• List of Articles سیستان

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Migration crisis caused by short-term droughts in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
        Drought is a complex phenomenon that is the definition of it is difficult. Definitions, it is presented in different areas and each of them has different definitions depending on the amount of average rainfall. Since the beginning of the formation of human civilization More
        Drought is a complex phenomenon that is the definition of it is difficult. Definitions, it is presented in different areas and each of them has different definitions depending on the amount of average rainfall. Since the beginning of the formation of human civilization so far, the drought has always been considered one of the natural disasters and catastrophic impact human activities have on. This paper describes a method of analysis to assess the drought and its relationship with the inhabitants of Sistan and Baluchestan Province migration. To understand the different effects on rainfall, water resources, leading to the return of the SPI to be used to evaluate the drought in Sistan-Baluchistan province. Data monthly precipitation (mm), the years 2005 to 1985 for four stations in Sistan and Baluchestan (Zahedan, Zabol Iranshahr, Chharbhar, Konarak) were studied. Results indicate that water shortages in drought affected areas are the result of increased immigration flora. The occurrence of severe in the region, has left the economic and social adverse effects due to the economy's heavy reliance on agriculture people in Sistan and Baluchestan this crisis has led to the phenomenon of origin and demographic balance, the economic, social and ... unbalanced and lead to regional and underdevelopment of the region. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Petrography, geochemistry and mineralization of volcanic rock in Sistanak area (South East Qaen)
        Hojat Mahvelati  Rasa Ida Mohebbi
        Sistank copper deposit is geographically located in East and South-East city of Qain. In general, copper range in Sistanak is in East Central Zone, part of which is located in the Filishy zone and another part in the Lut Block. The stratigraphy in the study area have More
        Sistank copper deposit is geographically located in East and South-East city of Qain. In general, copper range in Sistanak is in East Central Zone, part of which is located in the Filishy zone and another part in the Lut Block. The stratigraphy in the study area have shown that old rocks than the Jurassic age in the study area. According to petrographic studies, the volcanic rocks are divided into two groups of lavas (andesite and andesite -basalt) and pyroclastics (tuff and agglomerate). These rocks are placed in a class of high potassium calc-alkaline and calc-alkaline. According to chemical composition, volcanic rocks occur in andesite and andesite-basalts range. Copper is the main mineral in andesitic lavas, including native copper, chalcocite and malachite. In addition, in some samples the iron oxide minerals such as hematite and, gotite are presant. Mineralized zone is placed at the highest level of volcanic lava and the mineral is stratabound. Such characteristics, are indicative of epigenetic in origin. According to geological characteristics and based on geological and mineralogical charactristis, copper deposits in Sistanak is probably similar to Michigan type deposits. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Zargoli granodiorite in Sistan suture zone (South East Iran)
        Shahryar Keshtgar Mohammad Boomeri Ali Kananian Mahbobeh Nazari
        The Zargoli granodiorite is located in the northwest of Zahedan in Sistan suture zone. This granodiorite intruded a flysch-like unit at Oligocene and its SiO2 contents range from 62.4 to 66 wt. %. This gronodiorite is calc-alkaline, metaluminous and I-type. The Zargoli More
        The Zargoli granodiorite is located in the northwest of Zahedan in Sistan suture zone. This granodiorite intruded a flysch-like unit at Oligocene and its SiO2 contents range from 62.4 to 66 wt. %. This gronodiorite is calc-alkaline, metaluminous and I-type. The Zargoli granodiorite shows negative anomaly of Ta, Ti, Nb, Eu and positive anomaly of Rb, Ce, La, Ba, Sr in spider diagrams suggesting that these rocks have been derived from the partial melting of lower crust. This magma was contaminated with flysh- type sediments during emplacement in Sistan suture zone. Discriminative diagrams indicate a volcanic arc (VAG) and active continental margin (ACM) tectono-magmatic setting for this pluton. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Repetition and its Rhetorical Values in Farrokhi Sistani Poetry
        عبدالعلی  اویسی کهخا mahmoodi abbasi hossein ettehadi
        Repetition in level of letters and words, which is one of the methods of creating and or increasing the music of speech, can be reviewed from two perspectives: first, from musical values and second from rhetorical values. The study uses descriptive and analytic methods More
        Repetition in level of letters and words, which is one of the methods of creating and or increasing the music of speech, can be reviewed from two perspectives: first, from musical values and second from rhetorical values. The study uses descriptive and analytic methods to review the different kinds and methods of letter repetition in Farrokhi Sistani poem. The findings show that Sistani orator applied all repetition methods in widespread amount in his speech. Continuous repetitions of letters, words, syllables, phrases and even hemistich with different methods filled Farrokhi poetry with Musical bunches of phones. In some cases, he created new methods of repetition which increase the musical richness of his speech. These repetitions are so valuable from rhetorical aspect that there are many evidences in Farrokhi poetry that letter repetition or word proportionate to poetry theme serve the semantic transfer and poetry content and sometimes help in inspiration of given emotion of poet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Petrology and geochemistry of Siahjangal ophiolite, northeastern Taftan volcano
        saeideh Nikbakht حبیب بیابانگرد Sasan Baghari
        Siahjangal ophiolite is located in the North and Northeastern part of Taftan volcano in the Sistan Suture Zone (SSZ). This ophiolite (Upper Cretaceous) is exposed in the Flysch rocks (Eocene). Harzburgite, lherzolite, serpentine, spilite and gabbro are major rocks in th More
        Siahjangal ophiolite is located in the North and Northeastern part of Taftan volcano in the Sistan Suture Zone (SSZ). This ophiolite (Upper Cretaceous) is exposed in the Flysch rocks (Eocene). Harzburgite, lherzolite, serpentine, spilite and gabbro are major rocks in this ophiolite. Ultramafic units have olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene minerals. Mafic units have clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Ultramafic rocks have mainly granular and gabbro rocks have ophitic, sub-ophitic and granular textures. Geochemical verities of major, minor and rare earth elements in the Siahjangal ophiolite revealed that the ultrabasic and basic rocks were formed due to partial melting than crystal differentiation. REE elements diagrams normalized to the Chondrite and MORB and their comparison with the normal and enriched MORBs, chemical differentiation diagrams, the ratios of accessory elements and changes of Zr, Nb, Y, U, Ti elements against Zr / Nb ratio all indicates the similarity to N-MORB. Transition elements diagrams (V, Co, Cr, Ni) against La / Ce ratio and the ratio of (La / Yb) N, La / Yb, La / Ce versus (La / Sm) N, show that these ratios compared with N-MORB and E-MORB represent enrichment and geochemical similarities to N-MORB. Tectonomagmatic diagrams show Siahjangal ophiolite belongs to supra-subduction zone.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Petrography and geochemistry of igneous rocks and antimony mineralization in Lakhshak, northwest of Zahedan, southeastern Iran
        *, Halimeh Mojadadi Mohammad Boomeri Habib Biabangard
        The Lakhshak Sb index is located in the northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The geological units of the area include metamorphosed flysch (garnet schist, actinolite schist, phylite, mylonite), granitoid pluton, acidic and basic dikes, mineralized and un-mine More
        The Lakhshak Sb index is located in the northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The geological units of the area include metamorphosed flysch (garnet schist, actinolite schist, phylite, mylonite), granitoid pluton, acidic and basic dikes, mineralized and un-mineralized silicic veins. According to the geochemical studies, Lakhshak igneous rocks are calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic, metaaluminous rocks which are belong to the volcanic arc, and collisional and post-collisional tectonic settings. The studied igneous rocks are characterized by LREE and LILE enrichment relative to HREE and HFSE. Enrichment of Pb and depletion of Zr, Nb and Y are more consistent with melts generated from the lower crust. In the Lakhshak area, the Sb mineralization mainly occurs as quartz-stibnite veins in type-like rocks and is associated with silicic, argillic and phyllic alterations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - پهنه‌بندی توسعه یافتگی از منظر برنامه¬ریزی منطقه¬ای دفاعی استان سیستان و بلوچستان: مدل آنالیز استان
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigating and analyzing the types of transformation in the stories and legends of Sistan cultural area
        Mohammad fatemimanesh
        Native and local stories and legends are among the most mysterious anthropological phenomena that are full of mythological sources and ancient archetypes. These stories and legends, which originate from the culture, customs, traditions, and environment of each ethnic gr More
        Native and local stories and legends are among the most mysterious anthropological phenomena that are full of mythological sources and ancient archetypes. These stories and legends, which originate from the culture, customs, traditions, and environment of each ethnic group, contain one of the most central and important mythological elements; It means transformation or transmutation; It is a theme that appears in the stories and legends of different nations and peoples, in various forms and forms, and it is also considered one of the main mythological sources of the stories and legends of the land of Sistan, which is reflected and manifested in many stories and legends of this land. Based on this, in this essay, an attempt has been made to investigate the types of personification in legends and stories of the Sistan cultural area by using the method of mythological criticism, and to analyze the extent and manner of their representation in these stories and legends. The results of this research show that in Sistani legends and stories, two main types of personification are seen, which include human personification and supernatural beings such as demons or goats, and among these two types of personification, the most frequent is related to human personification, which has been able to allocate the highest representation in Sistani legends and stories. Manuscript profile