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        1 - Coming on the concept of transitional justice in the field of international law and the role of human and moral dignity in its development
        Seyed Najmuddin  Qureishi Abbasali  Kadkhodaee Mojtaba  Babaei Fatemeh  Sohanian
        The most important issue that occurs after a state change is through a process of disorderly progress towards stability and comprehensive development. Some lawyers in the field of international law have long believed that this is due to the implementation of mechanisms More
        The most important issue that occurs after a state change is through a process of disorderly progress towards stability and comprehensive development. Some lawyers in the field of international law have long believed that this is due to the implementation of mechanisms that are based on human dignity And ethics, and they call it the process of transitional justice. This process is a prerequisite for achieving lasting peace, providing justice and human dignity in countries that have witnessed massive crimes against humanity. But in terms of the concept of transitional justice and its implementation methods, due to the newness of this concept and the variety and sometimes the mechanism of conflict, there is no consensus among the experts in this field. The difference in view in many cases has led to a different implementation of the transitional justice process. In this article, various views of this area and its effects on the implementation of transitional justice are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Examining Ethical Ethical Patterns from the Point of View And judicial procedures in the international system
        Seyyed Hossein  Mousavi Seyyed Baqer  Mir Abbasi Mahmoud  Bagheri
        International law, which in the beginning looked at the relations between countries, today has paid attention to the dimensions of a wide range of human beings. Today, the deterioration of environmental crises is to a large extent endangered human life and other creatur More
        International law, which in the beginning looked at the relations between countries, today has paid attention to the dimensions of a wide range of human beings. Today, the deterioration of environmental crises is to a large extent endangered human life and other creatures on the planet. For this reason, the theoretical foundations determining human interaction with nature, including ethics, are of interest to environmentalists. The explanation of the ethical theory of the environment from the perspective of judgments and judicial procedures in the international system, from the requirements of conservation and exploitation From the global environment. The common environmental ethics are based on a range of intrinsic value foundations that are human-centered and ecosystem-based, but in recent years, the proper interaction of man with the natural environment and the solution to the environmental crises of the world in the return Search for the basics of judicial procedures in the international system. In this article, we try to elucidate environmental ethical considerations in relation to the two fundamental questions of ethics about the "global environment" and "international judicial procedures" and to show why explanation of environmental ethics based on the view of the legal system Internationally, there is a more comprehensive view of environmental protection. Hence, "In recent years, ethical factors in international environmental law have been considered as part of the international community's public order. And has also become increasingly prominent in the work of the International Court of Justice. "This issue was of particular importance in terms of accessing the healthy environment as a human right. Also, issues related to ethics in the environment, commitments and responsibilities of countries, environmental perception as common property, and so on, caused countries, as the main determinants of international law, to take effective steps with the cooperation of other actors in international affairs To regulate the behavior of countries and other international actors in the field of the environment. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparative Study of UNSC’s Performance vis-à-vis Developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain (2011-12) from Viewpoint of International Law
        رضا  موسی‌زاده رضا  رنجبر
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’ More
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’s dictatorship and soon spread to other countries like Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. In Egypt, Libya and Yemen, they overthrew dictators in those countries. In other countries like Bahrain and Syria, the conflicts are still going on. This phenomenon can be viewed from various political, social and legal aspects. The present research aims to study measures taken by the United Nations Security Council vis-à-vis developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain from a legal standpoint. The researchers believe that the Security Council has adopted double standards in its treatment of those countries in line with the interests of big powers. This issue will become clearer through comparative study of the world body’s performance with regard to developments in those countries. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The position of legal rules in international environmental law
        mahnaz farajpoor
        The increasing growth of environmental pollution and destruction and the formation of successive environmental crises caused governments to seriously think of a solution almost four decades ago, based on this, international environmental law as one of the branches of in More
        The increasing growth of environmental pollution and destruction and the formation of successive environmental crises caused governments to seriously think of a solution almost four decades ago, based on this, international environmental law as one of the branches of international law. Public was formed by the international community through the establishment and implementation of binding and non-binding legal rules and in recent decades it has developed in terms of content, form and structure considering that the importance and fundamental role of the environment in human life and development is undeniable. Therefore, the basis of the global decision to protect the environment became concrete with the formation of the first United Nations World Conference on Man and the Environment named "Stockholm Convention" in Sweden in 1972, so that the human right to enjoy a healthy environment is equal to Human rights were recognized. Based on this, in the present study, we intend to answer this basic question by using the analytical descriptive method with the help of library tools, what is the position of legal rules and especially customs in international environmental law? The research hypothesis states that customs had an important impact on the formation of rules and agreements resulting from international environmental law. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Economic Analysis Of The Government's Economic Sovereignty In International Law
        Arash Malki Seyyedeh Maryam Asadinejad
        Sovereignty is the legal authority of the government in international relations, and one of the forms of governance of governments is economic sovereignty. The economic sovereignty of the government has been defined as the supreme authority of the government in the econ More
        Sovereignty is the legal authority of the government in international relations, and one of the forms of governance of governments is economic sovereignty. The economic sovereignty of the government has been defined as the supreme authority of the government in the economic will in the international arena. Among the sources of international law, five international documents have tried to explain the negative and positive aspects of the government's economic sovereignty in the international field. In order to measure the efficiency of the economic governance model, this article has undertaken the economic analysis of the government's economic governance in the international arena and has made five key economic theories the basis of the economic analysis of the government's economic governance. According to the analysis, the Keynesian economic theory guarantees the economic efficiency of the government more than other theories in accordance with the current situation of the international community due to its economic realism and order-oriented approach in implementing the government's decisions. It is worth mentioning that the characteristic of realism cannot be completely considered as a desirable model due to the neglect of human rights considerations, and governments are obliged to take such considerations into account in the implementation of economic governance. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Investigating weapons of mass destruction with a focus on moral values in jurisprudence and international law
        Mohsen Reza  Mosaddegh khah Morteza  Barati Hasan Soleimani
        Along the roaring waves of the development of contemporary modern technology, we witness the emergence of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc., with a special index of destructive power and inseparability in the targets. And, amo More
        Along the roaring waves of the development of contemporary modern technology, we witness the emergence of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc., with a special index of destructive power and inseparability in the targets. And, among the secondary headings that will change the verdict is the rule of necessity, the prohibition of prohibitions, with its occurrence, the obligation is removed from the duty of the obligee, and the result of that is the permission to commit a forbidden act. Among other secondary headings is the rule of countering with like in legitimate defense. According to the results of the research, the use of weapons of mass destruction under secondary headings is also not allowed. However, in the sources of international law, such as the NPT, the United Nations Charter, and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, there was no clear reason to prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country was allowed. Therefore, based on the arguments of Arbaah and the general provisions of international law treaties and for the purpose of legitimate defense and neutralization of modern weapons of war, with research and development and the acquisition of modern technology in order to create a suitable platform for the prevention of treatment, preservation and protection from the Islamic government, ensuring national security, human dignity, for example "Wa'adolham Mastatetam Potential" has taken action so that the Islamic homeland is mastered and equipped with modern weapons of war and relevant antidotes in special circumstances, especially in the form of legitimate and obligatory defense. Also, what can be inferred from Islamic ethics is that based on the teachings of Islam, from the Holy Book to the traditions, there are documents in the field of weapons of mass destruction, all of which emphasize the prohibition of the use of weapons of mass destruction and the use of such weapons in any The face is inhuman and immoral. Manuscript profile