• List of Articles Writing

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        1 - An Investigation into the Textbooks of Primary Schools Studied in Iran in the Academic Year 1387 – 88 in Terms of the Degree of Consistency in Attaching/ Detaching of Free or Bound Morphemes to/ from a Stem or Each Other
        سید حمید  هاشمی
        In this research all text books of primary school for the academic year of 1387– 88 are studied word by word, (with especial focus on the words having different written forms), the way they are written regarding inflectional and derivational morphemes and the degree o More
        In this research all text books of primary school for the academic year of 1387– 88 are studied word by word, (with especial focus on the words having different written forms), the way they are written regarding inflectional and derivational morphemes and the degree of consistency in attaching/ detaching different morphemes to/ from each other. The work is conducted for all grades in a comparative way. Research population consists of all books of different grades of primary school studied in the academic year of 1387 – 88; data of the research consists of all words in books. Since all the words in these books are considered, no randomization is made. The research is descriptive, regarding the type of the research, and data collection and their analysis. Data analysis is done determining the frequency and percentage of morphemes in their attached/ detached spelling, and the probable inconsistency in their spelling. According to the findings of the research, there is some inconsistency within the same textbook, or textbooks of different grades in attaching/ detaching morphemes. Manuscript profile
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        قدرت‌الله طاهري
        The modern story literature of Iran has a rised and down condition from the beginning. The structure and form of this genre has been affected by poletical and social movements. The coup d'etate 1953 in Iran was the end point of Iranian struggle for independence that hap More
        The modern story literature of Iran has a rised and down condition from the beginning. The structure and form of this genre has been affected by poletical and social movements. The coup d'etate 1953 in Iran was the end point of Iranian struggle for independence that happened by external and internal intrigues. This great political event, not only effected on economy and political condition but also influenced on art and culture, so that literature movements of this era (60s, 70s) have been surpassed. Literature of this period, in spide of many works in early years after coup d'etat, no seriouse works have been presented. But some valuable stories and novels composed and presented during these critical years. In this article we tried to show the main tendencies and happenings of story writing after coup de'tate until 1964 and classify and analyse them. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Studying the Trends in Fictions Written By Iranian Immigrants
          Reza  Shajari
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trend More
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trends and particular literary approaches outside the borders of the country. The collective body of literary works created abroad, have been named differently by different critic based on the characteristics and features that they have outlined. The authors’ issues, how they have left the country, how long they have been living abroad, and the content of their works are of great importance in defining and classifying these literary works. Furthermore, different trends can be identified in stories written abroad. In the present article, stories written by Iranian immigrants are analyzed as politics-oriented, identity-oriented, and women's stories. In the '60s up-to-the mid-'70s the politics-oriented stories are the most frequent ones. This trend is emerged by political groups and activists, and focuses on the revolution and the issues surrounding it. From the mid-70s onwards, the identity-oriented trend became the major one. In this trend, themes such as the differences between the motherland and the other-land, and the ways the immigrants encounter the new world are highlighted through the narratives about identity. Also, there were many immigrant female writers who narrated the lives and issues of female immigrants from a feminine perspective. In these stories, the ways in which women face the new world and the issues they encountered in Iran are amongst the main themes. Manuscript profile
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        4 - An Analysis of methods of effective writing in Maqalate- e Shams
        Mahdi  Mohabbati
        Creative writing can be described as the access to the optimal function of the written language through the replacement of the elements of a sentence especially the verb and the coordination of language with mental and contextual realities. This approach is so popular a More
        Creative writing can be described as the access to the optimal function of the written language through the replacement of the elements of a sentence especially the verb and the coordination of language with mental and contextual realities. This approach is so popular all around the world that there is even a discipline under the same title in some universities. On the other hand, there are some texts in Persian prose whose writers have achieved the creative writing through their linguistic competence, deep intelligence, and observing linguistic rules for creative writing. Maqalate- e Shams is one of such important resources. Meticulous application of sentence elements and moving them to different positions in the text, considering the frequency of such displacements, and using discourse strategies makes most of his book the excellent samples of Persian creative writing. The aim of this paper is to offer a definition of creative writing and illustrate rules and examples of such writing in Shams' articles, and reinforcing it his articles in Persian language and literature. Considering Shams's specific approach, it is realized that he has made Persian prose extremely powerful by using personification, visualization of the text, accordance of the textual reality with the contextual reality, excessive use of verbs, artistic playing with complements and dislocating sentence elements. Manuscript profile
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        5 - An Inquiry into the Methods of Arranging Poetry Collections
        sorayya Eslamikho Mohammad hakimazar asghar rezapoorian
        Copying, collecting and compiling poems of poets in previous centuries was done in several ways. Sometimes the poet wrote his poem in his notebook during his life and over time, and after his death, that notebook remained the same. Sometimes the poet himself would colle More
        Copying, collecting and compiling poems of poets in previous centuries was done in several ways. Sometimes the poet wrote his poem in his notebook during his life and over time, and after his death, that notebook remained the same. Sometimes the poet himself would collect his poetry collection and arrange it according to his own taste. Sometimes his friends and supporters compiled his poetry collection after his death, and sometimes in later centuries his poetry collection was compiled by a scribe according to himself taste. In each of these methods, the order of the poems (especially the sonnets) has been specific. In this research, we intend to deal with the methods of arranging poems in the books of poets and see which method is more logical, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each method.The results of this study show that the alphabetical order of the poetry collections is by no means based on stylistic studies and research related to the evolution of Iranian thought and art, and the best method is the way in which poetry books are compiled today. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Study and analysis of memoirs in the works of Jalal Al-Ahmad
        Nasser  Nikobakht Niloufar  Ansari
        Memoir research is one of the reliable sources of research and investigation in historiography, and it is also a tool for transmitting experiences, customs, religious and national rituals of societies to future generations.On the other hand, it expresses individual, eth More
        Memoir research is one of the reliable sources of research and investigation in historiography, and it is also a tool for transmitting experiences, customs, religious and national rituals of societies to future generations.On the other hand, it expresses individual, ethnic, and national emotions and feelings against incidents and events. Jalal Al-Ahmed is one of the writers whose vast volume of writing is in the field of memoirs.The works of this author in many ways, including social, political and historical, are indicative of his ups and downs life. This article tries to survey the memory and types of memoirs in the works of Jalal Al-Ahmed with a descriptive-analytical method.The results of the research indicate that most of the stories of Jalal Al-Ahmad are related to the description of the author's life and personal memories. For this reason, his works can be classified as memoirs.In most cases, these stories do not proceed with a specific story coherence; Because the author sometimes interrupts the course of the story and interferes in its process with his comments; It is as if Jalal's realism has made him sometimes cross the boundaries of fantasy and enter the real world.Among Jalal Al-Ahmad's works, his travelogues and letters have a prominent place. His views in his travelogues and letters, in addition to revealing part of the author's private and family life, also give us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the political, cultural and social events of the author's era. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Creation of Persian Works by Muslim Philosophers
        Alireza Najafzadeh
        As far as we know, no book was ever written in Persian during the early centuries of the history of Islam on philosophy or any other field, and all Muslim scientists and scholars, who were mostly Iranian, wrote their scientific works in Arabic. From fourth century (AH) More
        As far as we know, no book was ever written in Persian during the early centuries of the history of Islam on philosophy or any other field, and all Muslim scientists and scholars, who were mostly Iranian, wrote their scientific works in Arabic. From fourth century (AH) onwards, Iranian philosophers gradually started writing a limited number of their works in Persian alongside the many works in Arabic. This was an invaluable endeavor since it paved the way for later scholars to write in Persian. They did so at a time when Persian, after an interval, lacked the necessary capacity for the expression of abstract philosophical concepts and meanings. Ibn Sīnā and his students, Nāṣir Khusraw, Suhrawardī, Bābā Afḍal Kāshānī, Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī, and many others played a significant role in writing philosophical works in Persian. Their attempts at finding Persian equivalents for Arabic philosophical terms have been of great value to Iranian philosophers of the modern period to create Persian philosophical works. Following a descriptive-analytic method, this paper investigates the linguistic and literary reasons behind the dominance of Arabic over philosophical writings. Moreover, through introducing the most important philosophical writings in Persian, it explains their role in the development and enrichment of this language for the transfer of philosophical knowledge. Finally, the author discusses the effects of translated western philosophical works on the enrichment of the treasure of Persian lexicon and emphasizes the necessity of writing more philosophical works in Persian in the present era, in which the number of people who speak Arabic as a foreign or second language has decreased to a large extent. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A review of the characteristics of immigration literature novels
        Somayeh  Dehghan
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of More
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of literature and the entry of the term "migration literature" into the dictionary of political literature and cultures of the nations of the West is the product of the years after World War I and World War II. In line with the contemporary literary trends of Iran that became popular in Iran after the constitution and especially from the Pahlavi II era, due to the migration of many elites, young people and writers to Europe and America in search of developing education and finding a suitable job and a better future, and also Due to the effects of war and economic disturbances, a wide range of immigrants affected by dual factors took up writing and wrote short and long stories or stories. Among the novels of the authors in question, the selected novel shows the author's style and expression more than his other works. Although writers such as Ismail Fasih have written many of their works on the issue of immigration, this research has been examined in the field of immigration literature. The migration literature has special characteristics, such as dealing with the problems and sufferings of immigrants, which this research has dealt with in detail. In general, by analyzing the selected novels, we have realized that despite the influence of the authors from the thoughts and culture of the West, they are not removed from the past and the culture of the mother country; Therefore, modernity and its conflict with tradition, and the consequences of migration are the main themes of these works. Manuscript profile