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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Political Psychoanalysis and Discourse:Traumatic Propositions and Hysterical Subjects in Neo-Reformist’s Discourse (2013-2019)
        Mahsima Sohrabi Mohammad Reza  Tajik Mansour Mirahmadi
        Psycho-analysis has been concentrated on the unconscious dimensions of political subjects. Accordingly, the main political discourse of each society is considered as the “Other” in corresponding with Lacan’s psychoanalysis that is considered as the “Other” which can cre More
        Psycho-analysis has been concentrated on the unconscious dimensions of political subjects. Accordingly, the main political discourse of each society is considered as the “Other” in corresponding with Lacan’s psychoanalysis that is considered as the “Other” which can create hysteric subjects due to traumatic propositions. In the other words, in the case of the existence of any divergence between the metaphorical space of the discourse as the “Other” with the concrete realities of the society, it will lead to the activation of its symptomatic aspect. In fact, such crisis is taken into consideration as the significant security penetration in pluralist societies under the classification of passive defense by virtue of triggering dynamic energy of the mass and their canalization by the external and aggressive counter-discourses. This condition can jeopardize the “National Security” in each society. The current survey by recognizing the prominence of this subject has focused its duty to anatomize and find out the traumatic statements in the Neo-Reformist’s discourse, in the course of 6 years (2013-2019) to scrutinize the reason for the formation of hysteric subjects. To do so, this research has examined the Neo-reformist's discourse based on Lacanian psycho-analysis school and Laclau and Mouffe’s Discourse analysis as its method. The results of this article demonstrated the conspicuous divergence between the metaphorical constellation of the Neo-reformist’s discourse in confrontation with the concrete realities of Iran’s society that terminated in transformation its statements into traumatic ones and hence, creation of hysteric subjects that displayed their protestation towards malfunction of this discourse within different reincarnating movements. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Liberal rationality and the Formation of environmental crises (with emphasis on the Rio+20 document)
        osman hedayat asrin faizi
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific s More
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific subject dates back to the after of World War II, and development theories in this period have emerged in the form of economic development and modernization. This issue is derived from Western modernity and its dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, tends to move toward the unification of humanity based on liberal values and the elimination of diversity in the world by claiming the universality of their values. The basic hypothesis of this study revolves around this idea that with the advent of Western modernity and capitalism and their dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, changes have taken place both in this school and in the developmental discourses that were born and emerged of liberal rationality over development of the environment. Presumably, we have shown that this has been achieved through the self-examination and rethinking of liberalism itself. Using the analysis of Laclau and Mouffe discourse and development theories in the field of environment, ie theories - production treadmill, metabolic theory and degradation treadmill theory - to a reading of sustainable development and its manifestation, the Rio+20 document as a buoyancy sign that in that discourse of liberalism, there is a crisis and a break, we have dealt. The results show that liberalism as a rationality that has sought to formulate environmental, economic and social crises in the dimension of sustainable development, has failed and this has caused the environmental crisis. Manuscript profile