• List of Articles Fold

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The geometric and kinematic analysis of the Kabir-Kuh and Chenareh anticlines in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt
        فاطمه   زینعلی mohammad hosein goudarzi
        Kabir-Kuh and Chenareh anticlines are located in the Lurestan Province of the Zagros fold-thrust belt. The geometry and kinematic evolution of folds in the Zagros fold-thrust belt are controlled by thrust faults. In this paper, the geometry of the Kabir-Kuh and Chenareh More
        Kabir-Kuh and Chenareh anticlines are located in the Lurestan Province of the Zagros fold-thrust belt. The geometry and kinematic evolution of folds in the Zagros fold-thrust belt are controlled by thrust faults. In this paper, the geometry of the Kabir-Kuh and Chenareh anticlines is investigated in order to analyze their deformation style. To analyze the deformation style of these anticlines, five structural cross-sections were measured perpendicular to the axial surface trace of the anticlines. Based on geometric and kinematic analysis, Kabir-Kuh and Chenareh anticlines have a geometry similar to faulted-detachment folds with multi-detachment levels. The detachment level above which the folds formed is probably located in the Lower Paleozoic series. Also structural cross-sections represent an important contribution of the Dashtak Formation as intermediate level in the development of deformation in this part of the Lurestan Province. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Non-coaxial deformation in sphalerite strain fringe: A kinematic shear indicator in overturned limb of a hanging wall fold
        علي  Nakini علي  Yarmohammadi
        Kinematic evidence of shear deformation in strain fringes of sphalerite mineral in an overturned limb of a fold structure are studied. Structural observation in Cretaceous rocks of Tiran Mine Area in west Esfahan, reveals a shear deformation in overturned limb of More
        Kinematic evidence of shear deformation in strain fringes of sphalerite mineral in an overturned limb of a fold structure are studied. Structural observation in Cretaceous rocks of Tiran Mine Area in west Esfahan, reveals a shear deformation in overturned limb of a hanging-wall anticline that has generated with reverse fault in the area. Orientation of strain fibers and their rotations in strain fringes of sphalerite minerals are used for determination of stress orientations and its changes during shear deformation process. This fabric indicates kinematic evolution of the overturned limb of a hanging-wall anticline and related reverse fault during folding. In this study, amount of stretching in strain fringes and their rotation are measured by object-centre path model. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Tectonic geomorphology approach in the assessment of fold- growth mechanism within the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt
        آرش جمشیدی معصومه  Vatandoust بهنام  Oveisi علی  فقیه
        Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt consists of several fault–related folds which important hydrocarbon reservoirs are formed in relation to their evolution. Understanding of fold geometry and its growth pattern are affective parameters in the exploration and drilling programs of More
        Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt consists of several fault–related folds which important hydrocarbon reservoirs are formed in relation to their evolution. Understanding of fold geometry and its growth pattern are affective parameters in the exploration and drilling programs of hydrocarbon reservoirs. In this research, stream bed erosion pattern and quantitative morphometric indices were used as geomorphic indicators to recognition the mechanism of fold-growth. Results of geomorphic investigation reveal dominant of detachment folding pattern in the coastal Fars area. Moreover, the effect of change in the thickness of detachment horizon on the folding pattern was evaluated. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Mechanism of young deformation in Tehran plain: a combination of field observation and analog modeling
        Hourieh AliBeygi Morteza Talebian Manouchehr Ghoreshi
        The capital city of Tehran is located to the south of central Alborz. The North Tehran fault, as the main structure of this region, perched on the northern part of the city and separate alluvial fans from volcanic rocks of the Alborz. There are several other faults w More
        The capital city of Tehran is located to the south of central Alborz. The North Tehran fault, as the main structure of this region, perched on the northern part of the city and separate alluvial fans from volcanic rocks of the Alborz. There are several other faults within the city which seem to be structurally related to the North Tehran fault. Geomorphic study of fans and river deposits suggest that most of these faults are active and taking up both left-lateral and shortening in a wider zone to the south of North Tehran fault. In addition to faults there is distinct folding within the Tehran plain. Field observation along road cuts which cross these structures suggest that young folding in Tehran plain are active and escalate due to the activities of the underlying faults. There is little evidence of rupture in front of these structures and thus most of them are considered as blind faulting. The trend of these structures is oblique to the North Tehran fault which is probably due to distribution of left lateral deformation in wider zone within the Tehran plain. The distance between active folds and the North Tehran fault increase from west to east. Analog modelings were carried out to study the effect of thickness and slop of deposits on position and trend of structures within the Tehran plain. Results from these experiences show that geometry, orientation and distance between structures is probably controlled by oblique shortening of the zone, as well as increase in thickness and slope of the sedimentary deposits. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Neotectonic zoning using morphometric indices in Lali – Gotvand area, Khuzestan
        Tayebeh Ahmadi Aziz Rahimi Hojahallah Safari Arash Barjasteh
        Quantitative assessment forms and effects of the Earth's surface and calculation of morphometry indices of rivers, river channel, and mountain fronts are the best methods for investigation of the active tectonics. The studied area is located in Dezful Embayment zone of More
        Quantitative assessment forms and effects of the Earth's surface and calculation of morphometry indices of rivers, river channel, and mountain fronts are the best methods for investigation of the active tectonics. The studied area is located in Dezful Embayment zone of the Zagros Simply Folded Belt. In this study, the tectonics and regional morphotectonics of Lali – Gotvand area are interpreted using digital elevation model. This research analyzed three indices including mountain front sinuosity (Smf), ratio of valley width to valley height (Vf) and stream length-gradient index (Sl). The morphometry indices were analyzed to determine tectonic activity according to general tectonic of Simply Folded Zagros and Dezful Embayment in Lali - Gotvand region in the north east of Khuzestan. After calculating the noted indices and information integration layers, the neotectonic zoning map were prepared as tectonic activity in 4 categories: very active, active, relatively active and non-active. According to these results, maximum tectonic activities have occurred in the North East based on stream length-gradient index, in East, North East, South East based on ratio of valley width to valley height and in North East, South East and central part based on mountain front sinuosity, respectively. The neotectonic zoning map shows the highest activity in the North, North East and Center and the lowest activity in the South of the study area. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The geometric analysis of Burkh Anticline, the southeastern of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt
        Ramzan Ramzani Umali Naser Hafezi Moghaddas Ahmad Nohegar Abdolvahab Afroogh
        Burkh anticline with the WNW-ESE trending is located in southeastern part of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and 40 km to the north of Bastak in the Fars zone. In this paper, based on the field data, satellite images and construction of the seven structural cross sectio More
        Burkh anticline with the WNW-ESE trending is located in southeastern part of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and 40 km to the north of Bastak in the Fars zone. In this paper, based on the field data, satellite images and construction of the seven structural cross sections, structural geometry of the Burkh anticline is presented. Presence of the Precambrian- Cambrian of the Hormoz salt Formation as a basic detachment layer decouple the folded sedimentary cover from basement. Structural data show that the Burkh anticline is a detachment, buckle, asymmetrical and disharmonic fold. For describing tightness geometry of the fold, the term “open” is suggested. Field study and structural cross sections show that the Dashtak Formation as a middle detachment layer is the controlling factor for development of small-scale folding. Based on top of the Dehram Group underground contour map, vertical closure about 1000 m and horizontal closure of 200 km2 were calculated. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Cenozoic superposed deformation in the south of Central Iran: Implication for folding and tectonic stress field in Rafsanjan structural belt
        لیلا  عبادی Seyd Ahmad Alavi Mohamad Reaz Ghasemi
        The South Central Iran Block has experienced polyphase intensive deformation in the Cenozoic time. Large-scale superposed folds in South Rafsanjan document the Cenozoic tectonic events within the South Central Iran Block. In this study, a case study of this deformation More
        The South Central Iran Block has experienced polyphase intensive deformation in the Cenozoic time. Large-scale superposed folds in South Rafsanjan document the Cenozoic tectonic events within the South Central Iran Block. In this study, a case study of this deformation inferred from regional-scale Rafsanjan superposed folds in the south of Central Iran is presented to reconstruct the deformation sequence and tectonic regime during crustal shortening. These data indicate that the superposed folds, dominated by a two-stage tectonic transpression regime which experienced two phases of superposed folding, leading to the orthogonal superposition of WNW–ESE-trending folds onto NE–SW trending folds. Structural analyses and fault kinematic analyses in the Rafsanjan Structural Belt indicate a two-stage syn-folding paleo-stress field during the Cenozoic. The early phase of tectonism is characterized by late Miocene NW-SE transpression, which led to the development of NE-trending fold structures and causing the occurrence of an orogeny perpendicular shortening. This tectonic event was most likely associated with progressive anticlockwise rotation of the Central Iran Block. Subsequent tectonic event from Late Miocene until Quaternary contributed to a phase of contraction that overprinted the early NNE–SSW shortening in the interior parts of the studied area and generated a large-scale NE-convex fold belt and the typical large-scale superposed folds within the South of Central Iran Block. In terms of geodynamics, the later tectonism is likely to have been related to the NE-directed convergence between the Arabian and the Eurasian Plates. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The effect of the Gachsaran mobile formation on folding style and tectonic evolution of the Rag-e- Sefid anticline in the southern Dezful Embayment
        Mehdi Yosefi Seyd Morteza Moussavi Mohammad Mahdi Khatib
        Plastic behavior and significant thickness of the Gachsaran incompetence formation on top of middle carbonate units in the sedimentary sequence of the southern Dezful Embayment led to the emergence of different styles of folding above and below of this formation. So tha More
        Plastic behavior and significant thickness of the Gachsaran incompetence formation on top of middle carbonate units in the sedimentary sequence of the southern Dezful Embayment led to the emergence of different styles of folding above and below of this formation. So that the structures in the upper and lower parts of this formation are completely separated and do not match each other. In the upper anticlines, above the Gachsaran horizon, the calculation of the limbs angle, the main thrust slope and the percentage of forelimb thickening indicate the fault detachment fold style. This style marks the geometry of fold at the early stage of the development of this anticline. Also the seismic profiles below the Gachsaran horizon also show the fault-propagation folding style. In the south Dezful Embayment, folding in the Gachsaran Formation occurs with shorter wavelengths in the form of disharmonic folds. This folding acts as the decoupling surface for the lower folds so that the synclines in this moving horizon directly cover the lower anticlines. The rounded folds in the carbonates in lower anticline are the imposed folds associated with steepened up reverse faults, detached on the basal decollement level and ultimately faulted by progressive deformation. The interpretation of seismic sections in the southern Dezful Embayment shows that lateral migration occurs in the salt units of the GS2 and GS4, and the upper and lower units of the Gachsaran Formation do not play a role in salt migration. Lateral migration in Miocene salts of the Gachsaran Formation is accomplished by the growth of sub-anticline during folding and loading of upper formation at the upper Gachsaran Formation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Determining paleo-stress based on the study of discontinuities and folds in Zagros Collision Zone; Case Study: Kermanshah Region
        سپیده  رضابیک عبدالله  سعیدی Mehran Aryan علی  سربی
        The studied zone is in the Northern part of Zagros Suture Zone (Kermanshah). The presence of deep sea sediments, oceanic crust remnants, platform carbonates, igneous and metamorphosed rocks of active margin and carbonate sequence of passive margin that are assembled in More
        The studied zone is in the Northern part of Zagros Suture Zone (Kermanshah). The presence of deep sea sediments, oceanic crust remnants, platform carbonates, igneous and metamorphosed rocks of active margin and carbonate sequence of passive margin that are assembled in the studied area show a compressional tectonic regime from the late Cretaceous up to the present. As a result of convergent regime, a very complicated structural zone is developed. The main purpose of this study is stress characteristic analysis in Zagros Suture Zone (Kermanshah).To recognize and study the arrangement of stress axes a great amount of data were gathered from the folds axial surface and the faults which are appeared within the rocks specially the radiolaritic rocks. The data includes characteristics of fault surface geometry, fault slip and lineation slip. The stress recording patterns for data in this study is Multiple Inverse Method and comparison with stress position by using folds axial surface. By studying folds it was obtained the situation of main stress σ1, σ2 and σ3 respectively as 029, 127, 234 and by using the method Multiple Inverse Method, the situation of main stress is obtained as 059, 304, 194. Based on the investigations in the study area and measurements on Cretaceous rocks, the results show that the main stress direction since Cretaceous up to the present is northeastern with minor changes. The estimations of stress direction were the same in both folds and faults. As a result, the shortening direction has been constant, so the shortening faults all show one direction of stress. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Modeling of the fold interference patterns from the northern Golpaygan metamorphic complex using MATLAB
        Mohammad Reza Sheikholeslami
        Modeling of geological structures plays an important role in understanding the geometry of the structures and their relationships. In recent years, digital modeling using computers has attracted the attention of engineers as well as researchers in basic sciences. "MATLA More
        Modeling of geological structures plays an important role in understanding the geometry of the structures and their relationships. In recent years, digital modeling using computers has attracted the attention of engineers as well as researchers in basic sciences. "MATLAB" is one of the softwares that is used with its extensive facilities for data analysis and modeling in various sciences, including structural geology. In this paper, possible models of interference patterns of the three generations of folds in metamorphic rocks of the Golpayegan area were reconstructed using the script written in MATLAB software. The required data include the attitudes of the mean axis and the mean axial planes of three consecutive generations of folds which were obtained during field measurements. Field studies show that the first and second generation folds are almost coaxial, however the third generation folds have a different axial trend. The results of modeling indicate that four classical fold interference patterns may be formed in horizontal (map view) and vertical sections in Golpayegan metamorphic rocks. Modeled fold interference patterns are closely consistent with the natural fold interference patterns observed in the outcrop and regional scales. Using the modeling, it can be determined that the different interference patterns of the folds in the northern Golpayegan metamorphic rocks are related to superposition of the related fold generations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Double Recycling Folded Cascode Op-Amp Using Feed-Forward Capacitor Coupling Driving
        Mohammad R. Ali Ali Khamesi Naeini
        A double recycling Op-Amp based on a simple recycling folded cascode Op-Amp is presented. The proposed Op-Amp has significantly improved performance compared to a recycling folded cascode. In the proposed Op-Amp, those cascode output current sources of recycling folde More
        A double recycling Op-Amp based on a simple recycling folded cascode Op-Amp is presented. The proposed Op-Amp has significantly improved performance compared to a recycling folded cascode. In the proposed Op-Amp, those cascode output current sources of recycling folded cascode that still have a constant value have been considered and have taken on a dynamic state through capacitive couplings in the path created between the input and output of the amplifier. DC gain, unity-gain bandwidth, and slew rate have been improved compared to the previous amplifier at the same power consumption. Simulation results using the 0.18μm CMOS technology show a DC gain enhancement of 6dB, 35% improvement in slew rate, and almost a 30% increase the bandwidth compared to the traditional recycling folded cascode Op-Amp. Also, smaller input-referred noise is achieved. Simulated results of proposed circuit show the values of SR, power consumption and DC gain are about 93.5 V/µs, 1.02mW and 68.3 dB respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Numerical modeling of folding Lali oil field Using Finite Element Method
        بهزاد زمانی
        Abstract This paper, a two-dimensional model of Lali oil field and faults of the northern and southern edges of the relations with ABAQUS software based on finite element methods. The model results from Geodynamic Geodesy area networks and the tectonic stress as a co More
        Abstract This paper, a two-dimensional model of Lali oil field and faults of the northern and southern edges of the relations with ABAQUS software based on finite element methods. The model results from Geodynamic Geodesy area networks and the tectonic stress as a constraint problem has been logged and various field formations on the elastic properties is considered. Fault surface is covered with contact elements that have authority to slip influence and change their shape and according to this properties in surface properties can well indicate the fault. Modeling results and geological criteria (Geodesy results) were compared and good coordination is observed between the results of the validation criteria. Results with a different coefficient of friction compared to the rate of displacement of GPS stations that coordination is more pronounced in the coefficient of friction 0.02. Displacement of southern edge of the fault in both friction 0.02 and 0.1 are obtained, respectively, 6.3 and 11 mm/year. The modeling results also showed that fault at different depths has different displacements and at depths less, move more expressive. Faults north and south edges of the integration Lali anticline that the most stress have focused on their , is Stress concentration and critical fault location of the fault. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Lithostratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Jahrum Formation in two Anticlines of Jahrum and Tudej
        رضا  صادقی محمد حسین  خواجوئی مریم  جوکار
        Abstract In this study two stratigraphic sections named Tang-e Ab as type section and Tang-e Nimbashi analyzed in order to study lithostratigraphy and microfacies of Jahrum Formation in Fars province. Both sections, Tang-e Ab in northern flank of Jahrum Anticline (Ea More
        Abstract In this study two stratigraphic sections named Tang-e Ab as type section and Tang-e Nimbashi analyzed in order to study lithostratigraphy and microfacies of Jahrum Formation in Fars province. Both sections, Tang-e Ab in northern flank of Jahrum Anticline (East of Jahrom) and Tang-e Nimbashi in northern flank of Tudej Anticline (West of Estahban) located in Interior Fars Sub-Zone at Zagros folded belt. Tang-e Ab section included 450 meters of conglomerate, limestone, nodular marly limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolostone with thin, medium, thick and very thick bedding and Tang-e Nimbashi section included 562 meters of limestone, marly Limestone, nodular marly limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolostone with very thin, thin, medium, thick and very thick bedding. The result of field and laboratory observations is determination of 10 lithostratigraphic unit and 10 microfacies class in Tang-e Ab and 7 lithostratigraphic unit and 11 microfacies class in Tang-e Nimbashi, in both Sections 3 sub-environments included: open marine, lagoon and peritidal and sedimentary settings corresponded on a carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Physiochemical characteristics of oOre-bearing fluids for celestite occurrence in the Zagros fold-thrust belt: using microthermometry studies
        رضوانه  حمیدی Hojjat Ollah Safari مهاسا  روستایی
        Oilgocene-Miocene celestite occurrences are observed across the carbonate-evaporite formations of Asmari and Gachsaran in the Zagros fold - thrust belt. The aim of this research is the study of fluid inclusions in our celestite deposits (Tortab, Tarak, Likak and Babamoh More
        Oilgocene-Miocene celestite occurrences are observed across the carbonate-evaporite formations of Asmari and Gachsaran in the Zagros fold - thrust belt. The aim of this research is the study of fluid inclusions in our celestite deposits (Tortab, Tarak, Likak and Babamohamad) to reveal the nature of ore-forming fluids. Abundant structures including: geodic and vein-like structures as open-space filling along with replacement textures like mosaic and vein-like in a carbonate matrix are present. Moreover, celestite, calcite, gypsum and anhydrite are observed as the major minerals in this deposits. Based on petrographic studies, 5 groups of fluid inclusions were recognised, which are categorized as: Liquid mono phase (L), vapour mono phase (V), liquid-rich two phase (LV), vapor-rich two phase (VL) and multi-phase fluids (LVS). The results obtained from the study of microthermometry data show 134.3 to 291.8°C as homogenisation temperatures and salinities of 2.5-18.17 wt%, NaCl equ, all are involved in forming celestite. Based on the results of microthermometry data, it can be deduced that formation mechanism of celestite is resulted from reaction between fluid and rocks of the area. Moreover, tectonic activities such as uplift and diagenesis of beds along with dissolution of minerals have caused release of strontium in the fluids responsible for ore-forming. This has generally undertaken by two fluids of meteoric and brine origins over different stages of ore-formation, replacing anhydrite with strontium at high temperatures during late- diagenetic and epigenetic processes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Investigation of structural pattern and introduction of detachment surface of Alborz Mountain Range in the north of Damghan
        Z. Taslimi A. Saidi M. Ghoreshi M. Aryan A. Solgi
        The studied area is a part of Eastern central Alborz, bestween southeastern piedmont of Alborz (NW of Damghan) and North Alborz Fault (South of Sari). The Alborz Mountain range which forms the heights of northern territory, separated the Caspian Depression from Iran cen More
        The studied area is a part of Eastern central Alborz, bestween southeastern piedmont of Alborz (NW of Damghan) and North Alborz Fault (South of Sari). The Alborz Mountain range which forms the heights of northern territory, separated the Caspian Depression from Iran central plateau. The Alborz is one of the Iranian mountain ranges that were deformed during two Cimmerian and Alpine organic events. This deformation is continued until the present day. This research is based on the satellite images, field investigations, drawing structural sections, stratigraphic sequences from the folded and thrusted parts of Alborz Mountains. The studied area is composed of numerous anticlines and synclines from South to North as Tuyeh- Darvar anticline, Sabour anticline, Talma- Darreh anticline, Alikhani syncline, Tarkan anticline, Babr cheshmeh syncline and anticline. Some of these folds are related to faulting which occured due to the typical continuous shortening and faulting of Alborz crust and destroyed their original patterns. The function of main faults and specially thrust faults played an essential role on the present models of mentioned folds. Regarding the axes of the folds, the effective compression over the area has a North, North Waste-South, South-East direction. This direction is perpendicular to axial trend of folds. The physico-mechanical properties of Alborz geological units caused development of detachment surfaces on main faults. The shortening intensity and large displacements have led to disappearance of a limb or whole fold. In this study the three surfaces of detachment were introduced inside the stratigraphic sequences from Precambrian to middle Eocene based on the well-known and documented data. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Strain and shortening amount analysis in the Asmari anticline, Khuzestan province
        Babak Samani Abbas Charchi Narges Khatib
        The only outcrop of Asmari formation in the Dezful embayment is visible in the Asmari anticline. In order to estimate the strain parameters and shortening values, 26 geological cross sections were prepared perpendicular to the anticline axis. Based on the, interlimb ang More
        The only outcrop of Asmari formation in the Dezful embayment is visible in the Asmari anticline. In order to estimate the strain parameters and shortening values, 26 geological cross sections were prepared perpendicular to the anticline axis. Based on the, interlimb angle measurements, the interlimb angles of the northern and central parts of the anticline show smaller angles than the southern parts. Determination of strain ratio (R) values indicates the strain values between 1.12 - 1.52. The zoning map of strain ratio values shows higher strain values in the northern and central parts of the anticline. Using geological cross sections and measuring the base length of the folded layer of Asmari formation (L0) and the straight length of the layer (L1), the percentage of shortening values were calculated in each section. The results show the occurrence of 1.8% to 12% shortening in different parts of the anticline. Shortening map of the Asmari anticline shows more shortening amounts in the northern and central parts of the anticline than the southern parts. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Investigating the geometry and mechanism of folding in Sulabder anticline (SW Iran)
        Mehdi Yosefi F. Esfahani Seyd Morteza Moussavi
        Calculating the amount of shortening, the angle between ridges, the slope of the main thrust and the percentage of thinning of the front ridge compared to the back ridge in the middle and northwestern parts of Sulabder anticline shows the folding style related to fault More
        Calculating the amount of shortening, the angle between ridges, the slope of the main thrust and the percentage of thinning of the front ridge compared to the back ridge in the middle and northwestern parts of Sulabder anticline shows the folding style related to fault propagation in these parts. The calculation of these geometrical parameters in the south-eastern part of the Sulabder anticline also shows the faulted detachment folding style. The change of folding class from 1c to 2 and 3, as well as the change of fold style from detachment folds to fault propagation style, are a sign of increased shortening, deformation progress and evolution of folding from the south-eastern part. This represents that in the initial stage the thrust fault system belongs to the middle and north-western parts, which are in the developed stages of the thrust fault system. The interpretation of seismic sections perpendicular to the Sulabder anticline in different sections shows that the Sulabder anticline in a raised wedge form is higher than the adjacent structures due to the action of the thrust faults on the northern and southern edges. In the Solabdar anticline, the performance and mobile behavior of marl-shale units of Pabdeh and Gurpi formations, due to its high thickness and formable rheology as an intermediate separation horizon, create different folding styles at the top and bottom of this unit. It also caused displacement in the axis of the upper and deeper parts of anticlines. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Strain and shortening analyses in the Asmari horizon, Kupal oil field, Khuzestan province
        Babak Samani Mina Parvin Abbas Charchi Mohammad Hossein Talebifard
        Kupal Oil Field is one of the important oil fields in the Zagros Basin, located in the eastern part of the Dezful embayment, adjacent to Aghajari Oil Field and Marun Oil Field. Some characteristics of the fold elements, such as the fold interval angle and axial surface, More
        Kupal Oil Field is one of the important oil fields in the Zagros Basin, located in the eastern part of the Dezful embayment, adjacent to Aghajari Oil Field and Marun Oil Field. Some characteristics of the fold elements, such as the fold interval angle and axial surface, were determined in the Asmari folded horizon using the interpreted seismic profiles. Based on the deviation of the axial surface from the vertical surface and determination of shear angle and shear strain, minimum and maximum quadratic stretch and strain ratio (R) values were calculated in different parts of the anticline. With application of graphical functions the amounts of fold aspect ratio were determined along the anticline. Base on the results, the amounts of shear strain varies from 0.01 to 0.09 in deferent parts of anticline. Also results show the amounts of strain ratio in range of 1.25 to 1.38 and shortening about 5% to 17% in different parts of the kupal anticline oil field. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Evaluation of depositional environment conditions of middle Pliocene-Pleistocene clastic deposits (Bakhtiyari Formation) based on the characteristics of lithofacies the southeastern folded Zagros, north of Bandar Abbas city
        Peyman Rezaei Seyedeh Akram  Jooybari Shahrban  Mohammadzadeh Shamili
        The Bakhtiari Formation represents the Middle Pliocene-Pleistocene time period in the folded Zagros structural sedimentary zone. Debris deposits of this formation have wide outcrops in the northern area of Bandar Abbas city. In order to study the Bakhtiari formation fro More
        The Bakhtiari Formation represents the Middle Pliocene-Pleistocene time period in the folded Zagros structural sedimentary zone. Debris deposits of this formation have wide outcrops in the northern area of Bandar Abbas city. In order to study the Bakhtiari formation from the point of view of sedimentary geology, three sections of this formation were selected in the northwest of Bandar Abbas city (Genow Power Plant, South of town Down Tazeyan, South of town Morvarid). From these sections, 50 samples were taken for microscopic examination and 6 samples were taken to identify heavy minerals. In all three sections, the Bakhtiari Formation includes an interval of conglomerate, sandstone and some mudstones. In the studied area, this formation is placed on the Aghajari formation with an erosional discontinuity boundary. The upper border of the Bakhtiari Formation with Quaternary deposits is also of erosional discontinuity. Field and laboratory investigations led to the identification of coarse-grained petrofacies (mud-supported conglomerate and grain-supported), medium-grained (calclitite sandstone), fine-grained (mudstone) and five structural elements (GB, CH, SB, GH, FF) has been. The results of this research show that the deposits of the Bakhtiari Formation in the north west of Bandar Abbas has been deposit in a braided river far from origin at the end of an alluvial fan. The set of heavy minerals identified in this sequence have two origins, Hormuz Salt Series and Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, which have been affected by several sedimentary cycles. The set of petrofacies features of the Bakhtiari Formation is a confirmation of the tectonic dynamics of the end of the Cenozoic era in the middle Pliocene-Pleistocene time frame, especially the Bakhtyari tectonic event, which has led to the intensification of continental conditions in the studied area. Manuscript profile