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        1 - A Study on the Functions of Contradiction and Conflict in the Aesthetic Analysis of Attar’s Sonnets Imagery Based on Jorjani’s Views
        عطیه مشاهری فرد حسینعلی قبادی maryam آخسسثهده علیرضا  نیکویی
        Abdolghaher Jorjani is one of the well known rhetoricians and syntacticians of fifth century who is best known for his “construction theory” and “the meaning of meaning”. Two of his great books named Asrar al-balaghah and Dala'il al-I'jaz explain aesthetic issues of the More
        Abdolghaher Jorjani is one of the well known rhetoricians and syntacticians of fifth century who is best known for his “construction theory” and “the meaning of meaning”. Two of his great books named Asrar al-balaghah and Dala'il al-I'jaz explain aesthetic issues of the discourse. What he has expressed about these imageries can also be useful for studying other literary devices. Although he has referred to simile, allegory, metaphor, and metonymy to explain the effective elements of aesthetics, the method he has used to analyze the aesthetic value of the text, and the effective factors he presented for aesthetic analysis of the imageries can also be useful in studying other figures of speech. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, and according to Jorjani’s views, this study aims at analyzing the function of contradiction and conflict in the aesthetic analysis of Attar’s sonnets. This study attempts to show that what Jorjani had considered to be important aesthetic factors can be found in different representations of the elements of contradiction and conflict (e.g. antonyms, different types of paradox, etc.). Based on the findings, contradiction is one of the effective elements of literariness of the text. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analyzing Container Schema in the Representation of Water and Fire in Rumi’s Poems Based on Cognitive-Cultural Linguistics
        d vaseqhi
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historica More
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historical and mythological model of "water and fire". Water and fire representations are quite frequent in the six chapters of Masnavi-e Ma’navi and in Divan-e Shams. Rumi has referred to the Classical elements in 1888 verses. He used water in 524 verses and fire in 574 verses. Water and fire as two opposing elements of the classical elements have two distinct characteristics in the natural world. But these two elements have supernatural features and depict a kind of long-standing contradiction of mind and love in literary concepts and metaphors, especially the mystical ones when occurred within one verse. The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the cognition through the utilization of container schema of the words Del (heart), head, and eye. By investigating the functions of these schemata, a more accurate understanding of the individual and social characteristics of this poet would be obtained. The main achievements of this research are as follows: 1. In Persian literature, Del represents intuitive understanding, and the eye represents the apparent senses (five senses) and is the most frequent tool for the perception of reality. The frequency of Del schema in Rumi's poems compare to the eye schema somehow shows Rumi's intuitive personality. 2. Head in Persian is the container of concepts related to thought, but in the Rumi's poems, it is the container of the terms related to love. The concept of love as an entity in the head as the container has been expressed in different words in the poems of Rumi. Analyzing these words expresses passionate love and, to some extent, the love between friends in Rumi's emotional view. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analyzing Container Schema in the Representation of Water and Fire in Rumi’s Poems Based on Cognitive-Cultural Linguistics
        fariba sadeghi roya sedigh ziabari reza kheirabadi
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historica More
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historical and mythological model of "water and fire". Water and fire representations are quite frequent in the six chapters of Masnavi-e Ma’navi and in Divan-e Shams. Rumi has referred to the Classical elements in 1888 verses. He used water in 524 verses and fire in 574 verses. Water and fire as two opposing elements of the classical elements have two distinct characteristics in the natural world. But these two elements have supernatural features and depict a kind of long-standing contradiction of mind and love in literary concepts and metaphors, especially the mystical ones when occurred within one verse. The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the cognition through the utilization of container schema of the words Del (heart), head, and eye. By investigating the functions of these schemata, a more accurate understanding of the individual and social characteristics of this poet would be obtained. The main achievements of this research are as follows: 1. In Persian literature, Del represents intuitive understanding, and the eye represents the apparent senses (five senses) and is the most frequent tool for the perception of reality. The frequency of Del schema in Rumi's poems compare to the eye schema somehow shows Rumi's intuitive personality. 2. Head in Persian is the container of concepts related to thought, but in the Rumi's poems, it is the container of the terms related to love. The concept of love as an entity in the head as the container has been expressed in different words in the poems of Rumi. Analyzing these words expresses passionate love and, to some extent, the love between friends in Rumi's emotional view. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analysis of Contradictions in Shams Tabrizi's Thought from a Psychological Perspective
        مریم  عاملی رضایی foad Moloudi
        In the process of psychological development of any human subject and in order to his socialization, the mind has to learn the categorizations and classifications.Social subject learns to classify the objects, phenomena and concepts in the form of opposites and opposit More
        In the process of psychological development of any human subject and in order to his socialization, the mind has to learn the categorizations and classifications.Social subject learns to classify the objects, phenomena and concepts in the form of opposites and opposite pairs, and this categorization is one of the necessary conditions for entering the social life and world of signs. The necessity of these categorizations necessitates the acceptance of structural rules; in other words, human being shall first give structure to the world for concept making, and giving structure is not possible except in the form of contrary couples.This point is one of the main foundations of structuralism and other similar items in the field of language, mind and social issues.But, if we study the psyche in an original and pre-cultural state, the contradictions indicate the decrease and simplification, and only shows the direction of libido power in socialization current. In other words, the psychic force in its pre-cultural state is a homogenous, unique and united issue experiencing the dissension during the socialization current.This desire to return to the world of unity has appeared in the intuitive thinking and in the epistemological system of our Muslim mystics in the form of the ideas of existential unity. The image of this unified world, in which most of the main contradictions are united in their infrastructure, in the form of a language that is the essence of contrasts, has caused some mystical texts get the paradoxical property and some considerable facilities made therein. In this regard, Shams Tabrizi's articles are one of the most prominent texts.In the present paper, based on the mentioned psychoanalytic concepts, we have shown that in the infrastructure of Shams's thought, the existing contradictions at the level of conscious and social matter are discarded and Shams views them as naturally harmonic affairs in a new epistemological approach. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Morality and fair procedure in the light of predictability principle of procedure rules
        jalil ghanavati Eslam Mondani
        The relationship between morality and law is a definite affirmation and endorsement of philosophers, ethical thinkers and lawyers. Ethics in the process of procedure are one of the issues that can be specifically addressed in relation to these two issues. Predictability More
        The relationship between morality and law is a definite affirmation and endorsement of philosophers, ethical thinkers and lawyers. Ethics in the process of procedure are one of the issues that can be specifically addressed in relation to these two issues. Predictability principle in civil procedure is considered as one of civil fair procedure principles, looking carefully at provisions of the civil procedure code of Iran and other regulations and Shiite jurisprudence judicial discussions related to the role of judge and the evidences, predictability principle can be recognized in Iran civil procedure code as civil fair procedure principle. Documents of matching transnational procedure and documents and rules of arbitration sample significantly support predictability principle in civil procedure in judge’s performance and litigants of private disputes in relation to evidence. The relationship of other procedure principles is sometimes coordinated with predictability principle such as contradiction principle, parties’ despotic domination principle on civil claim, and the principle of judge neutrality and sometimes is conflicting with other principles of civil procedure such as prohibition of unduly prolonging civil procedure principle, the principle of civil party’s hearing right. In this field, the exact scope and the quality of implementing this principle should be carefully investigated in the light of other civil fair procedure. The sanction of violating implementation of the predictability principle in the civil procedure is invalidity of judicial decisions and possibility of research or appeal violation in this principle of civil fair procedure. The research method is descriptive and analytical. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Investingation and analysis of mystical contradictions in sonnets of Asiri Lahiji
        Maryam  Pirasteh samera rostami Mohammad Ali  Atash Soda
        One of the salient features of mystical poems is the expression of lofty mystical thoughts by using mystical reciprocal elements. These reciprocalities are mainly derived from the experiences and inner revelations of mystical poets who have expressed them by dying from More
        One of the salient features of mystical poems is the expression of lofty mystical thoughts by using mystical reciprocal elements. These reciprocalities are mainly derived from the experiences and inner revelations of mystical poets who have expressed them by dying from the material world and receiving the truth. Asiri Lahiji is one of the mystic poets of the ninth century AH, whose reciprocal elements are well reflected in his poems; This means that he has defined his mystical experiences in the form of paradoxical themes for the audience, and this important thing is rooted in his intellectual contemplation and expresses his practical mysticism. Among his poems, his lyric poems contain long mystical themes in which the poet describes them in a paradoxical way. The main purpose of this descriptive-analytical research is to investigate mystical contrasts in Lahiji captive lyric poems. The results of the research show that the difference between reason and love, pain and treatment, connection and sorrow, unity and plurality, essence and attributes, names and attributes, manifestations of romantic and ascetic Sufism, annihilation and survival, existence and non-existence are the most frequent reciprocal themes in these lyric poems. They are poets. In all cases, each of the reciprocal elements complements the opposite element; In other words, these reciprocal themes seem to contradict each other, but inwardly they are one and pursue the same goal. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Studying Historical Precedence of “Constancy of the Change” in the Relationship between the Changing and the Constant
        Mahdi Assadi
        We know that in Ṣadrian Philosophy changing of motion is usually the very constancy of it and just this explains the relationship between the constant and the changing. The important problem that here appears is whether anyone previous to Mullā Ṣadrā was the follower of More
        We know that in Ṣadrian Philosophy changing of motion is usually the very constancy of it and just this explains the relationship between the constant and the changing. The important problem that here appears is whether anyone previous to Mullā Ṣadrā was the follower of constancy of the change? The main purpose of the essay is studying just this. What is certain is the fact that criticizing constancy of the change is of a long precedence in Muslim world and therefore we will show these historical criticisms in our paper based on the documents. But that many in resolving the problem of constant-changing relation have attributed constancy of the change to the previous Muslim philosophers does not seem to be so firm claim: although some thinkers previous to Ṣadrā have said about constant-changing relation that the sphere in its circular motion is permanent and constant, they have not considered this to be the final response to the constant-changing relation. Eventually, we will have a glance at the fact that Ṣadrian constancy of the change can be criticized because of, for example, the reason that if it is accepted this strange view would be required that the universal must be existent in the external world contradictorily both as one and many at the same time. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Historical Background of the Theory of Immutability of Change in the Problem of the Relation of the Changing to the Immutable
        Mahdi Assadi
        In Sadrian philosophy the change in motion is the same as its immutability, which justifies the relationship between the changing to the immutable. The question here is whether the theory of immutability of change had any supporters before Mullā Ṣadrā. The main purpose More
        In Sadrian philosophy the change in motion is the same as its immutability, which justifies the relationship between the changing to the immutable. The question here is whether the theory of immutability of change had any supporters before Mullā Ṣadrā. The main purpose of this study is to provide an appropriate response to this question. This theory has been criticized by Muslim thinkers and philosophers for a very long time. Therefore, this paper provides a discussion of the most important of such criticisms based on available evidence. Some scholars have attributed the theory of immutability of change to early philosophers in order to solve the problem of the relation of the changing to the immutable and support their own views, which does not seem to be based on solid evidence. Prior to Mullā Ṣadrā, some philosophers maintained that the heavenly sphere enjoys continuity and fixity in its evolution; however, this cannot be considered as a final resolution to the problem of the relation of the changing to the fixed. Here, the author concludes that the fixity of Sadrian change should be criticized because it leads to accepting a view attributed to Rajol Hamedani about the “universal”. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Typology of Rules of Quran and Tradition in Comparing and Contrasting Criterion of Contradiction in Principle of Conditions
        Mohammadreza  Khalilzadeh
        The important status of the principle of conditions in jurisprudence and the rights of undertakings is something clear. The recent version of this principle excludes conditions countering the Book (Holy Quran) and tradition. Identifying the conditions countering the Boo More
        The important status of the principle of conditions in jurisprudence and the rights of undertakings is something clear. The recent version of this principle excludes conditions countering the Book (Holy Quran) and tradition. Identifying the conditions countering the Book and tradition and putting forth a regulation to help the experts in Islamic law, jurists, and in cases the judges in comparing and contrasting instances of contradiction to the Book and tradition, will be very helpful. The classification of orders by the Book and tradition into positive and imperative rules, and the imperative rules into mandatory and non-mandatory, the researcher came to know the difference in the existence of criterion contradictory to the Book and tradition. This paper has embarked on typology of Quran and tradition and presenting a criterion for readdressing the condition contradictory to the Book and tradition. Manuscript profile