• List of Articles Human Rights

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Comparative Study of Asylum Seeker Children’s Right to Health in Common European Asylum System and Convention on the Rights of the Child
        Reza Mousazadeh AhmadReza Azarpendar
        One of the Asylum seekers children’s essential rights is the right to health, which is interpreted as the highest physical and mental standards. This right may include comprehensive medical and healthcare services, proper food and housing, proper health educations and a More
        One of the Asylum seekers children’s essential rights is the right to health, which is interpreted as the highest physical and mental standards. This right may include comprehensive medical and healthcare services, proper food and housing, proper health educations and also healthy environment. Accordingly, the governments are required in convention on the rights of child to spare their utmost effort to realize this right. At the time being, considering the large number of asylum seekers heading from the West Asian countries towards Europe, the European countries’ commitment to ensuring the asylum seekers children’s right to health is critically important. By comparing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its General Comments with Common European Asylum System, Apparently, despite of the fact that the European Union has been successful in legislating for the asylum seekers children, in some cases, the fulfillment of children’s rights is subordinated to the domestic conditions of members of the EU, that it’s contrary to their obligations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Legal Clinics; Desirable Mechanism for Protection and Substantiation of Children's Rights
        Mahmoud Abbasi Leila Mirbod
        Children's rights are always subject to serious violations, so providing solutions for the substantiation of children's rights must be done in accordance with their highest interests. In addition to the mechanisms of international instruments and domestic law, non-gover More
        Children's rights are always subject to serious violations, so providing solutions for the substantiation of children's rights must be done in accordance with their highest interests. In addition to the mechanisms of international instruments and domestic law, non-governmental organizations can also contribute to the full substantiation of these rights due to their constructive role. in this regard child rights clinics have also been established so that they can take a serious step as a center for training and coordination of measures as well as specialized counseling. Analysis of the structure, objectives and performance of such centers can manifest their coordinating and enlightening role as an undeniable necessity. Examination of the objectives of these clinics shows that education, research, consulting services and executive measures are among their main functions. Of course, these measures also face serious challenges, such as non-allocation of funds, free services, non-participation of children in decisions related to themselves, and so on. However, children's rights clinics can create opportunities to provide scientific and practical solutions through these barriers. In line with the main issue of this study, the findings indicate that what can ensure the effective implementation of children's rights is the real cooperation of the responsible institutions with civil institutions. The present article has been written in a descriptive-analytical method with the study of domestic and international cases. A multidimensional view of the problems in the field of children, creating a new attitude of lawyers and judges to the issue of child victimization and delinquency and applying restorative justice, educating and promoting children's rights to children, parents and educators, creating a culture of entering rules to the community and creating a social attitude to Children's rights, should be at the forefront of child rights clinics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Analyzing the Impact of United Nations Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures on Increasing Respect for Human Rights
        Mehdi   Zakeriyan بهروز  مختاری
        One of the activities of the Human Rights Council has spread by its establishment in 2006, is the use of human rights experts to investigate, analyze and monitor the human rights situation in states. Special procedures, name of mechanisms that former Commission on Human More
        One of the activities of the Human Rights Council has spread by its establishment in 2006, is the use of human rights experts to investigate, analyze and monitor the human rights situation in states. Special procedures, name of mechanisms that former Commission on Human Rights, it has developed and council afford them to the human rights situation in specific countries or territories (Country Mission) or important phenomena of human rights violations worldwide (Mission thematic) monitor. The main argument is that Human Rights Council to take significant steps in the mechanism of "special procedures" in the order of codified human rights, benefit precious experiences in human rights monitoring. With the removal of defects former Commission on Human Rights and also, Updated institutions and its mechanisms, many experts praised the mechanism of special procedures and this tool have been introduced as universal standard and non-infringement and the importance of its efforts; in this present article, we explain the achievements of this mechanism, the Human Rights Council in establishing reporting post will be discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Human Security and Human Rights; Distinctions and Overlapping Areas
        Naser khorshidi sarem shiravand
        The purpose of this article is to study of distinctions and overlapping areas between "Human Security" and "Human Rights". Both concepts put the preserving and promoting "Human Dignity" on the agenda, And for this reason, they cover many of each other's shortcomings. On More
        The purpose of this article is to study of distinctions and overlapping areas between "Human Security" and "Human Rights". Both concepts put the preserving and promoting "Human Dignity" on the agenda, And for this reason, they cover many of each other's shortcomings. On the other hand, there are differences areas between "Human Security" and "Human Rights", especially in the level of analysis, operational aspects, and scope of inclusion. In this regard, the question arises: "How can human rights and human security, despite some differences and distinctions, be able to complement and reinforce each other?"Human rights and human security have the ability to overlap and reinforce each other, because they focus on a single issue, namely "human dignity" and the development of various aspects of human life, including individual, social and international. In order to realizing the Human security strategies (protection and empowerment), Human rights provide the necessary legal framework to support the two principles of "Protection" and "Empowerment". And conversely, human security, with its emphasis on the operational aspects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights, as well as the Securitization of some common human rights concerns, can provide the necessary political support for achieving human rights goals. Findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between human rights and human security. The research method is descriptive-analytical and in some cases a comparative method has been used to prove the hypothesis. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The right to maternity leave as a human right (a comparative approach with an emphasis on Islamic countries): The Wealth of Islam
        Mohamad Setayeshpur malihe abedi moghadam
        One of the important issues is respecting the rights of women and mothers. One of these rights is the right to maternity leave for working mothers, which has been assigned limited laws and regulations in the international human rights system. The following lines have de More
        One of the important issues is respecting the rights of women and mothers. One of these rights is the right to maternity leave for working mothers, which has been assigned limited laws and regulations in the international human rights system. The following lines have decided to study the right to maternity leave for mothers with a comparative study. The results of the research show that although the international community, governments and human rights institutions always emphasize women's rights and call them effective regardless of any discrimination for women, this type of right, whether as a child's right And as mother's right, as it should be, it does not have binding power in the international human rights system. This is despite the fact that the religion of Islam has addressed various dimensions of the mother's right, and in the legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in accordance with Islam, the right to maternity leave has been addressed for mothers. Manuscript profile