A Comparative Critique of the Relationship between Faith and Righteous Practice in Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafi Thought
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
amirabas madavifard
Omid Omidian
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Keywords: Wahhabi Salafism, Jihadi Salafism, faith, righteous action, Salaf,
Abstract :
Despite the closeness of the theological foundations of Wahhabi and Jihadist Salafis, the Wahhabism's denial of the inclusion of action in the realization of faith and the jihadists' insistence on the inclusion of action in the realization of faith have placed these two trends of contemporary Salafism against each other in the issue of faith and disbelief. After explaining the place of conflict between Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafis, this article has analyzed the main criticisms of these two Salafi currents in this issue with the method of library analysis. The analysis of the mutual criticisms of Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafists makes it clear that both groups claim to base their beliefs on the Salaf's understanding of the Book and the Sunnah, and at the same time they insist on two completely opposite positions, which is a clear proof of the confusion of intellectual foundations. Contemporary Salafism in general and Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafists in particular. On the other hand, the Wahhabis' comparison of the Jihadists to the Khawarij and the Jihadists' comparison of the Wahhabis to the Marjie means that they clearly understand the invalidity of the Kharijite and Marjie's beliefs, and as a result, both of them have a mixed consensus on their corrupt beliefs. Although Wahhabi scholars, while exonerating themselves from takfirism, often introduce Jihadi Salafis as the promoters of takfirism due to the takfir of the people of sin, but the historical performance of Wahhabi and Jihadi Salafis shows that both spectrums of Kharijites adopted a kind of profession in the issue of faith and disbelief. And they have excommunicated Muslims without logical support. With the difference that the type of takfir of Wahhabism is disbelief in individual religious affairs and the type of takfir of jihadists is generally disbelief in social and governmental affairs.
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