• List of Articles روح

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Compare entrepreneurial spirit of Agricultural Extension and Education and the Horticultural Sciences students of Shiraz University
        Entrepreneurship is a process that individual entrepreneurs with new ideas and creative and identifying new opportunities and resource mobilization, attempt to create new businesses and companies, new and innovative organizations. This study examined the entrepreneurial More
        Entrepreneurship is a process that individual entrepreneurs with new ideas and creative and identifying new opportunities and resource mobilization, attempt to create new businesses and companies, new and innovative organizations. This study examined the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Agricultural Extension and Education and Horticultural Sciences at the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University. Statistical population is the second and fourth year students of these two fields. Using stratified random sampling method96 subjects were determined. The study was performed by means of a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 19. Average of four entrepreneurial characteristics is more than the average. The results showed that there is no significant difference between entrepreneurial spirits of students in two fields. Average entrepreneurial spirit of students in four-year was more than students in second-year and the entrepreneurial spirit of students who have spent more entrepreneurship courses significantly more. Compared entrepreneurial characteristics of students between the opposite sex showed that while the need for achievement, confidence and risk-taking has no significant difference between male and female students, but male students,  internal control is more than female students. At the end practical suggestions to improve the entrepreneurial spirit of students is presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Comparison of “Shirin and Xosru” by Rouh-al-Amin Shahrestani-e Isfahani with “Xosru and Shirin” By Nezami Ganjavi
        Mohammad Ali  Khazanehdarlou بهروز  سلطانی
        Rouh-al-Amin Shahrestani-e Isfahani named Mir Jomle was born in 981 (L. Hegira) in “Shahrestan environs of Isfahan and died in 1047 Hegira due to jerk and knock kneed maladies in New Delhi. In spite the fact that he was a minister and one of the overwrought and hardwork More
        Rouh-al-Amin Shahrestani-e Isfahani named Mir Jomle was born in 981 (L. Hegira) in “Shahrestan environs of Isfahan and died in 1047 Hegira due to jerk and knock kneed maladies in New Delhi. In spite the fact that he was a minister and one of the overwrought and hardworking poets of his time. Imitating Nezami Ganjavi, he has composed a Xamse. He has nearly thirty thousand couplets. His method in poetry is one that Kalim, glorifying him, has said: “he sewed the clothes of words into the meanings”. The comparison of comparables with the original work can help us identify the literary work, and the reasons of its survival and success. Comparing the content, structures and language of Shirin and Xosru” by Rouh-al-Amin Shahrestani-e Isfahani poem With “Xosru and Shirin” By Nezami Ganjavi’s peom, this article attempts to review the differences and similarities between these two poems. Some parts of Rouh-al-Amin’s work which is imitated from Nezami Ganjavi has a different expression method. Many of words, phrases and expressions used by Nezami have gotten new frames in his poetry, which are cheaper than the original work by Nezami Ganjavi. Rouh-al-Amin did not tend a lot to newness in phrases and expression and words and mostly attempts to change narrations and events of stories. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Origin of Human’s Nature and Aspects in Mathnavi
        بخشعلی  قنبری
        Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where hum More
        Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where human originated from. According to the divine religions and the Gnostic schools following them man was made out of mud, and Adam was the first referent of humans. So, it is worth asking what processes human has left behind to reach to his present stance. The question is investigated as genealogy. Mowlavi introduces different stages in human’s genealogy. Having passed these stages, he reached the present stage. Now, he has come up with the question that, how his present situation is. The answer lies in human’s nature, which Mowlavi considers it of double quality. In sum, all these issues are reflected in Mathnavi. The humans’ creation out of various kinds of soils is the symbolic way of suggesting their different faculties and natures. At the same time, he has the potential of being the place of the Divine revelation; the soul breathed in him is the symbol of God’s presence in this place. This soul involves the levels including vegetative soul, animal soul, and holy soul. According to Mowlavi, human is the ultimate cause of the creation, though he is the last being to be created. Now, if he could reach perfection, he would acquire the capacity to be exalted. Such exaltation would result in his turning to be God-like, which would promote him far beyond plans, animals, and angels, to an exalted rank. This is so because human moves from these stages, while non-human beings are permanently fixed in their stages. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Symbolism in Ave Sina’s Poem of Einiyyeh, and its Effect on the Thought of Muslim Gnostics
        علی  فتح اللهی علي  نظري
        How the human soul falls from the upper world and descends in the body cage is one of the complex philosophical and Gnostic debates. The duality of subtle spirit and dirty body is a matter of debate in most philosophical and Gnostic schools. Defending the duality doctri More
        How the human soul falls from the upper world and descends in the body cage is one of the complex philosophical and Gnostic debates. The duality of subtle spirit and dirty body is a matter of debate in most philosophical and Gnostic schools. Defending the duality doctrine, like many other Muslim Gnostics, Ave Sina is considered as one of the pioneers in symbolically depicting the fall of the soul into the body. His Poem of Einiyyeh, among the works of Muslim scholars, follows such a view. The present article studies symbolism, its development, and the relevant factors in developing mystical-gnostic stories in the works of Muslim thinkers. The other focus of the research is to explore the traces of Gnosticism, neo-Platonism, and Akhavan-ol-Safa in the Poem of Einiyyeh, and their influence on its mystical concepts, and the compatibility of its symbolic language with the Sufi terms and expressions used by Muslim Gnostics, along with the study of the belonging of spirit to the upper world, its unwillingly Fall, and the duality of the soul and body. At the end, we will study the ways to set the everlasting subtle spirit free from the prison of the body. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Analysis of “Seir-ol-Ebad Elal-Ma’ad” by Sannayi
        معصومه  غیوری
        The poetic work entitled as the couplet poetry of “Seir-ol-Ebad Elal-Ma’ad” is an interesting work in the field of Islamic mysticism and a story on spirit’s journey to a supernatural world. Although this poetic work is affected by Prophet Mohammad’s Ascent and the previ More
        The poetic work entitled as the couplet poetry of “Seir-ol-Ebad Elal-Ma’ad” is an interesting work in the field of Islamic mysticism and a story on spirit’s journey to a supernatural world. Although this poetic work is affected by Prophet Mohammad’s Ascent and the previous ascents, it manifests the most pure spiritual and mental maturity of the poet in an elegant and lofty manner. Seir-ol-Ebad Elal-Ma’ad is a journey within self, and the mysterious human spirit; enjoying a high number of symbolic images originated in the general and great treasury of mankind’s knowledge and passion since the creation of universe. Seir-ol-Ebad Elal-Ma’ad is the story of spirit’s journey, the ascent, resurrection and birth in the creation, all in a comprehensive spiritual atmosphere. This article presents an analysis of this work from mystical, mythical and psychological points of view in the following four sections: 1. Desire to return to the beginning (analysis through mythology and mysticism) 2. Individuality and the evolution of mental characteristic (analysis of Seir-ol-Ebad within the domain of psychology) 3. The rite of heroic path or the opening ceremony ( analysis of the work in the domain of rites and mythological ceremonies) 4. Resurrection and progression cycle ( analysis of the last part of Sanayi’s journey in giving meaning to the materialistic life Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Analysis of the Themes and Linguistic Elements in the Satirical poems of Gholam Reza Rouhani
          ali akbar bagheri khalili Ahmad qanipour malakshah
        The satire of "Gholam reza Rouhani", while reflecting the social conditions of Iran during the first Pahlavi and early Pahlavi II periods, is an illustration of the author's co-existence and sympathy with the masses and is linguistically and sociologically significant. More
        The satire of "Gholam reza Rouhani", while reflecting the social conditions of Iran during the first Pahlavi and early Pahlavi II periods, is an illustration of the author's co-existence and sympathy with the masses and is linguistically and sociologically significant. The present article, with a descriptive-analytical approach, aims to investigate the most important theme of satire in Rouhani's poems, his attitude towards social issues and their representation in his works. While presenting critical views on society and politics, Rouhani uses different linguistic and expressive elements to make the representations more artistic and influential. For instance, using lexical combination and semantic contradiction provides the appropriate framework for challenging discriminations as well as socio-political and ideological contradictions. The abundance of the folk words and compounds as a mean of expressing social issues in a popular language is one of the linguistic features of Rouhani’s satire. Since Rouhani's satire is simile-based, simile is more powerful in representing social issues and also in understanding it by the masses. Criticisms of the environmental conditions such as urban pollution and the lack of required infrastructures, the unveiling incident, the world war and its impacts on Iran, economic problems and some social issues, such as westernization, women's rights, unemployment and the bureaucratic complexity are some of the issues that are reflected in Rouhani’s satire. The analysis of the poet's satirical works reveals his social action to be modifing, changing or rejecting the hegemonic discourses. In some cases, such as the progress, education, and employment of women or the protection of national commodities, the poet often criticizes and rejects the situation of society and seeks to change that. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Spiritual-based Theory of Richard Ned Lebow; An Analytical Framework for Explaining Revisionism in International Relations
        ramtin rezaei farideh mohamad alipour
        We should more seriously consider the revisionist approach in foreign policy of states in the theory of International Relations. it, also, is necessary to be studied in a post-structuralist approach with respect to immaterial motives. Richard Ned Lebow’s spirit-based th More
        We should more seriously consider the revisionist approach in foreign policy of states in the theory of International Relations. it, also, is necessary to be studied in a post-structuralist approach with respect to immaterial motives. Richard Ned Lebow’s spirit-based theory, which explains the controversy and challenge in the International Relations arena based on the concept of spirit and motives and its motivations, provides a good framework for studying the state's revisionist attitudes in the field of foreign policy and International Relations. Ned Lebow's theory can also be a good framework for analyzing the foreign policy of the I.R.Iran as a revisionist state. This paper seeks to answer the question that how does the spirit direct governments towards revisionism in International Relations according to Ned Lebow's theory? In response, the essay hypothesized that the soul, through motivations and motives of dignity, pride and greatness, leads governments to revisionism in international relations. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Spiritual health of the soul From the perspective of Zakaria raazi In the book Medicine Spiritual
        One of the most important aspects of human existence, which is the spiritual dimension Efforts to keep it healthy it is Islam Razi in his spiritual medicine has also paid special attention to this issue The main purpose of this study, the expression of Razes is how to m More
        One of the most important aspects of human existence, which is the spiritual dimension Efforts to keep it healthy it is Islam Razi in his spiritual medicine has also paid special attention to this issue The main purpose of this study, the expression of Razes is how to maintain spiritual health And analytical approach to the realization that prevention and treatment of mental health and breathtaking views has been a mystery In religious teachings both science and faith in God and good deeds are the main pillars of spiritual health. The findings show that Razi, the rule of reason over passion and self-purification other powers and combat the moral vices such as envy, jealousy and what a breath of signs being healthy states Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The role of Steamy Soul in the relationship between the psyche and body in Avicenna's philosophical psychology
        Avicenna is one of the Muslim philosophers among philosophers who has been given attention to the relationship between the psyche and body. Since he believes that the soul is spirituality created and he believes that the duality of body and psyche is from the beginning More
        Avicenna is one of the Muslim philosophers among philosophers who has been given attention to the relationship between the psyche and body. Since he believes that the soul is spirituality created and he believes that the duality of body and psyche is from the beginning of creation. He is obliged to accept a mediator in the issue of the existence of a relationship between body and psyche because the spiritual and immaterial psyche cannot be connected to a dirty body and an element without a mediator. Therefore, the existence of a tender mass which is above the body and low psyche is necessary. Avicenna calls this mediator the steamy soul. The steamy soul arises from the tender part of humours and body steams. Therefore, the steamy soul proportion to the tender part of humours is similar to the proportion of the concentration of humours. As the combination and humours misciblity in every part of body parts develop the temperament which fits that particular organ, steams and tenders which have arisen from quadruple humours are combined and miscibled and develop the temperament which fits the steamy soul. Therefore, thinking, employment and interest of the psyche to the body and any of body parts or body organs will be in this way. From Avicenna’s perspective, the first member which take soul is the heart. heart is the source and mine of , the steamy soul birth. The present paper addresses content analysis method to introduce Avicenna’s perspective about the steamy soul, its origin and reason for its existence, functions and its role in sensory perceptions Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Reviews of the theory of "Spirited Bodies" from the perspective of the Shi'a narrations (Relying on Nahj)
          safar nasiriyan
        The theory of "Spirited Bodies" is a theological theory of the human nature. Opinion is sharply divided over this issue. This theory, based on the theory of evolution and Physical and experimental findings. Nancey Murphy argues for a physicalist account, but one that do More
        The theory of "Spirited Bodies" is a theological theory of the human nature. Opinion is sharply divided over this issue. This theory, based on the theory of evolution and Physical and experimental findings. Nancey Murphy argues for a physicalist account, but one that does not diminish traditional views of humans as rational, moral, and capable of relating to God. Murphy is invited to appreciate the ways in which organisms are more than the sum of their parts. But this theory according to Shi'a narrations particularly Nahj ,comming in the text of the article, is not acceptable Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Sociological Study of the Implications of Cultural the Apartments Life in Iran (Stressing Tehran)
        Coincide with the development of modern urban life and to bring one's own culture in community life, culture and traditional life has undergone many change and evolution in come. Development of appartement,s life as an important symbols and indication of new urban life More
        Coincide with the development of modern urban life and to bring one's own culture in community life, culture and traditional life has undergone many change and evolution in come. Development of appartement,s life as an important symbols and indication of new urban life, with its cultural implications of intentionally or unintentionally income a lot. This may suggest a positive from the perspective of us or not, but what is definite this kind of life, a lot of impact in the sphere of the culture of the people's lives from the apartment, sometimes accepted by some segments of society is also. This research sought to explain the cultural implications of community life apartment life. In part of theoretical basics, the most important principles of the different schools of scholars studied sociology. In this study, the method of collection, and the questionnaire using the likert range has been formulated, is used. For the analysis of the findings as well as SPSS software was used Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Duality of Mind-Body in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle
        Yashar Jeirani
        The present paper explores the mind-body problem in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle. Here, the writers claim that the opposing ideas of Plato and Aristotle concerning the ontology of body and soul is ultimately rooted in the dualist interpretation of the ontology of the sou More
        The present paper explores the mind-body problem in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle. Here, the writers claim that the opposing ideas of Plato and Aristotle concerning the ontology of body and soul is ultimately rooted in the dualist interpretation of the ontology of the soul in the mythical era, particularly in Homer’s period. In other words, the philosophical opposition between Plato and Aristotle concerning the ontology of the soul and body has its origin in Homerian dual and opposing interpretation of the concept of the soul. In addition, by substantiating this view, the writers have tried to take a small step towards understanding the relationship between the mythical legacy of ancient Greece and its period of humanistic philosophy, particularly that of Plato and Aristotle. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - An Analysis of the Meaning and Concept of Spiritual Health in Psychology and Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Doctrines
        Abbas  Ahmadi Saadi
        The concept of spirituality as opposed to materiality and the material world constitutes the main principle of all revealed and non-revealed religions. True existence is spiritual in all religions. Spirituality means having great faith in the existence of transcendent a More
        The concept of spirituality as opposed to materiality and the material world constitutes the main principle of all revealed and non-revealed religions. True existence is spiritual in all religions. Spirituality means having great faith in the existence of transcendent and supernatural truths, which, in Mulla Sadra’s view, have their origin in the unique existence of Almighty Truth. Such a belief grants a specific color and direction to human behaviors and various angles of life, so that individuals will never consider their own being or that of others and the world to be in vain. Rather, it fills them with a pleasant feeling of satisfaction. This concept is not limited to the holy doctrines of a specific religion in psychology, and it is not opposed in this field, either. Based on the principles of his Transcendent Philosophy regarding psychology and the mutual body-soul relation, Mulla Sadra believes that behaviors, physical acts, sciences, and human awareness exercise a profound influence over the human soul and spirit and finally determine their fate in the process of the trans-substantial motion and becoming. Accordingly, one’s spiritual and inner health depends on their awareness and behavior. The science of psychology, particularly humanistic psychology, greatly emphasizes the critical role of spirituality in organizing individuals’ life, character, and behavior. According to some existentialist psychologists, such as Frankl and Jung, mental or spiritual health comprises one of the important elements of a healthy personality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - A Comparative Critical Study of the Origination of the Soul in Mulla Sadra and Ibn Sina
        Davood  Mohamadiany
        In the field of psychology in Islamic philosophy, there are two theories on the origination of the soul. Ibn Sina posed the theory of the spiritual origination of the soul and Mulla Sadra propounded the theory of the corporeal origination of the soul. However, contrary More
        In the field of psychology in Islamic philosophy, there are two theories on the origination of the soul. Ibn Sina posed the theory of the spiritual origination of the soul and Mulla Sadra propounded the theory of the corporeal origination of the soul. However, contrary to Mulla Sadra’s idea, by the immateriality of the soul at the time of origination, Ibn Sina never meant complete immateriality at the level of practical intellect. Accordingly, it appears that Mulla Sadra’s objections to Ibn Sina are not justified and can be responded to. Likewise, by the corporeality of the soul at the time of origination, Mulla Sadra does not mean that the soul is a body or a type of corporeal thing. Rather, he means that, at the moment of origination, the soul is at the level of potential intellect, at the highest level of corporeality, and at the lowest level of immateriality. There are also some other pieces of evidence that bring the ideas of these two philosophers closer to each other. This paper intends to compare their views regarding the origination of the soul. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Natural Causality and Metaphysical Causality: Homonymy or Polysemy in Mulla Sadra
        Maryam Heydari Hamid Reza  Ayatollahy‬‏
        Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastn More
        Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastness of such changes has led some thinkers to believe that there is a large semantic gap between metaphysical and natural kinds of causality, and the relationship between them is merely of the type of homonymy. The spread of this view among some philosophers and scholars has made any kind of agreement among them impossible. As a result, no comparative study can be carried out in these two fields concerning their shared concepts. Although some of the followers of the Transcendent Philosophy advocate the same view, the philosophical principles of Mulla Sadra have removed any kind of breach or borderline between these two fields and defines them in the same way. Accordingly, it can be claimed that natural causality is the degraded form of metaphysical causality and, thus, the unison of the two fields, their proximity to each other, and any interaction between them will be inevitable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Anthropological Explanation of Death in Mullā Ṣadrā’s two Systems of Graded Unity and Individual Unity of Existence
        Abdollah Salavati Fatemeh Kookaram
        This study discusses the problem of death based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s two systems of graded and individual unities of existence and intends to explain death relying on anthropological principles. The most important of such principles include Man’s multi-dimensional nature, o More
        This study discusses the problem of death based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s two systems of graded and individual unities of existence and intends to explain death relying on anthropological principles. The most important of such principles include Man’s multi-dimensional nature, ontological gradedness, corporeal origination of the soul and its spiritual subsistence, the problem of the soul and its relationship with the body, human stations, and being the manifestation of divine names. Mullā Ṣadrā divides death into three natural, premature, and voluntary types. In his view, the soul plays an active and key role in death. The main question of the present study is what the principles of the anthropology of death are in Mullā Ṣadrā’s view. He believes that death is an ontological affair in the sense of the soul’s voluntary, forceful, or generative desertion of the world of sensibles. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s two philosophical systems, death has two different faces; in his system of graded unity, it means severing the relationship with the body in the light of ontological gradedness and, in the system of individual unity, it means cutting the relationship with a name and joining another name in the light of various manifestations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Analysis the Relationship Between the organizational intelligence and the goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness in the Higher Education Center of Ilam city
        Mohammad Taban ولی محمد  درینی زهره  محمدیاری فاطمه  فروزش
        The present research aims to analysis the relationship between the organizational intelligence and the goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness in the Higher Education Center of Ilam city. statistical population include official employees of Ilam's governmental orga More
        The present research aims to analysis the relationship between the organizational intelligence and the goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness in the Higher Education Center of Ilam city. statistical population include official employees of Ilam's governmental organizations, and their educational degrees were bachelor's degree and higher. By using Kochran's formula sample size was determined as 380 persons. For data collection, two standardized questionnaires "organizational intelligence questionnaire" and "goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness questionnaire" were distributed among 390 employees. The collected data was analyzed by using software LISREL and SPSS. According to the researrch's findings, it could be concluded that there are the significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational intelligence (strategic conception, common fate, morale, knowledge usage, performance pressure, unity, and willingness to change) with the organizational forgetfulness in Ilam's Higher Education Center. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Ontology of the Spirit of Meaning in the Holy Qur’ān in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View and its Impact on the Discussion of the Quality of Coining Words
        Maryam  Kashefi Atiyeh  Zandieh
        The principle of “coining words for the spirit of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān” in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works is closely related to his philosophy. Therefore, considering the Sadrian ontology as the basis, one can learn about the ontological applications of the meanings of words More
        The principle of “coining words for the spirit of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān” in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works is closely related to his philosophy. Therefore, considering the Sadrian ontology as the basis, one can learn about the ontological applications of the meanings of words and, thus, the quality of attaining the knowledge of them. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the world, the Qur’ān, and the holy prophetic existence are three dimensions of the world that share a single and simple existence at the level of their “unfolded existence”, “immediate divine word”, and “Mohammedan truth”. They have dispersed at the level of the lower kingdom and are manifested in the form of the world of particular Ideas, the verbal Qur’ān, and the existence of the Holy Prophet (ṣ), respectively, and then descend to the world of matter. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that each lower level is an example of a higher level, and words are not an exception to this rule. In order to access the highest level of divine words, one should employ the principle of coining words for different types of meanings (absolute and general). Mullā Ṣadrā’s definition of spirit of meaning conforms with his definition of the natural universal and Platonic Ideas. The application and generalizability of the spirit of meaning in comparison to the natural universal originates in the limitedness of quiddity, while, in comparison to Platonic universals, it originates in existential amplitude. A comparison of the spirit of meaning and natural universals indicates that coinage of words is a human phenomenon, and the criterion for coining each word is the truth. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Middle Platonism: Introduction and Analysis of Religious and Philosophical Theorems
        Mahbobeh  Hadina
        Middle Platonism is one of the most important philosophical-religious schools of the first century BC. While claiming to revive the original Platonic school, it is rooted in the fundamental epistemological and philosophical theorems of that time including the essence of More
        Middle Platonism is one of the most important philosophical-religious schools of the first century BC. While claiming to revive the original Platonic school, it is rooted in the fundamental epistemological and philosophical theorems of that time including the essence of the One, God as Creator, descent of the soul, rational knowledge, and salvation. A study of middle Platonists’ works reveals that the philosophical principles of this school are mainly based on a reinterpretation of certain religious-philosophical theorems of Platonic, Stoic, Pythagorean, and gnostic schools. In fact, a clear trace of the concern for explaining the problem of the oneness and transcendence of the essence of Almighty, the quality of the creation of the world, and the presence of evil therein can be witnesses in the works of the philosophers that advocate the mentioned schools. The fundamental principles of middle Platonism are basically religious, and this school is mainly concerned with such topics as the duality of the essence of divinity in two concepts, God as the Maker or Creator of the world, the duality of the spiritual and material origin of Man and the descent of the soul, cosmology and the material structure and fate of the world, eschatology with an emphasis on the theorem of Man’s salvation through rational knowledge, and finally the discussion of ethics and the definition of its practical frameworks for attaining rational perfection, which is necessary for salvation. The present paper aims to explain and provide a comparative analysis of the principles and quality of the formation of the philosophical theorems of Middle Platonism as a philosophical-religious school. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Analysis and study of natural despair from the perspective of the Qur'an, religious texts and scholars and its consequences
        mehdi etemadnasa
        Despair and despair are introduced in the Holy Quran as a state that arises in the position of helplessness and inability in the human being and soul. . Due to the importance of this carnal complication, this concept has been repeated many times in the Qur'an with terms More
        Despair and despair are introduced in the Holy Quran as a state that arises in the position of helplessness and inability in the human being and soul. . Due to the importance of this carnal complication, this concept has been repeated many times in the Qur'an with terms such as "despair", "qunoot", "iblas" and "kheiba". , The appearance of the nose and worldliness of people and the distance from spirituality in life, and the result of this state, in the form of various diseases such as depression and severe and aimless mental injuries and feelings of emptiness in their lives; Therefore, in the Qur'an, the spirit of despair and despair has always been condemned. To treat this phenomenon with a Qur'anic approach, we can point out the opposite point of sensuality, that is, the Qur'anic therapeutic view in the field of human psyche and thought is generally summarized in the remembrance of God Almighty and effort and patience in the face of difficulties and faith in the Hereafter. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Quran’s View of True Peace
        Shima mahmoodpoor
        Peace is a rare and precious thing that is among the most fundamental human needs and plays an important role in the happiness and health of individuals and society. Feeling peaceful is a major characteristic of every healthy human being as one can obtain growth and p More
        Peace is a rare and precious thing that is among the most fundamental human needs and plays an important role in the happiness and health of individuals and society. Feeling peaceful is a major characteristic of every healthy human being as one can obtain growth and perfection in light of peace and calm. The Holy Quran, as the book of guidance for humanity, provides the best prescription for achieving peace. This paper seeks to describe true peace and correct man’s understanding of it on the one hand, and investigate the factors that contribute to creation and establishment of peace in heart based on divine teachings. To understand the true meaning of peace, one should bear in mind its distinction from comfort. Also, based on the teachings of the Quran, peace is achieved through paying attention to both material and spiritual needs and if there is a conflict between the two, spiritual needs should be given primacy due to the priority of the spirit. There are different words and phrases in the Quran that include the meaning of peace. They include Tathbit, Fuad, Thabat, Rabt-e Qalb, Sukn, and Sakina. A look into these words in the verses of the Quran reveals that the only origin and source of giving peace to hearts is relation with God, the Almighty. In view of the Quran, there are different factors involved in creation and establishment of peace. They include: faith, Zikr (recitation of prayers), correcting one’s view of the world, Tawakkul; (putting one’s trust in God), thankfulness, Taqwa (God-fearing), and performing religious rites. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Investigating Effectiveness of Contemplating the Quran on Mental Health
        mahdi esmaeili Mahdi Esmaeili mohsen rafikhah Zahra Naghizadeh
        The Holy Quran, as the Everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the best guide for humankind and, according to verse 89 of Surah al-Nahl “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things…,” it is the clarification of all things and More
        The Holy Quran, as the Everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the best guide for humankind and, according to verse 89 of Surah al-Nahl “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things…,” it is the clarification of all things and referring to it can solve many problems and meet many needs. One of the problems humankind has always, especially in recent times, been facing and the advancement of science and research has helped little to resolve, is mental health problems. Recently, thinkers and researchers have asserted that religion and faith play a major role in the mental health of individuals and society. How the Quran, as a source of major religious beliefs, guarantee one’s mental health and prevent individuals and society from suffering from mental and psychological pressures and harms? This paper, using a qualitative, descriptive library research method seeks to clarify the effectiveness of contemplating the verses of the Quran on enhancing mental health. It concludes that by reflection on the verses of the Quran, especially on such content and concepts in the verses as faith, Hijab, marriage and turning away from worldly things, supplications and prayers, one can reach good results in both preventing and curing mental health problems. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Investigation of the Word Shifa (Healing) in the Quran
        Omid Izanlo
        Quran, as a divine book, has paid attention to all aspects of human life, including health. The Quran’s mention of the word Shifa (healing), which implies health, signifies this attention. An investigation of this word based on Shia and Sunni Quran exegeses shows that t More
        Quran, as a divine book, has paid attention to all aspects of human life, including health. The Quran’s mention of the word Shifa (healing), which implies health, signifies this attention. An investigation of this word based on Shia and Sunni Quran exegeses shows that the Quran is Shifa in that it cleanses humans of false beliefs and gives them healing with the light of guidance. God, the Almighty, has first preached all human beings so that all of them receive Shifa through the Quran. But preaching is not effective for all of them as only some of them are inspired by preaching. These are the faithful who receive Shifa thanks to their willingness to accept the truth and obey divine commandments and the instructions of the Quran. When they gain Shifa, they also receive divine guidance and mercy. Of course Shifa for physical illnesses is not found in the Quran and should be sought in the material world. However, the mention of honey in the Quran is an example of divine signs that show that all blessings of God are beneficial and that some of them can certainly have healing effects. Manuscript profile
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        24 - نقد و تحلیل داستان (باده کهن)
        سارا حسین آبادی
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        25 - Death in the View of Abul-ḥassan ‘Āmirī (with a Focus on its Historical Place)
        Einullah  Khademi
        Death as one of the most definite and certain events in human life has always attracted the attention of numerous thinkers. Modern philosophers have shown special attention to it particularly in their discussion of the meaning of life. Abul-ḥassan al-‘Āmirī is one of th More
        Death as one of the most definite and certain events in human life has always attracted the attention of numerous thinkers. Modern philosophers have shown special attention to it particularly in their discussion of the meaning of life. Abul-ḥassan al-‘Āmirī is one of the thinkers in the Islamic tradition whose view of death is of great historical significance. ‘Āmirī mainly pays attention to death while focusing on sensory soul and defines death as the annihilation and separation of sensory soul from the body. He considers sensory soul as the link between the soul (as an immaterial thing) and body (as a material thing) that is annihilated along with the body at the time of death. However, the rational soul is not destroyed. It can be said that ‘Āmirī had a medical approach to the problem of death and was influenced by religious texts at the same time. From the philosophical and religious aspect, ‘Āmirī rejected the M‘utazilites’ view of death and used the term nuz’ (dying) in order to provide a more profound concept and understanding of death. He also presents some arguments for the immortality of the soul and, at the same time, benefits from the concept of “vision” and its different types for a better perception of death. He believes that fear of death is one of the obstacles to a deep understanding of death and maintains that the attention to the necessary joys of life and luminous world and a change of view of death are critical for a more accurate encounter with this issue. One of the weak points of ‘Āmirī’s discussion of death could be lack of a focus on different types of death, particularly voluntary death. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Existential connection theory in combined ascension
        Mohammad-Ali  Ardestani
        The combined ascension (spiritual - physical) of Khatam al-Anbiya - peace be upon him - is the word of truth and according to the appearances of the verses, even it is explicit news. This basis has also found a metaphysical analysis, including the theory of existential More
        The combined ascension (spiritual - physical) of Khatam al-Anbiya - peace be upon him - is the word of truth and according to the appearances of the verses, even it is explicit news. This basis has also found a metaphysical analysis, including the theory of existential connection, which is based on the agreement and final connection of the blessed soul of the Holy Prophet Khatam-al Anbia -peace be upon him and his family- with his noble body, because the greatness of the soul depends on the talent and complete readiness of the body and the soul of finality of prophethood, has the utmost power and complete control over the noble body; Therefore, the journey of the soul khatam-al Anbyia -peace be upon him and his family- in the worlds of existence requires the journey of the body and his sensory observations. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Critical analysis of Sadr al-Mutalahin's view on bodily resurrection
        Hossein movahedpoor Seyyed Hashem  Golestani Mohammad Reza  Shamshiri
        The collective view of Islamic philosophers is that reason is unable to prove physical resurrection and the reasons for proving physical resurrection are merely narrative. Considering that the main truth of man is in the soul and understanding is also achieved by the so More
        The collective view of Islamic philosophers is that reason is unable to prove physical resurrection and the reasons for proving physical resurrection are merely narrative. Considering that the main truth of man is in the soul and understanding is also achieved by the soul, and in the meantime, the soul uses matter only as a tool and a means to achieve its desires.In this article ،an attempt is made to first present a brief picture of the appearance of elemental doubts and the non-physicality of resurrection among Islamic philosophers، and then to discuss the foundations of resurrection in the wisdom of the Supreme.Attention should be paid to this matter، how can the main problems and doubts raised by Sadr al-Mutealehin be resolved and what answer can be found for it. Manuscript profile
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        28 - A Critique of the Theory of Transmigration and Shahrzūrī’s Demonstrative Arguments Based on Ibn Sīnā’s Principles
        Mahmud Saidiy
        The theory of the transmigration of the soul is one of the oldest views that has been propounded in the history of thought in order to explain the quality of reward or punishment of human beings and the nature of the eternity of the human soul. Shahrzūrī is one of the m More
        The theory of the transmigration of the soul is one of the oldest views that has been propounded in the history of thought in order to explain the quality of reward or punishment of human beings and the nature of the eternity of the human soul. Shahrzūrī is one of the most prominent Illuminationist philosophers, who has presented a coherent theory for the demonstration of ascending and descending transmigration. He has initially criticized Ibn Sīnā’s arguments on refuting the theory of transmigration and, then, provides some reasons to prove it. The present study demonstrates that Shahrzūrī’s criticisms of Ibn Sīnā’s arguments are wrong because, given the capability of the body, the active intellect grants the soul to the body. To prevent the soul’s lingering for doing acts, there must be a temporal concurrence and equality between the numbers of previous and new between-body states of the soul. Shahrzūrī’s arguments for proving the theory of transmigration are defective because the problems of the inhibition of the gathering of two souls in a body and the lack of concurrence and equality between the previous body of the soul and its next body still remain to be solved. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Semantic Emergence of "Exploratory-Intuitive Architecture" from the Analysis of the Ideas and Opinions of Iran's Contemporary Famous Architects in Cultural Works, based on the Reflection of Environmental Aesthetics in the Genius Loci
        Rezvaneh Mansouri Farah  Habib Azadeh  Shahcheraghi
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The presen More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The present study is practical in terms of purpose and has been analyzed with an inductive approach. In nature, qualitatively describes existing information and component inductive analysis in theoretical subject matter. The method of collecting information by library relying on valid documents using the logical analysis method describes and analyzes theoretical propositions. The propositions have then been extracted, categorized and analyzed from the point of view of a number of contemporary Iranian architects and the views of the field of research. From the findings he suggested that the genios loci of communication with spiritual worlds and the underlying layers of the human soul can be possible. Because intuition is one of the semantic components due to sensory diversity and plurality in simple detail while complexity, in the form of a united whole, the aesthetic concerns of users. In this way, the discovery and intuition with the ability to safely predict the exciting at the same time have an impact on the integration of shared patterns of human emotions and senses. The criteria set forth in explaining a new model of environmental aesthetics in achieving the genios loci through "intuitive-intuitive architecture" lead to "extensive understanding" in contemporary architectural artifacts. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Absurdity of Imagination in Transcendent Wisdom: An Epistemological Critique of the Proof of Lack of Material Properties and the Addition of Opposites in Imagination
        reza jamalinezhad SEYED SADRADDIN TAHERI Abolfazl Mahmoodi
        In the present article, in line with the problem of cognition and knowledge, an attempt has been made to give a brief explanation of some epistemological principles of the celibacy of imagination in transcendent wisdom, such as the relation between the issuance and the More
        In the present article, in line with the problem of cognition and knowledge, an attempt has been made to give a brief explanation of some epistemological principles of the celibacy of imagination in transcendent wisdom, such as the relation between the issuance and the subject of the soul to imaginary forms. Imagination is one of the broad concepts that are discussed in the fields of epistemology, ontology and anthropology and has a different place in each field. In the epistemological system of transcendent wisdom, imagination is the bridge between the intellectual and sensory powers, and in this way the epistemological problem is solved by the connection between sensory and intellectual perceptions. Have celibacy. The abstraction of this power is based on several arguments. The most important proofs of the abstraction of the imagination in transcendent wisdom is one argument of lack of material properties and the other argument of imagining contradictory things. To review the power of these arguments in the direction of the problem of cognition. Manuscript profile