• List of Articles Attributes

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Provisos after Cancellation
        Seyed Mohammad Hadi  Saei Maryam  Saqafi
        Cancellation is reached when both parties have consent over the termination of the contract. This means the end of the contract effects and the resulting commitments. This, however, relates to the future; therefore, it is not like nullification of the contract. It does More
        Cancellation is reached when both parties have consent over the termination of the contract. This means the end of the contract effects and the resulting commitments. This, however, relates to the future; therefore, it is not like nullification of the contract. It does not have retrospective impact, and consequently it does not affect the pre-cancellation consequences. This point has been neglected by some and in their explanation of rules regarding provisos after cancellation they maintain that all conditions are nullified including attributes, performance and collateral events. Pursuant to this, the Civil Code in Article 246 stipulates that when a contract is terminated by mutual consent, its terms become null and void, whereas rules regarding and effects of each proviso are different and Article 246 shall not be attributable to all of them. This means that the condition of attribute is not within the prerogative of the said article and hence it is not nullified, but also it returns to the initial owner according to the subject of transaction. The condition of collateral events, due to its certain characteristics, is realized immediately after the conclusion of the contract, thus it cannot be nullified or waived either. In the meantime, only the condition of performance, either negative or positive, is nullified due to cancellation although it leaves behind consequences that are analyzable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Ecosophy and Ibn Arabi Application Divine Names and Attributes Marriage’s
        Ecosophy is an interdisciplinary science that is formed of the combination of two natural and epistemological areas. A discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage is a mystical discussion, but in this article we intend to use in the environmental fie More
        Ecosophy is an interdisciplinary science that is formed of the combination of two natural and epistemological areas. A discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage is a mystical discussion, but in this article we intend to use in the environmental field. Our aim in this research is the application of this doctrine in the field of environmental ethics and extraction of teachings of the related to environmental issues. The fundamental issue in the research is the explanation of status Nature in Ibn Arabi and discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage and how will be done mystical teachings of the environmental ethics. In this article has been used descriptive –analytic method. Outcome of this research, true respect for nature by man that has intrinsic value as a sacred being Manuscript profile
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        3 - Effective moral attributes in Ijtihad
        Ijtihad’s goal is acquisition of true knowledge of juristic judgements and the knowledge is affected by various elements. Moral attributes of the religious jurist, divided into virtues and evils, is one of the elements. virtues affect true knowledge and comprehension More
        Ijtihad’s goal is acquisition of true knowledge of juristic judgements and the knowledge is affected by various elements. Moral attributes of the religious jurist, divided into virtues and evils, is one of the elements. virtues affect true knowledge and comprehension of Islamic jurisprudence significantly, as evils prevent it, therefore, recognition of the effective attributes in Ijtihad (both virtues and evils) is necessary. Religious jurist must try to acquire the true knowledge, consequently, he should arrange moral virtues that affect the knowledge and be free from moral evils, too`. Effect of moral attributes in Ijtihad ,as a principle, is the preconception. In this article by both rational or traditional methods, researchers investigate which attributes affect Ijtihad. Moral justice, fair thought, humility, egoism, mundane, hastiness and hostility are the most important moral attributes that affect Ijtihad. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Ethical valuation the conditions of spuses compeer islamic jurisprudence and legal
        Saleh  Farhadi Ajorlou Abolhasan Mojtahed Soleimani Seyed Ali Khazaei
        In Islam, the cornerstone of the healthy relationship between human beings has been based on morality and has always been considered a sacred morality in verses, traditions and religious orders. Accordingly, they have recommended them to comply with the ethical guidelin More
        In Islam, the cornerstone of the healthy relationship between human beings has been based on morality and has always been considered a sacred morality in verses, traditions and religious orders. Accordingly, they have recommended them to comply with the ethical guidelines in regulating human relationships before they bring them to the rule of law and rights. This feature is most commonly found in the family, which is the basis of the human community. Accordingly, if couples' relationships are governed by instruments and rights instead of being based on moral authority, the coldness and strain on the relationships of family members shadow, and life and life will be unflattering and void of joy and joy. Marriage and family formation are one of the fundamental guidelines of the Islamic religion. The purpose of marriage is to reconcile men and women together, to establish affection and affection among them, to cultivate couples and to create a suitable environment for the cultivation of competent children. Achieving these goals is only possible if there is a kind of fidelity and faithfulness between couples. In the term jurists, this type of adaptation and consistency between couples is referred to as "guardianship in marriage". The material that jurisprudents have raised in jurisprudential discussions regarding the issue of virtue and Qur'anic and narrative criteria indicates that the most important factor in the success of a marriage and the formation of a healthy and competent family, attention to the standard of religiosity and fidelity And moral and moral harmony between male and female are in faith. The findings of this paper show that the condition and the condition of being married are mutually exclusive and that they are both Muslims. It is also received from the infallibles of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) that faith, morality and good deeds will be two important factors in choosing the wife of the future. As these issues are examined from the point of view of the Imams and Sunni jurisprudents, at the end of the article, the answer to this important question is whether the spouses have a condition in terms of criteria and criteria other than Islam. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Similarity between the Qualities of God and Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Attar’s Works
        Affiliation and devotion of Gnostics of the Muslim lands to the holy presence of the Islam Prophet (PBUH) has been recognized everywhere. Sheikh Attar has a special position in this regard. There are no doubt that Attar’s sayings on describing the status of Mohammedan M More
        Affiliation and devotion of Gnostics of the Muslim lands to the holy presence of the Islam Prophet (PBUH) has been recognized everywhere. Sheikh Attar has a special position in this regard. There are no doubt that Attar’s sayings on describing the status of Mohammedan Mission and Light reminds us viewpoints of scholars and experts of the Intellectual Mysticism. This paper tries to explain and demonstrate the fact that for the creator of Mantiq-ut-Tayr (The Conference of the Birds) there is no contrast between name, qualities and essence of the Prophet and the divine essence and attributes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Guardianship and its relation to prophecy and mission in mysticism
        Mohammad Ebrahim  Zarrabiha
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mystic More
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mysticism which realizes in perfect human. This world is the same as the appearance of God, and the Lord is present in his own manifestation. Therefore, human as a part of this world is the manifestation of God. Here, the concept of guardianship is meaningful. The perfect guardian is who has all the attributes of God, and this person is no other than the true prophet. The system of the world and the afterworld depends on the existence of the Muhammadiyah truth. Such a truth is the lord of all manifestations due to the credit of Guardianship principle. The truth of Muhammadiyah is the main pole of the universe, which all Prophets and Divine Guardians are the ranks of this great name. His prophecy includes all kinds of absence and intuition, and when it is realized in a person, it is divided into a special and popular guardianship. The special guardianship is the source of prophecy, and as one of the divine names is eternal, but prophecy ends over time. Perfect Guardian rule the world based on divine attributes. Therefore, the Guardianship position is the Great Divine Book and the version of great world. This study seeks to examine the connection between these three concepts of the guardianship, prophecy and prophetic mission and analyses the principle of prophecy and prophetic mission, which is the same guardianship position. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A critical Survey of Mark Maller’s View of Animal Suffering
        Sayed Mahmoud  Musawi Mohammad Molaye
        Animal pain and suffering in the domain of nature are undeniable facts, which give rise to the problem of incompatibility of such facts with divine attributes of omniscience, omnipotence and absolute benevolence of God in Abrahamic faiths. Theologians have endeavored to More
        Animal pain and suffering in the domain of nature are undeniable facts, which give rise to the problem of incompatibility of such facts with divine attributes of omniscience, omnipotence and absolute benevolence of God in Abrahamic faiths. Theologians have endeavored to meet this challenge by both explaining the compatibility and persevering their traditional faith in divine attributes. Mark Maller, however, attempted to solve the problem by reinterpretation of divine attributes and abandoning the orthodox beliefs. The problem with Maller and his like Christian theologians was to rely on nonreligious presumptions rather than on theistic foundations in finding a solution for the problem. The critique of their stance is that one cannot formulate a logical consistent argument by adopting some premises from religious fources and other premises from nonreligious ones. It seems that a holistic view and looking into scriptural thrives can provide a better and more coherent solution for animal suffering. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Investigating and analyzing the confinement of names and attributes of god in Sa'adi s works
        anvar zieaee
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides be More
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides believe that God should be named and described only by the names and attributes in the book and the tradition, and that they know the names and other attributes of heresy. From the Mu'tazilite point of view, the divine attributes and attributes are not forbidden, and the name and attribution of transcendence to the names and attributes not mentioned in the Qur'an and traditions is valid, while mystics and Sufis and many close to them believe that God Any good name can be read. Saadi, inspired by the Ash'arites' beliefs, repeatedly reads God in the names and descriptions mentioned in the book and tradition. Therefore, in this research, considering the Ash'arism of Saadi's professionalism, we will examine descriptive-analytic method by extracting nouns and attributes in general, to see to what extent Sa'adi's thoughts and beliefs regarding the arrest of Asmau are discussed. The traits correspond to the Ash'arites. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The "Bestowal Theology(2)"; The Implications of the Principle of "Bestowal" in divine Attributes and acts
        hasan Mohamadi ahmad abadi saeed motaqi far
        The principle of "the Donor of a thing must already have it" used in Two Manners for Proving of divine attributes. In one application used for proving of Absolute perfection Attributes and in another used for proving each of the perfection attributes Including All kinds More
        The principle of "the Donor of a thing must already have it" used in Two Manners for Proving of divine attributes. In one application used for proving of Absolute perfection Attributes and in another used for proving each of the perfection attributes Including All kinds of Divine knowledge like essential and intuition Knowledge, Knowledge to other one Before Creating, Knowledge to other one after creation, Active Knowledge and intuition Knowledge To another. As it is used in Proving of Attributes like Divine Power, Life, Will, necessity, goodness, righteousness, Simplicity, richness and ownership. This Principle also used for Proving of Basic Statements Related to divine acts Including The principle of "One", Extending existence ,the worlds of Existence, The invention of the universe and the Perfection of creation. This text, By proving the influence of this rule in most important issues of Islamic theology, justified Islamic theology as a "Bestowal theology ". Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Anthropomorphism and Transcendence in Ibn Arabi and Spinoza
        Abdulrazzaq  Hessamifar Pedram  Pourmehran
        Anthropomorphism and transcendence are related to the quality of Man’s perception of Divine Names and Attributes. The roots of this discussion can be traced back in divine revelation and holy books. In the world of Islam, the anthropomorphic and transcendental verses of More
        Anthropomorphism and transcendence are related to the quality of Man’s perception of Divine Names and Attributes. The roots of this discussion can be traced back in divine revelation and holy books. In the world of Islam, the anthropomorphic and transcendental verses of the Qur’an have provided the context for several discussions among Muslim mutikallimun. During the Christian Middle Ages, the Holy Book and the thoughts of the philosophers of that period concerning affirmative and negative methods of knowing God promoted some debates about the Divine Attributes. Ibn Arabi and Spinoza are two philosophers from two different philosophical traditions: one is an intuitive gnosis and the other is a rationalist philosopher; however, both of them deal with the knowledge of God and His Names and Attributes based on a monistic approach. Moreover, both of them follow the same approach to anthropomorphism and transcendence and believe in them. In the present paper, the writers initially present the ideas of Ibn Arabi and Spinoza about anthropomorphism and transcendence and then proceed to analyze and compare them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A Review of the Development of Semantics of Divine Attributes in Islamic Thinkers
        Abdollah Mirahmadi
        One of the extensive realms of tawhidi (related to oneness of God) problems pertains to the explanation of Divine Attributes. The existence of such attributes in different Qur’anic verses and traditions has always raised a serious question among Islamic mutikallimun as More
        One of the extensive realms of tawhidi (related to oneness of God) problems pertains to the explanation of Divine Attributes. The existence of such attributes in different Qur’anic verses and traditions has always raised a serious question among Islamic mutikallimun as to which linguistic principles could assist in grasping a correct understanding of them. In the history of Muslim thinkers three main approaches have been developed regarding the explanation of Divine Attributes: The first approach is supported by anthropomorphists (mushabbaha), literalists (hashwiyyah), corporealists (mujassamah), and then revivalists (salafiyya); while interpreting the verses on attributes based on their surface meaning, they maintain that predicative Divine Attributes can be demonstrated through assimilation and qualification. The second approach is mainly prevalent among the people of hadith; while ascribing predicative attributes to God, they are content with the mere explanation of the quality of their attribution and leave the understanding of their meanings to God. Unlike the proponents of the previous two approaches, those of the third approach, despite some methodological differences in interaction with attributes whose primary appearance is in contrast with conclusive rational principles, have adopted the method of t’awil or esoteric exegesis. A group of early thinkers and, following them, the Mu‘tazilites and Shi‘ites are among the true advocates of this approach. Here, following the method of content analysis, the author intends to provide an accurate account of these three approaches and, at the same time, evaluate their efficiency. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Place and Time of Mullā Muḥammad Kaẓīm Hezārjarībī in the History of Rational Sciences with an Emphasis on the Content of Theological Manuscripts
        Ali Ghanbarian Abbas Bakhshande Bali
        One of the Shi‘ite thinkers whose scientific contributions have rarely been explored is Mullā Muḥammad Kaẓim Hezārjarībī Astarābādī (died in 1234 AH). He was one of the Shi‘ite scholars of the late Zand and early Qajar periods who conducted several scientific studies in More
        One of the Shi‘ite thinkers whose scientific contributions have rarely been explored is Mullā Muḥammad Kaẓim Hezārjarībī Astarābādī (died in 1234 AH). He was one of the Shi‘ite scholars of the late Zand and early Qajar periods who conducted several scientific studies in different fields of theology, particularly on Islamic beliefs. Hezārjarībī’s works have never been published; however, a great number of his manuscripts in Persian and Arabic are available today. His writings and translations have played a significant role in the dissemination and expansion of the Shi‘ite culture and philosophy. When composing, he always paid attention to the point that his writings should be readable by all the people interested in the field of theology, and that is why most of his works are written in Persian. Following a descriptive-analytic method and relying on library resources, particularly, a number of critically corrected manuscripts, the authors of this paper aim to investigate the nature and content of Hezārjarībī’s most important discussions regarding theology. The findings of this study demonstrate that, in his view, theology is intrinsic while Islam is not. In order to prove the existence of God, he resorted to a variety of proofs such as possibility and necessity, order, and fiṭrah (human nature) arguments. Moreover, he tried to provide the correct meanings of some divine attributes such as will, justice, and wisdom to remove some theological ambiguities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Ibn Arabi and Divine Wisdom on the Word “Adam”: A Study of a Comprehensive Image of Adam in Fusus al-Hikam
        Masood  Ahmadi Afzadi Nawab  Moqarrabi
        The most important point in the “Adam” chapter of Ibn Arabi’s book of Fusus al-hikam pertains to the whyness of the creation of Adam and the world. Within our religious and Islamic context, the first response to this question is based on the famous holy hadith that cons More
        The most important point in the “Adam” chapter of Ibn Arabi’s book of Fusus al-hikam pertains to the whyness of the creation of Adam and the world. Within our religious and Islamic context, the first response to this question is based on the famous holy hadith that considers the Divine Knowledge as the basis and reason of creation. However, this knowledge-based response is too vague and insufficient to explain the whole story and needs to be expanded. One can view this problem from another perspective: there are, in fact, two different views; one is based on a general image of believers in Abrahamic religions, and the other rests upon the oneness of being. In the latter image, which is the most important image for epistemologists in the field of Divine Knowledge, God is both the outermost and the innermost; He is both the beginning and the end. Adam (human being) is both creation and truth; he is the gathering point of all divine names, and the world is a mirror in which God and Adam see themselves. The angels are also the powers of the world; glory and beauty are the two hands of God. Moreover, the perfect Man is the same single soul. Finally, it is noted that God’s vicegerent on Earth possesses both the image of God and the image of the world. In this paper, the writers have tried to explore this image from various angles and, ultimately, provide a comprehensive picture of the problem under debate. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Synonymy of Attributes and Attributeless Nature of Essence
        Hosain  Oshaqi
        There are three views regarding the relationship between “essential attributes” and the “Essence of the Truth”. The Ash‘arites believed in the addition of the existence of attributes to the existence of the Essence of the Truth and the differences of their meanings from More
        There are three views regarding the relationship between “essential attributes” and the “Essence of the Truth”. The Ash‘arites believed in the addition of the existence of attributes to the existence of the Essence of the Truth and the differences of their meanings from each other and from the Essence of the Truth. However, most philosophers acknowledge the identity of the real co-existence of attributes with the existence of the Essence of the Truth and, at the same time, believe in the differences mentioned above. Moreover, gnostics believe that the Essence of the Truth is free from attributes and maintain that attributes are of the same meaning with the Essence of the Truth. They also emphasize that contrasting attributes exist by accident in relation to the very existence of the Truth and are posterior to it. It seems that, unlike the Ash‘arites and other philosophers, who both suffer from some rational and traditional problems, the truth of gnostics’ view can be demonstrated based on several rational and traditional proofs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Levels of the Order of Being in the View of Imām Khomeīnī (Based on T‘alīqāt Miṣbāḥ al-Uns)
        Gholamreza  Hosseinpour
        Miftāḥ al-qayb is the first work which was formally written on theoretical gnosis by Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī. Miṣbāḥ al-uns by Shams al-Dīn Fanārī, which is a detailed commentary on the mentioned book, has also had a significant role in granting a demonstrative nature to gno More
        Miftāḥ al-qayb is the first work which was formally written on theoretical gnosis by Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī. Miṣbāḥ al-uns by Shams al-Dīn Fanārī, which is a detailed commentary on the mentioned book, has also had a significant role in granting a demonstrative nature to gnostic discussions. Some gnostics, such as Imām Khomeīnī, are among the researchers whose glosses have been extremely useful in explaining and clarifying the concepts discussed in Miṣbāḥ al-uns. This study intends to explain the levels of the order of being in the view of Imām Khomeīnī based on his glosses on Miṣbāḥ al-uns. The level of the existence of the Truth in the arc of descent is the same chain of existence in the order of being, which consists of the mentally posited attributes and determinations, i.e. stations of essence, henas (aḥadiyyat), and monas (waḥdāniyyat). In other words, Almighty Truth enjoys certain determinations which are initially manifested at the station of essence, which is nameless and attributeless, and then descends to the level of henas, following which they descend further to the level of monas. The station of monas is a level at which the names and attributes of the Truth are explained in detail. Immutable essences are the forms and manifestations of such names and attributes; in the same vein, external essences or real affairs are the manifestations of immutable essences. This study was carried out to review, analyze, and evaluate Imām Khomeīnī’s views regarding the levels of the order of being. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Views of Sayyid ‘Alī Khān Madanī and Mullā Ṣadrā on Divine Anthropomorphic Attributes Based on Ends
        Narges Taheri Hasan   Naghizadeh Mortaza   Irvani Najafi
        In spite of the long stay of Sayyid ‘Alī Khān Ṣadr al-Dīn Madanī Shīrāzī (1052-10120 AH) in India and his distance from Shiraz and Isfahan, his kalāmī principles underlying the explanation of God’s anthropomorphic attributes in Rīyāḍ al-sālikīn clearly demonstrate Mullā More
        In spite of the long stay of Sayyid ‘Alī Khān Ṣadr al-Dīn Madanī Shīrāzī (1052-10120 AH) in India and his distance from Shiraz and Isfahan, his kalāmī principles underlying the explanation of God’s anthropomorphic attributes in Rīyāḍ al-sālikīn clearly demonstrate Mullā Ṣadrā’s influence. Nevertheless, despite his agreement with the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, his method of interpreting divine attributes does not fully conform to the principles of Sadrian philosophy. While clarifying the attribution of a number of anthropomorphic features to God, he adopts an ends-oriented method in order to purify Him from human characteristics. This is because the reasons for the manifestation of some attributes such as mercy and wrath, which are rooted in inner excitement, compassion, and sorrow, are not true about God. In fact, they can only be used for Him based on ends and outcomes. Although he speaks of demonstrating attributes for God without assimilation, this strategy is not consistent with the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, particularly with gradation of being and distinction of existential levels of God’s attributes from those of human beings as explicitly stated by Mullā Ṣadrā and his fundamental theories. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Use of Intellect and Reasoning in Demonstrating Divine Attributes in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Mozhgan Fatahi Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Mullā Ṣadrā states in his works that the employment of the intellect and intellectual reasoning is efficient in the independent demonstration and understanding of divine attributes. By explaining Mullā Ṣadrā’s method of using the intellect, it becomes clear that he has More
        Mullā Ṣadrā states in his works that the employment of the intellect and intellectual reasoning is efficient in the independent demonstration and understanding of divine attributes. By explaining Mullā Ṣadrā’s method of using the intellect, it becomes clear that he has formulated his discussion based on proof and has presented some extensive and cohesive discussions about divine attributes so that the most important of which have been clearly explained and demonstrated. Based on the present study, the most important philosophical arguments and principles which Mullā Ṣadrā has explained and demonstrated in this field include ontological proof, principle of “Truth in its simplicity contains everything”, principle of “The giver of something cannot lack it”, and principle of “The Necessary Being is necessary by essence from all aspects, and providence. Mullā Ṣadrā’s extensive discussions on divine attributes, which are based on rational arguments, indicate his belief in the truth of the intellect’s independent function in this field, on the one hand, and confirm its capability in the field of epistemology of divine attributes in an independent form, on the other hand. The result of this study is the development of an approach based on distinguishing the two independent and instrumental functions of the intellect, which has not been considered in other studies previously. Not distinguishing between these two functions has resulted in attributing an irrational and unverifiable or even eclectic nature to the methodology of the Transcendent Philosophy. As a case study on divine attributes, the present study explains the rational, verifiable, and philosophical dimensions to the Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        18 - A Study of the Role of Qur’anic Teachings in Philosophical Theology
        Aireza Asadi
        Some opponents of philosophy and many Orientalists believe that Islamic Philosophy simply repeats the words and views of Greek philosophers and is not only totally far from Islamic teachings but also sometimes in opposition to them. Through explaining the extent of the More
        Some opponents of philosophy and many Orientalists believe that Islamic Philosophy simply repeats the words and views of Greek philosophers and is not only totally far from Islamic teachings but also sometimes in opposition to them. Through explaining the extent of the influence of the Holy Qur’an on a rational and philosophical discussion and a study of the works of Islamic philosophers, this paper aims to demonstrate that they have benefitted from Qur’anic teachings in order to expand and develop philosophical discussions and, particularly, philosophical theology. In other words, it intends to prove that the qualitative and quantitative expansion of philosophical problems, arguments, theories, and principles in the field of philosophical theology is indebted to Qur’anic teachings. This influence is to the extent that it has led to the conceptual and structural evolution of Greek philosophy and differentiates the general approach of Islamic philosophy from Greek philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigating the influential factors in the creation of brand equity in higher education (A study of Payame Noor University)
        میرزا حسن  حسینی رومينا  فرهادي نهاد
        The purpose of this study is examining the influential factors in the creation of brand equity in higher education. The population of the present research is students at the under graduate level at the university of Payame Noor at Tehran campus. Self-administered questi More
        The purpose of this study is examining the influential factors in the creation of brand equity in higher education. The population of the present research is students at the under graduate level at the university of Payame Noor at Tehran campus. Self-administered questionnaire was utilized for data collection from 423 students and ultimately the data gained from 304 students by applying Spss18 and Amos18 software was analyzed. The research findings indicate that among the elements of brand awareness dimension in research model, publicity has a direct and significant effect on university brand equity. Further, among brand image dimensions, perceived value and after sale services belonging to service attributes, brand personality belonging to symbolic attributes and finally international reputation element from provider attributes have the positive effects on Payame Noor University brand image. Thus, with regard to the results, service attributes and provider attributes have the most as along with the least influence on brand equity respectively. Moreover, some practical implications in order for promoting the brand equity of Payame Noor University are presented. Manuscript profile
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        20 - identifying the critical success factors for coaching in organizations with a meta-synthesis approach: providing a model
        Sajad Gharloghi Abasalt Khorasani Gholamreza Shams Moorkani Behrooz Ghelichlee
        The purpose of this study is to identify the key factors of coaching success in the organization. This study also provides a comprehensive model for coaching success factors.This study was conducted in the framework of a qualitative approach meta-synthesis methode with More
        The purpose of this study is to identify the key factors of coaching success in the organization. This study also provides a comprehensive model for coaching success factors.This study was conducted in the framework of a qualitative approach meta-synthesis methode with the seven-step approach of Sandolowski and Barso (2009). The study population of the present study includes all Persian and English researches and studies published in the field of coaching between 2000 and 2020. In this regard, keywords related to the purpose of the research were searched. Then, the obtained articles and documents were examined using purposive sampling method, according to the acceptance criteria. Finally, 25 articles that met the inclusion criteria were studied. They were analyzed using three-step coding method (open, axial, selective). The reliability of the codings was confirmed using the kappa agreement coefficient in SPSS software with a value of 0.75 and to evaluate the validity of the study, the findings were provided to two qualitative research experts. Based on the results of data analysis, 129 open codes were identified, which were classified into 6 categories and 23 sub-categories, which include professional coaching competency (perceptual skills, communication skills, technical skills, knowledge And experience, personality and moral characteristics, professional credibility), cochee conditions and characteristics (desire and motivation, personal characteristics, commitment and responsibility, cognitive skills, knowledge and competency, organizational position), Coaching process (planning and organizing, evaluation methods), relationship quality (relationship level, cooperation and agreement, mutual respect and trust, professional learning), organizational context (support of top managers, organizational culture, structural And strategic factors) and external context (cultural factors, environmental factors). Manuscript profile
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        21 - Laws of Nature as Strategies for Man’s Happiness
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        The world and nature have been created relying on certain divine rules and principles. Based on the Divine Will and pre-ordination, there is a mutual relationship and interaction not only between all the components of the world of being but also between them and the who More
        The world and nature have been created relying on certain divine rules and principles. Based on the Divine Will and pre-ordination, there is a mutual relationship and interaction not only between all the components of the world of being but also between them and the whole world of creation. As a member of this world, Man can both affect it and be affected by it. This process has been predestined based on the main law and principle of this world, that is, the commensurability of “being” and “good”. Where there is good, there is being (and vice versa), and where there is no good, there is evil or non-being (and vice versa). The only way of attaining true happiness for Man is living in harmony with the system of nature and its governing rules. The divine tradition or the laws of nature are such that any deviation from them will lead to evil, misery, loss, calamity, disease, etc. The world (macro-anthropo) reacts to the good and bad deeds of human beings (micro-anthropo). Sin, which means any disobedience to the Divine orders or transgression from the laws of creation and nature, results in human misery and cruelty and will be followed by Divine punishment and torture. This is the point at which God’s glorious names and attributes are manifested. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Improve the detection of buried channel, using Artificial Neural Networks and seismic attributes
        Alireza Ghazanfari Abdolrahim Javaherian Mojtaba Seddigh Arabani
        Channels are one of the most important stratigraphic and morphological events. If channels place in a suitable position such as enclosed in impermeable place can make suitable oil and gas reservoir; So identifying channels are crucial. Different tools such as filters, s More
        Channels are one of the most important stratigraphic and morphological events. If channels place in a suitable position such as enclosed in impermeable place can make suitable oil and gas reservoir; So identifying channels are crucial. Different tools such as filters, seismic attributes, artificial neural networks, and meta-attributes have played an important role in this regard. In this paper dip-steering cube, dip-steer median filter, dip-steer diffusion filter, and fault enhancement filter, have been used. Then, various seismic attributes such as similarity, texture, spectral decomposition, energy and polar dip have been defined and studied. Therefore, work on F3 real seismic data of Dutch part of the North sea for detecting channels has been started by detecting suitable attributes. For identifying the channel in data, it has been used from compilation and combination of seismic attributes using supervised ANN (multi-layer perceptron), and development of mata-attributes, then recombine meta-attributes created along the channel, and using different interpretation point, for eliminating the impact of facies and lithology changes along the channel. Among the advantages and the reasons for using this kind of neural network (supervised), which increases the effect of the neural network and improves the result, is the ability to train the network by specifying the channel and non-channel points used in this paper. Finally, using the above methods, the identification of the channel examined in the above seismic data has been improved, and the channel has been properly detected and extracted throughout its entire length. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Compilation of artificial neural networks and the thinned Fault likelihood auto-tracking algorithm, for identification, interpretation and extraction of faults
        Alireza Ghazanfari Hoseyn Mohammadrezaei Hamidreza Ansari
        Fault identification and investigating their evolution is of special importance in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources. Success in exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, need to recognition of petroleum systems and in this regard one of More
        Fault identification and investigating their evolution is of special importance in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources. Success in exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, need to recognition of petroleum systems and in this regard one of the most important topics is identifying faults and their extension condition as a main fluid migration path, specially in deeper zones. Faults and fractures have crucial role in making high permeable and porous segments and cut reservoir and cap rock in the fluid migration path. In addition, for maximizing the production of hydrocarbon from reservoirs and also for reducing the risk of drilling, it is necessary to gain information about geometry and nature of faults of reservoirs. In this paper, the purpose is investigating the performance of combination of neural networks and Fault Likelihood auto-tracking algorithm for identification and interpretation of faults in seismic data. At first using the Dip-steering feature of software, the early filter for accurate identification of dip of structures in the data, have been designed and applied. Then with designing and applying the appropriate filters, the seismic data have been improved. After that proper seismic attributes for fault identification have been calculated from seismic data. With picking fault and non-fault points from data, a supervised neural network using the selected attributes was formed and after training the network, the appropriate output achieved. Then the output of neural network has been used as a input for Thinned Fault Likelihood auto-tracking algorithm. The output of this part contains a volume of tracked faults. Finally using sub-tools of TFL and optimal setting of parameters, 3D fault planes has been interpreted and extracted. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Identifiers of City in View of the Holy Quran
        جابر  دانش
        To understand the effects of physical, social, economic and management teachings of Islam about cities and explaining a model for the differentiation of cities in different periods, various studies have been conducted and various analyses have been presented, some of wh More
        To understand the effects of physical, social, economic and management teachings of Islam about cities and explaining a model for the differentiation of cities in different periods, various studies have been conducted and various analyses have been presented, some of which consider the numerous religious references and texts on urban development. The specific nature of cities in the Islamic world and their concepts and inclusive common characteristics indicate the influence of the Islamic culture and their relationship with religious teachings. Thus, the Islamic city is a term introducing the cities influenced by the Islamic culture and values. This article, relying on references in Quranic verses to various aspects of architecture and urban planning as well as on the opinions of the commentators and philologists, has extracted reviewed and analyzed the identifiers and components of city in view of the Holy Quran while not considering the verses related to the life of the saints and eternal life. In this context, information and data have been collected and studied through analytic descriptive approach. The Holy Quran in order to avoid unnecessary and harmful construction refers to attributes such as security, peace, respect and compliance with natural and climatic conditions in urban and worldly development while also considering the ideal, perfect and absolute aspects in the heavenly abode. The style of the Quran in explaining the attributes of constructions is stressing the qualitative aspects in providing human social shelters and places. Basically, though, religious teachings do not mention detailed criteria and specific guidelines in this respect. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Explore the components and explanations of the infallible (AS) components
        Fereshteh  Balochi Mohammad mehdi Taghdisi Mohammad Jafari Harandie
        According to Imamiyyah, Imam Hojjat is chosen and appointed God to guide humanity. Therefore, he necessarily has characteristics that, while not leaving him out of the order of God and being the creature of God, makes him different from ordinary human beings. One of the More
        According to Imamiyyah, Imam Hojjat is chosen and appointed God to guide humanity. Therefore, he necessarily has characteristics that, while not leaving him out of the order of God and being the creature of God, makes him different from ordinary human beings. One of the most important of these features is the immunity from any sin and error that is referred to as infallibility in the term science; Because the imam's error throws his authority and contradicts the wisdom and justice of God. Also, another of the dignity of the Imamate is his complete and extensive science. In the meantime, God sometimes finds expedient to inform the Imam of the unseen. These doctrines are all derived from the verses of the Qur'an and the valid themes of the narrative that will be mentioned in the text of the article. The method of this article is analytical-reciprocal, and we would like to say that the exaggeration of the attributes and characteristics of the infallibles (AS) is due to the lack of attention to the minutes and subtleties that exist in this form and in the criteria of exaggeration. In this article, the author will say in a precise meaning that the concept of humanity is human, that if affairs are inherently impossible to human, such as divinity, abstraction and complete independence, God is the cause of God and his unity with human beings. ;; But the extraordinary things that are inherently possible and according to the evidence and documentation - though rarely - are not exaggerated, and it can be considered as the superhuman attributes of the Imams. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Explore the components and explanations of the infallible (AS) components
        Afsaneh Paymard
        According to Imamiyyah, Imam Hojjat is chosen and appointed God to guide humanity. Therefore, he necessarily has characteristics that, while not leaving him out of the order of God and being the creature of God, makes him different from ordinary human beings. One of the More
        According to Imamiyyah, Imam Hojjat is chosen and appointed God to guide humanity. Therefore, he necessarily has characteristics that, while not leaving him out of the order of God and being the creature of God, makes him different from ordinary human beings. One of the most important of these features is the immunity from any sin and error that is referred to as infallibility in the term science; Because the imam's error throws his authority and contradicts the wisdom and justice of God. Also, another of the dignity of the Imamate is his complete and extensive science. In the meantime, God sometimes finds expedient to inform the Imam of the unseen. These doctrines are all derived from the verses of the Qur'an and the valid themes of the narrative that will be mentioned in the text of the article. The method of this article is analytical-reciprocal, and we would like to say that the exaggeration of the attributes and characteristics of the infallibles (AS) is due to the lack of attention to the minutes and subtleties that exist in this form and in the criteria of exaggeration. In this article, the author will say in a precise meaning that the concept of humanity is human, that if affairs are inherently impossible to human, such as divinity, abstraction and complete independence, God is the cause of God and his unity with human beings. ;; But the extraordinary things that are inherently possible and according to the evidence and documentation - though rarely - are not exaggerated, and it can be considered as the superhuman attributes of the Imams. Manuscript profile
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        27 - An Evaluation of the Theories of Suhrawardī Versus the Mu‘tazilites on God’s Will
        Mostafa Esfandiari Mohammad Mahdi Salami Rasool Padashpour
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 130%;"><span style="mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roma More
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 130%;"><span style="mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi;">One of the attributes and perfections of God is Will, a correct perception of which, similar to other attributes, can lead to the perfection of the knower. Although all Muslim phosphors attribute this Will to God, the quality of this attribution has always created some clash of ideas. Most <em>Mu&lsquo;tazilite</em> <em>mutikallimūn</em> negate God&rsquo;s affirmative attributes, including will, to essence and consider them to be additional to it. They maintain that the Divine Essence is the vicegerent for attributes. Among pre-Suhrawardī philosophers, some interpret the free will as the knowledge of the higher order, and some others have referred it to the attribute of knowledge to clarify its meaning. As a result, these two attributes are in unity with each other in terms of concept and referents. Regarding Suhrawardī, some believe that he denies the free will, while a study of the fundamental principles of his philosophical system reveals that the opposite holds true. From among such principles, reference can be made to the gracefulness of the light of all lights (<em>nūr al-anwār</em>), identity of Divine Attributes with Essence, and the light of all lights as the sum of all perfections. According to these principles, all the perfections at lower levels exist in the highest level in a more complete and nobler form. The attribute of will is also an existential perfection, the demonstration of which leads to honor and eminence, and the denial of which leads to the negation of perfection. Hence, given the general content of Shurawardī&rsquo;s philosophy, he must have necessarily agreed with attributing will to Almighty God. Regarding the inclusiveness of will, the <em>Mu&lsquo;tazilites</em> do not view Man as possessing the necessary will, while Suhrawardī considers the attributes of the light of all lights to belong to all existents, including Man in the light of introducing the light of all lights as an all-inclusive truth.</span></p> Manuscript profile