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      • Open Access Article

        1 - AI based Computational Trust Model for Intelligent Virtual Assistant
        Babu Kumar Ajay Vikram Singh Parul  Agarwal
        The Intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) also called AI assistant or digital assistant is software developed as a product by organizations like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. Virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence which works and processes on natural la More
        The Intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) also called AI assistant or digital assistant is software developed as a product by organizations like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. Virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence which works and processes on natural language commands given by humans. It helps the user to work more efficiently and also saves time. It is human friendly as it works on natural language commands given by humans. Voice-controlled Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) have seen gigantic development as of late on cell phones and as independent gadgets in individuals’ homes. The intelligent virtual assistant is very useful for illiterate and visually impaired people around the world. While research has analyzed the expected advantages and downsides of these gadgets for IVA clients, barely any investigations have exactly assessed the need of security and trust as a singular choice to use IVAs. In this proposed work, different IPA users and non-users (N=1000) are surveyed to understand and analyze the barriers and motivations to adopting IPAs and how users are concerned about data privacy and trust with respect to organizational compliances and social contract related to IPA data and how these concerns have affected the acceptance and use of IPAs. We have used Naïve Byes Classifier to compute trust in IVA devices and further evaluate probability of using different trusted IVA devices. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Clustering Iranian Gas Industry Managers and Ranking Their Competencies via the EFQM Excellence Model-based Evaluation with an Artificial Intelligence Approach
        Ali reza Zamanian Majid Jahangirfard Farshad Hajalian
        This study attempted to lay the ground for linking human resources data based on the results of the organizational excellence model for about 51 parent and subsidiary companies of the National Iranian Gas Company using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning m More
        This study attempted to lay the ground for linking human resources data based on the results of the organizational excellence model for about 51 parent and subsidiary companies of the National Iranian Gas Company using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning methods. The goal was to present a model for clustering chief organizational managers based on the companies’ evaluation using the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)-based excellence model. The unique characteristic of this method is that it is formed based on the actual performance and output of successful organizations, headed by successful managers and leaders. Accordingly, a performance-based excellence model can be achieved in the future. The outcomes of model evaluation for 2017, 2018, and 2019 for 51 companies affiliated with the National Iranian Gas Company were first clustered. Clustering was performed for 3776 pieces of data via AI-based methods, and coding was done in Python. This applied study aimed to design and develop a novel method for discovering the experts and scientifically classifying the organization’s human resources based on credible data. It also aimed to integrate novel scientific domains of AI, including clustering, to pave the ground for human resources research. In the applied dimension, the results were used in organizational planning and decision-making to generate a tool whereby the future managerial performance of the organization and staff can be predicted based on appropriate human resources data. Finally, a ranking is presented based on the competency gap by using Fisher discriminant ratio (FDR). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Breast Cancer Classification Approaches - A Comparative Analysis
        Mohan Kumar Sunil Kumar Khatri Masoud Mohammadian
        Cancer of the breast is a difficult disease to treat since it weakens the patient's immune system. Particular interest has lately been shown in the identification of particular immune signals for a variety of malignancies in this regard. In recent years, several methods More
        Cancer of the breast is a difficult disease to treat since it weakens the patient's immune system. Particular interest has lately been shown in the identification of particular immune signals for a variety of malignancies in this regard. In recent years, several methods for predicting cancer based on proteomic datasets and peptides have been published. The cells turns into cancerous cells because of various reasons and get spread very quickly while detrimental to normal cells. In this regard, identifying specific immunity signs for a range of cancers has recently gained a lot of interest. Accurately categorizing and compartmentalizing the breast cancer subtype is a vital job. Computerized systems built on artificial intelligence can substantially save time and reduce inaccuracy. Several strategies for predicting cancer utilizing proteomic datasets and peptides have been reported in the literature in recent years.It is critical to classify and categorize breast cancer treatments correctly. It's possible to save time while simultaneously minimizing the likelihood of mistakes using machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches. Using the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Diagnostic dataset, this study evaluates the performance of various classification methods, including SVC, ETC, KNN, LR, and RF (random forest). Breast cancer can be detected and diagnosed using a variety of measurements of data (which are discussed in detail in the article) (WBCD). The goal is to determine how well each algorithm performs in terms of precision, recall, and accuracy. The variation of each classification threshold has been tested on various algorithms and SVM turned out to be very promising. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Introducing robotic process automation as the connection point of Internet of everything with artificial intelligence projects
        Seyed Omid Azarkasb Seyed Hossein Khasteh
        Robotic process automation is an emerging technology, which can be used to automate repetitive tasks with large but low volume. Automation space consists of providers of construction, operation and transfer contracts, consulting, business process automation and cloud ro More
        Robotic process automation is an emerging technology, which can be used to automate repetitive tasks with large but low volume. Automation space consists of providers of construction, operation and transfer contracts, consulting, business process automation and cloud robotics process automation and markets. Automation refers to the use of technology to perform various tasks with minimal human intervention, so that the automation of the robotic process, intelligent process and various operations of the artificial intelligence business are its main components. In the meantime, the Internet of Things is one of the most up-to-date technologies in the new age of information and communication, which has a concept very close to the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is a term used to describe physical objects around the world using their digital communication, while the Internet is all about data sets, considering people and processes. The reason for paying attention to the automation of the robotic process is the continuous expansion of the artificial intelligence market due to the widespread use of this technology in most important fields, especially in the components of the Internet. To make the most of robotic process automation, multiple discrete automations as well as artificial intelligence technologies can be used. With this approach, the robotic automation process can be considered as the connection point of everything Internet to software artificial intelligence projects. Therefore, robotic process automation, which aims to improve business processes, is proposed as an Internet connection point for everything with artificial intelligence projects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Designing a core competency model for Iranian gas industry managers based on the results of EFQM by artificial intelligence method
        Ali reza Zamanian Majid Jahangirfard Farshad Haj alian
        The success of organizations in achieving strategic goals is highly dependent on how the managers of that organization perform, and this success is more directly related to the selection and appointment of competent and knowledgeable managers at the top of the organizat More
        The success of organizations in achieving strategic goals is highly dependent on how the managers of that organization perform, and this success is more directly related to the selection and appointment of competent and knowledgeable managers at the top of the organizational pyramid. Competency-based management is a strong approach to developing and maintaining the organization's human capital in the long run, and competency models are a useful tool for identifying and developing the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by managers. In general, competency is a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities, interests and personality traits that enable employees to perform job-related activities effectively and perform job performance as expected or beyond expectations. Do." In accordance with the competencies defined in the evaluation center of the managers of the National Iranian Gas Company and according to the nature of trainable competencies, three categories of communication competencies, managerial and leadership competencies, cognitive and one category of untrained personality competencies have been defined. In this article, we have tried to achieve a set of core competencies in the field of competencies of gas industry managers, which has been achieved based on the performance of managers in organizational excellence. These core competencies are the beacon of the organization in achieving strategic goals and can be purposefully effective in the shortest time and with the least cost in the development process of the managers of the organization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Examining the role of influencing factors on value co-creation through technologies equipped with artificial intelligence and knowledge management in the tourism industry
        Mohammad bashokouh Iman Ghasemi hamedani
        In the 21st century, the growth of new technologies, especially in tourism, is inevitable. The development of information and communication technology has also caused significant changes in tourism behavior. The current research is devoted to the analysis of the effecti More
        In the 21st century, the growth of new technologies, especially in tourism, is inevitable. The development of information and communication technology has also caused significant changes in tourism behavior. The current research is devoted to the analysis of the effective factors on value co-creation through technologies equipped with artificial intelligence and knowledge management in the tourism industry. This research is descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population of the research consists of employees and experts of the tourism industry, and 190 sample members were randomly selected. Data were analyzed using spss software and partial least squares method and Smart PLS software. were analyzed. Customer-based factors with a coefficient of 0.364 on the effectiveness of value co-creation, technology equipped with artificial intelligence with a coefficient of 0.802 on customer-based factors and with a coefficient of 1.097 on the effectiveness of value co-creation, and finally knowledge management with a coefficient of 0.540 The effectiveness of value co-creation has a significant impact. And customer-based factors with a coefficient of 0.292 were able to mediate the relationship between technology equipped with artificial intelligence and the effectiveness of value co-creation. Examining the results of this research showed that the significant effect of customer-based factors, technologies equipped with artificial intelligence and knowledge management on the effectiveness of value co-creation was confirmed. And customer-based factors were able to mediate the relationship between AI-enabled technologies and value co-creation effectiveness. Finally, technologies equipped with artificial intelligence were able to mediate the relationship between customer-based factors and the effectiveness of value co-creation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The extent of the effects of Covid-19 on the global patterns of digital transformation
        seyed omid azarkasb Seyed Hossein Khasteh
        Although the corona crisis is a health phenomenon and a disease, over time it has become a super phenomenon that has involved other parts of society. In the current situation, all countries are dealing with this crisis in different ways and trying to control this crisis More
        Although the corona crisis is a health phenomenon and a disease, over time it has become a super phenomenon that has involved other parts of society. In the current situation, all countries are dealing with this crisis in different ways and trying to control this crisis with less damage. As a result, community management has been placed in a strategic situation and a great managerial experiment. With the covid-19 pandemic, there have been global changes in the profitability of startups. The stock market crashed and there was recession and unemployment all over the world. In general, startups in digital markets performed better than traditional industries. Some time later, the digital economy began to adapt according to its original nature, business models changed and digital methods became more powerful than what was predicted, and technological solutions to overcome the challenges of Covid-19 were gradually applied in all industries. Hence, regardless of the current situation, measures related to Covid-19 have the potential to change the market again. The digital world's global response to Covid-19 is now taking place in the three areas of detection, diagnosis and prevention, and treatment, and digital companies' performance in risk and data analytics, health and wellness, crisis management, and education, in response to The Covid-19 pandemic has become more severe. Therefore, for the future, experts are both waiting for risk and looking for opportunities Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Etiology of Robot Crimes: With Emphasis on Rational Choice Theory
        mahboub afrasiab kamran shirzad
        Nowadays, artificial intelligence has become increasingly important as a technological advancement. Different applications of artificial intelligence in different realms, while being the source of services for humans, but the emergence of robotic crimes has posed challe More
        Nowadays, artificial intelligence has become increasingly important as a technological advancement. Different applications of artificial intelligence in different realms, while being the source of services for humans, but the emergence of robotic crimes has posed challenges for humans. Therefore, the main issue in this area is the intervention of robots in criminal behavior. Regarding the crimes of the first generation of robots / non-intelligent robots, it should be said that robots have no role in committing a crime and are only a tool in the hands of the programmer. However, the generation of intelligent robots are active and rational social actors who move beyond the will of the programmer and seek to make moral decisions. The study, which seeks to analyze the crimes of robots in the light of rational choice theory, concludes that intelligent robots are among the white-collar criminals among criminals who pay the most attention to cost-benefit analyzes. In addition, the first generation of robots lack the ability to measure the benefits and costs of crime Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Platform for manufacturing and intelligent production of polymers: genome engineering of polymer materials
        Zeinab Sadat Hosseini
        High-performance polymer materials are the foundation of high-level technology development and advanced manufacturing. Recently, polymeric material genome engineering (PMGE) has been proposed as a basic platform for the intelligent production of polymeric materials. Po More
        High-performance polymer materials are the foundation of high-level technology development and advanced manufacturing. Recently, polymeric material genome engineering (PMGE) has been proposed as a basic platform for the intelligent production of polymeric materials. Polymeric Material Genome Engineering (PMGE) is an emerging field that combines the principles of the Materials Genome Initiative with polymer science to accelerate the discovery and development of new polymeric materials. The concept of PMGE is to create a comprehensive database of polymer properties obtained from both computational and experimental methods. This database can then be used to train machine learning models that can predict the properties of new polymers. However, the development of PMGE is still in its infancy and many issues remain to be addressed. Overall, PMGE represents a significant step towards the intelligent manufacturing of polymeric materials, with the potential to revolutionize the field by enabling faster and more efficient development of new materials. In this review are presented the fundamental concepts of PMGE and a summary of recent research and achievements, then are investigated the most important challenges and the future prospects. Specifically, this study focuses on the property prediction approaches, including of the proxy approach and the machine learning, and discusses the potential applications of PMGE, i.e. the advanced composites, the polymer materials used in the communication systems, and electrical integrated circuit manufacturing. Manuscript profile