• List of Articles Sanandaj

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Mineralogy and geochemistry of gneisses from the Gol-e-Gohar complex, south of Kerman province
        حسین فاتحی
        Gneisses from Gol-e-Gohar metamorphic complex in the south Kerman province and in the south-east of the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic zone with granitoid protolith represent the green schist to lower amphibolite facies as a result of early Cimmerian orogenic phase. The st More
        Gneisses from Gol-e-Gohar metamorphic complex in the south Kerman province and in the south-east of the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic zone with granitoid protolith represent the green schist to lower amphibolite facies as a result of early Cimmerian orogenic phase. The studied gneisses are composed of potassium feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, quartz and garnet as main mineralogical composition. In addition, apatite, ilmenite, titanite, chlorite and muscovite are accessory phases in gneisses. Geothermobarometric calculations estimate a temperature of 600 to 610°C, with a pressure of 8 to 10Kbar. This is in accordance with the lower amphibole facies. The partial enrichment of the LREE relative to HREE and the lack of depletion in HREE of the samples, the values of YbN greater than 10 (average 12.70), combined with the alkali nature of the primary magma, indicate an intra-plate garnet-free crustal source for the gneisses. In addition, the metamorphic processes gave them gneissic nature, however, features of the primary igneous rock are recognizable. This situation is consistent with the extensional rifting environment developed in the southern part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone in the lower Paleozoic era in the early stages of the Paleo-Tethys formation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The study of geochemical behavior of major and rare earth elements of garnet in the metamorphic rocks at Boroujerd area (Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone)
        فرشته  سجادی Somaye Rahmani NASIM Shamsaddini Zahra Tahmasbi   Hashemi Xink Ding Ahmad Ahmadi Khalagi
        Garnet–mica schist and hornfels rock units are exposed in the east and southeast of Boroujerd. These rocks consist primarily of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, garnet (almandine–spessartine), chlorite, cordierite, andalusite, sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, and minor More
        Garnet–mica schist and hornfels rock units are exposed in the east and southeast of Boroujerd. These rocks consist primarily of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, garnet (almandine–spessartine), chlorite, cordierite, andalusite, sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, and minor amounts of apatite, iron oxides (ilmenite and magnetite), and zircon. Whole-rock geochemical analyses reveal that the dominant protoliths are pelitic rocks. Major and trace element compositions suggest that the Boroujerd pelites were deposited along an active continental margin. Garnet porphryblasts in some hornfels samples are compositionally homogeneous with respect to major, trace and rare earth elements; this is attributed to the diffusional re-equilibration at high temperatures (>600 ºC). Garnet in schists and some hornfels samples show reverse compositional zoning with increasing Mn and decreasing Fe and Mg from core to rim. Higher concentrations of Mn in garnet rims are attributed to resorption during retrogression. The presence of chlorite around garnet porphryblasts in these schists also supports resorption during retrogression. In schists, concentrations of HREE and Y in garnet decrease from core to rim. These zoning patterns are interpreted to record garnet growth in a closed system (i.e., Rayleigh fractionation of compatible elements). Core–rim variations in the concentrations of trace elements and rare earth elements in garnet in the hornfels samples is negligible. The lack of prominent zoning of these elements in garnet from hornfels is interpreted as minimal fractionation due to rapid garnet growth. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Akhtarchi deposit with carbonated host: geology, mineralography and electron microprobe (EPMA) studies
        Mohammadamin Naziri Iraj Rassa Mohammad yazdi
        The Akhtarchi gold deposit with carbonate host is located in southeast Mahallat, Markazi province, and Sanandaj-Sirjan structural zone. Host rock includes impure carbonated rocks with Permian age which is affected by dissolution (decarbonatization) and brecciation in mi More
        The Akhtarchi gold deposit with carbonate host is located in southeast Mahallat, Markazi province, and Sanandaj-Sirjan structural zone. Host rock includes impure carbonated rocks with Permian age which is affected by dissolution (decarbonatization) and brecciation in mineralized zones. Mineralization is controlled structurally and there is spatial relation between faults and mineralization. The most important alterations include silicification, hematization, dolomitization, decarbonatization and argillic. Gold occurrence is seen as three forms, associated with iron oxides, siliceous (jasperoid) and placer. There are five types of mineralized veins in the area including gold bearing iron oxide, gold bearing siliceous -iron oxide, copper bearing siliceous-iron oxide, siliceous-pyritic and milky quartz veins. Microscopic studies and microprobe analyses show that gold exists in this deposit as microscopic grains inside iron oxides and as submicroscopic in iron oxides, iron-manganese oxides, carbonates, copper bearing secondary minerals and sulfides. Based on geological, structural, alteration, mineralography and microprobe studies, properties of Akhtarchi deposit have the most similarity with Carlin type gold deposit. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Toward finding the comparison between evolution in contemporary and historical home in Sanandaj
        Azadeh Aghalatifi
        We live in an era which the change is a main part of it, and this is due to the successive developments in architecture. But everything in a city is not equally affected by changes, and home, the place that is more closely associated with human life, has undergone a lot More
        We live in an era which the change is a main part of it, and this is due to the successive developments in architecture. But everything in a city is not equally affected by changes, and home, the place that is more closely associated with human life, has undergone a lot of change. The present paper attempts to focus on historic and contemporary homes of Sanandaj, offering a reading that goes beyond the physical and into local living culture. The research adopts a qualitative approach on three levels: an analysis of the town’s general characteristics and its effects on houses, as well as an analytic-descriptive comparison between some examples, and finally an analysis based on compatibilities of local living culture and architecture through deep, semi-structured interviews. The results show that the main distinct features of Sanandaj homes are their relation with nature, the attention paid to exterior views whilst keeping privacy, the importance of the semi-opened space in them and the spatial hierarchies. However, the continuity of these features in the contemporary homes is vague. Thus, it can be claimed that changes in the city and the external form of buildings in one hand and interior space, in the other hand, indicate a lack of dependence of contemporary home on traditional architecture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Perceived Authenticity, Satisfaction, Revisiting, Cultural Heritage Tourism, Kourd House, Sanandaj
        akbar pourfaraj sasan ahmadi
        While many scholars believe that tourists take the trouble to visit authentic destinations away from their place of residence, few studies have so far been conducted in this regard. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the role of perceived authenticity on touris More
        While many scholars believe that tourists take the trouble to visit authentic destinations away from their place of residence, few studies have so far been conducted in this regard. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the role of perceived authenticity on tourists' satisfaction and revisiting intention. To this end, perceived authenticity was divided into objective, structural, and existential categories based on the analysis of the related literature review. Moreover, the study was conducted in the Kourd House Ethnology Museum of Sanandaj. On the other hand, to collect the required data, a valid questionnaire was administered to 224 tourists who visited the place. Finally, the collected data were analyzed through SPSS20 software using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that objective, structural, and existential authenticity positively influenced tourists’ satisfaction. However, it was merely the objective and existential authenticity that exerted a positive effect on the tourists’ intention to revisit the place. Moreover, tourists’ satisfaction was also found to have a positive influence on their revisiting intention. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Determination of formation temperature, oxygen fugacity and Ce4+/Ce3+ ratio with using zircon chemistry in the pegmatitic dikes of Malayer-Boroujerd-Shazand, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone
        Majid Ghasemi siani
        The Granitoid plutons in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone host numerous pegmatitic dikes. This study is focused on mineral chemistry of zircons in the pegmatite dikes in the Malayer, Boroujerd and Shazand district to evaluate zircon crystallization temperature, oxygen fugacity More
        The Granitoid plutons in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone host numerous pegmatitic dikes. This study is focused on mineral chemistry of zircons in the pegmatite dikes in the Malayer, Boroujerd and Shazand district to evaluate zircon crystallization temperature, oxygen fugacity and Ce4+/Ce3+ ratio and also zircon/rock partition coefficients of REEs and U, Th, Ta, Nb and Y. Trace element discrimination digrams such as Th versus Y and Yb/Sm versus Y and Nb, indicated studied zircons were located in the syenite pegmatite field. Zircon/rock partition coefficients indicate that zircon granis are enriched in the HREE than LREE. Zircon chemistry show that zircon in the Shazand and Malayer pegmatite dikes have more Hf and less REE distribution than zircons in the Boroujerd pegmatite dikes. Consequently, it indicates the role of latter hydrothermal process in the formation of Boroujerd zircons. Crystallization temperature, oxygen fugacity and Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios decrease from Malayer to Shazand and finally Boroujerd pegmatite dikes. Reduced condition of magmatism, Th/U contents below 1 and Y/Ho content higher than 20 indicate that these pegmatities are barren. Manuscript profile