• List of Articles Salaf

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Neo- Asabiyyah; conceptual development of Ibn-Khaldun's notion of Asabiyyah regarding the formation process of ISIS
        Ahmad Mehraban Dafsari Mansour Mirahmadi
        Internal cohesion among Salafi-Jihadi networks is somehow similar to kinship ties in tribal societies. This is not very reproduction of the kinship ties though it reminds some aspects of Ibn-Khaldun’s notion of “Asabiyah”. Thus in spite of much similarities we can not a More
        Internal cohesion among Salafi-Jihadi networks is somehow similar to kinship ties in tribal societies. This is not very reproduction of the kinship ties though it reminds some aspects of Ibn-Khaldun’s notion of “Asabiyah”. Thus in spite of much similarities we can not apply this concept for the analysis of Daesh terrorist group and its related networks enjoying ethnic and linguistic variety. Moreover, some other characteristics of these groups i. e. having affiliated networks and using the social media are specific to the modern societies and therefore the classical notion of “asabiyah” does not appropriately explain their aspects. Analyzing Khaldunian asabiyyah’s elements i. e. kinship ties, religion, and authority, the study of their dynamics and developments through the formation process of ISIS and its internal cohesion, this research delivers an assessment on the possibilities for postulating a new Khaldunian analysis. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Power in the Perspective of Neojihadism: The Presence of Neo-Jihadism in International Relations
        Tayebeh Mohammadi kia
        This paper examines the notion of power in the discourse of Neo-jihadism. The meaning of power in discourses is shaped by the new meanings they provide. Meanings raised in the new discourse of jihadism come out of the depths of tradition. Their meanings, concepts, and a More
        This paper examines the notion of power in the discourse of Neo-jihadism. The meaning of power in discourses is shaped by the new meanings they provide. Meanings raised in the new discourse of jihadism come out of the depths of tradition. Their meanings, concepts, and actions can be found in religious literature. This discourse has a religious ideology and global agents and also it has a far history of gaining power and governance. Based on this experience and mentality the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, with its short history, has been waiting for power to come back to the world arena. The meaning of power in this movement is different from power in the experienced and well-known terrorist movements. The concept of power is contrasted with its modern meaning. On the other hand, modern politics should be considered the main enemy of this movement. Modern politics has embraced the whole world. therefore, Neo-jihadism movement needs comprehensive power to fight it. This power is also displayed with a different faceSuicide bombers represent this power all over the world with their death one can say they bring the power to global politics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Ethical requirements in Islamic banking
        Ali Arabi Mahmoud  Bagheri mahmoud erfani
        A saying from the Holley Prophet of Islam says: “praying has 70 parts, the best one is Halal earning”. Accordingly the real believers strongly value the professional banking morality for earning Halal income and from their point of view the bank which is based on Islami More
        A saying from the Holley Prophet of Islam says: “praying has 70 parts, the best one is Halal earning”. Accordingly the real believers strongly value the professional banking morality for earning Halal income and from their point of view the bank which is based on Islamic morality must follow 6 important aims as will be described in the article such as executing economic justice in the society. As a result the idea of Islamic Banking was first made in the 1950s and the first Islamic investment banking was established in Egypt and Malaysia in the 1960s. There are over 100 kinds of Islamic banks and the law of banking without usury was passed and enforced in 1983 after Iran Islamic revolution. The theoretical, religious jurisprudence and Islamic morality related discussions among the people who are the users of this method of banking and among the bank clerks who enforce this methods, is yet to be answered and they are not fully justified that this method is right from the religious point of view, and the money taken and given is usury. We have tried to survey the activities of the banks focusing on monetary value of time and value of money during time in Islamic jurisprudence and find an appropriate answer. It is clear that the banks pay profit to customers when attracts their money and receives profit from them when loans them. These two issues happen during time and the method of paying and taking profit separates the way of Islamic banking from regular banking. Usury that is clearly forbidden in Islam takes place in elapse of time. We have used indisputable contracts in religious jurisprudence such as Salaf (buying in advance) and Nesiyeh (selling in advance) to differentiate these two with usury. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Genealogy of Tafkik school in Ghazali attitude
        the fundamental issue that This study investigated is to explain the relationship between reason and revelation or reason and religion as the two sources of epistemology and ontological reference in two different intellectual school. One of these intellectual schools i More
        the fundamental issue that This study investigated is to explain the relationship between reason and revelation or reason and religion as the two sources of epistemology and ontological reference in two different intellectual school. One of these intellectual schools is the thought of Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali in the fifth century AD, and another one is the irrationalism approaches in Iran-Islamic thinking in the fifteenth century AD. This trend is well-known as Tafkik school. The aim of this study is to explain and analyze the never-ending conflict between intellectual knowledge and religious knowledge in these two schools by using comparative method to achieve proves for its assumptions. The findings reveal that, at first, verbal conflict along with theological approaches, historically, have not formed in the vacuum and in the world of abstraction, but also influenced by the intellectual and non-intellectual trends, political conflicts and sometimes even personal characters and... . Second, this thoughts and opinions was not restricted within the intellectual and theoretical field, and had desirable and undesirable effects, the consequences of these effects cause unfruitful conflicts, settlement or remove of this conflict are far from the obligation and ability of theologians and religious scholars. For example, in this paper we show that, perhaps, irrationality of Ghazali or reason out of followers of Tafkik school provided ground for the emergence of hard ritual that well-known as Salafism in Islamic history Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Tawhid in the view points of Salafi Jihadi and studying it's consequences
        abbasali farzandi
        Although the Tawhid is the common belief among all the denominations and Islamic movements but Jihadi interpretation that is one of the active movements in the Islamic world, suggested especial interpretation from Tawhid and showed a different face of Islam. The ideolog More
        Although the Tawhid is the common belief among all the denominations and Islamic movements but Jihadi interpretation that is one of the active movements in the Islamic world, suggested especial interpretation from Tawhid and showed a different face of Islam. The ideology of Tawhid centered of this group is changing the unity and coexistence between Islamic society. This research by using the explanatory and analetical methods will study the definition of the Salafi leaders from the notion of Tawhid and evaluate it's consequences and results. The results of this research will show that Takfiri ideology of this group will start war and unsafety in the Islamic world and as a result in the world. It's security consequences will be enternal and external. The enternal consequences of Salafi Jihadi understanding of Tawhid are expansion of meaning and example of Shirk, Pure activitism and extremism, not following the rules of war and dictatorial faith. The external consequences are preaching suiciding, considering believers and disbelievers equal and not building Islamic civilization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Comparative Critique of the Relationship between Faith and Righteous Practice in Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafi Thought
        amirabas madavifard Omid Omidian
        Despite the closeness of the theological foundations of Wahhabi and Jihadist Salafis, the Wahhabism's denial of the inclusion of action in the realization of faith and the jihadists' insistence on the inclusion of action in the realization of faith have placed these two More
        Despite the closeness of the theological foundations of Wahhabi and Jihadist Salafis, the Wahhabism's denial of the inclusion of action in the realization of faith and the jihadists' insistence on the inclusion of action in the realization of faith have placed these two trends of contemporary Salafism against each other in the issue of faith and disbelief. After explaining the place of conflict between Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafis, this article has analyzed the main criticisms of these two Salafi currents in this issue with the method of library analysis. The analysis of the mutual criticisms of Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafists makes it clear that both groups claim to base their beliefs on the Salaf's understanding of the Book and the Sunnah, and at the same time they insist on two completely opposite positions, which is a clear proof of the confusion of intellectual foundations. Contemporary Salafism in general and Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafists in particular. On the other hand, the Wahhabis' comparison of the Jihadists to the Khawarij and the Jihadists' comparison of the Wahhabis to the Marjie means that they clearly understand the invalidity of the Kharijite and Marjie's beliefs, and as a result, both of them have a mixed consensus on their corrupt beliefs. Although Wahhabi scholars, while exonerating themselves from takfirism, often introduce Jihadi Salafis as the promoters of takfirism due to the takfir of the people of sin, but the historical performance of Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafis shows that both spectrums of Kharijites adopted a kind of profession in the issue of faith and disbelief. And they have excommunicated Muslims without logical support. With the difference that the type of takfir of Wahhabism is disbelief in individual religious affairs and the type of takfir of jihadists is generally disbelief in social and governmental affairs. Manuscript profile