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        1 - Image and its Position in Iranian Portrait Painting
        جواد  عليمحمدي اردكاني مصطفی  گودرزی محسن  مراثی
        This article is an investigation into the position, importance, and effect of image on Iranian portrait painting. It is an intertextual analysis of Persian poetry and painting, focusing the elements of mysticism in both. The discussion is documented offering paintings More
        This article is an investigation into the position, importance, and effect of image on Iranian portrait painting. It is an intertextual analysis of Persian poetry and painting, focusing the elements of mysticism in both. The discussion is documented offering paintings from different Persian painting schools so that it can better show how this field of art has always used the element of image and mystical understanding to convey a figurative universe. The article, first, introduces image and its position in Iranian painting, then contrasts the figurative elements in both Persian poetry and portrait painting, and finally concludes that Persian painting, using institutionalized signs and symbols in poetry has created its own figurative and ideal human. This feature can be found in Persian painting up to the first half of Qajar reign in the 13th century A. H.. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Relationship between Symbolism and Utopian Thought in Nima’s Poetry
        A m
        Nima’s especial understanding of poetry and the poets’ status has a normative signification that results in depicting a kind of utopian vision in his poems. Stressing “imagination” in poetry, Nima like European symbolists, makes closeness and sameness between poetry an More
        Nima’s especial understanding of poetry and the poets’ status has a normative signification that results in depicting a kind of utopian vision in his poems. Stressing “imagination” in poetry, Nima like European symbolists, makes closeness and sameness between poetry and truth, and then between the position of poet as poet and seer or clairvoyant. Such a closeness resulting in rejection of the present disorder, and offering an ideal world, is in line with the concept of ideology in political thought. In this way, Nima’s specific understanding of poetry gives way to a utopian thought that is known as the most obvious manifestation of social thought in his poetry. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Evolution in Concept of Sovereignty in Political and International Approaches
        شهروز  ابراهيمي
        It seems that all the changes and evolutions in the concept of sovereignty have been occurred in theoretical framework, then in sphere of international relations and international laws and other forms of international affairs. National sovereignty and the concept of “na More
        It seems that all the changes and evolutions in the concept of sovereignty have been occurred in theoretical framework, then in sphere of international relations and international laws and other forms of international affairs. National sovereignty and the concept of “nation- state” came to essence as a normative and legal principle after Westphalian Treaty (1648); but this normative and legal principle has never been absolute. So in the 18th and 19th centuries, and in the course of different approaches, it evolved completely and its normative aspect has been declined. The paper attends to four major controversial trends in political and international sphere, which are: a) contrast between communitarianism and universalism, which emerged from the European enlightenment in 18th and 19th centuries; b) contrast between realism and idealism, which came out after the establishing the discipline of international relations and had lasted till to 1970; c) contrast between neo-realism and liberalism, from 1970 to 1990; and d) contrast between realism and neo-realism in one side and critical post-cold war theories. The main discrepancy of these trends is on extent and limits of the state sovereignty. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Ideal political Society in Sheikh Mohammed Ismail Mahallati' Political Thought
        mohamad ali tavana Mahmoud Alipour
        It seems that every political thought in itself, contains an ideal political society. This ideal society can be apparent, such as Farabi' utopia or the hidden and latent, Such as Sohrevardi' ideal society. Theorizing About political ideal is result of social and politic More
        It seems that every political thought in itself, contains an ideal political society. This ideal society can be apparent, such as Farabi' utopia or the hidden and latent, Such as Sohrevardi' ideal society. Theorizing About political ideal is result of social and political crisis. One of the most turbulent periods in the history of Iran is Qajar era, which is faced with different crisis such as absolute power and colonialism. This crisis led to contemplate the many thinkers and each according self- effort to have a response to this crisis. One of the thinkers is Sheikh Mohammed Ismail Mahallati that his political thought is less considered. It seems that he answers to this crisis and his political ideal is different from other thinkers in this era. Accordingly, the central question of this paper is that: What is the Mahallati specific reply to crisis of constitutionalism era? And how is his ideal political society? What are its features? And Finally, What relationship exists between justice and public interest in his ideal society. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Discourse Analysis of Iran and Iraq War
        Heidar Shahriari
        Islamic revolution that provided a new discourse in Iran socio-political area carrying a new discourse in foreign policy too that it contained concepts like against-arrogance (Istekbarsetizi), Jihad, poor government and … . but it did not take long from beginning that I More
        Islamic revolution that provided a new discourse in Iran socio-political area carrying a new discourse in foreign policy too that it contained concepts like against-arrogance (Istekbarsetizi), Jihad, poor government and … . but it did not take long from beginning that Iran encountered a destructive war from Iraq’s Baath’s regime that analyzing, explaining and interpreting it in different theories and approaches, can indicates its different aspects. In line with it, the main question is that what is the reason of occurring Iran-Iraq war? The forward hypothesis is that the area and context of conflict among Islamism discourse in Iran’s foreign policy and geopolitics discourse in Iraq’s foreign policy, on the one hand, and the conception and interpreting of Iraq’s commanders about Islamism discourse and its existing situation, on the other hand, caused the occurrence. The findings of this essay that is in form of library and documental method indicate that antagonism of Iraq’s geopolitics discourse (with revolution exportation contrast, Pan-Arabism and security signifiers) toward Islamism discourse of Islamic revolution (with revolution exportation, fighting against arrogance and national interestssignifiers) is clearly observable and what made Iraq as the war beginner, was Iraq’s officials conception aboutIran’s political instability situations at that time and the opposite discourse conflict with Iraq’s discourse. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The conceptual model of realism Emphasizing the political thought and behavior of Imam Ali
        Abbasali Rahbar Mahmoud  Shariati
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam More
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam, is, as a concept, effective in creating legitimacy, participation, and advancement in the political system that can be planed, understood and labeled. In the framework, the process of conceptualizing realism by relying on rationality in two levels of thought, with emphasis on concepts such as human dignity, the right to choose people, the implementation of justice and the necessity of the state; and at the level of behavior with an emphasis on the political action of the Imam in determining the caliph, Adoption of arbitration and coexistence with religions will be formulated. This paper tries to achieve two important goals by applying Skinner's interpretation theory: On the other hand, the concept of realism can be understood in the thoughts and behavior of Imam Ali and, on the other hand, the effectiveness of realism in the balance of the part and the coherence of social forces are measured. Obviously, achieving these goals involves the implementation of a range of concepts and subjects. As a result, it is important to understand the framework of the discussion of the plan. 1) Attachment of Realism to Rationality 2) Relevance of Realism with Ideal 3) Conceptualization of Realism 4) Positioning of the environmental conditions and social contexts of the target. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Place of the Prophet in Ibn Sina’s Ideal City
        Mohammad Akvan Fatemeh  Mohammad
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and re More
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and revelation and tradition represent the law. Since, before him, Farabi has discussed politics extensively in his al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah (Civil Politics), Ibn Sina does not see any need to provide more explanations in this regard and deals with this field in short without presenting the details. However, he has discussed the quality of choosing a leader and devising laws for his utopia extensively. In fact, he has completed the same prophetic politics that Farabi had initiated previously. The present paper briefly deals with Ibn Sina’s political system in order to clarify the place of the prophet in the hierarchy of his utopia. In this way, the quality of establishing a utopia based on the “definitive text” as the best method of electing a ruler is clearly illustrated. Moreover, the authors demonstrate how the nature of Ibn Sina’s view of the caliphate and the Prophet’s successor bring him closer to the Imamiyyah political philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Role of the Ideal Level of the Soul in Establishing the Soul-Body Relation in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy
        Mohammad Miri
        Unlike his preceding philosophers, Mulla Sadra believes that the distance between the rational soul and the corporeal body is too big to be filled merely with the steam-like soul. In addition to the steam-like soul, he considers the existence of Ideal existence as a lin More
        Unlike his preceding philosophers, Mulla Sadra believes that the distance between the rational soul and the corporeal body is too big to be filled merely with the steam-like soul. In addition to the steam-like soul, he considers the existence of Ideal existence as a link between the rational and corporeal levels to be necessary. Mulla Sadra’s graded view of human existence led him, firstly, to introduce Man as having three supreme (rational), low (material), and mid (Ideal) levels. Secondly, he maintained that Man’s Ideal and imaginal level is the link connecting the two higher and lower levels. In order to explain the place of Ideal level in human existence, he resorts to the principle of the “conformity between the macrocosm and microcosm” and considers the two rational and Ideal levels in the human microcosm to be similar to the Heaven and Throne in the macrocosm. As acknowledged by Mulla Sadra himself, he is greatly influenced by gnostics regarding the discussion of Man’s Ideal level. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A Comparative Analysis of the Views of Farabi and Ibn Arabi concerning the Place of Ethics and Gnosis in their Utopia
        Fereshteh  Nadry Abyaneh
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive f More
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive feature, and the purpose behind its establishment based on the fundamental concepts of perfection, justice, and ultimate happiness. They also demonstrate that these concepts are realized in their most sublime form in the Mahdawi Medina. From among the other problems discussed in this research, we can refer to the emphasis on the place of the intellect and knowledge in this regard as well as the instances of non-utopian cities in the eyes of these two thinkers. A comparative analysis of the ideas of Farabi and Ibn Arabi indicates that, in spite of their similar views concerning the main pillars of utopia, the basic principles of their gnostic and philosophical ideas and thoughts in this respect are different. From among these differences we can refer to the place of the problem of utopia, the foundations of the development of this idea, the language used to present it, determining its referent and expressing the level of its transcendence, and the quality of believing in the necessity of the objective realization of utopia. Manuscript profile
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        10 - A Comparative Study of Ibn Sina’s and Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Principles of Intermediary Development Based on Religious Texts
        Seyyed Sadra al-Din  Taheri امينه  احمدي
        In religious sources, based on the logic of revelation, the development of the soul in the intermediate world is certain and impeccable. However, the quality of intermediary development and its probable inconsistency certain philosophical principles, such as the necessi More
        In religious sources, based on the logic of revelation, the development of the soul in the intermediate world is certain and impeccable. However, the quality of intermediary development and its probable inconsistency certain philosophical principles, such as the necessity for any kind of development to be preceded by potency and motion and allocating them to matter, makes it necessary for this kind of development to be only possible based on religious (Shar‘i) principles. In other words, philosophers might not be able to demonstrate the possibility of the souls’ intermediary development on the basis of rational principles. In this paper, the writers initially examine the traditional proofs for intermediary development based on religious texts and then investigate it in the light of the fundamental principles proposed by two prominent Islamic philosophers, Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra. After a comparative study of their views, the writers conclude that intermediary development is impossible based on both philosophers’ principles regarding motion. However, they also argue that, given Mulla Sadra’s view of the Ideal immateriality of the soul and his belief in the Ideal Otherworldly body, there is a more appropriate, but not sufficient, context for the posthumous development of the body. Manuscript profile
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        11 - A Critical Study of the Differences Between Elemental and Ideal Bodies in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Hosain  Karimi
        One of the classifications of the reality of the body in philosophical sources and works divides it into Ideal and elemental types. There is no conflict among contemporary philosophers regarding the essence of this division itself; however, they have referred to some di More
        One of the classifications of the reality of the body in philosophical sources and works divides it into Ideal and elemental types. There is no conflict among contemporary philosophers regarding the essence of this division itself; however, they have referred to some differences between elemental and Ideal bodies, some of which are based on the principles related to the discussion of material and immaterial entities. Philosophers have provided different definitions for the material and immaterial. One of the important problems in the discussion of the differences between elemental and Ideal bodies is the problem of the existence of potency. Nevertheless, some other differences between them have been mentioned that cannot be completely based on the discussion of material and immaterial entities. Mullā Ṣadrā has extensively dealt with this philosophical problem in his works and referred to 15 differences between these two realities. The study of these differences can provide a better understanding of the reality of elemental and Ideal bodies. The present study indicates that some of these differences are correct; some are incorrect, and some others demand further explanation. Manuscript profile
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        12 - (Proposing a Rapid Plant Assessment Hybrid method using Data Envelopment Analysis for Municipalities Performance Evaluation (Case Study: Isfahan Municipality
        Rouzbeh Ghousi ali naddafpour
        Municipal is a public institution that independent, non-governmental, to the nature of the state and local performance that has the duty of the city and serve the citizens and tourists to be responsible, and as one of the principles of management, use of local resources More
        Municipal is a public institution that independent, non-governmental, to the nature of the state and local performance that has the duty of the city and serve the citizens and tourists to be responsible, and as one of the principles of management, use of local resources to its task-focused. Effective accountability and improve the efficient activities of a variety of municipal needs assessment. Evaluating the performance of the corporate sector is usually synonymous with the effectiveness of activities. One of the methods used to assess is fast evaluate. And other quantitative performance Assessment methods, data is envelopment analysis that relative to assessment of performance pay. Given the importance of evaluating the performance of municipalities, this study provides a combination of performance assessment using data envelopment analysis and rapid assessment are discussed. For this purpose, in the first chapter the words of the issue has been discussed and explained the objectives and research questions. In the second chapter the research literature and research methods described in Chapter III. In the fourth chapter the index has been developed for the rapid assessment to evaluate areas of the municipality. And by providing rapid assessment of tick box of municipalities was discussed. Which formed DEA model to evaluate the relative performance of municipalities and the number of performance in each region were determined. Then by sensitivity analysis on the model input data envelopment analysis to prioritize rapid assessment indicators, and then use the same method to determine the priority region of the municipality was the ideal option. After the above steps, in the rapid assessment survey regions 6, 11 and 12, respectively ranked first and the third & in evaluating the performance of the municipal regions of the DEA BCC using the input, the number of functional regions, including six regions units 4, 5, 8, 13, 14 and 15 were identified and in combination with problem solving method returns to scale the number of functional regions, including four units, the regions 4, 5, 8, 13, 14 and 15 were determined. After sensitivity analysis of the input variables in BCC, The effect of varying complexity and diversity management practices and continuous improvement and effective management also vary in SBM 's been more than others. The results of the rapid assessment approach by prioritizing organizational units similar to the ideal option indicated that the municipal zone 11 has a minimum distance with the ideal option and has earned first place and then in the region 6 won the second prize. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Optimization of Knowledge Exchange in Industrial Cluster by Goal Programming Case Study: Golestan Animal Feed Industrial Cluster
        Hamidreza Dezfoolian Parvaneh Samouei
        Knowledge as a strategic resource in organizations is a major and effective factor in creating and sustaining competitive advantage. In industrial clusters, which include a set of organizations with similar field of activities, there is a joint effort among members to s More
        Knowledge as a strategic resource in organizations is a major and effective factor in creating and sustaining competitive advantage. In industrial clusters, which include a set of organizations with similar field of activities, there is a joint effort among members to save resources and enhance their competitive ability. One of these joint activities is the exchange of knowledge among the members, which reduces the cost of knowledge acquisition, increasing collaboration between companies, the ability to innovate and strengthen their competitive ability. In this paper, a goal programming model for the process of knowledge exchange in industrial clusters has been presented based on the data of industrial cluster of animal feed, poultry and aquaculture in Golestan and its results have been analyzed. Achieving the ideal degree of knowledge in the cluster and the amount of budget assigned are considered as two model ideals. In this model, for the process of knowledge exchange, there are two types of presence and non-attendance methods that have significant differences in terms of cost and duration of the transfer. Analyzing the model parameters and examining the results shows that the use of both face-to-face and non- attendance methods for the exchange of knowledge enables companies to flexibly participate in the process according to their working conditions and resources. It also provides better understanding to cluster managers in order to be able to make better decisions and planning in order to achieve greater returns from the knowledge transfer process, based on existing resources and goals. Manuscript profile
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        14 - A Critical Evaluation of Descartes’ Theory of Animal Mind Based on Sadrian Philosophy
        Armin Mansouri Habibullah Danesh Shahraki zahra khazaie
        Immaterial spiritual life for animals and their possession of mental capabilities have always been a controversial topic for debate among philosophers. The existence of certain similarities between animals and human beings, irrespective of all their differences, has mad More
        Immaterial spiritual life for animals and their possession of mental capabilities have always been a controversial topic for debate among philosophers. The existence of certain similarities between animals and human beings, irrespective of all their differences, has made it difficult to provide an accurate explanation of the quality of animal life. Given his belief in the existence of two corporeal and immaterial intellectual substances for human beings, Descartes negates the existence of thought and intellection in animals for three reasons: lack of language, lack of creativity, and lack of awareness in animals. In other words, he only accepts the existence of corporeal life for animals and, thus, views animals as complex machines that lack mental life. This idea of Descartes is known as the “animal machine” notion. However, Mullā Ṣadrā analyzes animals in relation to the three material, Ideal, and intellectual levels of the world. Accordingly, he believes in the ideal immateriality of animal souls and explains mindfulness at the animal level based on this belief. Descartes’ animal machine hypothesis and the related three reasons are rejected based on the Ideal immateriality that Mullā Ṣadrā proves for animal souls. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Comparison of the Ideal and Actual Affective States of Opiate-Dependent Addicts and Non-Addicts and Their Relationship to Personality Characteristics
        S. Said  Pournaghash Tehrani
        Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the ideal and actual affective states of opiate-dependent addicts and non-addict group and their relationship to personality characteristics. The retrospective research method was used in the present study .The statistic More
        Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the ideal and actual affective states of opiate-dependent addicts and non-addict group and their relationship to personality characteristics. The retrospective research method was used in the present study .The statistical population consisted of all opiate-dependent individuals who themselves had referred to rehabilitation centers in Tehran in 2012. A sample of 30 opiate-dependents was chosen. Also, 30 non-addicts were selected by convenience sampling who were matched on age. The two groups filled out Affect Valuation Index (AVI) and Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Analyzing the data showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups in all subscales of the AVI (ideal) except for the subscale of HA. Also, significant differences were observed between the two groups in the subscales of P, LA, and N of actual AVI. Furthermore, there were significant differences in the NS, RD, and SD subscales of TCI. Regarding the differences between the addict and non-addict groups, significant differences existed in all subscales of actual AVI and ideal AVI except for the LAN and HAN subscales. In short, in terms of ideal and actual affective states and personality characteristics, there were differences between opiate-dependent individuals and non-addict groups. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Trans-Substantial Motion of the Soul and its Consequences in the Sadrian Study of the Soul
        Rouhollah  Souri Hamed  Komijani
        The soul goes through elemental, natural, mineral, vegetative, animal (Ideal immateriality), and rational (intellectual immateriality) stages in the cradle of its fluid existence. Therefore, the soul’s belonging to the body is a part of its identity and, thus, it can be More
        The soul goes through elemental, natural, mineral, vegetative, animal (Ideal immateriality), and rational (intellectual immateriality) stages in the cradle of its fluid existence. Therefore, the soul’s belonging to the body is a part of its identity and, thus, it can be said that the soul is a material-immaterial substance. Given the existential fluidity of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā has reinterpreted its various characteristics. Accordingly, the soul’s faculties are levels of its continuous truth that flourish one after each other. Moreover, natural death is the result of the soul’s ontological gradedness and losing interest in elemental body. At some stages of this ontological becoming, the soul attains immateriality and, hence, its survival after death become necessary. Because gradedness and, as a result, attaining immateriality are essential to the soul, its incarnation and return to elemental body is unjustifiable. Therefore, after death, the soul begins its purgatorial life in an Ideal body that is created based on its moral habits, and the natural form that is created in the matter of elemental body opens the path towards purgatorial perfection before it. One of the most important consequences of the soul’s trans-substantial motion is its entrance into divine worlds and annihilation in active, attributive, and essential oneness. Interestingly enough, based on the trans-substantial motion, this significant achievement is possible at the moment of the soul’s belonging to elemental body and is not necessarily limited to the moment of occurrence of natural death. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Interpretation Of Article 540 Of The Civil Code Emphasizing The Principle Of Good Faith (A Comparative Study In The Laws Of Islamic Countries, Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law)
        Farshid Khosravi Mohammad  Kohani
        The agricultural contract is one of the continuous and temporary contracts, therefore, for its validity, it is necessary to determine its duration, sometimes, despite the determination of the duration, as a result of the occurrence of force majeure, the crop may not rea More
        The agricultural contract is one of the continuous and temporary contracts, therefore, for its validity, it is necessary to determine its duration, sometimes, despite the determination of the duration, as a result of the occurrence of force majeure, the crop may not reach and be harvested within the specified period, regarding this legislative situation. Article 540 of the Civil Code states: "If the farm contract expires and the crop has not yet been planted, the farmer has the right to remove the crop or to maintain it by charging a reasonable fee." Regarding the ruling of this article, there are many differences of opinion among jurists and jurists. In the present research, an attempt has been made to provide an interpretation based on the principle of good faith while reviewing and criticizing the ideas presented in this case. Also, the legal solution of other countries such as Egypt and Qatar has been briefly examined. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The effect of tourists’ self-concept on satisfaction and their intention to recommend the tourist destination )Case study: Mashhad, Chalidarreh Dam(
        Individual self-concept explains and predicts different facets of consumer behavior. This study examined the effects of tourist self-concept on their intention to recommend destination, travel satisfaction and travel experience. The population of this study includes all More
        Individual self-concept explains and predicts different facets of consumer behavior. This study examined the effects of tourist self-concept on their intention to recommend destination, travel satisfaction and travel experience. The population of this study includes all tourists who were visiting Chalidarreh dam, among them 308 was selected randomly as the research sample. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire and were analyzed by structural equation modeling and LISREL software. The results show, the perception of travel experience, facilitates the relationship between ideal self-concept and travel satisfaction of tourists. Also the travel satisfaction, facilitates the relationship between perceived experience of travel and the intention to recommend tourist destination. The results of this study can improve the perception of managers which will provide a better understanding of tourist behavior and policy making in the field of tourism marketing. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Assessing the Elasticity of Health Tourism Demand from Middle Eastern Countries
        hamid  asayesh mahdi kamali hadi rahmani fazli
        Comprising medical and health (prevention) types of tourism, health tourism is of great importance for Iran, considering the country’s potential medical capabilities (the presence of qualified practicing physicians and extensive medical and treatment facilities) and app More
        Comprising medical and health (prevention) types of tourism, health tourism is of great importance for Iran, considering the country’s potential medical capabilities (the presence of qualified practicing physicians and extensive medical and treatment facilities) and appropriate natural health resources (such as hot springs, salt domes, salt lakes, and Mud therapy facilities). Moreover, the capacity of health tourism in terms of foreign exchange earnings is more than three times than that of ordinary international tourism. However, despite its great capacities, Iran has a modest share of the health tourism market, the increase in which requires the assessment of the elasticity of health tourism demand from the Middle East in terms of the relevant effective factors. Therefore, this study sought to find answers to the following basic questions: 1- What are the factors affecting the demand for health tourism? 2- What is the elasticity of the demand for health tourism in terms of such factors? To this end, this study assessed the demand for health tourism using the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) and the simultaneous equation Model. Moreover, a questionnaire was administered to 182 tourists coming from the Persian Gulf countries to express their opinion regarding health tourism and estimate the elasticity of health tourism demands in terms of relevant effective factors. The results of the AIDS estimations revealed that the price elasticity of health tourism demand was greater than one, while the price elasticity of other products and accommodation services was less than one. Moreover, it was found that the elasticity of health tourists' demand from Iran belonged to significant variables such as the tourist’s income level, visa validity, expenses, exchange rate variations, and the inflation rate. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Role of Religious Beliefs of Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī in his Association with and Dissociation from the Ismā‘īlīs
        Seyyed Mohsen  Hosseini Einullah  Khademi Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini Mohammad Vahid Samimi
        A collection of factors underlay Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī’s association with and dissociation from the Ismā‘īlī sect. This paper aims to disclose the role of his religious beliefs in his interactions with this religious sect. Ṭūsī’s education was completed in an atmosp More
        A collection of factors underlay Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī’s association with and dissociation from the Ismā‘īlī sect. This paper aims to disclose the role of his religious beliefs in his interactions with this religious sect. Ṭūsī’s education was completed in an atmosphere of Twelver Shi‘ite philosophy, but in his youth he was also disenchanted with the existing imitative beliefs and dogmatic emphasis on extrinsic features of Sharī‘ah. This led him to develop an interest in some Ismā‘īlī teachings such as their attention to the esoteric meaning of religious texts and join this sect in response to their invitation. Of course, the undesirable conditions in the political-religious geography of the east of the Islamic world had also limited Ṭūsī’s choices. Nevertheless, based on some historical reports of the time of his relationship with the Ismā‘īlīs and some of his works that had been written in conformity with Ismā‘īlī ideas, it can be said that he had some ideological disagreements with them after joining the sect. His reaction after his separation from the Ismā‘īlīs, whom he has introduced as atheists and non-Muslims in his Kalāmī books, demonstrate his ideological conflicts with this sect. In fact, Ṭūsī joined the Ismā‘īlīs in his youth because of his religious ideas and, later, separated from them for the same reason. He revealed his ideological opposition to them in his Kalāmī written works. Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Analysis of the Ascension of the Holy Prophet (ṣ) of Islam Based on the Philosophical Principles of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā
        Maryam Samadieh Abdulrazzaq  Hessamifar
        In the view of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā, the Prophet’s ascension was an indisputable truth, and those who deny it are among unbelievers and deviators from the right path. Ibn Sīnā believes that the Prophet’s ascension was not corporeal because the body cannot traverse a More
        In the view of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā, the Prophet’s ascension was an indisputable truth, and those who deny it are among unbelievers and deviators from the right path. Ibn Sīnā believes that the Prophet’s ascension was not corporeal because the body cannot traverse a very long distance in a moment. Thus, it was intellectual and spiritual. In other words, as the route of the Prophet’s ascension passed through immaterial worlds, one cannot consider this journey a corporeal one. However, Mullā Ṣadrā explicitly speaks of the corporeal quality of the Prophet’s presence in ascension. He believes in the corporeal presence of the Prophet (ṣ) in his heavenly journey as well as the corporeal nature of what happened to him in the night of ascension. Nevertheless, their corporeality is in proportion to the worlds in which the Prophet (ṣ) travelled. Mullā Ṣadrā considers three types of body for human beings: rational, Ideal, and elemental. He maintains that earthly journey is of the elemental type, and heavenly journey is of the Ideal and rational types. He also believes that the Prophet (ṣ) wore the corporeal attire in conformity with the worlds to and through which he travelled. This paper investigates and analyzes the quality of the Prophet’s presence in the night of ascension and the otherworldly things that happened to him during that night following a descriptive-analytic approach and based on the views of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Effects of Ideal Immateriality in Islamic Philosophy
        Shahabbodin  Vahidi Mehrjardy Ehsan  Kordi Ardakani Vahid  Gerami
        A significant problem in Islamic philosophy is investigating the various dimensions and aspects of immateriality in the view of philosophers. One of the most important problems in the discussion of immateriality is the acceptance or rejection of Ideal immateriality, whi More
        A significant problem in Islamic philosophy is investigating the various dimensions and aspects of immateriality in the view of philosophers. One of the most important problems in the discussion of immateriality is the acceptance or rejection of Ideal immateriality, which has been one of the major concerns of Islamic philosophers in the course of history. Among them, Peripatetic philosophers accepted the world of intellects and rational immateriality by denying the Ideal world and Ideal immateriality and considered the faculty of imagination to be material. However, Suhrawardī and Mullā Ṣadrā tried to demonstrate the Ideal world based on their own philosophical principles. Suhrawardī believed in the disjunctive Ideal world, while Mullā Ṣadrā believed in the connected Ideal world and the immateriality of the faculty of imagination in addition to the disconnected Ideal world. The present study aims to examine the effects of Ideal immateriality in Islamic philosophy and its role in resolving philosophical intricate problems. Here, the authors have investigated eleven effects of Ideal immateriality in different philosophical fields including the resurrection of incomplete and average souls; lack of the need to study the spheres and accepting reincarnation in the discussion of resurrection; demonstration of corporeal resurrection; a correct and rational interpretation of vanity of sin, immateriality of animals’ souls and their resurrection; subsistence of particular perceptions after death; the link between the world of intellects and the material world; an accurate interpretation of the Holy Prophet’s dreams, unveilings, and ascent; a correct interpretation of the state of death, purgatory, and the hereafter; the interpretation of jinn in Illuminationist philosophy, and the subsistence of issuing forms for the soul. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        23 - Comparing and analyzing the world view of constitutional poets based on their social class
        fahime asadi
        Society plays a role in the creation of artistic and literary works, and sociological studies of literature have different methods. Lucien Goldman, the owner of the theory of developmental structuralism, believes that the social class of the creator of the work affects More
        Society plays a role in the creation of artistic and literary works, and sociological studies of literature have different methods. Lucien Goldman, the owner of the theory of developmental structuralism, believes that the social class of the creator of the work affects his worldview and the worldview determines the structure of the work. In the upcoming research, the worldview of Bahar, Iraj Mirza, Aref Qazvini and Farrokhi Yazdi has been analyzed on this basis and based on the relationship between the worldview of these poets and the construction and application of the structural unit; That is, the compound addition to which the word fist is added, has been analyzed.The Fist of Time, the Strong Fist of Iran, the Hammer-like Fist, the Fist of Knowledge, the Fist of Jamaat and the Fist of Gold are the combinations thar are made by these poets. Every poet considers the fist (literally, power) to belong to something that is important in his worldview; The worldview of the poet who created "Fist of Times" is not the same as the worldview of the poet who created "Fist of Knowledge".Aref Qazvini has great ideals for Iran and the nation, and he considers natural sciences and national sovereignty to be the way to achieve them. Iraj Mirza is a prosperous prince and his ultimate will is to preserve the existing structure, so he is without ideals and knows the power of the economy and uses the golden fist. Although Farrokhi Yazdi is trying to take the side of new elements, his worldview remains an eclectic of traditional and new elements, and most of the socialist attractions are present in his worldview, and this is how he makes a hammer-like fist. The discontinuity that appears in different sections is caused by the difference in worldviews of the poets. Manuscript profile