Coastal and marine tourism scheme in the Coast of Ramsar (based on choice of tourists)
          Hamid Amirnejad Mohammad 
        The profits of the coastal tourism industry are such that many people would invest in it. Considering the potential of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, this study measured the views of tourists to improve the factors of the coastal industry. With a random sample More
        The profits of the coastal tourism industry are such that many people would invest in it. Considering the potential of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, this study measured the views of tourists to improve the factors of the coastal industry. With a random sample in the city of Ramsar, this study used a choice experiment model and advanced econometric regressions such as conditional Logit. The aim was to improve the utility of tourists and to suggest a functional model for the development of Ramsar coastal tourism by creating sustainable employment. To develop models, we conducted field interviews on Ramsar beaches in the spring and summer of 2018. The results showed that improving the sanitation facilities and the recreational facilities plus beach prospects had a positive impact on the ultimate utility of the tourists. The tourists would spend forty percent more if the current situation improved by fifty percent. To develop a desirable model for tourists, our recommendations to the investors were to improve: a) the beach and sea landscape 25 percent; b) the health and wellness facilities 50 percent; c) the recreational facilities 50 percent. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The paradigmatic pattern of brand value creation for tourism destinations in Iran
        manouchehr jahanian Mohammad aghaei elham vahedi
        Given the position of the tourism industry in the world, the competition in attracting tourists among different destinations around the world has taken a close look. Today, everyone has realized that the industry operates like a fuel tank that is endless, and its revenu More
        Given the position of the tourism industry in the world, the competition in attracting tourists among different destinations around the world has taken a close look. Today, everyone has realized that the industry operates like a fuel tank that is endless, and its revenue takes on an exponential form over time. Given that Iran is a country that has high tourism potentials, it is necessary to use this unlimited source as a value for sustainable growth and development due to brand value creation for a tourist destination makes one destination higher than the other in a competitive position and ultimately selected by tourists. In this study, at the first, the existing literature was examined, then with the interview technique, 18 experts were interviewed and data related to creating brand value of the destination was extracted. After that, using the Grand Theory method, the concepts were extracted and then categorized, which was finally designed as a Paradigmatic model. As a result, factors such as economic growth, sustainable destination development, attracting capital, recognition of global civilization mentioned as “the causal categories of destination brand value”, and categories such as destination identity design, advertising, planning and financing as “strategies” and categories such as ethnic diversity, weak laws, and Lack of modeling as “interfering in the implementation of strategies”. In the following, contextual factors for the implementation of strategies included the succession of managers, integrated management, public-private partnership. During this research, the consequences of creating the value of the destination brand include political, economic, social and cultural growth, tourism prosperity, sustainable development and other factors mentioned. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Developing an Innovative Business Model for Tourism Industry with an Emphasis on Creating Value in Tourist Destination: A Case Study of Mashhad City, Iran
        hossein ghadami hadi bastam Ali Hosseinzadeh
        As one of the most important industries worldwide, the tourism industry has led to the rapid growth of economic development, preparing the grounds for the development of new businesses, which has proved very effective in expanding job opportunities for different walks o More
        As one of the most important industries worldwide, the tourism industry has led to the rapid growth of economic development, preparing the grounds for the development of new businesses, which has proved very effective in expanding job opportunities for different walks of life. Therefore, this exploratory study sought to develop an innovative business model for the tourism industry with an emphasis on creating value in the destination using a grounded theory method. The required data were collected through library studies and semi-structured interviews. To this end, open and in-depth interviews were made with 16 experts until the theoretical saturation was reached. The participants comprised experts of the tourism industry, university professors, hotel managers, guides of travel agencies and tours, heads, and officials of tourism industry departments, and tourists, who were selected via purposive sampling. The collected data were thematically analyzed according to open, axial, and selective coding. Finally, the conceptual model of the study was developed based on the Strauss and Corbin model, indicating that the core principle underlying the development of diverse advantage-oriented businesses is derived from casual conditions and influenced by contextual factors. It was also found that the core principle could be identified based on some strategies. Moreover, the intervening factors were extracted from the textual data collected from the interviewees by identifying the categories that indicate environmental conditions. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Studying the natural dimension of creation from the perspective of the Qur'an
        zohre Sanaini Nejad
        "Creation" is the act of God Almighty, and creativity is also His attribute, but since God created man in His own image and breathed a soul into his flower, by virtue of being the Khalifa of God, he should be ascribed to the attributes of God and the manifestation of Go More
        "Creation" is the act of God Almighty, and creativity is also His attribute, but since God created man in His own image and breathed a soul into his flower, by virtue of being the Khalifa of God, he should be ascribed to the attributes of God and the manifestation of God's names and attributes. be on the ground This research seeks to obtain a road map for the creation and creation of works of art and especially architecture by comparing the process of creation of nature from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an, and further discusses the performance of an architect in interaction with the cycle of existence and the generality of the diagram. Draw his creative process. In this way, the analytical-interpretive method has been used, and the collection of materials has been done in the library and field. At the end of this study, it shows, just as God creates a person by breathing his creative spirit into an inanimate body; Man, as his successor, breathes his creative spirit into the body of raw and inanimate materials and gives life to them, and thus art is born from man. On the other hand, creation is always done as a process, and in all stages of creation, opposing elements always exist alongside each other and have an evolutionary role for each other; A kind of diversity that all come from a current source and evolve together. In other words, it can be said: in creation; God has revealed the connection with similitude and with tension; It has given identity and personality to every element. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Labyrinth of the World: Deconstruction of Nicolaus Cusanus’ Perception of Substance Based on the Views of Meister Eckhart and Ibn Sīnā
        Ebrahim  Ranjbar Mohammadreza Asadi
        Nicolaus Cusanus, the German Philosopher and theologian, tried to revise the metaphysical views of his time in his works. He tried to present his philosophical approach systematically by posing a number of innovative theories about creation, Man’s relationship with the More
        Nicolaus Cusanus, the German Philosopher and theologian, tried to revise the metaphysical views of his time in his works. He tried to present his philosophical approach systematically by posing a number of innovative theories about creation, Man’s relationship with the infinite affair, motion, and knowledge, as well as by revising the common religious views regarding such theorems as the first sin and creation out of nothing. Here, the authors have initially tried to examine Cusanus’ important views about the relationship between Man and the infinite affair, and through which reveal that, from this point of view, there is only one substance in the world, and anything other than that is among its necessary accidents. Next, they propound the concepts of unfolding and folding and introduce a category called the trans-substantial motion in Cusanus’ specific reading. After discussing his views, the background of the formation of his approach are deconstructed. In doing so, Meister Eckhart’s interpretation of some sections of the Holy Book and some of Ibn Sīnā’s fundamental metaphysical views are presented. Then the authors argue that Ibn Sīnā’s innovative approaches and Meister Eckhart’s novel interpretations pave the context for postulating a new metaphysics that is different from the traditional one. This can introduce new perspectives for philosophical studies and shed a new light on the history of philosophical thought. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Human creation from the point of view of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini (RA)
        Mahmood Zaifi Khosrow   Zafar Nawai Seyyed Abdolhossein Tarighi
        Human creation is one of the most essential facts of Islamic mysticism, which is very important from scientific, theoretical, moral and educational points of view. Therefore, knowing and examining different angles of human creation has a special place. Although many res More
        Human creation is one of the most essential facts of Islamic mysticism, which is very important from scientific, theoretical, moral and educational points of view. Therefore, knowing and examining different angles of human creation has a special place. Although many researches have been done on the different views of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Mohammad Ghazali, but their views on existence and anthropology have been less studied, so in this study, an attempt is made to understand the creation of man from the perspective of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini. (RA) to be fully investigated and analyzed. Analytical investigation of the comparison and explanation of the opinions and thoughts of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Muhammad Ghazali about the creation of man and the mystical secrets of this unique divine creation, citing the opinions of two pious mystics. This is a library and basic research. In this thesis, library research is based on description and analysis. The use of various sources such as books, articles and authentic mystical texts is used. The results of the research showed that two thinkers have many similarities regarding the creation of man in their works and the difference between them is only in the expansion of some topics related to the creation of man. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Comparative Study Of Suspension Of Validity Conditions From The Perspective Of Imam Khomeini And Ayatollah Khoei
        Farshid Khosravi
        Although the ruling on the suspension of validity conditions in contracts is clear and unambiguous among legal scholars, and even though according to Articles 699 and 1068 of the Civil Code, suspension in divorce and warranty is invalid, their suspension based on validi More
        Although the ruling on the suspension of validity conditions in contracts is clear and unambiguous among legal scholars, and even though according to Articles 699 and 1068 of the Civil Code, suspension in divorce and warranty is invalid, their suspension based on validity conditions is acceptable to legislators and legal scholars. For example, according to Article 700 of the Civil Code, the suspension of warranty based on its validity conditions does not invalidate the contract. However, since in Imami jurisprudence and among jurists, the suspension of a contract is subject to certain conditions, including its validity conditions, there is a difference of opinion among jurists regarding the validity or invalidity of such a suspensive condition. In this research, using a descriptive and analytical method, the views of the late Imam Khomeini and the late Khoei, two prominent contemporary jurists, have been examined on this issue. Based on the analysis of the opinions of these jurists, it can be concluded that although these two great scholars have different views on whether suspension invalidates a contract in its creation or origin, they agree on the ruling of suspension based on validity conditions in a contract. The difference is that unlike Khoei, who explicitly stated the ruling on such a condition, Imam Khomeini did not directly refer to this issue, and the ruling on the validity of this condition can be inferred from his fatwas. Manuscript profile