• List of Articles فناوري

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Investigation of the Relationship among factors affecting Science Development, Technology Development and Economic Growth in Iran using System Dynamics
        Hooman Shababi mahmood yahyazadehfar saeid rasekhi meysam shirkhodaei
        Knowledge-Based services and high-tech industries contributions in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countris are increasing, since these contributions are reaching about 40 percent in countries such as USA. Entrance of Knowledge and technology elements in production func More
        Knowledge-Based services and high-tech industries contributions in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countris are increasing, since these contributions are reaching about 40 percent in countries such as USA. Entrance of Knowledge and technology elements in production function means an enormous increase in returns and ignorance from the daily importance of technology in economic growth and development will lead to a gap between developed and poor countries, exponentially. The present research reviewed the related literature of the three fields of science development, technology development and economic growth and their relationships thoroughly, and found 14 cofactors that affect the three fields and their relationships. Using experts' suggestions (13 Iranian experts which resides in Iran and abroad), the cofactors were applied in system dynamics approach in Vensim software to test the relationship and dynamics of the three fields in Iran in four different scenarios and in a 10-year period. The results showed that the three fields are interact with eachother in a complex, interwined structure in Iran and political- economic convergence is the key factor in this relationship. The results will be useful for policymakers of the three fields in Iran.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Change of Academic Regulation and Systems, the Necessity for Improvement of Iranian National Technology and Industries Relation Development
        For years Iranian thinkers and managers try to improve the relation between universities and industries to use the scientific results of academics centers in national technology development. Some years ago after changing the name “Culture and advanced education ministry More
        For years Iranian thinkers and managers try to improve the relation between universities and industries to use the scientific results of academics centers in national technology development. Some years ago after changing the name “Culture and advanced education ministry” to “ministry of Science, research and Technology” the ministry tried to have important roles on national technology and knowledge based development. Though much trying, there is needed to essential planning and organizing works to lead the ministry to have beneficial output for the goals of technology development which is in constitution. To reach to the goals which coming in the constitution it is needed some rectification and modification in organization structure, rules and process of execution. In other hand there are some science and technology organizations parallel to each other with more budget and low responsibility in the government. So grinding and dispersion of research possibilities is one of the barriers to technology development in Iran. This paper notices to the Change of academic regulation and systems as a necessity for improvement of industries relation and national technology development for country. Improvement of technological universities instruction systems is one of the other items emphasized in this paper for national technology development Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - پيشبرد ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه در قالب نظام ملي نوآوري مطالعه‌ي موردي فن‌‌بازار
        kamal tabaeian alireza boushehri
      • Open Access Article

        4 - نقش پارك فناوري مجازي در تحول ماهيت صنعت و دانشگاه در اقتصاد دانش‌بنيان
        pariya dolatyabi abdollah aghaei
      • Open Access Article

        5 - توسعه مفهومی ارتباط بين صنعت و دانشگاه : از رهيافت‌های عمل‌گرا تا رهيافت‌های نهادگرا
        vahid yazdanian masoud shafiee
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Governmentality in the History of Political Philosophy
          فاطمه  ذوالفقاریان
        The present article is an attempt to depict three types of government establishment in the process of political philosophy, based on technology, i.e., the field of practical thought and unconscious capability. Government establishment is to adjust communal behavior of h More
        The present article is an attempt to depict three types of government establishment in the process of political philosophy, based on technology, i.e., the field of practical thought and unconscious capability. Government establishment is to adjust communal behavior of humans in a political affair in an acceptable way, to reduce possible threats from it and to increase the occurance of benefit, joy, and pleasure. Accordingly, the three ideal types of political consciousness-metaphysics, physics, and information- form three eras. The present article studies the process of theoretical and practical politics as its negative and positive aspects, and introduces the theory of chance studying crises and transitions. It discusses what different types of government establishment are. Is any regularity in them when the history of political philosophy is involved? What is the realization of government establishment in three eras of consciousness? The purpose here is to offer government establishment in an unbiased theory, which can move from its state as a negative constituent in the era of information to cover all the area of political thought. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Entrepreneurial University, Requirements and Musts
        heydar mirfakhreddin
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic managem More
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic management from government to market and have led to a change in attitudes toward research in universities and research centers, the demand has emerged that universities should minimize the public resources used in research. To compensate and play a more active role in the growth and development of society.At the same time, the formation of the knowledge-based economy has highlighted the role of knowledge as a more prominent factor in creating added value, wealth creation than the traditional factors of production in the economy, namely land, labor and capital. In addition to research and education, the university has another third role, which is to participate in the socio-economic development of society.These changes in the approach to resource allocation and the role of knowledge in wealth creation and the change in the direction of economic management have led to growing attention to the commercialization approach to research results in universities and research centers in developed countries. He concluded that research results should be sold to private and public sector companies in order to create other sources of revenue for these centers while funding research activities.Commercialization means turning research results into products, services, and processes that can be sold. Thus, this process emphasizes the application of research results and the creation of economic value for these results.As a result, fostering entrepreneurial ideas in the process of business development for wealth creation, value creation, taking advantage of comparative opportunities and advantages, and combining innovations and technologies in the direction of economic dynamism; Directing stray capital and directing investment flows in productive and entrepreneurial businesses within the university's capabilities;Social partners and students and teachers; It is recommended to prevent the erosion of entrepreneurial businesses in the light of continuous and process-oriented facilitations in the dimensions of consulting, financial, institutional, etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Pharmaceutical Industry’s R&D in Developing Countries Case Study: India
        Seyede Sedighe Jalalpour Faranak Nadi
        Research and Development plays a key role in creating knowledge and technology, hence planning and investment in this area is too important for countries to keep their permanency of competitive advantages. For the time beingdeveloping countries from one side, aretypical More
        Research and Development plays a key role in creating knowledge and technology, hence planning and investment in this area is too important for countries to keep their permanency of competitive advantages. For the time beingdeveloping countries from one side, aretypicallyimportinghigh technologyfromdeveloped countries, and from the other sidein recent years supply of domestic healthcareneeds faced with new barriers such as high costof drugs and the emergence of new international. Consequently the situation leads to formation and enabling of domestic R&D in Pharmaceutical industry. this paper have considered the situation of Pharmaceutical industry’s R&D in developing countries and then examined the related theories, Having in mind the India’s achievements in Pharmaceutical industry through adoption and implementation of appropriate R&D policies,. India's experiences in Pharmaceutical industry especially in bio technology looked over and finally the pass through manner of India from 1947 till now is presented in a suitable framework. The framework’s features consist of types of R&D, forms of innovation (product or process) and the time with in each period. It may used as guidance for R&D activities in Pharmaceutical industry in other developing countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Evaluation of the Success of the Technology Transfer Process and Improve Its Perform ance by Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) In Samam Co
        Seyed Davood MirHabibi Mostafa Mablaghi
        Organizations to survive and produce new productions in their surrounded environment need new technology. One of the ways to acquisition technology is transfer technology from other organization or countries. One of the most important problems which industries in develo More
        Organizations to survive and produce new productions in their surrounded environment need new technology. One of the ways to acquisition technology is transfer technology from other organization or countries. One of the most important problems which industries in developing countries are wrestling with is non-effectiveness of transferred technology. The reason for this, is the failure to complete the phases of transfer of technology or lack of improvement in these phases. The technology transfer process has six interactive phases: the selection and acquisition, adaptation, assimilation, utilization, development and diffusion. In this study, field research and studies in the field of technology transfer process is investigated and influential factors in the technology transfer process are identified. With t student model, a significant relationship between these components are reviewed and confirmed. Then through collecting expert opinions, the success of the technology transfer process is evaluated and importance of the phases are specified by extending the classical analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and They are compared with a success rate, And by IPA, both the importance and performance aspects were evaluated so by determining priorities for improvement and resource allocation, the technology transfer process hasbeen improved. Although this work can be viewed as a case study in Samam co. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Role of Science and Technology Corridors in Knowledge-based Economy Development
        Mahmod Sheykh Zeynaddin Hasan KIhakbaz Leyla Khodabandeh Mehdi Keshmiri
        Today, there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift from capital economy to knowledge-based economy to achieve sustainable development. The Science and Technology Corridor (STC) as an infrastructure for the development of knowledge-based economy aims to provide an attra More
        Today, there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift from capital economy to knowledge-based economy to achieve sustainable development. The Science and Technology Corridor (STC) as an infrastructure for the development of knowledge-based economy aims to provide an attractive environment for investors, firms, corporations, and knowledge-based institutions and citizens by creating incentives for the industry to move towards new technologies and high value-added businesses. These corridors are actually special areas which include various components such as universities and higher education institutions, research centers, science and technology parks, knowledge-based in different industries. Their main purpose is to form a technology cluster. In addition, high value-added services are provided by these corridors. The outputs of these areas will facilitate the process of innovation and convert knowledge into wealth. This paper elaborates the properties of knowledge-based economy, defining STCs and explaining Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) as a successful experience. Malaysia's MSC is a cluster of ICT companies, and its main purpose is to encourage innovation and development of new technologies by the companies. In addition, the potential of the Isfahan as a first experience in Iran for STC establishment and its capability to change the geography and the local economy of the Isfahan from an industrial region into a knowledge-based region will be explained. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Innovation and Exports Based on High Technology: Comparison of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Vision Plan Countries
        Abolfazll Shahabadi Haniyeh Samari
        Most of the nation’s economic power to dominate the regional and trans-regional markets depends on the knowledge and technology and its application in creating various products consistent with the current worldwide demand. The use of technology in production and export More
        Most of the nation’s economic power to dominate the regional and trans-regional markets depends on the knowledge and technology and its application in creating various products consistent with the current worldwide demand. The use of technology in production and export leads to increased competiveness strength and enhanced worldwide market share. This study investigates the effect of innovation on high technology exports of Iran in comparison to the selected countries mentioned in the vision plan during 2007-2012 in order to provide policy recommendations to achieve the vision plan goals and seriously addressing the economic sanctions. The results indicate a positive relationship between innovation and high technology exports in studied countries. Among the studied countries, the worst and the best performance on high technology exports respectively are Qatar and Turkey. Iran ranked second in the region on high technology exports and in the couple of innovation indicators (The number of patents and scientific and technical papers) but for the other indicators of innovation, the situation is not desirable. Despite the presence of young and graduated generation and the development of higher education, due to inconsistencies between macroeconomic policies and research and innovation policies and also the lack of demand-driven innovative activities, still Iran has not reached the top position in exports of high technology in the region. So to seriously deal with economic sanctions and to achieve Vision′s goals, it is necessary to adopt appropriate macroeconomic policies in order to create demand for the development of innovation activities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Explanation of the Structural Model of the Impact of Technology Attributes on Technology Commercialization from the Viewpoint of the Managers of Knowledge-based Companies Case study: Guilan Science&Technology Park
        Mohammad Taleghani Mehrdad Godarzvand Chegini Bahareh Pourmoradi
        Technology Commercialization plays an important role in improving society welfare. Moreover, to be eligible, a company must meet all criteria and features in supplying a new product to the market. A technology should have diverse unique features in order to attract cust More
        Technology Commercialization plays an important role in improving society welfare. Moreover, to be eligible, a company must meet all criteria and features in supplying a new product to the market. A technology should have diverse unique features in order to attract customers attention and be a great market potential for its product or service. The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of technology features on technology commercialization. According to the innovation diffusion theory, technology features conclude innovation, publicity, simplicity and consistency. The questionnaires were distributed among 130 SME’s of Guilan Science and Technology Park. Among the 130 questionnaires, 97 questionnaires were answered; therefore the final evaluation has been accomplished based on 97 questionnaires. In addition to the confirmation of extracted model, research results showed that each of the relevant variables directly affects the technology commercialization. According to the results, the most effective factors on technology commercialization relate to the variables such as consistency and simplicity while publicity and innovation are on the next level of importance. The results also prove the effect of technology features on market potential and the effect of on market potential on commercialization. In conclusion, there is a direct, positive and significant relation between technology attributes and market potential, but the impact of technology features on commercialization occurs indirectly as an intermediate structure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Analyzing and Designing a Proper Structure for Iran’s Science and Technology Parks
        Saeed Shadan Daruosh Pourseragian Ramin Zareu
        Organizational structure as an operational context for organization’s plans and strategies clarifies the relationship among employees or executives. Along with changing in the other components of transformation, organizations must consider changing their organizational More
        Organizational structure as an operational context for organization’s plans and strategies clarifies the relationship among employees or executives. Along with changing in the other components of transformation, organizations must consider changing their organizational structure. Iran’s Science and Technology Parks as centers for promopting innovation in a local and national society also need a structure appropriate to their mission, goals, tasks and fundamental activities. In this article, we review structure notion and its structural and content aspects and introduce Science and Technology Parks as developmental mechanisms. In order to achieve a proper structure for Iran’s Science and Technology Parks, we studied the Parks’ fundamental activities in their mission and goals statements and conduct a comparative study of the structure of 12 Science and Technology Parks of pioneer countries accompanied with acquiring the viewpoints of managers and experts of Science and Technology Parks. Then a conceptual model of organizational structure of Science and Technology Parks based on comparative studies and literature review in organizational structure and considering the challenge with current structure of Parks was developed. In the end, by interviewing managers and some of Iran’s Science and Technology Parks experts, the proper structure is presented and necessary suggestions to managers and future researchers are explained. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Enhancing Transfer Capacity and Capability of Commercializing Technological Achievements of Research and Technology Organizations by Establishing Business Development Centers
        Reza Bandarian
        The goal of conducting researches in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) is for technological innovation to create new business opportunities, renovation or revolutionizing existing businesses. To do this, RTOs put the technological ideas in the path of technol More
        The goal of conducting researches in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) is for technological innovation to create new business opportunities, renovation or revolutionizing existing businesses. To do this, RTOs put the technological ideas in the path of technology development and commercialization. To move in this way successfully, the balanced and consistent "scientific-technical" as well as "commercial movement of technological ideas is required. One of the best patterns to balance the commercial evolution with the "scientific-technical" path, which are seen in successful and leading RTOs around the world is establishing "technological business development center". The mission of business development centers in RTOs is to implement the commercialization requirements in the process of technology development and provide consultancy and technical, economic and commercial assistance, regarding their technological achievements to those currently entering the commercialization phase. These services include the fundamental principles of business development based on their technological achievements of their organization and for their potential and current customers. This article first points out the necessity and importance of the technological business development center in RTOs and then presents the definition and functions of those centers in RTOs. Finally ends with conclusion Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Knowledge Management as a Model for Managing Knowledge-Based Firms in Science & Technology Park
        Zinat Eizadian Bizhan Abdollahi Valimorad Kiani
        Success in organizations is based on knowledge management, both the physical and financial resources. The new realities of business world are knowledge-based companies and organizations applying creativity and innovation. Science parks are important strategy to support More
        Success in organizations is based on knowledge management, both the physical and financial resources. The new realities of business world are knowledge-based companies and organizations applying creativity and innovation. Science parks are important strategy to support knowledge-based firms. After constructing companies it is very important how to manage them. So the organization task is to provide favorable condition for knowledge management. Nowadays the challenge is how managers develop employee's minds in knowledge based organizations. Knowledge management (KM) is the process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge. It refers to a multi-disciplined approach to achieving organizational objectives by making the best use of knowledge. Institutionalization of knowledge management in science parks lead to improvement of their performance. Knowledge plays an important role in activating employees and organization. Gradually physical and financial capitals are replaced with intellectual capitals. The study suggests science parks managers should use new and suitable knowledge management models to improve their competitive advantage in order to mange knowledge and intellectual capitals to maintain sustainability in area of industry and society. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Effects of the Knowledge-Based Economy on the Science and Technology Corridors
        Rohollah Shahnazi Homa Mouazen Neumatollah Akbari
        knowledge-based economy based on acquisition, production, distribution and utilization of knowledge in all economic activities. In this economy the need for innovative companies are very obvious because these companies are the main source of wealth and employment in the More
        knowledge-based economy based on acquisition, production, distribution and utilization of knowledge in all economic activities. In this economy the need for innovative companies are very obvious because these companies are the main source of wealth and employment in the knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-based economy is the current need for all countries in the world. In this regard, one of the strategies for a successful experience of developed countries based on knowledge-based economy has led to the formation and development of the science and technology corridors. Science and technology corridor is the coordinated and coherent set of universities, science and technology parks, research centers and in a geographic region with a centralized management structure and the particular legal for knowledge based products and services. In this paper, the requirements for the formation of the science and technology corridors will be discussed. The main components of science and technology corridors are: national innovation system, science and technology parks, universities and research centers, venture capital and entrepreneurship, human capital, special infrastructure, market, high technology firms and proximity to urban areas. As long as the country does not acquire these requirements, access to science and technology corridor and the knowledge economy would be impossible. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Investigation Effects of Science and Technology Park on Economic Development
        Ramezanali Shourmij Mahsa Asadi
        Different researches have emphasized the role of science and Technology Parks in regional development. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of scientific and technological town on local economic development. The paradigm of this research is quantitative a More
        Different researches have emphasized the role of science and Technology Parks in regional development. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of scientific and technological town on local economic development. The paradigm of this research is quantitative and our objective is practical implemented by correlation method. Statistical population of survey contains all companies in Isfahan STP and 75 companies were estimated as the sample size using Cochran formula and the samples were selected randomly. The main tool of research was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and reliability of research confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.85). The results showed that the most important the effect of STP on local economic development is the development of marketing services and improving economic situation of the company, the increased level of service is another effect. The exploratory factor analysis was utilized in the classification of effects and the results showed that five factors are accounted for 58/37%of features and the effects of STP. These effects include the production-market (31/02%), capital investments (7/49%), service (7/29%), education-counseling (7/11%), and communication (5/35%). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Review of the Commercialization Linear Model
        Ayda Matin Shadi Mohammad zadeh
        The master key of the world today is the creation of value. The entry approach to the today’s business world is technology and the master key of the technology is commercialization and value added created by it. Commercialization is the conversion process of the new tec More
        The master key of the world today is the creation of value. The entry approach to the today’s business world is technology and the master key of the technology is commercialization and value added created by it. Commercialization is the conversion process of the new technologies to the commercially successful products. Commercialization is containing different arrays of technical, commercial and financial process which converts the new technology into the useful products or services. In other word, commercialization of research findings is the link between technology and market and the focus of it is on the end rings of value chain. Since delivering a product to the market can be the guarantee of organization success and survival, commercialization, the technical knowledge is known as a vital factor. In research organizations, research doesn’t have meaning without product commercialization. Because producing or testing an idea seems useless without access to the product special customers. In order to apply the concept of commercialization in organizations, it’s necessary to be familiar with the commercialization models. A classification of commercialization models are classified into two categories: linear and functional. Due to the importance of linear models, in this article after checking the concept of commercialization, we will check the most important commercial linear models. The linear models are the Goldsmith, Kokobu, Cooper, Rothwell & Zegfeld model, Andrew & Sirkin, Jolley, and the Yeong–Deok Lee models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Achieving Performance Measurement Framework for Science and Technology Parks
        Saeed Shadan
        performance measurement system has a critical role in organizations, since the system can demonstrate how much an organization achieves its objectives and specifies the areas that need improvement and consequently managers can make necessary reformation programs to impr More
        performance measurement system has a critical role in organizations, since the system can demonstrate how much an organization achieves its objectives and specifies the areas that need improvement and consequently managers can make necessary reformation programs to improve their organizational performance. Science and Technology Parks as structures which follow promotion and innovation locally as well as nationally are also deprived of a standardized method to measure their success or failure; a specific and formal performance measurement method that is based on a specific analyzing framework and able to evaluate the performance of Science and Technology Parks. Extracting science and technology parks’ characteristics and the performance measurement systems from literature, we offer a performance measurement framework contained six components including identity and legal structure of Park; main stakeholders’ expectations; expectations from stakeholders; managers’ commitment and proficiency; interactions with universities, research institutions and industries; and finally Park’s real mission and strategies. The latter is the reflection of other components producing performance measures. This framework can be utilized to evaluate the performance of Iran’s as well other Science and Technology Parks outside. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - Comparative Study of Technology Transfer Models
        Hassanali Aghajani Ramin Farzadfar
        Today's world is a world of enormous advances in phenomena, in which technology is considered one of the most important factors in the production of goods and services. Technology transfer is a complex and difficult process that without adequate research and study may l More
        Today's world is a world of enormous advances in phenomena, in which technology is considered one of the most important factors in the production of goods and services. Technology transfer is a complex and difficult process that without adequate research and study may lead to wasting money, time and technology weakening. The purpose of this study is to provide a framework to examine the factors affecting technology transfer with the comparative approach. Therefore, we first briefly discussed the definition of technology transfer and then technology transfer models were discussed in detail. Subsequently, examples of studies conducted in Iran to better understand the issues were presented. Results were obtained by comparing the different theoretical perspectives, and factors affecting technology transfer in ten overall categories of familiarity with market, willingness and ability of the technology transfer and technology receptor, level of technological risk and uncertainty, technology life cycle, organizational interactions, nature of the technology, the aim of the cooperation, economic and financial factors, characteristics of the technology holder (source) and R&D activities were introduced. Each of these factors includes indicators which can be used to assess the models of technology transfer. Finally, based on the findings, the proposed framework is suggested to improve the success and effectiveness of technology transfer projects in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Knowledge Management System Analysis: Using Human Resources and Technology Approaches
        Sareh Khazaeli Neda sadaat Khasteh Amir Albadavi
        These days, high growth and rapid changes in technology on the one hand, and the utilization of new approaches emerged in the economy and management literature on the other, make knowledge resources become more important than other organizational resources. This viewpoi More
        These days, high growth and rapid changes in technology on the one hand, and the utilization of new approaches emerged in the economy and management literature on the other, make knowledge resources become more important than other organizational resources. This viewpoint is based on two main sources; one of them is IT resource and the other is human resource. This kind of attitude to these sources leads to two different approaches of knowledge management: one is related to IT resource and the other is related to human resource. In the investigations about the causes of failure in the most knowledge management projects in knowledge-based organizations, human resource and IT resource approaches are studied separately. In this paper, by these approaches, not only has been the causes of failure in knowledge management projects investigated, but also the importance of these approaches has been studied, too. The study shows that the technology and its benefits cannot be ignored. At the same time, for making organizations less formal, non- technological resource (human resource) management should be at the helm of management priorities. In order to use technology advantages while avoiding its disadvantages, organizations' knowledge resource management should pay attention to the alignment between its technology and human resources. Furthermore, studies show that network infrastructures (extranet, intranet and internet) can provide a proper environment for human resource management. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Managing the Stakeholders Network in Technology Business Incubators
        Hasan KIhakbaz Jafar Eyvazzpour
        The Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) provide an effective means to link technology, capital and know-how in order to accelerate the development of new technology-based companies, leverage entrepreneurial talent, and thus speed the exploitation of technology. The TB More
        The Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) provide an effective means to link technology, capital and know-how in order to accelerate the development of new technology-based companies, leverage entrepreneurial talent, and thus speed the exploitation of technology. The TBIs assist emerging businesses through an array of business support services, developed by incubator management such as assistance in developing business and marketing plans, building management teams, obtaining capital, and ease of access to a range of other more specialized professional services. In addition, incubators provide flexible space, shared equipment, and administrative services. Therefore, the TBI goal is to produce successful firms that will leave the incubator financially viable and freestanding. To address this goal, involvement and support of stakeholders, consisting of sponsors drawn from the local business community, government, the broader community, venture capital providers, technopreneurs, incubator managers and staff are vital. The stakeholders in an incubator will help sustain its financing, offer assistance to its client companies, serve on governing boards, and play generally a key role in the incubator's success. The purpose of this paper is to explain the reason for involving stakeholders in TBI management and necessity of establishing a healthy relationship with them, based on an appropriate set of expectations regarding the nature of the relationship. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Effects of the Knowledge-Based Economic Variables on
        Rohollah Shahnazi
        Knowledge based economies are more strongly dependent on the production, distribution and use of knowledge than ever before. Output and employment are expanding fastest in high-technology industries, such as computers, electronics and aerospace. High-tech refers to tech More
        Knowledge based economies are more strongly dependent on the production, distribution and use of knowledge than ever before. Output and employment are expanding fastest in high-technology industries, such as computers, electronics and aerospace. High-tech refers to technology that is at the cutting edge and the most advanced technology available. High technology industries and services are central part of knowledge-based economy, and one of the main economic indicators for measure the knowledge in economic. In this paper, we introduce the principles and indicators of high-tech industries and analysis effect of the knowledge-based economy variables (ICT, R&D and Education expenditures) on their production. We have developed a model of high-tech industries production. This model has been estimated for 48 countries in 2000-2007 with using GLS Panel Data Approach. The results of the analysis show a positive and significant effect of ICT, R&D and education on high-tech industries .Elasticity calculation shows one percent increase in R&D will result 0.48 present increases in high-tech industrial production, Also one percent increase in ICT will result 0.68 present increases in high-tech industrial production and finally one percent increase in Education will result 0.29 percent increase on high-tech industrial production. So we require a lot of attention to R&D, ICT and Education in program and policy development of high tech industries. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The Effects of Technology Spillover Resulted from Foreign Direct Investment on the Industry Performance
        Abolfazll Shahabadi Seyed Arash Valinia Zahra Ansari
        According to many economists, since the multinational enterprises entering the host economy have relatively more modern technologies than domestic firms, developing countries can reduce their technological gap through FDI inflow channel. It should be noted that the tech More
        According to many economists, since the multinational enterprises entering the host economy have relatively more modern technologies than domestic firms, developing countries can reduce their technological gap through FDI inflow channel. It should be noted that the technology spillover of foreign investors is a function of domestic capacity for absorbing these technological spillovers. Considering the determining role of industry sector in the world economy, the goal of present study is to investigate the spillover effects of foreign investment from technological perspective, on the performance of industry sector of Iran during 1995-2009 years, in form of development plans. The results of the study show that during the second development plan a considerable correlation did not exist among improving the human capital (as the absorption capacity criteria), absorbing the foreign investment, spillover effects, and the industry sector performance. While in the third development plan, the mentioned correlations were significant. The reasons for the above mentioned significant correlations are as follows: policy requirements of the third plan about improving the research and development in macro-level of the economy, passing new laws of protecting and spreading the foreign direct investment in 2002. It is worth noting that while the above mentioned correlations had improved during the fourth development plan compared to the second plan, it shows weaker performance in comparison with the third plan. As a result, it should be noted that the mentioned correlations in industry sector were not significant during 1995-2002 years. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Comparative Analogy about the Scale of Using of Effective Elements in Technology Transfer with the MCDM Procedure (Case Study: Steel Industry Corporations)
        Sedigh Reisi Mahmood Mahdizadeh Hadi Heydari Ghare Bagh Mojtaba Pirhadi
        Nowadays, Technology management is one of the most important tools to improve and develope production of goods and services. In recent years due to the accelerating in scientific progresses, many countries adopted technology transferring. This research comparatively st More
        Nowadays, Technology management is one of the most important tools to improve and develope production of goods and services. In recent years due to the accelerating in scientific progresses, many countries adopted technology transferring. This research comparatively studies the usage of effective factors affecting technology transfer. Considering the results of key factors identified by technology transferr process and using the effective factors for the Iranian steel industry a model was proposed to evaluate the technology transfer process in the above mentioned industry.. This paper is conducted to determine the extension of technology transfer matching with the effective factors. Considering successful experiences in implementation of multi criteria decision making (MCDM) methods to analyse the technology transfer projects, this method was used to rank and find the priority of each of the identified effective factors. For the purpose of this study, questionniers where developed to collect the required information. Moreover, the stability of questionnaire was determined by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.95 that can be considered well acceptable. To do the statistical analysis we applied statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) software to perform descriptive methods, one sample student’s t-test, two sample student’s t-test, and mean comparison tests. Finally, some advices have been presented to improve chance of success and effectiveness of technology transfer projects in Iran based on the proposed model and the results of evaluations and analysis. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Site Selection of Science and Technology Clusters by AHP Method and Using GIS (Case Study: Yazd Science and Technology Cluster)
        Hosein Rahimi Masoud Niksirat
        The establishment of each urban element in the specific location of the city follows special principles that if these principles to be considered well, will lead to the success and functional efficiency of that element in that specific location. In this context, the sel More
        The establishment of each urban element in the specific location of the city follows special principles that if these principles to be considered well, will lead to the success and functional efficiency of that element in that specific location. In this context, the selection of a suitable location for the establishment of science and technology cluster as one of the urban distinctive elements has significant importance since those contain scientific, industrial, manufacturing, laboratory, research facilities, infrastructure and communication environments, institutions, individuals, and information based on creativity and innovation. Therefore, the present study was conducted aimed to find the most suitable location for the establishment of Yazd science and technology cluster. For this purpose after the study of global experiences and regulations and upstream documentation the requirements and necessities Clusters Site Selection were identified. Then, the effective parameters in two levels of main indicators and sub-indicators according to the Analytical Hierarchy Process Model were classified. Then, receiving information according to the experts, managers and professionals ideas analyzed by the Super Decision software and weight of the indicators was determined. In the next step, the satellite image of study area was prepared and using GIS, attempted for preparation of data layers based on requirements that come from the results of questionnaire and interviews. To achieve the final map that is obtained by overlaying weighted maps, first the importance of data layers in terms of distance has been determined and then using layers overlap method, Suitable location for the establishment of Yazd Science and Technology cluster has been proposed. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Science and Technology Parks and Incubators with a Global Perspective
        Majid Soleymani
        Scientific researches considered as one of the main and the most important ways in finding the obscure and hidden facts about the universe as well as discovering new resources and strategies for problems and necessities of human being and the society. in line with reach More
        Scientific researches considered as one of the main and the most important ways in finding the obscure and hidden facts about the universe as well as discovering new resources and strategies for problems and necessities of human being and the society. in line with reaching the country's development objectives, the role of universities and research centers in establishing social institutions and foundations which are in deal with such centers, is highly effective. Comprehensive and expanded protection of policymakers and officials from science and technology development centers and parks in addition to adopting new managing methods, would lay the necessary grounds for achieving the associated objectives. It is obvious that filling the existing gap between universities and other sectors such as industry, agriculture, health, etc, As well as transfer of knowledge and technology through such centers would be facilitated. That is, the science and technology parks accelerate the economic knowledge-based growth and development. Science and technology parks as research and development units can solve lots of existing problems and improve the situation and condition. With a glance to some of the units' activities it can be grasped that they have not been fully utilized yet. From many important factors, the lack of sound resource and facilitates distribution based on priorities, and lack of required decision adoption by innovation and technology policy makers and planners, different communication, law, and regulation problems lead to lack of suitable utilization. One of the patterns which presented for solving such a problem is the utilization of intermediary organizations and institutions in the cycle of the research to the market which could be realigned through establishing science and technology parks. Science and technology parks play essential role in creating and developing technology institution and professional research centers. Farther more, such R&D units would facilitate the aggregation and technical cooperation with its complimentary units such as engineering services companies, engineering and designing institutes, and professional research centers. Also, it provides suitable connection for funding and addressing the groups adjusted with R&D activities. This article by mentioning the establishment and characteristics of Iranian science and technology parks, explains the general situation of such centers are explained based on geographical conditions and establishing bodies as well as the numerous of center categorized based on dependence type and their different activities and international organization. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Introducing a Framework to Implement Technology Management in Technology-based Firms
        Reza Ansari Javad Soltanzadeh
        Today, managers have come to this understanding that technology is the main source of competitive advantages and also growth in firms, hence it must be taken into consideration. Although Technology Management (TM) has become popular in the management area and many frame More
        Today, managers have come to this understanding that technology is the main source of competitive advantages and also growth in firms, hence it must be taken into consideration. Although Technology Management (TM) has become popular in the management area and many frameworks have been proposed, a practical framework and management tool is not available yet. To this point, Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DCT) has been utilized to introduce a TM framework in technology-based firms by focusing on the creation of the dynamic capabilities’ flows. This article aims to clarify TM activities in DCT context, and moreover tries to determine relationships and interactions among TM, Knowledge Management (KM), and Innovation Management (IM) concepts. By reviewing TM frameworks proposed by different scholars an integral and appropriate framework based on Cetindamar’s et al. (2010) is suggested for technology-based firms. By considering that each of TM activities (Acquisition, Exploitation, Identification, Learning, Protection, and Selection) can create a specific dynamic capability ,six TM tools namely, Patent Analysis, Portfolio Management, roadmapping, S-curve, stage-gate, and Value analysis are described to implement TM activities. These six TM tools and the six TM activities could be a well starting point to apply TM in firms. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Evaluation of the Success Rate of Technology Units Located in Science and Technology Parks and Incubators
        Alireza Motmany Mohammad Hoseinabadi Amin Hemmati
        Knowledge-based companies are established to turn innovative ideas into products, create sustainable technology-based jobs, commercialize research, create synergy between science and wealth, and to empower and guide university graduates towards success in the business e More
        Knowledge-based companies are established to turn innovative ideas into products, create sustainable technology-based jobs, commercialize research, create synergy between science and wealth, and to empower and guide university graduates towards success in the business environment. A successful factor for these companies can be their involvement in science and technology parks and incubators. These parks and incubators can be considered as key infrastructures providing legal and commercial supports for these companies for leading them to success. This study aims at determining the success rate of knowledge-based firms located in science and technology parks or incubators. It also targets eliciting the correlation between the success of these companies and their number of employees. The correlation between their success and the time period during which these companies are residing at parks or incubators will also be investigated. The study will be based on a questionnaire survey on the statistical population of science and technology parks in Iran in 2010. The data collected from the current 758 tenants has been analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that the success rate of target companies was 68%. The chi-square test shows that the rates of success are not equal in different science and technology parks. The average numbers of workers in successful and unsuccessful tenants have been 5 and 2.8 respectively. The analysis of variance also shows the average numbers of workers are not equal in different science and technology parks. By using the chi-square test, the relationship between the number of employees and success is significant; and by increasing the number of workers, the rate of success in tenants has increased. The average duration of time within which tenants have been residing at parks or incubators has been 22 months. The chi-square test confirmed a significant relationship between their duration of stay and the success rate. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Effective Methods of Technology Transfer
        Amir Hosein Amir khani Mohammad Javad Esfandiari
        Today transfer of the new and superior technology As one of the Method of maintaining competitive advantage. Technology Transfer be a shortcut of accessing new technology for developing countries (like ours), and to reach this goal, technology transfer process should co More
        Today transfer of the new and superior technology As one of the Method of maintaining competitive advantage. Technology Transfer be a shortcut of accessing new technology for developing countries (like ours), and to reach this goal, technology transfer process should completely considered. Getting familiar with preventive and movement factors of technology, will help to reduce the failure rate of technology tranfer. Upon providing a multi-aspect definition of technology, this paper intends to define two methods of accessing technology, one is transferring from other countries and the other is self accessing technologies. There are three major parts in technology transfer process: - Selection & obtaining of technology - Compliance, application and absorption of technology - Promotion & Distribution of technology It is tried to explain technology transfer process, effective factors, its obstacles, necessities and any effects of which in economic development. Lack of localization is one of the major reasons of failure in technology transferm which is considered by explaining the most important reasons which causes research & development institutes fail on localization process of imported technologies. Furthermore in order to find required success in technology transfer, it is a need of receiving companies of technology to manage finding tacit knowledge of it as well. Finally it is explained the importance of tacit knowledge and required fields for any transfer of knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Open Innovation Process and Firms Obsorptive
        GHazaleh Javid Jafar Bagheri Nejad
        Open innovation and absorptive capacity are two popular concepts in contemporary innovation management literature. firms' absorptive capacity, as it has been defined by Cohen and Levinthal (1990), determines their ability to in-source externally developed technology or More
        Open innovation and absorptive capacity are two popular concepts in contemporary innovation management literature. firms' absorptive capacity, as it has been defined by Cohen and Levinthal (1990), determines their ability to in-source externally developed technology or ideas. In this paper, we tie these two concepts to each other and prove how the recent insights about open innovation can advance our understanding of absorptive capacity. External technology sourcing is becoming more important for a number of reasons: Shortening technology life cycles, emerging technologies with the potential to disrupt market leaders' positions, sharing costs and risks associated with science based technology, globalization of the R&D activities as a response of companies to the greater dissemination of knowledge throughout the world, the growing importance of seed and venture capital to finance excellent business ideas, etc... These inter-organizational knowledge flows do not materialize automatically and firms have to develop skills to tap into external sources of technology. Furthermore, absorptive capacity is crucial in explaining why some companies are better than others in creating and capturing value from in-sourcing externally developed technology and technological collaboration with innovation partners. Hence, absorptive capacity and the outside-in dimension of open innovation are necessarily linked to each other. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how absorptive capacity and the outside-in dimension of open innovation can be linked to each other. We focus on the question how complementary between internal and external technology plays a role in open innovation and absorptive capacity of innovating firms. This paper discuss about open innovation around two key factors (humanity & organizational) and relate it to absorptive capacity .Then analyses conceptual model with SWOT. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Identification and prioritization of critical success factor of Khorasan Razavis Science and Technology Park
        Arman Bahari Behnush Mody Noormohammad Yaughobi Seyed Hasan Alamolhodaei
        science and technology parks , as one of the effective structures in development of technology and as a consequence, development of knowledge-based economy and professional employment has been considered by many countries. The goal of many of these new structures, is o More
        science and technology parks , as one of the effective structures in development of technology and as a consequence, development of knowledge-based economy and professional employment has been considered by many countries. The goal of many of these new structures, is organizing an active environment for creation or development of technology chains for research product-orientation , developing fields as result of group work and supporting purposeful activities of researchers, innovators and companies working in selected fields of technology. On the other hand, each organization , in order to achieve its goals, requires factors which must necessarily provide them. In fact for each organization, there are fields of activity which must perform them in the best way , in order to achieve its defined goals. These factors, which are called critical success factors in management literature, are inseparable components of organization success in achieving goals. Science and technology parks, similar to other organizations or institutes, need to provide these factors in order to achieve their goals. The purpose of this research is to identify these factors for science and technology parks of khorasan razavi and specify their relative priority from experts point of view who are familiar with topics related to scientific parks. For this purpose, after interviewing with experts in this park, 48 factors were identified and categorized in 4 groups. In the next step, these factors were compared by experts and after analyzing the results, their priority in each group as well as their overall ranking was presented by using Friedman test which is as following: supporting factors of knowledge-based institutions in order to produce technology, human resource factors, factors related to development of technology s Infrastructure , factors related to development of centers related to technology . Manuscript profile
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        33 - Technology acquision methode model peresentation Based on porter industrial competition pattern ‎ In auto part industry
        Kambiuz tALEBI Somayeh Sahebi
        In the path of economical development for promoting technology levels of a country, different methods of acquisition of technology, improving current technology and also developing and boosting a new technology by localizing and also R&D are used. Although transferring More
        In the path of economical development for promoting technology levels of a country, different methods of acquisition of technology, improving current technology and also developing and boosting a new technology by localizing and also R&D are used. Although transferring and technology acquisition is considered as an effective tool in developing industries but importing machineries and industrial tools does not just mean acquisition. The appropriate acquisition is accompanied with technical knowledge and the knowledge of how to use it. In this regard, the balance between technology strategy and business strategy is extremely important on the increase of competitive advantage and also to technology adaption in the national level. The aim of this research is to identify correlation of Porter's five strategic factors with technology acquisition modes with respect to cho and you's technology absorption model and also determine the correlation of these factors with the absorption of technology method and finally provide a model to align strategic and technological goals of company. Nonparametric test is used for achieving research purposes. Chi-square test is used to determine the independence or correlation between independent variables and the dependent variable, and Kendall tau b is used to determine the homogeneity of the criteria. Based on the results, the alternative of buyers bargaining power has the highest correlation with technology acquisition methods. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Explaining Analytical Structure of Strategy in Research and Technology Organizations
        Mahdi Bandariyan
        Reviewing the literature of Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs), and the studying the reasons of ineffectiveness of those organizations in carryout their role and mission shows that, most of the time they haven’t definitive strategy or their strategies formulat More
        Reviewing the literature of Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs), and the studying the reasons of ineffectiveness of those organizations in carryout their role and mission shows that, most of the time they haven’t definitive strategy or their strategies formulated and executed based on incompatible models. In other side, many managers of RTOs are familiar with strategic management approach, but each has its own interpretation of that concept. Accordingly, the raised issue is what is the interpretation of strategy in RTOs? The study’s purpose is to explore the analytical concept of strategy in RTOs, to generate a frame that facilitates the process of strategic management in RTOs. Generally, organizational strategy determines the future direction and draws how the organization wants to achieve it. This study explains the analytical structure of strategy in RTOs and finally concluded that strategy in RTOs is begin by recognizing a technological opportunity based on industry challenges and by achieving that technological competencies which are correspond to those challenges within the budgeted time and money, the strategy achieved successfully. In analytical structure of strategy in Research and Technology Organizations after determining the required technological competencies and the different technological solutions to achieve each of them, the way to achieve any of its technological solutions to be studied. The range options to achieve a technological solution are form technology transfer of foreign sources to internal development in RTOs. Between those two end points, there are different pattern of technological cooperation and partnership to developing a targeted technology, which some of them are strategic alliance, strategic partnership and joint venture. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Technology Watch” via “Information Technology
        Kiyarash Jahanpour
        Information is power, but knowledge is more powerful .information in patents and papers are good source of codified knowledge. Everyday a higher number of businesses make use of information from patents (as a main indicator of technology) and papers(as a principal More
        Information is power, but knowledge is more powerful .information in patents and papers are good source of codified knowledge. Everyday a higher number of businesses make use of information from patents (as a main indicator of technology) and papers(as a principal indicator of science) to see what products and systems are appearing in our globe. In an era of rapidly expanding digital content, overwhelming data available on the web and the high speed of S&T progress makes it difficult for experts to extract useful knowledge without powerful tools and they need to find new ways of reviewing and managing vast quantities of textual information. “Technology watch” is a collective voluntary process with which the companies work the information in an active manner. Purpose of “technology watch” is to gather process and integrate the technical information. TW has at least 3 objectives: Facilitating the innovation process; Easy and cost effective access to information and Answering to technological questions and problems. “Technology Watch” maintains awareness at all levels of global S&T through a combination of human-based overt and IT-based approaches for analyzing and tracking the myriad S&T outputs. Powerful IT-based techniques, such as text mining, now exist to identify and extract relevant data from the S&T literature and are especially useful in making sense out of disjointed and disparate data. Regarded by many as the next wave of knowledge discovery, text mining has very high commercial values. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Assessment of Technology Transfer Process and Determining the Best Practices for Technology Transfer by AHP Model; Case Study: Azarab Industry
        Abbas Khamseh Azadeh Azadi
        One of the problems in the developing countries industry is none productivity of imported technology transferred. The most important element of this is the incompleteness of technology transfer phases and/or lack of usage of the proper technology transfer. Today, compan More
        One of the problems in the developing countries industry is none productivity of imported technology transferred. The most important element of this is the incompleteness of technology transfer phases and/or lack of usage of the proper technology transfer. Today, companies and developing countries in order to bridge the gap with developed countries in terms of innovation and creating competitive advantage, various methods are resorted. One of the most important ones is the transfer of new technologies through which they have been able to compensate much of the distance between them & the developed countries. Technology transfer is possible through different approaches which is determined by the condition of technology transfer and transferee (sender and receiver). But despite this method with its potential opportunities have some implicit threats i.e. if technology is not selected and transferred properly will result in big negative damages and effects. The technology transfer process consists of six major phases and in case of accomplishing all these phases successfully, commercialization of technology transfer will be possible. These six major phases are: selecting &acquisition, matching the imported technology transfer, absorbing the imported technology, applying the imported technology transfer, technology diffusion. We attempt in this investigation to assess the success of Azarab technology transfer industry and at the end we try to determine the best practices for technology transfer by use of AHP model. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Corporate Entrepreneurship; a Solution for Commercialization of Technological Research Findings in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs)
        Reza Bandarian
        RTOs' missions are for technology development and carry out complicated commercialization processes. Commercialization of technological research findings is so costly for RTOs that they can not carry out commercialization process by themselves. In the other hand, indust More
        RTOs' missions are for technology development and carry out complicated commercialization processes. Commercialization of technological research findings is so costly for RTOs that they can not carry out commercialization process by themselves. In the other hand, industries which are in competitive environment, for sustainable growth require superior new products and technologies which enable them in competitive scope. Industries often have frequent financial and human resources and this leads to their advantage to commercialization process, because those assets provide possibility for adapting huge risk. The lost ring in this chain is the link between RTOs as the developer of technology and industries as the adapter of technology. Entrepreneurship could solve this problem by providing this lost ring and linking RTOs and industries. Corporate entrepreneurship is one of the entrepreneurship types and is defined as some entrepreneurship among the available corporate companies. Entrepreneurship looks for introducing new products and organizational systems in the scope of corporate. Entrepreneurship has five different kinds and each of them carries out entrepreneurship in its own style. Among these, Acquisitive and Opportunistic entrepreneurship have the highest fitness to enrich and enhance coexisting relation between industries and RTOs to commercialize technological findings. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The Effect of IT Investments on Customer Satisfaction
        Behtaj Rasoli Poshte Jafar Bagheri Nejad
        Almost two trillion dollars in the world are capital and expenditure in the field of information technology projects annually. It's been more than a decade that researchers have discussed business value of information technology investment. Also plenty of investment has More
        Almost two trillion dollars in the world are capital and expenditure in the field of information technology projects annually. It's been more than a decade that researchers have discussed business value of information technology investment. Also plenty of investment has been spent to satisfy the customer and shopping experience in fields which are related to information technology. For example, firms have experienced low investment of information technology such as the Internet Services providers and high investment of information technology such as comprehensive information systems for the implementing and enforcing human resources planning. This article is a result of research on information technology and intends to review information technology investments and technologies such as Customer Relationship Management and determine its impact on customer satisfaction. Comparative analysis of findings showed that there is a direct relationship between information technology investment of organizations and customer satisfaction in wide-scale. Manuscript profile
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        39 - A Review of Technology Status in Iran's Development Plans
        Behrooz Arbab Shirani Hasan KIhakbaz
        In recent years, there is an increasing trend in paying attention to knowledge-based development in both developed and developing countries. Since education, research and technology are key components of this development, it is necessary to have comprehensive plans in v More
        In recent years, there is an increasing trend in paying attention to knowledge-based development in both developed and developing countries. Since education, research and technology are key components of this development, it is necessary to have comprehensive plans in various areas of science, research and technology. Fortunately, this movement has been considered by policymakers and planners in Iran in recent years. Based on Iran's 20-Year Development Vision Plan (2005-2025) which is the most important plan of the country, Iran will move toward becoming a developed country that has the first position in the region in terms of economy, science and technology. To achieve this vision, four 5-year plans have been defined, the first of which is the fourth development plan (2005-2009). One chapter of Iran's fourth development plan is dedicated to knowledge-based development which clearly points to science and technology issues. By the same token, the fifth development plan bill was sent to the parliament by the government and also part of this plan is dedicated to science and technology. But the main orientation of these programs is not accurate strategies for technology development. Science would be useful if it can be converted to wealth. Therefore, conducting applied research and technology development is very important. Throughout the full- paper we explain the importance of country's development plans in the field of science, research and technology and discuss the status of technology in Iran's third, fourth and fifth development plans. Finally, after analyzing the current situation, we express some key strategies to increase the effectiveness of development plans in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Typology of Science & Technology Parks with Knowledge Management Trend
        Saeid Kharghani Mino Selseleh
        Lack of integration between research and technology, and the gap between scientific ideas and goods & services, are clear facts of todays life. Developed countries have invited creative solutions to overcome such challenges. Science and Technology parks are among them, More
        Lack of integration between research and technology, and the gap between scientific ideas and goods & services, are clear facts of todays life. Developed countries have invited creative solutions to overcome such challenges. Science and Technology parks are among them, which have critical roles in integrating knowledge management loops (including creation, sharing, and applying) in the cycle of knowledge management. Science and Technology parks enable the companies to apply immediately the knowledge which has been created by the knowledge workers and scientists. In this article after reviewing the knowledge management literature, Science and Technology parks typologies is under survey. The relation between this typologies and entrepreneurship and the common points among different Science and Technology Parks are the next points. The final review is about the outcomes of applying knowledge management procedure in the Science and Technology parks. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Evaluation of the Role of Culture and Social Capital in Science and Technology Development System of Iran
        Ali Forghani Ashkan Hagh bin
        The cultural-social factors are among the key infrastructures for technology development. Social capitals are very important in this regard, but in our country neither valuable researches have been done nor have suitable indices been complied in this respect. Self confi More
        The cultural-social factors are among the key infrastructures for technology development. Social capitals are very important in this regard, but in our country neither valuable researches have been done nor have suitable indices been complied in this respect. Self confidence, self sufficiency, the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, the desire for superiority and the importance giving to science and technology (as a superiority factor), teamwork, work conscience, are among the key criteria in this field that can be pointed out. The aim of this research is to explain the cultural and social indices effective on science and technology development, and to evaluate generally these factors in terms of the available data in Iran. For this aim, based on literature review of knowledge and technology management approaches, their evaluation models and special focus on cognitive dimension of tacit knowledge, cultural and social capital factors that have impact on development of creation; transfer and absorption of knowledge and technology are recognized. Then key factors are selected based on assessment criteria and status of these factors is analyzed in Iran. At last, some policy recommendations in order to strengthen these infrastructures towards developing S&T system are presented. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Typology of Technology Roadmaps
        Ali Forghani Ashkan Hagh bin
        In past two decades, Technology Roadmapping (TRM) became a popular technique at firm, industry and national level in developed countries. TRMs can take various forms, but generally comprise time-based multilayer charts linking technology developments to drivers and mark More
        In past two decades, Technology Roadmapping (TRM) became a popular technique at firm, industry and national level in developed countries. TRMs can take various forms, but generally comprise time-based multilayer charts linking technology developments to drivers and market trends. This article attempts to categorize different TRMs by presenting diversity of their applications, deploying levels, graphical formats, nature of technologies and different roadmapping approaches. Technology roadmapping is a flexible approach that can be used for various purposes. Although TRM has different shapes, but basic principles are the same. Thus process of developing a TRM is of special importance that present article attempts to explain different aspects of this process. Manuscript profile
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        43 - A Criticize on Booklet of Research and Technology Performance Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes in 2005 & 2006
        Sasan Sadraei Reza Behradi Yekta
        In this paper, the report of research and technology performance evaluation of universities and research institutes in 2005 & 2006 which is prepared by Research Evaluation Office of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and published in the booklet of Summery of More
        In this paper, the report of research and technology performance evaluation of universities and research institutes in 2005 & 2006 which is prepared by Research Evaluation Office of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and published in the booklet of Summery of Research and Technology Performance, has been criticized. In the mentioned report, research and technology performance of all universities and research institutes have been analyzed and compared with the five similar criteria, while each of the research institutes depending on their type and existence philosophy, has different mission and also different position in the chain of science to technology. This mission and position in the chain of science to technology should be considered in the performance evaluation and the criteria of performance evaluation should be redefined according to that. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Programs and Policies of Technology Diffusion in Turkey
        Naser Norozi Farhad Shah miri
        Technology diffusion is recognized as one of the most crucial premises and main key factors in success of development plans in developing countries. Technological innovation of a new idea or a new system is successful when is accepted and diffused on behalf of the socie More
        Technology diffusion is recognized as one of the most crucial premises and main key factors in success of development plans in developing countries. Technological innovation of a new idea or a new system is successful when is accepted and diffused on behalf of the society. In this paper, definition offered by OECD for technology diffusion is tented. Technology diffusion or the widespread adoption of technology by users other than the original innovator is recognized as necessary for the ability to generate income, economic growth and enhancing return to R&D costs. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Technology Clusters and their Impacts on the Commercialization of Technology in Iran
        Saeed Samadi Amin Kolahdozan Maryam Esfandiyari
        According to definition, knowledge based economic development is creating value in society by means of wisdom, knowledge and technology. Some infrastructures for commercializing research outcomes and facilitating technological exchanges are required in order to form a s More
        According to definition, knowledge based economic development is creating value in society by means of wisdom, knowledge and technology. Some infrastructures for commercializing research outcomes and facilitating technological exchanges are required in order to form a system for getting to this point In other hand, Technology Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected knowledge-based and innovative companies who work closely with each other, local suppliers, infrastructure providers, educational institutions, and other relevant agencies. Cluster-based development is based on the premise that a company (and their region) can realize higher levels of competitiveness when it looks beyond its own limited capacity and strategically partners with other companies and support institutions to address challenges and solve problems that it is unable to solve when operating as an isolated entity. It is an approach that encourages companies who compete to come together and identify ways in which they can cooperate to their mutual benefit This paper, with a review to basic concepts, presents the main components and requirements of technology clusters along with a compatible model to use it more effectively for commercialization of technology and R&D outcomes in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        46 - The Conceptual Model of University Incubators
        Tayebe Nikraftar
        Change and transition is one of the challenges of 21st century. Countries have faced with unanticipated situations because of developing the increasing range of changes so they can not guarantee their survival with small change in manner, structure, technology and so on More
        Change and transition is one of the challenges of 21st century. Countries have faced with unanticipated situations because of developing the increasing range of changes so they can not guarantee their survival with small change in manner, structure, technology and so on. Organizations should start a revolution in their managements and employees mind until the concepts of organization, work and competition basically change in their mind. In this situation we need entrepreneurs that can blow fresh blood in the economic state body through creativity, innovation, stability and self confidence and pacing effective step for solving employment crisis. It is obvious that entrepreneurial university is one of the strategic and key tools for this matter in the higher education level. Entrepreneurship University has made diversity mechanisms such as business incubators, science and technology parks, and entrepreneurship centers and so on for fulfilling their goals. The task of business incubators is to support the university graduates and young entrepreneurs that familiar with new technologies and owning creativity but they are often idle because founding a business by them is not possible without entering a high risk of failure. Business Incubators help these entrepreneurs to pass the primary growth stages and when they acquire the capabilities for activity in market they can leave/graduate the incubator. The concept of business incubator have been reviewed, analysis and habited in our country for some years. The object of this paper is to review the place of university incubators in developing employment and technology transfer. At first we pay attention to relations between the university, incubator and industry. Then we review the role of them in developing and transferring technology and finally we show a conceptual model for University Incubators. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Investigation of Nano Technology Development and It is Managerial Challenges in Iran
        Ali Forghani Reza Ansari
        Nano Technology is known as one of the origins of the technological changes and industrial revolution in recent years. Because of this fact, many countries have started to enable themselves in this field of technology. In 1980s, this technology got involved in industry More
        Nano Technology is known as one of the origins of the technological changes and industrial revolution in recent years. Because of this fact, many countries have started to enable themselves in this field of technology. In 1980s, this technology got involved in industry and has been assigned a lot of research budgets by itself. Now this technology is in the primary stages of growth and it would be impossible to predict it is trends precisely. But no one can be inattentive to its evolution in our country. In this paper we have considered the necessity of Nano Technology development in the country and three factors have been identified; the first factor is the economic opportunities, the second one deals with commercialization polices, and the third one is intellectual property rights. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Determining Criteria and Indicators for Architecture Design of Iranian Science & Technology Parks; With a View to World Experiences
        Saeed Samadi Mahdi Taherzadeh
        Technology parks were formed in 1960s as social foundations and as a part of the chain in knowledge - based development. From 1980s, the policy-makers pointed out to a sustainable development based on the technology infrastructure. Development of technology parks was pr More
        Technology parks were formed in 1960s as social foundations and as a part of the chain in knowledge - based development. From 1980s, the policy-makers pointed out to a sustainable development based on the technology infrastructure. Development of technology parks was promoted as part of this trend. As a result, there are currently more than 1500 STPs around the world. The development of STPs in Iran began since two decades ago and resulted in establishing a number of these parks. In some cases, challenges of allocating spaces, ambiguties in policies, poor funding, lack of rules and regulations, and bad strategic plannings have caused that some of theses parks are not successful in their goals and objectives. Sustainable master planning concepts for science & technology park sites prepares a way for sustainable design of research facilities. For the ultimate success research facility design it is critical that early master planning principles facilitate as many passive and sustainable techniques as possible. By using these techniques for science parks, the designers and science park managers will help to reduce costs, conserve resources, and reduce life cycle costs at the first stage, while providing a higher quality research environment. By reducing waste and planning for conservation of materials, the design team intends to improve the entire design and to build user processes. The outcomes show the reduction use of lands resources, and to reach a higher quality, more research productive facility and more money to devote to the core business of research. In this article, which is organized based on a descriptive analysis method, and an in-depth review on experiences from Australia and USA, we have attempted to analyse the master plan of those parks to evaluate the architecture considered to next figure out a proper trend relevant basis for development of STPs in Iran. In this view, essential factors such as scale, development process, accommodation and locality trend, space, are thoroughly assessed. Finally a case study was performed that investigates the master plan of KSTP from the point of view of regulations, specifications and key factors towards the success. Results obtained from this study can yield a framework for architecture and plan of STPs. It could also draw a bright outlook in the field to level the efficiency of STPs and draw a way toward the goals of policy- makers and STP managers. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Performance Assessment of Incubators and Science Parks by Technology Level Index
        MOrteza Rasti bozorgi hamid Mahdavi Ghasem Moslehi
        Self assessment is an interesting subject for all managers, especially for the managers of incubators. The incubator performance assessment by indexes (IPAI) is a simple, interesting and effective method for measuring the performance index of an incubator. The system is More
        Self assessment is an interesting subject for all managers, especially for the managers of incubators. The incubator performance assessment by indexes (IPAI) is a simple, interesting and effective method for measuring the performance index of an incubator. The system is based on changing the scope of performance of several indicators to fixed scales (metrics), weighing them and combining them. Strategic evaluation is basically consists of three basic activities which are investigating the principles of the companies or organizations strategies, comparing the ideal and real results and making improvements. This paper focuses on the second part to make sure that the performance adjusts correctly with the planning programs. This paper is going to introduce an index for measuring and assessing the level of technology improvement in Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTTs) Incubator and Science Park. It also addresses the methodology used for these calculations. Measuring the indicators for ISTTs incubator will be discussed at the final part of this paper as a case study. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Incubator or Science and Technology Park? Public or Private?
        Seyed jalal Mosavi bazargani
        Institutional distances are mostly neglected while importing development means and tools into developing countries. This could be also observed in establishing Technology parks & Incubators in these countries. To fill the gap, Schumpeterian type I & II innovations has b More
        Institutional distances are mostly neglected while importing development means and tools into developing countries. This could be also observed in establishing Technology parks & Incubators in these countries. To fill the gap, Schumpeterian type I & II innovations has been used to differentiate clients of S & T Parks from Incubators. Also a Typology of four different institutional setting, namely Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Deutsch & frenched has been proposed by means of which it is possible to bench and select among different funding & operating policies. Based on these classifications, It has been concluded that on the contrary with the current trend of establishing incubators in Iran, focus on Science & Technology Parks could be a more promising option. Difficulties in changing focus from Incubators to Parks is also discussed. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Classification of Iranian Science and Technology Parks Based on the IT Facilities
        Seyed Mahbod Tolaei Fataneh Taghi yareh
        Today we are witnessing a fast movement from traditional economy towards knowledge- based digital economy as a result of breathtaking IT revolution. So science and technology parks, as one of the most important factors in economic growth and regional development, should More
        Today we are witnessing a fast movement from traditional economy towards knowledge- based digital economy as a result of breathtaking IT revolution. So science and technology parks, as one of the most important factors in economic growth and regional development, should be frontier in using IT facilities to help their tenants compete with other companies. Furthermore, because of diversity of the science parks in form and function, the academic literature about their classification is sparse and most of the exiting taxonomies can not be applied to all countries science parks. In this paper, we are going to classify science parks based on the IT facilities they provide for their tenants, and then we will apply it on Iranian science parks. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Technomart, the Missing Link in Knowledg- based Economy
        Saeed Samadi Amin Kolahdooz Seyed reza Hoseini
        Knowledge- based economic development has been defined as creating value in the society through wisdom , knowledge and technology. Establishing a system output of which is such a development needs infrastructures for commercialization research outcomes and facilitating More
        Knowledge- based economic development has been defined as creating value in the society through wisdom , knowledge and technology. Establishing a system output of which is such a development needs infrastructures for commercialization research outcomes and facilitating technological exchanges. Science & Technology Parks (STPs) have been founded in order to lesson the mismatch between university researches and its turning into technology. However the process of Technology commercial development witch in turn includes 5 sub- process (generation, transfer, attraction and domestication, distribution and documentation) is still inharmoniously and incompletely going on A stale- of the- art structure facilitating technology exchange, and extremely facilitates the connection between technology resources and users. This paper is portraying the techno mart as one of the vital structures in developing and commercializing the technology and fields of its services and then examining the typology of its relationship with science & technology parks, universities and research institutes. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Strategic Policy Intelligence
        Mohammadreza Mirza amini
        In the present information age, methodologies that help structure, combine and interpret information are getting more and more importance as decision support tools. Techniques like Technology Forecasting, Technology Assessment and Technology Foresight are used in order More
        In the present information age, methodologies that help structure, combine and interpret information are getting more and more importance as decision support tools. Techniques like Technology Forecasting, Technology Assessment and Technology Foresight are used in order to generate knowledge about current technological developments and derive possible future trajectories. The present report regards these three techniques within the perspective of Strategic Intelligence, which focuses on their role as instruments supporting decision-making processes. The general introduction on the field of Strategic Intelligence in chapter one reveals the general role of Strategic Intelligence in technology-related decision-making processes. Then summarize the main contents of the three individual reports on Technology Forecast,Technology Assessment and Technology Foresight. By focusing on the decision-maker, each report provides an overview of the characteristics and current state of the art, shows their main strengths, and identifies overlaps and synergies. Finally, presents a concluding critique of Strategic Intelligence and reveals how these three techniques could be used for obtaining a complete picture of possible technological developments. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Technology Development, Technology Cycle and Creation of Sustainable Economical Value
        Gholamreza Malekzadeh
        Technology development as a major and vital strategy for sustainable development and knowledge-based economy is an inevitable fact which must be studied from various aspects and the benefits of its different approaches also be considered. The paper discusses the concept More
        Technology development as a major and vital strategy for sustainable development and knowledge-based economy is an inevitable fact which must be studied from various aspects and the benefits of its different approaches also be considered. The paper discusses the concepts of technology development, technology transfer, technology cycle as well as the industrial ecosystems required for their proper utilization. Considering and using the concept of technology cycle in technological processes within a proper environment can create sustainable economical value and facilitate the TBF & TNBF activities. The reasons why technology cycle in a proper environment can make sustainable economical value through models of innovation enhancement, promotion of research investment, increasing the technological training capacity and extending research institutions are also discussed and studied. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Identifying Priorities for Acquisition of Technology in an Industrial Organization Case Study of Middle-Class Vessels
        Hosein Esbati Seyed Habibollah Tabatabaeiyan
        3000 km of coastline, access to the sea on the north and south of the country, access to the open water (Indian Ocean), are the advantages of the geographical area of marine and maritime industries that made a special place in the economy of the country. Transit maritim More
        3000 km of coastline, access to the sea on the north and south of the country, access to the open water (Indian Ocean), are the advantages of the geographical area of marine and maritime industries that made a special place in the economy of the country. Transit maritime economy and maximum utilization of sea resources has confirmed the need to replacement of worn out vessels with Landing Crafts. For that matter, the most important goals of this R&D are sea freight, transition and achieving the capacity of producing landing craft vessel. Investors and suppliers to meet the needs of customers in a competitive environment must decide: 1) domestic production, 2) transfer of technology, and 3) a combination of both. This paper has initially studied definitions of technology and technology transfer and different aspects of technology acquisition process, the identification, selection, transfer, exploitation and dissemination. The decision models presented by little and Ford have been studied, based on the data, a model for the study was provided. In the first phase, the project was developed Executive structure of acquisition and division of Duties. The second step is the most important activities, assessment capabilities and industry suppliers that are identified and assessed. Data were analyzed by Ford Models. These results, created clear images for useful decision-making executives, Acquisition of the landing Craft boats were through a joint partnership action. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of access, internal development and transfer, has been studied. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Economic impacts of Science and Technology Corridors on regional development, Case study: Silicon Valley
        Rohollah Shahnazi Zahra Dehghan Shabani
        One of the strategies with successful experience for many developed countries, based on knowledge-based economy, is the formation and development of science and technology corridors. These areas have a positive impacts on the regional growth that the purpose of this pap More
        One of the strategies with successful experience for many developed countries, based on knowledge-based economy, is the formation and development of science and technology corridors. These areas have a positive impacts on the regional growth that the purpose of this paper is to determine them. Also in this paper the effects of Silicon Valley, as the first and largest science and technology corridor in the world, on regional growth was evaluated. Theoretical results show the science and technology corridors have positive effects such as solve the problem of small and medium enterprises to improve competitiveness, increase innovation and improve technology, improve entrepreneurship and increase the venture capital. This results in Silicon Valley has been confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Contract Research Model Nonoccurrence with the Research and Technology Organizations Mission in Technology Development
        Reza Bandarian
        Due to the Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) lack of relation with industry and their tendency to do activities more closer to the universities, which had led to their inefficiency in carrying out their primary mission, since thirty years ago, governments in More
        Due to the Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) lack of relation with industry and their tendency to do activities more closer to the universities, which had led to their inefficiency in carrying out their primary mission, since thirty years ago, governments in many countries by cuts the RTOs governmental budget have directed them to financing through industry research budgets, and in some cases, through cut the state budgets, the RTOs were forced to acquiring income (in order to self-sufficiency). Accordingly, another type of research organizations as Contract Research Organizations (CRO) was formed. In this paper, in order to answer the question of whether a contract research model is consistent with the RTOs mission in technology development or not. First, the issue had reviewed historically and then the process of contract research and independent research and their characteristics were investigated and based on that the conclusions and recommendations are offered. The results shows that carrying out the technology development research by the RTOs in the form of a contract research between the industry firms and the RTOs, due to conflict with the requirements of technology development and working conditions of the RTOs is not a good choice and independent research approach is recommended as the most suitable method. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Evaluation and prioritization of technological capabilities by a developed model in auto industry (case study: SAIPA co)
        Abass Khamse saeideh barati
        Nowadays, the need to technology evaluation is increasing with development of technology in different areas and also the necessity of using modern technologies. In a general sense, technology evaluation is referred to a process during which the effects from introduction More
        Nowadays, the need to technology evaluation is increasing with development of technology in different areas and also the necessity of using modern technologies. In a general sense, technology evaluation is referred to a process during which the effects from introduction, development, change and modification for a technology are investigated in a firm by a systematic method. The weaknesses and strengths in the intended technology is specified by investigating the level of technological capabilities, and the required context for decision making is created with regard to the development of technological capabilities. This paper aims to investigate and analyze the levels of technological capabilities in SAIPA group. This research evaluates the levels of technological capability in 8 factors by a developed model and specifies the situation of the company and presents the existing gap for codifying the projects of technological modification. This is a descriptive-survey research and the data are gathered using AHP questionnaire. Hierarchy analysis is used to rank the effective factors on the capabilities. The results show that the mean technological capability of SAIPA group in the 8 factors is equal to 54.12. Also, the factor of competition state in industry obtained the highest rank among the factors in the ranking of the effective factors on technological capabilities. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Functional Analysis of Technological Innovation System in the new Generation of Digital Communication
        Shara  Aghajanian
        Digital communication industries with high growth rates in innovation have globally advanced and rapidly expanded. The industry has been extensively changing in the worldwide. Hence, it significantly changes the business models according to the technology of new generat More
        Digital communication industries with high growth rates in innovation have globally advanced and rapidly expanded. The industry has been extensively changing in the worldwide. Hence, it significantly changes the business models according to the technology of new generation in digital communication. New generation technology with the emergence of creative destruction context, left the organizations by two compulsory alternatives, compliance with new system and success or destruction of the systems will be the result. Unlike many articles that considered the structural and functional analysis individually to assess the technological innovation system, the integrated process by considering structural analysis as a prerequisite of functional analysis have been applied. Literature review and industry related analysis is applied to gather eight functional factors, and also a questionnaire is designed. After data gathering, the phase of technological development analysis as a tools for prioritizing and analyzing the dependencies between the blocking functions are deployed that was rarely used in the literature. Therefore, the blocking and deriving factors are analysed and appropriate policies are made. Results show that the studied process is an appropriate framework for functional analysis and by the number of policies represented at the end, further researches are suggested. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Selection and Prioritization of Appropriate Technology Transfer Methods in Mazandaran’s Provin Dairy Industry Using Fuzzy AHP
        Ahmad Taleshian Babak Shirazi
        In today's world, technology as one of the crucial and effective factors is influencing the success of enterprises. Due to the rapid growth in technology developments, countries or companies may not be solely self-sufficient with regards to a variety of technologies wit More
        In today's world, technology as one of the crucial and effective factors is influencing the success of enterprises. Due to the rapid growth in technology developments, countries or companies may not be solely self-sufficient with regards to a variety of technologies without the support of others. To be successful in technology transfer, aspects of scientific, technical and legal transfer of technology should be considered, in addition to providing infrastructure. Dairy industry as one of the strategic industry has a special situation in economy of a country, due to employing a large number of labors and the daily consumption of its products. Selecting the appropriate method of technology transfer is essential in this industry, because of high competition in the dairy industry and the obvious and hidden costs of technology transfer. In this study, different models and methods of technology transfer are investigated, and according to experts, final criteria and methods are obtained. Then, criteria and methods of technology transfer are analyzed in a pair-wise comparison questionnaire using fuzzy AHP (FAHP). This research is practical from the viewpoint of goal and descriptive from the perspective of the data collection and analysis of data. Finally, joint venture, franchise and alliance (strategic partnership) methods, are chosen respectively as the top three priorities. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Identifying and Prioritizing Managers’ Competencies in Technology R&D Centers
        peyman mahdiloo torkamani Mostafa Safdari Ranjbar Asghar Moshabaki Esfahani amir abass Shojaei
        Nowadays the role of technology as a key factor in creating wealth and permanent competitive advantages in various levels has been proven. With due attention to the role of R&D centers in promoting firms’ technological capabilities, the management of these centers are More
        Nowadays the role of technology as a key factor in creating wealth and permanent competitive advantages in various levels has been proven. With due attention to the role of R&D centers in promoting firms’ technological capabilities, the management of these centers are extremely important. So, it is essential to present a framework in order to selecting new managers or extending the capabilities of current managers of these centers. In current study the concept of manager competencies and some previous frameworks in this area have been studied. Then, through holding a panel with 12 academic and industrial experts, the identified competencies were confirmed. Afterwards, 32 competencies were categorized in 3 categories: 1. Individual and personality competencies, 2. Managerial and leadership competencies, and 3. Technical and professional competencies. Finally, through inviting 62 executive managers who work in these centers, and introducing and explaining about identified competencies, a questionnaire was given to them. Via analyzing the questionnaires with Friedman test, each of the competencies and categories were prioritized. The results show, three competencies including: 1. Team work, communication and knowledge sharing, 2. Organizing and conducting research teams, and 3. Motivating and empowering experts and knowledge workers have higher priority than other identified competencies. Also, in terms of categorized competencies, individual and personal competencies have higher priority than other categories. Manuscript profile
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        62 - The Study on Research and Technology Park Policies and its Effective Factors Case Study: NexGen Aviation Research and Technology Park
        Ali  Haji Gholam Saryazdi Manochehr Manteghi سید سعید هاشمی
        the Next Generation Aviation Research and Technology Park (NexGen ARTP) is established to meet the present and future aviation needs of USA and develop this industry. The Park, established in 2008, is in an agreement and lease with the South Jersey Economic Development More
        the Next Generation Aviation Research and Technology Park (NexGen ARTP) is established to meet the present and future aviation needs of USA and develop this industry. The Park, established in 2008, is in an agreement and lease with the South Jersey Economic Development District covering 58 acres of FAA property located at the William J. Hughes Technical Center. Thus, this paper aims to introduce NexGen ARTP and investigate the park and its policies. Also, we are offering positive leverages to top managers and policy makers of aviation technology park in Iran. In this paper, after the park introduction, we are drawing rich picture of Nexgen ARTP in order to analyse it. The Finding of Analysis includes the impacts of Federal Aviation Administration, William J. Hughes Technical Center and members; incubator and start up SMEs; park development on the New Jersey economic district development, nation, and aviation industry; universities and research centers on park. Eventually, we are extracting effective leverages and important points that include park location and external environment, collaboration, government supports, funding and precise studies and planning. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Identifying the Factors Affecting Technological Learning in Developing Countries
        Nasrin Dastranj
        Technological learning is defined as an endogenous way of generating technological capabilities in developing countries, reflecting the ability of an organization to effectively use, absorb and adapt external technologies, and develop new technologies over time, respond More
        Technological learning is defined as an endogenous way of generating technological capabilities in developing countries, reflecting the ability of an organization to effectively use, absorb and adapt external technologies, and develop new technologies over time, responding to environmental changes. Three important features of technological learning include gradual technological change, international diffusion of technology and local technological endeavors. In this research, the factors influencing technological learning have been identified. According to studies, two main components, including technological capability (absorption capacity) and catch up strategy have been introduced as key components. Then, by analyzing the components, the main factors of each have been identified and modeled. Capabilities have been identified with a set of factors that are categorized as enterprise factors (including internal knowledge of employees, organizational strategies, and technological capabilities), national factors (including market conditions and competitive environment, culture and education, policies and regulations, and Technical infrastructure) and global factors (including fluidity, multiplicity of innovations, and complexity of technologies). The level of these capabilities will determine the catch up strategy. Understanding these factors helps to influence the speed and power of technological learning in firms and industries in developing countries. Considering the development of technological capabilities and absorption capacity at the level of enterprises with the aim of promoting the localization of technology, choosing the appropriate method for acquiring technology in order to encourage learning and acquiring new skills, as well as paying attention to the development of complementary capabilities will lead to the development of technological learning and the success of the technological plans in the country. Manuscript profile
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        64 - The Identify Strategies for Encouraging Employees to Use New Technologies in The Education of Tehran
        محسن  مردانی جابر  کریمی جشنی مجید  مردانی حسین  مردانی
        The development of modern technology increasing in recent decades has increased the competitiveness of organizations. So, pay attention and identify factors affecting the adoption of new technology is a necessity for organizations. In this study, A descriptive-survey to More
        The development of modern technology increasing in recent decades has increased the competitiveness of organizations. So, pay attention and identify factors affecting the adoption of new technology is a necessity for organizations. In this study, A descriptive-survey to identify factors affecting the acceptance of new technology by staff education has been the city of Tehran. The survey questionnaire was prepared to collect information and expert groups, Has been director and manager. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. Pearson correlation analysis of the variables of the research hypotheses and to compare the level of education and organizational position analysis of variance was used; The results of this study indicate that all hypotheses are accepted as a result, Some factors affecting the acceptance of new technology by the staff of Tehran Education Organization, Such as: Ease of use and perceived usefulness of technology users, Subjective norms, Teach and encourage users confidence in the use of computer technology and etc to encourage employees to use the technology Manuscript profile
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        65 - ارائه مدل پذیرش سیستم عامل متن باز کارساز در کشور
        Fatemeh Saghafi
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        66 - Explanation the challenges and success factors for commercialization of research achievements (Case Study: Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
        Hosein Eftekhari Fatemeh Saghafi
        Achievements and research findings could n't be a factor for creation of wealth and welfare for society until they will be commercialized. So the creation of contexts for commercialization, not only provides significant economic value for organization, but also leads to More
        Achievements and research findings could n't be a factor for creation of wealth and welfare for society until they will be commercialized. So the creation of contexts for commercialization, not only provides significant economic value for organization, but also leads to economic and technical growth of community. In this study, the challenges and success factors of commercialization for research achievements will be identified and ranked. This research in terms of the objective is applied research, and in terms of how to gathering data, is descriptive survey. First, by the literature review and use of expert’s opinions in the Institute of Communications and Information Technology and using the Delphi technique, 11 challenges and 19 success factors for commercialization of research achievements were identified. For measuring the consensus, Kendall's Coefficient and for ranking the factor the Friedman test are used. The results show that the most important challenges are "weak laws protecting intellectual property, economic barriers, lack of commercialization strategies" and the most important success factors are "requiring faculty to estimates business plan for their new research propsals, intellectual property protection, and effective communication between universities and industry". Manuscript profile
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        67 - Explain the gap in entrepreneurship and technology commercialization in cooperation between industry and university
        yazdan moradi siamak noori
        T he present study aimed to evaluate the analysis of studies in the field of cooperation between industry and university Over the past three decades have done so through a gap in cooperation between them be explained. This study used a descriptive-analytic review of re More
        T he present study aimed to evaluate the analysis of studies in the field of cooperation between industry and university Over the past three decades have done so through a gap in cooperation between them be explained. This study used a descriptive-analytic review of research methods. And previous studies have been done and then get the experts from Through in-depth interviews with experts from both university and industry organizations.Continued Interviews conducted on the basis of theoretical adequacy of the data was stopped on 18 interviews. Of these, 8 out of university professors and experts in the subject, 3 persons CEO industrial companies,4 people, government officials and three experts in the field of entrepreneurship and CEO of intermediary companies participated in interviews. The results show that although University-industry cooperation in education, research and Knowledge-based entrepreneurship & technology commercialization is raised but over time the share of education and too research reduced and a desire for cooperation of Knowledge-based entrepreneurship and technology commercialization has increased. Review current approaches in cooperation between industry and universities prefer to Ability of the private sector and companies of intermediate (hub), especially in knowledge-based entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. The results show that the role of local patterns and human resources entrepreneur who has Commitment and sense of responsibility towards the country, industry and university cooperation with industry and university was found in successful models. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Drivers and inhibitors of the diffusion of "near field communication" technology in the mobile phone payment system in Iran
        Mehran Madady mohammadali keramati Hossein Moinzad Seyed Abdollah  Amin Mousavi
        The main purpose of this research, which is taken from the doctoral thesis, is to measure the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile phone payment system in Iran based on the technology readiness model and also to identify the drivers and inhibitors of using this More
        The main purpose of this research, which is taken from the doctoral thesis, is to measure the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile phone payment system in Iran based on the technology readiness model and also to identify the drivers and inhibitors of using this technology in the banking system and economy of the country. From the point of view of the purpose, this research is practical and the research method used includes the study of available sources, forming a group of experts, conducting interviews and summarizing the views and applying them in the implementation of the research process, as well as surveying the views of users through a questionnaire, and from The partial least squares method is used to analyze the structural equations. In this research, the indicators of the technology readiness model (innovation, optimism, discomfort and insecurity), the positive (responsiveness, intelligence) and negative (unavailability) characteristics of technology, as well as the technology acceptance model (perceived ease of use and perceived benefit) are used. In order to evaluate the factors affecting the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile phone payment system and to extract the driving and inhibiting factors of its diffusion. The results of this research show that innovation, optimism and responsiveness have a positive effect on the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile payment system and are considered driving indicators, but insecurity and the lack of access to technology are inhibiting factors. Application and intention to use this technology Manuscript profile
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        69 - Different fabrication methods and ideal properties of scaffolds for tissue engineering applications.
        Mohammad Rasouli Soheila Kashanian
        Tissue engineering is a science that uses the combination of scaffolds, cells and active biomolecules to make a tissue in order to restore or maintain the function and improve the damaged tissue or even an organ in the laboratory. Artificial skin and cartilage are among More
        Tissue engineering is a science that uses the combination of scaffolds, cells and active biomolecules to make a tissue in order to restore or maintain the function and improve the damaged tissue or even an organ in the laboratory. Artificial skin and cartilage are among the engineered tissues that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use. Accuracy in the design and fabrication of scaffolds with ideal properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, mechanical and surface properties is very important for applications in tissue engineering. Furthermore, these techniques should be able to translate the fabricated scaffolds from potential to actual applications. Several fabrication technologies have been used to design ideal 3D scaffolds with controlled nano- and micro-structures to achieve the ultimate biological response. This review highlights the applications and ideal parameters (biological, mechanical and biodegradability) of scaffolds for various biomedical and tissue engineering applications. This review discusses in detail the various design methods developed and used to design scaffolds, namely solvent casting/particle leaching, freeze drying, thermally induced phase separation (TIPS), gas foaming. (GF), powder foam, sol-gel, electrospinning, stereolithography (SLA), fused deposition modeling (FDM), selective laser sintering (SLS), jet binder technique, inkjet printing, laser-assisted bioprinting, writing It reviews direct cell and metal-based additive manufacturing, focusing on their advantages, limitations, and applications in tissue engineering. Manuscript profile