• List of Articles Metaphysics

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Governmentality in the History of Political Philosophy
          فاطمه  ذوالفقاریان
        The present article is an attempt to depict three types of government establishment in the process of political philosophy, based on technology, i.e., the field of practical thought and unconscious capability. Government establishment is to adjust communal behavior of h More
        The present article is an attempt to depict three types of government establishment in the process of political philosophy, based on technology, i.e., the field of practical thought and unconscious capability. Government establishment is to adjust communal behavior of humans in a political affair in an acceptable way, to reduce possible threats from it and to increase the occurance of benefit, joy, and pleasure. Accordingly, the three ideal types of political consciousness-metaphysics, physics, and information- form three eras. The present article studies the process of theoretical and practical politics as its negative and positive aspects, and introduces the theory of chance studying crises and transitions. It discusses what different types of government establishment are. Is any regularity in them when the history of political philosophy is involved? What is the realization of government establishment in three eras of consciousness? The purpose here is to offer government establishment in an unbiased theory, which can move from its state as a negative constituent in the era of information to cover all the area of political thought. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Development of the Concept of Free Will in the View of Modern Philosophers
        Roohollah Karimi
        The concept of free will is one of the fundamental concepts in Western metaphysical tradition. Although there are some important signs regarding the origination of this concept in Greek classical philosophy and Middle Age philosophy, it was just at the beginning of the More
        The concept of free will is one of the fundamental concepts in Western metaphysical tradition. Although there are some important signs regarding the origination of this concept in Greek classical philosophy and Middle Age philosophy, it was just at the beginning of the modern period that the role of free will in the interpretation of the world was more highlighted in the thoughts of each philosopher more than those of the previous one. It seems as if the role of rational knowledge has become gradually less important in this process while the role of free will has become more significant. Inspired by Heidegger, the author has tried to strengthen his standpoint by yielding more proofs than he has offered in order to examine the development of the concept of free will. In doing so, he starts with Descartes and, by investigating the views of Espinoza, Leibniz, Rousseau, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche, aims to analyze the quality of the development of this concept, particularly the relationship between the free will and knowledge in the modern period. The purpose is to show that the significance of free will for Schopenhauer and Nietzsche is not accidental, and the preliminary contexts of such a development had been previously and gradually paved by modern philosophers. The findings of this study indicate that, unlike the previous comments and interpretations, Nietzsche’s “will to power” is not a complement to a Schopenhaurian project but, rather, a complement to German idealism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Breaking the foundation in Shams Tabrizi articles
        mahmoud Khoramabadi AliَََAkbar AfrasiabPour Ali Fatolahi
        This article deals with the analysis of the elements that break the foundation from the point of view of Derrida and the analysis of these elements in the articles of Shams and tries to reconstruct the pluralism of meaning in damaging the metaphysical ideas presented in More
        This article deals with the analysis of the elements that break the foundation from the point of view of Derrida and the analysis of these elements in the articles of Shams and tries to reconstruct the pluralism of meaning in damaging the metaphysical ideas presented in Western philosophy and reach new meanings from the text. Shams Tabrizi's articles have the capacity to achieve countless signs and symbols for multiple meanings with consecutive semantic suspensions. The authors of this article, with descriptive-analytical method based on Derrida's foundation-breaking approach, examine some of these concepts such as the negation of the definition of the unit of truth, the death of the author, the semiotics of post-structuralism, the dominant ideology of the text through the negation of contrasts, values, etc. have done. In Shams's articles, in the field of negation of the definition of the single truth, the truth is not considered an absolute and single thing, but it is placed in the field of interpretive debates and everyone has their own interpretation of it. Contrary to the views of Platonic logos, Shams introduces wisdom and rationalism as completely incomplete in the path of truth and sees it as a veil for the seeker. He does not contrast writing and speech or presence and absence, but beyond these two, he generally considers speech and presence as a veil. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Possibility of Proposing the History of the Excluded in the Thought of Gianni Vattimo
        kamyar safaei Abbas  Manouchehri
        The critique of the progress-based philosophy of history has been one of the most significant themes of the contemporary political philosophy. It has revealed, In the aftermath of the researches that have accomplished in the field of post-colonial studies, that unilinea More
        The critique of the progress-based philosophy of history has been one of the most significant themes of the contemporary political philosophy. It has revealed, In the aftermath of the researches that have accomplished in the field of post-colonial studies, that unilinear history has heavy eurocentric presuppositions that have been at the service of the real history of the suppression of the non-western excluded people. Furthermore the concrete elements of the dissolution of the western progress- based history of philosophy and accordingly the possibility of proposing the history of the excluded such as the decline of the colonialism and the formation of nation-states have been discussed in these researches. In this paper, however, firstly we are trying, on the basis of the Thought of contemporary philosopher Gianni Vattimo, to go beyond the merely concrete discussion about this topic and reveal the ontological impossibility of metaphysical/ universal and progress-based philosophy of history, through demonstrating the relation between progress-based philosophy of history and objectivistic metaphysics. Secondly, on the basis of this point and through the hermeneutic nihilism, we want to present the idea of post-history as the theoretical ground for the possibility of proposing the history of the excluded. Manuscript profile