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        1 - The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs in the Relationship between Cultural Values (Individualism- Collectivism) and Cognitive Emotion Regulation
        Hamideh Mohammadi mahboobeh fooladchang
        The aim of present study was to investigate the mediating of the basic psychological needs in relationship between cultural values and cognitive emotion regulation. Participants included 378 (253 females and 125 males) of Shiraz university students. The research instrum More
        The aim of present study was to investigate the mediating of the basic psychological needs in relationship between cultural values and cognitive emotion regulation. Participants included 378 (253 females and 125 males) of Shiraz university students. The research instruments were Individualism and Collectivism Scale (Sivadas, Bruvold, & Nelson, 2008), Basic Psychological Needs Scale (Gagne, 2003) and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Granefski, Kraaij & Spinhoven, 2001). Conceptual model included the mediating role of basic psychological needs in the relationship between cultural values (individualism - collectivism) and cognitive emotion regulation that was studied by structural equation modeling. The findings showed that suggested model was fitted by data. The findings showed that cultural values had a direct effect on emotional cognitive regulation. Individualism predicted adaptive cognitive regulation strategies positively by mediating of relatedness and competency and non adaptive cognitive regulation strategies negatively by mediating of relatedness, competency, and autonomy needs satisfaction. Collectivism predicted adaptive cognitive regulation strategies negatively, and non adaptive cognitive regulation strategies related positively by mediating of competency need satisfaction. Accordingly satisfying psychological basic needs played mediating role in relationship between cultural values and cognitive regulation emotional. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Psychometric Properties of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale
        razieh sheikholeslami Farzaneh Yazdani Zeinabossadat Razavi Estahbanati
        The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS). Two hundred and fifteen students were selected from Shiraz University by means of multistage cluster sampling method, and f More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS). Two hundred and fifteen students were selected from Shiraz University by means of multistage cluster sampling method, and following scales were given them to responds Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (Chen, et.al, 2015), To confirm Vatality of the Scale (Ryan & Frederick, 1997), Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diner, et.al, 1985). To determine the validity of the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale, confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modeling using AMOS software and convergent and divergent validity methods were used. Also, positive correlation between needs satisfaction, state vitality, and life satisfaction, negative correlation between needs frustration, and these variables, and positive correlation between needs frustration and aggression, confirmed the convergent and divergent validity of this scale. To determine the reliability, Cronbach's coefficient alpha was used. Range of coefficients was 0.68 to 0.85. Results indicated that BPNSFS is a valid instrument for the use in Iranian society. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Causal Explanation of Social Safeness Based on Neuroticism: The mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration
        Hamid Barani Mohsen Arbezi Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        Despite the importance of social safeness, little research has provide a causal explanation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to introduce a causal explanation of the social safeness based on neuroticism and the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychologica More
        Despite the importance of social safeness, little research has provide a causal explanation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to introduce a causal explanation of the social safeness based on neuroticism and the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs among a group of undergraduate students at Shiraz University. Participants were 291 (170 girls) during 2020-21 academic year, who were selected using a multi-stage random cluster sampling method. They completed the Costa and McCrae neuroticism scale (1992), basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration scale Chen et al. (2015), and social safeness and pleasure scale Gilbert et al. (2009). The validity and reliability of the research scales were evaluated and confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. For analyzing the research model, path analysis and Amos 24 software was used. Also, the results showed that the research model fits well with the data collected. Findings showed that neuroticism predicted social safeness indirectly (Through the mediation of the basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration). In general, the results of this study indicate that social safeness planning requires attention to both personality traits and the situations created by these traits, such as the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs. The results are discussed based on research and theoretical evidence. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Role of Basic Psychological Needs in Relationship Between Interpersonal Dependency and Mental Health
        Nima Ghorbani Atena Heidari reza purhosein
        The aim of the present study was to explore the role of basic psychological needs in the relation between interpersonal dependency and mental health. To do so, 251 male and female psychology students of University of Tehran participated in the study. The sampling method More
        The aim of the present study was to explore the role of basic psychological needs in the relation between interpersonal dependency and mental health. To do so, 251 male and female psychology students of University of Tehran participated in the study. The sampling method was non-random and available. Participants provided self-reports on Interpersonal Dependency Inventory, Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Satisfaction With Life Questionnaire, and Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire. To analyze the data, the statistical methods of computing mean standard deviation, correlation coefficients and structural equation methods were used. The results showed that the need for autonomy, competency, and the relatedness play a mediating role between types of dependency with life satisfaction, anxiety, and depression. Satisfaction of relatedness and competency mode-rates the relationship between types of dependency and all health variables, and Satisfaction of competency moderates the relation-ship between types of dependency and all health variables except the relationship bet-ween exploitable dependency and depression. Therefore, the results imply that basic psycho-logical needs are important in improving psychological health of individuals; Moreover, targeting these mediating variables can reduce symptoms in individuals, because it is more feasible and achievable than changing the quality of dependency Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Mediating Role of Emotional Control in the Relationship Between Basic Psychological Needs and the Tendency to Use Drugs in Students
        ali vatandost Arslan , Khan Mohammadi - Jamal  Sadeghi Rajab Ali  Mohammadzadeh
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of emotional control in the relationship between basic psychological needs and the tendency to use drugs in students. The current research was carried out by correlation type and using the More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of emotional control in the relationship between basic psychological needs and the tendency to use drugs in students. The current research was carried out by correlation type and using the statistical method of structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study was all secondary school students of Noord city in the academic year of 1401-1400; And the research sample included 250 people who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The questionnaires that were considered to collect information from the sample group were: Substance Abuse Propensity Questionnaire (IAPS), Basic Psychological Needs Questionnaire (BSNQ; Guardia, Desi and Ryan, 2000), Emotional Control Scale (ECQ2) by Roger and Nashover (1987). Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for statistical analysis of data. The results showed that basic psychological needs have an effect on the tendency to use drugs both directly and indirectly through emotional control. In general, according to the results, it can be said that emotional control plays a mediating role in the relationship between basic psychological needs and the tendency to use drugs in students. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Mediating Role of Academic Enjoyment in the Relationship Between Satisfaction of Psychological Needs and Students' Agentic engagement
        Mahdi Sadri Hadi Samadieh samane deilami
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic enjoyment in the relationship between satisfaction of psychological needs in relation to professors and students' agentic engagement. The present study is a basic research in terms of purpose with d More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic enjoyment in the relationship between satisfaction of psychological needs in relation to professors and students' agentic engagement. The present study is a basic research in terms of purpose with descriptive-correlational method. The study population included all students of Birjand University during the academic year 2021-2022. In total, 400 students were selected based on convenience sampling method to complete the Academic Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) (Pekrun et al., 2005), the Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale in BNS-RS (LaGuardia et al., 2000) and the Agentic Engagement Scale (SAGE, Mameli and Passini, 2019). AMOS-22 and SPSS-24 softwares were used to analyze the data. The results showed significant positive relationships between the variables of academic enjoyment, satisfaction of psychological needs and agentic engagement (P<0.01). Satisfaction of psychological needs (Need for autonomy and Need for relatedness) has a direct and significant effect on student's academic enjoyment and agentic engagement (P<0.001) and academic enjoyment also has a positive and significant effect on students' agentic engagement (P<0.001). Satisfaction of psychological needs (relatedness) in relation to professors through academic enjoyment has an indirect and significant effect on agentic engagement (P<0.01). Therefore, the model has a good fit and it can be concluded that academic enjoyment has a mediating role in the relationship between the satisfaction of psychological needs in relation to professors and students' agentic engagement. Manuscript profile