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        1 - The Discoursive Function of Sentence Form in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi
        لیلا  سید قاسم حمیده  نوح‌پیشه
        “Form” of a sentence is one of its syntactical features that is frequently used in eloquence and discourse analysis of literary and non-literary text. This significance is caused by this fact that “form” is the chart and scheme of communicational aspect (interactional/ More
        “Form” of a sentence is one of its syntactical features that is frequently used in eloquence and discourse analysis of literary and non-literary text. This significance is caused by this fact that “form” is the chart and scheme of communicational aspect (interactional/ interpersonal) in literature and clarifies the rate of certainty of author’s view and his/her relation with audience. Due to this, the form of sentence is one of most important subjects which will be discussed under the sections of predicate and composition. From 80th century in west that ideological and discourse analysis of literary (and non-literary) texts are paid due attention, modern critics emphasized that literature is non-personal and objective. They focused on the interactional function of language and considered form, the most important element in interactional function of language, worth investigating. We reviewed the condition of form of sentence in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi in limited and special manner (focusing on Zin and Saljuq/ Selçuk). Tarikh-e Beyhaqi is an artistic history that its author has a deliberate intention in keeping the mutual relation with his audience. In other hand, he had used the element of “Conversation” more than contemporary novelists. Due to this, the different forms of sentences have high frequency in his works. One can propose ideological and discourse analysis analyzing their qualities. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Criticism of politicization in Contemporary Novels (Case Study of a Political Novel: My Homeland’s Secrets)1
        ُseyyed ali seraj mostafa gorji
        Political Novel is one the fiction types of Persian literature with special features that is distinct from other movements of contemporary story writing. Due to its uniqueness of these kinds of stories, and their close interaction with society and social and political e More
        Political Novel is one the fiction types of Persian literature with special features that is distinct from other movements of contemporary story writing. Due to its uniqueness of these kinds of stories, and their close interaction with society and social and political events, critical discourse analysis (CDA) method is an appropriate approach in analyzing this kind of fiction. This approach focuses on form and meaning and in analyzing literary texts, it focuses also on different cultural, social, and political factors that are effective in text formation; it is for this reason that CDA theoreticians maintain that we do not deal just with lexical elements forming sentences as the main criteria for explaining meaning, that is co-text, but also beyond that, factors outside of text, i.e. situational, cultural, social and so on context. Norman Fairclough is a CDA theoretician who reviews texts in three levels, descriptive, interpretive and expressive. This method of analyzing is so useful in discovering and expressing intellectual ideas of authors and their political and social approaches. Theoretical framework of this research is based on Fairclough CDA. Research method is descriptive-analytic and it tries, based on CDA, to reflect on and reread “My Homeland's Secrets” Novel by Reza Barahini which is one the most brilliant political novels after Islamic Revolution, and reviews and analyzes main political events in Iran focusing on psychological issues like personalities and brilliant elements in it like title semiotics, images and descriptions, story’s characters (agent, passive and narrator), type of narration, design and dominant theme of story and … . Results show that this novel, as a literary text, is in interaction with Fairclough method of Discoursal action and social action and dominant hegemony and has close affinities with hegemonic discourse of three decade ago. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Poetic Word Selection of Gheisar Aminpour by Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
        پریسا  صالحی
        Each artist may picture his/her political, social and cultural attitude in a different way, so Gheisar Aminpour was not an exception. He was one of the early revolutionary poets, who had involved in a number of ideological and religious values and had a stable belief on More
        Each artist may picture his/her political, social and cultural attitude in a different way, so Gheisar Aminpour was not an exception. He was one of the early revolutionary poets, who had involved in a number of ideological and religious values and had a stable belief on revolution’s principles and public ideality, to the extent that his poetry world was conceivably produced through a certain profound ideology. The interaction between the poet, Aminpour, and the political and social transformation in his society could make any individual study his poetry world by discourse analysis approach. Since any language could be supposed as a mirror of the thought (words as the mirror of the meaning), and the words’ role as well as their selection may certainly be significant in the process of analysis, this research is specified to the study of word selection of Aminpour’s poems by critical discourse analysis. Furthermore, it has focused not only on the study of Aminpour’s poetry world in terms of historical, political and social renovation of his era but also on his words’ selection, studied here, on three descriptive, interpretive and explanatory levels. In conclusion, the hidden meaning of the words are supposed to be revealed by critical discourse analysis tools to illustrate, more or less, the ideological attitude of the poet. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Critical Study of the Validity of Gulestan Based on the Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis
        سيامک  صاحبي محمد‌ها‌‌‌‌دي  فلاحي نسترن  توكلي
        With a discourse analysis approach in the field of linguistic study of literature, the present article queries the distribution of discourse-based structures in Saadi’s Gulestan at the level of phrases, sentences and texts in order to explore the degree of explicitnes More
        With a discourse analysis approach in the field of linguistic study of literature, the present article queries the distribution of discourse-based structures in Saadi’s Gulestan at the level of phrases, sentences and texts in order to explore the degree of explicitness and implicitness of linguistic features used to express ideas in Gulestan , and to find the mystery of eternality of Sa’di’s speech. Presupposing that taking account of discourse structure can be helpful for understanding and interpreting a text, and relying on the fact that discourse is a meaningful linguistic unit having four features of systematicality, intentionality, objectivity, and being macro-linguistics, here in this article we have applied linguistic aspect of Van Leeuven’s model (1996) to find an answer to the question that what makes a work live on in cultural construction of different generations due to its linguistic features. Hence, after brief review of the relationship between literature and linguistics, we first introduce the subject and the research method. After that, critical discourse analysis and Van Livon’s model are introduced as basic concepts. This is followed by explaining the two categories of explicit and implicit features involved in Van Leeuven’s model. Dividing textual structure of Gulestan into two groups of narrative discourse-based and informative discourse-based structures, we analyze a text from the first chapter of Gulestan . Text analysis shows that in Gulestan the discourse-based features of implicitness such as deletion, passivization, de-personalization, referential and classificatory types are of high frequency in comparison with the features of implicitness. Measuring and explaining the degree of mysteriousness, we conclude that one reason for the eternality of Sa’di’s Gulestan is his use of the discourse-based features of implicitness. (Notice that here we deal with implicitness from a discourse approach not Gnostic and poetic one). This has made it possible for Sa’di to de-contextualize his narratives temporally, spatially, historically, politically; to hide their agents, actors, and patients, so communicate his own message through their speech prominently and effectively, and thereby make his work eternal for all centuries and generations. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Power Relations In "Shazdeh Ehtejab" Novel
        محمدعلي  غلامي‌نژاد Zainab  Saberpour
        Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a branch of linguistic studies which deals with such concepts as power, domination and ideology. The present article surveys the relations between the power agents in "Shazdeh Ehtejab", and the changes in the shapes of applying power More
        Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a branch of linguistic studies which deals with such concepts as power, domination and ideology. The present article surveys the relations between the power agents in "Shazdeh Ehtejab", and the changes in the shapes of applying power from a CDA approach. To do this, we closely studied the artistic and fictional arrangements of the text, analyzed it as a discourse product of its historical context. Considering the events and the figures of the time when this novel was written, and its social- political context reveals that the contrast between the intellectuals and the totalitarian government has drawn the author toward the meaningful selection of historical events. Under the influence of the intellectual discourse of his time, Golshiri represents the power and violence, leading to the degradation of Qajar royal family. In this way he has set a balanced analogue between his work and the social- political conditions during Pahlavi's regime. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Discourse Analysis of the Poem Peygham-e Mahiha by Sohrab Sepehri
        سهیلا  فرهنگی
        Discourse Analysis, is an interdisciplinary study analyzing speech. Using such method, this paper is intended to study the poem Peygham-e Mahiha (The Message of the Fishes) aimed at showing the fact that analysis of speech can lead to understanding the literary works p More
        Discourse Analysis, is an interdisciplinary study analyzing speech. Using such method, this paper is intended to study the poem Peygham-e Mahiha (The Message of the Fishes) aimed at showing the fact that analysis of speech can lead to understanding the literary works profoundly. To achieve such an aim, we have described and interpreted the text, its objective, and its intrapersonal structure by studying the exact word frequency in details, based on which tables have been drawn. The results reveal that this poem enjoys a dynamic and changing atmosphere and its narrative structure is regarded as its main elements for coherence. The words employed, also reveal that the poet had a strong tendency toward nature. The processes of the poem lack human partnership, and thus symbols of the poem’s loneliness and Sepehri’s decisiveness reflects his strong belief in his speech and strength of his speech. Such a speech influences the degree of speech effectiveness. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Critical Review and Analysis of the Narrative Technique in a Story of the Golestan of Saadi
          mostafa gorji
        One of the main subjects that has been a matter of attention to the literary researchers is reviewing the narrative techniques of the poets and writers who are well known in the field of narration. Discovering the mystery of these narratives, not only can manifest th More
        One of the main subjects that has been a matter of attention to the literary researchers is reviewing the narrative techniques of the poets and writers who are well known in the field of narration. Discovering the mystery of these narratives, not only can manifest the value of the previous works, but also helps today’s writers in achieving the effective narrative techniques. Discovering the deeper layers of the Golestan of Saadi demands deep thinking, and through reviewing and reinterpreting it, new literary potentials can be found. This research aims at a critical study and analysis of narrative discourse and the structure of narration in the story about a young boxer in the third chapter of Golestan. It shows how much Saadi has been successful in induction of his beliefs through finding the proper forms related to them and based on the assimilation of form and content, he creates a piece of work which has different dimensions of a literary work all together, a work which satisfies the audience through different eras. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Critical Analysis of Governmental Discourse in the First Chapter of Saadi’s Bustan
        Saadi’ s point of view about the establishment of a desirable society specially the role of the government and its members have been the center of attention in “Gulistan”, and “Bustan”. the topic has been addressed in the first chapter of these two books. Among the ten More
        Saadi’ s point of view about the establishment of a desirable society specially the role of the government and its members have been the center of attention in “Gulistan”, and “Bustan”. the topic has been addressed in the first chapter of these two books. Among the ten chapters of Bustan, the first chapter “On Justice, council and administration of government” was selected for the analysis of the governmental discourse because many stories and anecdotes mentioned in this chapter are about the administration of government and social relationships while in the other eight chapters just a few number of stories address government and relations between the essential elements of the society. The data gathered (stories in the first chapter of Bustan) is analyzed based on a critical discourse analysis approach. Among the critical discourse analysis theories, the methodology introduced by Norman Fairclough is chosen according to which the analysis of the three dimensions of text, discourse and society is based on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: Although Saadi’s Bustan is considered a book written to support the government of that time, and it’s not an anti-government text, Saadi’s point of view towards the government which is accompanied by the emphasis on the welfare of the poor, and the development of the country is very interesting. This can be perceived by considering both the discourse analysis data and the social conditions of that era. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Common Discourses in Suhrawardi's Era and the Narrative Construction of "Moones Al Oshagh"
        gholamreza shamsi parsa yaghoobi janbesaraei
        Sheikh Eshragh mixed the thoughts of the wise men of the East and the West of the world and called it, “Eternal Essence” or Khamyreh Azali”. In one of his symbolic treatises; “Moounes Al Oshagh” or “Fi Haghighat Al Eshgh”; He has changed the names of the creatures from More
        Sheikh Eshragh mixed the thoughts of the wise men of the East and the West of the world and called it, “Eternal Essence” or Khamyreh Azali”. In one of his symbolic treatises; “Moounes Al Oshagh” or “Fi Haghighat Al Eshgh”; He has changed the names of the creatures from “the First Intellect” or “Aghl’ e Avval”, and mixed it with the names of the characters and the events in the romantic-mystical story of Joseph and Zoleikha. The researchers under the influence of Sheikh’s illuminationist viewpoint present a philosophical-mystical analysis of this narration without getting involved in the political and social aspects hidden in the deep structure of this work. Social and political events and generally the co-text and the context of situation reinforces the assumption of the existence of political and ideological thoughts in Sheikh's works, and in this story. Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach is one of the most comprehensive methods to study the ideological attitudes of the texts. Analyzing this story by this method in three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation shows that Suhrawardi has described and criticized three common discourses in his era in this story, which are manifested in mystical texts under the terms "Shariat", "Tariqat" and "Haghighat". Through selecting characters, places, collocations, opposite words and metaphoric and symbolic aspects, he enriches the discourse of the second group as the dominant discourse. The discourse of the second group is a symbol of his own ideological discourse that has been emerged through the allegorical character of love and the historical figure of Zoleikha. Manuscript profile
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        10 - A Critical Analysis of Women’s Role in Sindbad-Nameh
        Shiva Kamali Asl Habibollah Abbasi effat neghabi esmat khoeini
        Literature is a mirror that reflects the culture, and fictional texts are an appropriate ground upon which these cultural reflections in a variety of fields, including issues related to female status could be examined. In this research, two anecdotes were selected from More
        Literature is a mirror that reflects the culture, and fictional texts are an appropriate ground upon which these cultural reflections in a variety of fields, including issues related to female status could be examined. In this research, two anecdotes were selected from Sindbad-Nameh to analyze the female role. Although the text of Sinbad-Nameh has been produced in a historical misogynistic context, there are many examples of the female power in it. This paper, with a descriptive-analytical approach, studies the text based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis method, at three levels of description, interpretation and explanation, to analyze the mechanisms of the representations of the female power. As a result, it was concluded that the women in this work have an active and powerful presence and that their active role in shaping the anecdote process is evident. Also, despite the negative attitude towards women, the signs of their hidden power can be observed. In this work, Women use intangible means of power such as language, tact, intelligence and politics to achieve their goals and if the ways to gain the constructive and lofty goals are closed to them, that power is sometimes misused. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Critical Discourse Analysis of Samad Behrangi’s “Mahi Siah Kouchoulou”Tale
        alireza moghadam      
        “Samad Behrangi” is a critic of the children's literature as well as the education system before him and tries to use the capabilities of children's literature to achieve his ideological goals.This study seeks to show how children's fiction, influenced by existing disco More
        “Samad Behrangi” is a critic of the children's literature as well as the education system before him and tries to use the capabilities of children's literature to achieve his ideological goals.This study seeks to show how children's fiction, influenced by existing discourses and the social structure that produces these discourses, offers a different conception of education and how discourses reflect the concepts of education.This research attempts to show how children's fictional literature influenced by the existing discourses and the social structure producing these discourses, affords a different conception of education and how discourses play a role in reflecting the concepts of education. In this study, an attempt was made to review, analyze and explain the story of Behrangi’s “Mahi Siah Kouchoulou”Tale from Norman Fairclough’s approach. Our goal is to show what discourse or discourses the text is referring to by accurately analyzing the story and what relationship does this text establish between education and the social and political dimensions? Situational context reinforces the assumption of the author's ideological point of view. The result of this research, based on the analysis of critical discourse, is that Behrangi in this story has described and criticized four common contemporary discourses, namely authoritarianism, nationalism, religion and the Marxist left. The fourth discourse is Behrangi’s dominant and dependence discourse. In this work, Behrangi tries to make his discourse superior to other discourses by choosing specific words, characters, places, and metaphorical aspects.The themes of education in this story are often influenced by the left discourse and other common confrontational discourses and are formed in opposition to the discourse of the system of domination (the discourse of tyranny). Manuscript profile
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        12 - Language, Power and Ideology in Norman Fairclough’s ‘Critical’ Approach to Discourse Analysis
        جهانگیر  جهانگیری علی  بندرریگی‌زاده
        Critical discourse analysis (CDA) started in the early 1990s and has become a well-established field in the social science in the twenty-first century .CDA can be defined as a problem-oriented interdisciplinary research program. In general, power, and especially institu More
        Critical discourse analysis (CDA) started in the early 1990s and has become a well-established field in the social science in the twenty-first century .CDA can be defined as a problem-oriented interdisciplinary research program. In general, power, and especially institutionally reproduced power, is central to CDA. The purpose of CDA is to analyze opaque as well as transparent structural relationships of dominance, discrimination, power and control as manifested in language. CDA states that discourse is an instrument of power. The way this instrument of power works is often hard to understand, and CDA aims to make it more visible and transparent. A critical discourse analysis should not be a discourse analysis that reacts against power alone. It should be an analysis of power effects, of the outcome of power, of what power does to people, groups, and societies, and of how this impact comes about. The deepest effect of power everywhere is inequality, as power differentiates and selects, includes and excludes. CDA is an approach to the analysis of discourse which views language as a social practice and is interested in the ways that ideologies and power relations are expressed through language. It wants to understand how language is used to create, maintain and challenge power relationships and ideologies. Norman Fairclough is one of the most famous thinkers of CDA. He seeks to develop ways of analyzing language which address its involvement in the working of contemporary capitalist societies. He is working in a tradition of critical social research which is focused on better understanding of how and why contemporary capitalism prevents or limits, as well as in certain respects facilitating, human well-being and flourishing. Such understanding may, in favorable circumstances, contribute to overcoming or at least mitigating these obstacles and limits. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Discursive Analysis of Apartheid in Israel
        محمدحسن  شیخ الاسلامی صارم  شیراوند ميلاد اديب سرشكي
        Apartheid means separation and segregation and separate development of geographically diverse ethnic groups. In light of the passage of liberal and Marxist theories of discourse analysis, this article reviews the nature of apartheid policies in the occupied territories More
        Apartheid means separation and segregation and separate development of geographically diverse ethnic groups. In light of the passage of liberal and Marxist theories of discourse analysis, this article reviews the nature of apartheid policies in the occupied territories since 1948. The article attempts to answer the question that what was the articulation and Israeli Apartheid discourse formation process? The research hypothesis is that Apartheid discourse in the time of articulation, exploited from identity making and equivalence by relying on Judaism to use as an instrument for achieving its political benefits. The dialogue seeks to create a new meaning system through the bond of various identities in a common project. Based on this , social order is comprised of different scattered elements. These different and sparse elements consist of the external elements and forces are immigrants who settled in Palestine. In fact, Zionism, integrated floating identities and deserted Jewish elements to create identity and meaning system in the Occupied Territories through power mechanisms for legitimizing and abrading. This article is in two parts, the first part is due to the emergence of ethnic groups and geographic expansion and In the second part Israeli society by addressing a public space and assess the gaps and crises, stagnation, discourse hegemony and the emergence of competing discourses of Post Zionism is checked. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Siyasat-nama and Discursive Turn in Iranian Political Thought; the Speech Act Analysis of Siyar al-mulûk
        hamdollah akvani
        The relation between author and social context in discourse turn of Iranian and Islamic political thought is a matter of great concern. The social contexts of 7th to 9th centuries created new condition which in turn paved the ground for change and development of Irania More
        The relation between author and social context in discourse turn of Iranian and Islamic political thought is a matter of great concern. The social contexts of 7th to 9th centuries created new condition which in turn paved the ground for change and development of Iranian and Islamic political philosophy and its discursive turn. In response to this change and political contexts of Iranian-Islamic society, emerged three schools of thought among the thinkers of this period. Al-Mawardi and introducing of caliphate system, Al-Ghazali with Islamic justification of authority of the Kings in order to reconcile between caliphate and kingship and, finally, Nizam al-Mulk by Siyasatnama (The Book of Government) who tried to pass the caliphate system and articulate a new discourse. Relying on the Iranian tradition of Ideal King, Nizam al-Mulk tries to justify kingship with an expedient approach. Such a conflict is distinguishable in Siyasatnama. Within this book, there is a conflict between three discourses: caliphate, kingship and religious discourse of resistance. This paper is going to verify the hypothesis that Nizam al-Mulk has played the role of “poiltical subjective” in the discursive transformation from writing Shariatnama (Islamic laws) to Andarzname (Book of advice). He uses three lingual strategies in order to play subjective situation role: to omit caliphate discourse by “concealing” it, and highlight the kingship discourse by excluding other discourses of resistance that are traceable in the book. The methodology of the article is a combination of Laclau and Mouffe discourse theory and micro-level approach of Van leeuwen discourse Analysis. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Agency and Passivity of women in the novel "Tubaa and Manaay-e shab"
        زينب  صابرپور
        In the novel "Tubaa and Manaay-e shab", the confrontation of tradition and modernity in the contemporary history of Iran in relation to the status of women is in the focus.In this paper, the female characters of this novel,especially the novel’s heroine, Toubaa, have be More
        In the novel "Tubaa and Manaay-e shab", the confrontation of tradition and modernity in the contemporary history of Iran in relation to the status of women is in the focus.In this paper, the female characters of this novel,especially the novel’s heroine, Toubaa, have been analyzed from the perspective of agency or passivity in relation with tradition andit has been shown that the desire for women autonomy and activism is suppressed through the processes of education and punishment.This paper is in the field of critical discourse analysis and its theoretical framework has been driven from Simone de Beauvoir’s views on femininity in her book, "The Second Sex", and the textual analysis has been done based on systemic-functional linguistics.The achievements of this research show that in this novel the contrasting pair of agency and passivity is represented in relation to the duality of tradition and modernity,and the process that Beauvoir calls "learned passivity" is institutionalized in the existence of women from childhood by the agents of tradition, in various social institutions, the most important of which is the family.Also, textual analysis indicates that this passivity has been best reflected in the language of the text. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The analysis of the discourse of Imams' Imams by the Taqiyah method based on John Searle's Theory of Speech Action
        marzieh barzan Karim Najafi Barzegar azghar quedan Shsan  Qurishi
        In this article, we intend to examine the discourse of the Imams (as) on the issue of taqiyya, relying on John Searle's theory of speech action, which is within the domain of discourse analysis. Taqiyya is a Shi'a theological-jurisprudential doctrine and a historical ap More
        In this article, we intend to examine the discourse of the Imams (as) on the issue of taqiyya, relying on John Searle's theory of speech action, which is within the domain of discourse analysis. Taqiyya is a Shi'a theological-jurisprudential doctrine and a historical approach to preserving the existence of a minority against the majority. One of the Imam's (AS) campaigns in the Umayyad and Abbasid era is the method of 'taqiyyah'. According to the requirements of time and place, the Imams used taqiyyah to fight the enemy and advance the cause. John Searle has explored the relationship between language and society from a philosophical perspective. Searle's theory of spoken action has different functions, and one must pay attention to their secondary meaning in understanding fragments. This descriptive-analytical study seeks to answer the question of how the Imams (as) used discourses with their secondary meanings and more than what actions. Have they spoken a word? Examination of the research data shows that according to the theory of "verbal verbs", Sir Imam (AS) has used expressions that have a secondary meaning in mind and that the spoken, emotional speech acts have been used to further their goals. And persuasion was most used, while not benefiting from declarative and accrual action. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Liberal rationality and the Formation of environmental crises (with emphasis on the Rio+20 document)
        osman hedayat asrin faizi
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific s More
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific subject dates back to the after of World War II, and development theories in this period have emerged in the form of economic development and modernization. This issue is derived from Western modernity and its dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, tends to move toward the unification of humanity based on liberal values and the elimination of diversity in the world by claiming the universality of their values. The basic hypothesis of this study revolves around this idea that with the advent of Western modernity and capitalism and their dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, changes have taken place both in this school and in the developmental discourses that were born and emerged of liberal rationality over development of the environment. Presumably, we have shown that this has been achieved through the self-examination and rethinking of liberalism itself. Using the analysis of Laclau and Mouffe discourse and development theories in the field of environment, ie theories - production treadmill, metabolic theory and degradation treadmill theory - to a reading of sustainable development and its manifestation, the Rio+20 document as a buoyancy sign that in that discourse of liberalism, there is a crisis and a break, we have dealt. The results show that liberalism as a rationality that has sought to formulate environmental, economic and social crises in the dimension of sustainable development, has failed and this has caused the environmental crisis. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Critical Analysis of Educational Justice Components in Ideologicalization and Constructive Discourses
          yahya ghaedy akbar salihie
        The present article has been written with the aim of analyzing and criticizing the components of educational justice in the discourses after the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the discourse of ideological and constructive. For this purpose, some of the direct state More
        The present article has been written with the aim of analyzing and criticizing the components of educational justice in the discourses after the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the discourse of ideological and constructive. For this purpose, some of the direct statement and some governmental and educational texts and approvals in the two mentioned periods have been studied and criticized by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis method. As can be seen from the analysis and interpretation of the texts, these discourses, although somewhat different in terms of educational justice, political and value positions, but in terms of textual and hyper-textual analysis, act more on the need and in the dimension of justice. Lack of budget, maintaining relations of hierarchical order, centralism, ambiguity and contradiction in opinion and practice, weakness in functionalist use of religion along with other ideas, internal and external unrest, limited internal and external interactions, conservatism, dominance and superiority of intellectual and value positions of the upper echelons of the system and as the most important factor and obstacle compared to other cases, including the most significant internal constraints and external barriers in providing the requirements for educational justice, especially at the qualitative level and it shows the inconsistency of the goals and programs proposed with the real relations and goals of the government. Consequently, If, in terms of motivation and cognition, there is no change in the intellectual positions of the ruling group as a source of authority and policy at all levels, change at other levels will not be possible as requirements for the effective realization of educational justice, especially at the qualitative level. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Discourse Analysis of Teacher Education in the Rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Reza Haqverdi   Susan Keshavarz Alireza Mahmoudnia
        In this paper, teacher education discourse has been analyzed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Research assumes the governance discourses that have been articulated after the Islamic revolution, have defined teachers' semantic systems that have placed the political, econ More
        In this paper, teacher education discourse has been analyzed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Research assumes the governance discourses that have been articulated after the Islamic revolution, have defined teachers' semantic systems that have placed the political, economic, and social position of teachers in power structures. These semantic systems include a central signifier for teacher education discourse that other signs being articulated around it. The research questions are: what have been the central signs of teacher education in the governance discourse formed after the Islamic Revolution? And what were the backgrounds of teacher education discourses after the Islamic Revolution? This research is based on Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory mode through document mining. According findings of the research, the central sign of teacher education in the governance discourses after the Islamic revolution of Iran are: Revolutionary teacher training, teacher training as a government agent, political development of teacher, fundamental reform in teacher education, teacher education as a theoretical and practical model according to the Islamic standard system. The wide discourse of the Islamic Revolution has had a lasting impact on the process of teacher education. Also after drafting the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) and the Document of Teacher Education and the Provision of Human Resources in the Formal and Public Education Subsystem, teacher education has been viewed as a strategic position in the education system with a long-term and forward-looking approach. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Multiple Formations of Religious Education`s Curricula Against Social Forces in Islamic Schools During the Second Pahlavi Period
        irandokht fayyaz zahra minaei narges sajadeh mohammadreza javadi yehaneh
        This article illustrates how the curricula of religious education were formed vis-a-vis social forces in the Islamic schools during the second Pahlavi reign. Utilizing historical discourse analysis and examining four schools as case studies, we argue that these encoun More
        This article illustrates how the curricula of religious education were formed vis-a-vis social forces in the Islamic schools during the second Pahlavi reign. Utilizing historical discourse analysis and examining four schools as case studies, we argue that these encounters led to four kinds of knowledge formation: "the generalization of religious knowledge" in the schools of the Islamic Education Society, "rational verification of religious knowledge" in Alavi School, "scholarly comparison of religious knowledge" in Kamal School, and "the systematization of religious knowledge" in the Refah school. The first formation faced the foundations of other rival religious discourses by emphasizing the Qur'an, the confrontation of jurisprudence against popular religion and superstitions, and confronting civil laws to eliminate corruption and achieve progress. The second formation was shaped along with a philosophical approach in encountering with the principles of Marxism and of Baha'iism, and providing a wise religion for immunity from corruptive lifestyles and using Islamic ethics against human social laws. The third formation was shaped by looking for compromise between science and religion versus religious superstitions and the materialists, a chosen jurisprudence versus the formal jurisprudence, and the confrontation with the modern state through a militant religion. The final formation was formed by using theology against other competing discourses, designing efficient social systems versus the modern government, and self-making for providing a good environment as opposed to isolated individual life forms. According to the results of each formation, there can be four inspirations as follows: turning from the internal religious language to the general and extra-religious language, turning from the affirmative language in Muslim philosophy to the speculative language in general philosophy, turning from the necessary relationship between science and religion to a possible relationship, and turning from the absolute inclusion of morality in religion to mutual partial relationship between them. Manuscript profile