• List of Articles Ghazali

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Comparison of Authoritarian Government and the Relationship of People with Government in Ghazali and Hobbes
        mohamad ali tavana farzad azarkamand
        This article studies the basics of forming powerful government and the relationship between people with government in Ghazali and Hobbes thought. Special view of both of the thinkers to nature of human is intellectual foundation of forming authoritative government. Acco More
        This article studies the basics of forming powerful government and the relationship between people with government in Ghazali and Hobbes thought. Special view of both of the thinkers to nature of human is intellectual foundation of forming authoritative government. According to the four human traits, Ghazali tries to educate the divine human that acts passively under divine governance. Since religion and politics don’t separate from each other in Ghazali’s view, so in government, divinity of these traits joins to politics and powerful government. But Hobbes believed that human have power demand and warrior nature in addition, in primary and natural human condition, the war has been going on against each other. And human try to rescue themselves according to their wisdom. So, they established an authoritative government with their foresight. Therefore, the subject of both of them is largely same, but their processing is different. It means that both of these intellectuals lived in restless period, and the necessity of security causes them to resort to authoritative government. On the other hand, both of these intellectuals assign passive roles for people; however, Ghazali’s argumentation method is canonical and Hobbes’s method is rational. Moreover it seems that the rational theory of Hobbes – accepting the possibility of insurgence-paves the way for going beyond the authoritative government, although the canonical theory of Hobbes leads to one type of reproduction of authoritative government. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Ideal City of Ghazali: A Utopia Based on the Reform
        Tayebeh Mohammadi kia
        The article explains Ghazali's solutions about the crises of his time. He designs a utopia based on happiness that is from an esoteric reading of religion. The city is based on a policy of reform and tolerance morality. Ghazali makes his ideal society based on triples o More
        The article explains Ghazali's solutions about the crises of his time. He designs a utopia based on happiness that is from an esoteric reading of religion. The city is based on a policy of reform and tolerance morality. Ghazali makes his ideal society based on triples of religion, ethics and politics. He expresses the goal of creating this society is the achievement of the members of society to the happiness in the hereafter. This goal is seen in the works of Muslim scholars. We can say that happiness in the hereafter is a common goal among Muslim scholars and Ghazali also writes his vision within this tradition. He poses the reform as an effective way to solve the emerging crises in religion, society and politics, and with an emphasis on religious reform, propose an ideal society. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Genealogy of Tafkik school in Ghazali attitude
        the fundamental issue that This study investigated is to explain the relationship between reason and revelation or reason and religion as the two sources of epistemology and ontological reference in two different intellectual school. One of these intellectual schools i More
        the fundamental issue that This study investigated is to explain the relationship between reason and revelation or reason and religion as the two sources of epistemology and ontological reference in two different intellectual school. One of these intellectual schools is the thought of Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali in the fifth century AD, and another one is the irrationalism approaches in Iran-Islamic thinking in the fifteenth century AD. This trend is well-known as Tafkik school. The aim of this study is to explain and analyze the never-ending conflict between intellectual knowledge and religious knowledge in these two schools by using comparative method to achieve proves for its assumptions. The findings reveal that, at first, verbal conflict along with theological approaches, historically, have not formed in the vacuum and in the world of abstraction, but also influenced by the intellectual and non-intellectual trends, political conflicts and sometimes even personal characters and... . Second, this thoughts and opinions was not restricted within the intellectual and theoretical field, and had desirable and undesirable effects, the consequences of these effects cause unfruitful conflicts, settlement or remove of this conflict are far from the obligation and ability of theologians and religious scholars. For example, in this paper we show that, perhaps, irrationality of Ghazali or reason out of followers of Tafkik school provided ground for the emergence of hard ritual that well-known as Salafism in Islamic history Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - An interpretation of the concept of Zandiq and anti-Zandiq in the Abbasid era based on Fabors theory
        Shahnaz   Yazdan Panah Reza   Dehghani Nematullah   Ahmadi Nasab
        Atheism in the Abbasid era had a different meaning and a broader implication than the previous periods. During this period, the term atheist did not refer to a disbeliever in God or a denier of prophethood. Rather, from the perspective of the caliphs and their agents, t More
        Atheism in the Abbasid era had a different meaning and a broader implication than the previous periods. During this period, the term atheist did not refer to a disbeliever in God or a denier of prophethood. Rather, from the perspective of the caliphs and their agents, the atheists and the heretics, were those whose political and religious attitudes and beliefs were in conflict with the religion of Islam. The caliphs considered their suppression necessary and lawful in order to guard the Sharia and preserve the unity of the Islamic Ummah. These heretics were from different social groups with different viewpoints. Atheistic thought manifested in the form of political and social movements and fighting against them was the most important concern of the Caliphs. Although many of them were not religious in nature, but yet, they had cultural and economic aspects. This article seeks to answer the question, why did the Abbasids always try to connect the the various movements and intellectual thoughts with the two pillars of religion and hereticism (Zandiqgari) In this article, Lucien Faber's theory is used to understand the concept of Zandiqgari. In her famous book, Fabor analyzed atheism in the Middle Ages and examined it from a social and political point of view. The purpose of this research is to analyze the approaches of the caliphs and the thinkers of the Abbasid era in the fight against Zindiqism and their relationship with the mindset and the belief structure that governed their society. Causal and library research methods were used for analysis in this artictle. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Human creation from the point of view of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini (RA)
        Mahmood Zaifi Khosrow   Zafar Nawai Seyyed Abdolhossein Tarighi
        Human creation is one of the most essential facts of Islamic mysticism, which is very important from scientific, theoretical, moral and educational points of view. Therefore, knowing and examining different angles of human creation has a special place. Although many res More
        Human creation is one of the most essential facts of Islamic mysticism, which is very important from scientific, theoretical, moral and educational points of view. Therefore, knowing and examining different angles of human creation has a special place. Although many researches have been done on the different views of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Mohammad Ghazali, but their views on existence and anthropology have been less studied, so in this study, an attempt is made to understand the creation of man from the perspective of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini. (RA) to be fully investigated and analyzed. Analytical investigation of the comparison and explanation of the opinions and thoughts of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Muhammad Ghazali about the creation of man and the mystical secrets of this unique divine creation, citing the opinions of two pious mystics. This is a library and basic research. In this thesis, library research is based on description and analysis. The use of various sources such as books, articles and authentic mystical texts is used. The results of the research showed that two thinkers have many similarities regarding the creation of man in their works and the difference between them is only in the expansion of some topics related to the creation of man. Manuscript profile