• List of Articles accident

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        1 - The Impact of Crisis Management Solutions with Emphasis on Fire Prevention and Accidents (Case Study: Firefighting in District 1 and 2 of Tehran
        sedigheh tootian farshid mirakbary
        One of the disasters that has a long history and originated with man was fire or fire. Crisis management plays an effective role in preventing such incidents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of crisis management strategies with emphasis on fire p More
        One of the disasters that has a long history and originated with man was fire or fire. Crisis management plays an effective role in preventing such incidents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of crisis management strategies with emphasis on fire prevention and accidents (Case study: Fire District 1 and 2 in Tehran). The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in nature. The method of collecting library information was by means of a catch-up tool. The method of data collection was field survey and the required instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire Its validity and reliability were calculated to be 0.927 using Cronbach's squared test. The statistical population of the study was firefighters and firefighting organization staff in district 1 and 2 of Tehran city and the sample size was 294 people based on Cochran formula. The sampling method was simple. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (linear regression) using SPSS25 software. Findings showed that pre-crisis preparedness and preparedness factors were effective on fire prevention and accidents with significance level of 0.001. Also, the factor of confrontation and exposure during crisis was effective on fire prevention and accidents with significance level of 0.015. Finally, the post-crisis normalization and reconstruction factor was effective on fire prevention and accidents with a significant level of 0.041. The results showed that crisis management strategies were effective in fire prevention and accidents and their effect was 6%. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Investigating Validity of Probative Evidences and Its Application in Jurisprudence and Islamic Law
        Seyed Abolqasem  Naqibi Elham  Maghzi Najafabadi
        Abstract: The validity of probative evidences is one of the fundamental discussions in methodology of religion. Probative evidences (religious circumstantial evidences) are among the evidences needed for interpretation and inference of the Sharia rules, the signifiers o More
        Abstract: The validity of probative evidences is one of the fundamental discussions in methodology of religion. Probative evidences (religious circumstantial evidences) are among the evidences needed for interpretation and inference of the Sharia rules, the signifiers of which–in addition to comparative signified–have sometimes evidentiary effects. Evidentiary effect in methodology means the religious effects attributable to the rational instruments, necessities and requirements, either ordinary or accidental, which can be taken as evidence or codes of action. In case of the validity of probative evidence and its reasons, three theories may be put forth: Some jurists attribute the nature of evidence, in terms of proof, depending upon its validity thus rule on absolute validity of probative evidence. Some others, however believing in absolute validity of the probative evidence, have attributed the reason to the quality of proof and attribution of the reasons for validity of the evidence. The third group of jurists believe in a detailed manner which draws a line of separation between various types of evidence and probative evidences. Apparently, to study the validity of probative evidences, the reasons for validity of the evidence must be taken into consideration. Therefore, if the reason behind validity of the evidence is an instance of compulsory obedience, its probative reasoning shall not be valid but if it is based on logical and consistent usages (which is true in the case of the majority of cases) the criterion will be constraints in logical usages and related terms. This is because men of reason at times take something as evidence while at the same time reject its probative values, such as evidence on probation, possession, presumption of marriage bed, and confession. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Criterion for Detecting the Problems of Prime Philosophy and the Extent of Islamic Philosophers’ Commitment to them
        Mansour  Imanpour
        The main question advanced in this paper is as follows: Which specific criterion is used to distinguish the problems of prime philosophy from each other. Another related question here is whether Islamic philosophers really employ this criterion or not. A review of the w More
        The main question advanced in this paper is as follows: Which specific criterion is used to distinguish the problems of prime philosophy from each other. Another related question here is whether Islamic philosophers really employ this criterion or not. A review of the works of Greek philosophers, particularly Aristotle, indicates that Aristotle’s words regarding the subject of prime philosophy are diverse and divided. It also reveals that the problems of prime philosophy have not been inferred and formulated with reference to a specific subject in an organized manner. In spite of the entrance of Greek philosophy and all its concomitants into the world of Islam, Islamic philosophers, especially Ibn Sina, tried to explain the subject of prime philosophy and its problems, dissect the relationship between them, and provide a criterion for distinguishing philosophical problems from the problems of other sciences. They often considered the subject of prime philosophy to be existent qua existent and assumed that its problems include predicates which are deemed to be among the essential accidents of pure existents. Therefore, the main criterion for identifying the problems of prime philosophy and distinguishing them from each other was introduced as follows: the predicates of those problems had to be essential accidents for absolute existents. Nevertheless, in reality, these philosophers discussed some problems the predicates of which did not follow this rule. A study of the works of Aristotle and Islamic philosophers reveals that the secret of this ambiguity is hidden in an approach according to which they firstly divided theoretical sciences into three categories: natural sciences, mathematics, and prime philosophy. Then, in reality, they transferred the problems that could not be discussed in the other two sciences to the domain of prime philosophy while the equivalence of their predicates with essential accidents for existent qua existent were questionable. The present paper aims to analyze and explain the above claims in detail based on reliable documents and arguments and disclose the main reason behind the lack of conformity between the problems and the subject of prime philosophy in the history of Islamic philosophy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Critical Study of Seyyed Sharif Jurjani’s Reasoning Regarding the Simplicity of the Derivative
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseini Sangchal Mohammad Saeedimehr
        The problem of the simplicity or combination of the derivative is one of the controversial issues which, in spite of its similarity to mentally-posited discussions, has sometimes affected philosophical debates. The present paper reports on the results of a critical stud More
        The problem of the simplicity or combination of the derivative is one of the controversial issues which, in spite of its similarity to mentally-posited discussions, has sometimes affected philosophical debates. The present paper reports on the results of a critical study of Jurjani’s reasoning regarding the simplicity of the derivative. In his view, whenever the derivative is assumed to consist of “shayin lahu …”, in case of attaining the concept of “shay”, interference of general accident in differentia occurs. However, in case of attaining the extension of “shay”, the transformation of the possible proposition through the necessary happens. In the first case, the differentia fails to be a differentia, and in the second case the direction of possibility is removed from the world of reality. In order to explain the quality of the transformation, a solution has been presented which analyzes the concept of portion and the role of limitation and determination in the predicate. Here, the writers, in spite of considering this argument to be perfect, clarify that the given reason for demonstrating the simplicity of the derivative is inefficient and is only capable of deriving the concept or referent of “shay” from the truth of the derivative. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Solution to the Dilemma of Evil in the View of Muslim Philosophers and Mutikallimun
        Akbar  Faydei M‘arufali  Ahmadvand
        The problems related the issue of evil, such as the ontological philosophy of evil-doers, obscene acts, and their true agent, are among the most important philosophical and kalami problems which have occupied the minds of human beings since long ago and prepared the gro More
        The problems related the issue of evil, such as the ontological philosophy of evil-doers, obscene acts, and their true agent, are among the most important philosophical and kalami problems which have occupied the minds of human beings since long ago and prepared the ground for certain questions and suspicions regarding the most fundamental teachings of heavenly religions such as wisdom, justice, power, benevolence, and divine favor. In this way, some have developed the illusion of challenging the essence of God’s Existence or the absoluteness of His Attributes, such as knowledge, power, and benevolence. Accordingly, in the course of history, Muslim thinkers have tried to find some solutions to the questions and ambiguities regarding the problem of evil. The present paper is intended to introduce and evaluate the most important approaches presented by Muslim philosophers and mutikallimun in order to unravel the mystery of evil, explain a basic solution to the problem of evil in Islamic philosophy and kalam, and justify its compatibility with the existence and attributes of Almighty Necessary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Relationship between Existence and Quiddity in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Maqsud  Mohammadi
        The kind of the relationship between existence and quiddity in the Transcendent Philosophy has been propounded in the discussions on the principiality of existence and the mentally-posited nature of quiddity. Mulla Sadra has explained this relationship in two ways. On t More
        The kind of the relationship between existence and quiddity in the Transcendent Philosophy has been propounded in the discussions on the principiality of existence and the mentally-posited nature of quiddity. Mulla Sadra has explained this relationship in two ways. On the one hand, he argues that existence is originally and essentially realized, and quiddity is realized by accident and through the mediation of existence, with which it is eventually united. On the other hand, he believes that it is only “existence” which is objectively realized, and quiddity never steps into the realm of existence and is merely a mentally-posited affair which the intellect abstracts from existence. These two apparently different interpretations seem to have created a confusion among the researchers in this field. That is why some of them have accused him of contradiction, and some others have tried to justify this contradiction in a way. However, a reference to Mulla Sadra’s collection of works makes it clear that these two interpretations are not contradictory. When he states that existence and quiddity are realized by essence and by accident, respectively, he is referring to the nature of the existent, and when he negates the existence and realization of quiddity, he is referring to quiddity in separation from existence. In this paper, the writer has tried to clarify this point by reference to the works of Mulla Sadra himself. Manuscript profile
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        7 - An Analytic Study of Motion in Mulla Sadra and Neo-Sadrian
        Mehdi  Najafiafra Zeynab  Nadi
        The issue of motion in philosophy has been discussed from different angles. One of them is the discussion of the existence and survival of the subject of motion, particularly, in the trans-substantial motion, which was viewed as one of the concomitants of motion and one More
        The issue of motion in philosophy has been discussed from different angles. One of them is the discussion of the existence and survival of the subject of motion, particularly, in the trans-substantial motion, which was viewed as one of the concomitants of motion and one of the elements of its individuation in pre-Sadrian philosophies. Through presenting his innovative principles, Mulla Sadra transformed the view of motion and its concomitants, including the subject of motion, to a large extent. The problem of motion in the trans-substantial motion has always provoked controversial debates and conflicts in Mulla Sadra’s philosophical school and among neo-Sadrians. In certain cases, Mulla Sadra emphasizes the need of trans-substantial motion for a subject, and in some other cases he overlooks it. The same point has always created some conflicts among the advocates of Sadrian school, including ‘Allamah Tabataba’i and Mutahhari. In this paper, while investigating different views and their strengths and weak points, the writers conclude that the trans-substantial motion does not need a subject; rather, motion in accidents is also needless of its subject. They also maintain that, given the Sadrian principiality of existence, one can support a single fluid existence in the real world which is by itself the same as motion, the mover, and the moved, and that distinguishing them from each other would only be possible through analysis. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Interrelationships among Psychological Empowerment, Spiritual Intelligence of Employees and Reduction of Occupational Accidents and Incidents (A Case Study: National Copper Industries Company of Iran)
        sasan Taghizadeh Alireza Manzari Tavakoli Sanjar  Salajegheh samaneh mehdizadeh
        The purpose of the present study is to explain the interrelationships among psychological empowerment, spiritual intelligence of employees and the reduction of occupational accidents and incidents. This study took a three-step process. In the first stage, a documentary More
        The purpose of the present study is to explain the interrelationships among psychological empowerment, spiritual intelligence of employees and the reduction of occupational accidents and incidents. This study took a three-step process. In the first stage, a documentary and library method was used to review and study the available and accessible scientific literature, in order to extract the factors affecting the dimensions of the research. Then, the fuzzy Delphi method was employed to finalize and localize the influencing factors on the three dimensions. In the end, with the help of the DEMATEL-based ANP (DANP) technique, the relationships between the main and secondary variables and how they affect each other (mutual effect) were determined. The final statistical population of this research included 11 expert employees in the field of organizational behavior and senior managers of safety, accidents and control from the National Copper Industries Company of Iran. The judgmental sampling was used to select the sample, which is a non-probability method. The results of the research revealed that the psychological empowerment and spiritual intelligence of employees have a direct and one-way effect on the reduction of occupational accidents and accidents, and this means that promoting and improving the psychological empowerment and spiritual intelligence of employees will reduce occupational accidents and accidents. Also, it was found that there is a two-way relationship between psychological empowerment and spiritual intelligence of employees Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Manifestation of Sadrian Philosophy in Imam Khomeini’s Glosses on Qayṣarī’s Introduction
        Gholamreza Hosseinpour
        The fourth chapter of Qayṣarī’s Introduction to Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam discusses substances and accidents following a gnostic approach and is mainly intended to explain the merciful soul. However, there is also an extensive discussion of gnostics’ merciful soul usi More
        The fourth chapter of Qayṣarī’s Introduction to Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam discusses substances and accidents following a gnostic approach and is mainly intended to explain the merciful soul. However, there is also an extensive discussion of gnostics’ merciful soul using a philosophical language. Imam Khomeini has criticized Qayṣarī’s explanation in a commentary based on the Transcendent Philosophy. At the end of the same chapter, Qayṣarī has mentioned some points about the meaning of individuation and its types. In another commentary, Imam Khomeini has provided an accurate explanation of different types of individuation using a gnostic language. This meaning of individuation and its types as discussed by Qayṣarī has been almost completely propounded in the third chapter of the fourth level of general affairs in al-Asfār, which reflects the great influence of Ibn ‘Arabī’s gnostic tradition, in general, and Qayṣarī’s Introduction, in particular, on Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy. In Qayṣarī’s view, accidents must function as the differentia of substances while, in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and, following him, Imam Khomeini, Substance is the differentia of substance and not accident. Qayṣarī believes that sometimes individuation is the same as essence and sometimes an addition to it. Nevertheless, Imam Khomeini maintains that individuation does not essentially apply to the essence of Almighty Truth because it is among the effects of attributive manifestations. However, what enjoys the oneness of all individuations is the supreme name and perfect Man. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an accurate explanation, analysis, and criticism of Qayṣarī’s Introduction and Imam Khomeini’s commentary on this work. Imam Khomeini has criticized Qayṣarī in one commentary based on the Sadrian philosophy and, in another one, has discussed his own standpoints based on, in fact, a part of al-Asfār. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Investigation of pavement parameters and models in road accidents
        ruhollah rakhsha ali aram
        The rapid growth of vehicle manufacturing technology has led to a steady increase in speed and an increasing need for brakes and friction. International studies have shown that increasing the average speed has caused more damage in accidents. Various parameters such as More
        The rapid growth of vehicle manufacturing technology has led to a steady increase in speed and an increasing need for brakes and friction. International studies have shown that increasing the average speed has caused more damage in accidents. Various parameters such as volume, speed, safety, pavement condition can be used to determine the performance of the road. One of the parameters related to safety is the number of accidents. There has been a lot of research on the relationship between different road parameters and the number of accidents, but in the field of different road parameters and the number of accidents, but in the field of various road pavement parameters and its performance level (especially various accident indicators) comprehensive and sufficient studies, especially Has not been done in Iran. In the studies that have been done so far, the relationship between accident rate or frequency of accidents in terms of number of lanes, lane width, presence of middle lane, type of lane, shoulder width, access density, number of intersections observed in each road section, speed limit The degree of vertical arc, horizontal arc, section length, weather condition, time of day of the week and other effective variables are discussed. In this article, we have tried to study the parameters and models of pavement in road accidents. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Safety in drilling rock tunnels of all sections by explosive method
        Mohammad  Dehghan ali aram
        Today, increasing awareness about tunnel construction has led to improved working conditions in underground workshops, so that the number of deadly and dangerous accidents has been significantly reduced. The safety officer is appointed as the supervisor and controller o More
        Today, increasing awareness about tunnel construction has led to improved working conditions in underground workshops, so that the number of deadly and dangerous accidents has been significantly reduced. The safety officer is appointed as the supervisor and controller of the operation and compliance with the provisions of the bylaws and other bylaws approved by the High Council for Technical Protection. Underground work environments have specific and unique hazards in which active personnel must be aware of these hazards. These accidents must be identified in the workshop safety plan and the necessary predictions made. Roofs, walls, and worktops on different fronts of the tunnel should be inspected regularly. All access routes and unauthorized entrances in underground tunneling operations must be securely blocked and marked with warning signs. It is necessary for the employer to provide and provide a reliable and appropriate communication system during tunneling operations and in case of emergency; Also, before starting any shift, the correct operation of the communication equipment must be ensured. Workers' protection is essential to prevent the risk of landslides when installing consolidation and maintenance systems. The support system assembly must be installed in such a way that the support support is strong enough to prevent the anchor from entering due to ground pressure and not to leave its place; Predicting the rapid installation of lateral restraints between adjacent maintenance equipment is essential to ensure greater strength and stability. Developing and presenting accurate and efficient safety regulations for tunneling workshops is essential. Observance of safety principles and regulations in underground workshops, in addition to reducing the risks that threaten human life, is also economically in the interest of society and national interests. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A Study of Ibn Sīnā’s Argument on the Accidental Nature of Unity in Ilāhīyyāt al-Shifā’
        Mihammadhadi Tavakoli
        According to Aristotle, a number of philosophers in ancient Greece theorized that the “one” is an independent substance that performs a causal role in relation to other substances. Through clarifying the predicative nature of the “one” and referring to the false consequ More
        According to Aristotle, a number of philosophers in ancient Greece theorized that the “one” is an independent substance that performs a causal role in relation to other substances. Through clarifying the predicative nature of the “one” and referring to the false consequences of the above theory, he tried to reject it. Ibn Sīnā has extensively investigated the theory of the one’s being a substance and Aristotle’s related criticisms in the ilāhīyyāt section of al-Shifā’. Unlike Aristotle, he has not merely referred to the one’s being a predicate and, rather, through a lengthy and complex argument, has tried to demonstrate that unity, as the source of the derivation of the one, is a necessary accident. Ibn Sīnā’ argument is prone to criticism from different aspects, the most important of which is the confusion of categorical and analytic accidents with each other. Unity is merely an analytic accident, and Ibn Sīnā’s argument is incapable of demonstrating its being a categorical accident. Manuscript profile
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        13 - A Critical Study of the Views of ‘Alī Qulī Khān Qarchoghāi Khān on Acquired and Presential Types of Knowledge
        Hamid Reza  Khademi
        ‘Alī Qulī Khān Qarchoghāi Khān was one of the philosophers of the Safavid era, many of whose works have remained unknown. However, his book Revival of Wisdom, which contains many of his philosophical ideas, has been edited and published. Among the innovative accomplishm More
        ‘Alī Qulī Khān Qarchoghāi Khān was one of the philosophers of the Safavid era, many of whose works have remained unknown. However, his book Revival of Wisdom, which contains many of his philosophical ideas, has been edited and published. Among the innovative accomplishments of this philosopher, reference can be made to his novel classifications and interpretations of acquired and presential types of knowledge. When describing his approach in this regard, while presenting the views of early philosophers regarding the truth of knowledge, prior to explaining the two types of true knowledge – essential knowledge and accidental knowledge – he introduces acquired and presential types of knowledge as subcategories of accidental knowledge. On the one hand, some of his classifications of acquired knowledge and presential knowledge are unprecedented in the history of Islamic philosophy. On the other hand, he maintains that the truth of knowledge is an accidental affair that is added to the rational soul. In fact, through his analysis of the problem of the union of the intellect and intelligible, ‘Alī Qulī Khān views knowledge as a quality that has occurred to the qualified. Here, his approach has been studied at four stages: examining different types of acquired knowledge and presential knowledge, investigating the incompleteness of his first argument about the accidental nature of presential knowledge and acquired knowledge, revealing the shortcomings of the second and third arguments, and illustrating the insufficiency of his view regarding the union of the intellect and intelligent. In this paper, the author has initially tried to provide an accurate explanation of ‘Alī Qulī Khān’s innovative view on acquired and presential types of knowledge and, then, to examine and criticize this view following an analytic-descriptive method. Manuscript profile