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        1 - Analyzing Some Realist Novels in Holy Defense Literature (Focusing on 3 Novels: Burnt Land, Twigs of Sour Cherry Tree and Journey to Heading 270 Degrees)
            hossain hasanpouralashty Zahra مقدسی
        Holy Defense Novel is one of the brilliant varieties in Persian Story Literature. Some of the committed Holy Defense authors, by following the Realist approach, have focused on presenting concrete pictures of Iran-Iraq War and producing simple and free of complexity. Re More
        Holy Defense Novel is one of the brilliant varieties in Persian Story Literature. Some of the committed Holy Defense authors, by following the Realist approach, have focused on presenting concrete pictures of Iran-Iraq War and producing simple and free of complexity. Reviews show that most Realist Holy Defense authors have applied components like real characters, narrative sequence, single point of view (First Person and Third Person), plot based on cause and effect relations, tangible and real time and place to increase truthfulness and realism mode of works and communicate their message to the intended audience. Methodological approach of the current study is Descriptive-Analytic and Unit of Analysis is composed of structures of Realist novels in Holy Defense Literature, case studies of 3 novels: 1- Burnt Land (Ahmad Mahmud), 2- Twigs of Sour Cherry Tree (Akbar Khalili) and 3- Journey to heading 270 Degrees (Ahmad Dehqan) and it also focuses on fictional elements of character, narration and point of view, plot, time and place. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analytic Review of Black Romanticism in Nosrat Rahmani Compositions
        مینو  محمدی نجمه  نظری
        Political, social, and cultural situation of every era has direct effects on poets’ views. Black and pessimist Romantic literature as a literary genre has emerged in Iran’s society after one decade of mobility and tension in different social and political areas; it was More
        Political, social, and cultural situation of every era has direct effects on poets’ views. Black and pessimist Romantic literature as a literary genre has emerged in Iran’s society after one decade of mobility and tension in different social and political areas; it was indeed a kind of Protest against destructive consequences of coup d'etat 1332 (1953) which suddenly sunk many social and cultural activities in complete stagnation. Poets, in this era, expressed their Protests in various kinds, sometimes semi-obvious and sometimes indirectly, though there were severe censorship and strangulation. Symbolism was one the invisible methods of fighting against censorship; however, black and romantic literature was an obvious and hidden and somehow negative battle against political blockage that reflected poet’s rebellion and Protest focusing on destructive consequences caused by coup d'etat in political, social and cultural areas. It is tried in this article to review some reasons of emergence of this literary genre and its reflection in “Nosrat Rahmani” poet as a poet of Black Poetry. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Semiotic – Semantic Analysis of Farsi Political Novels during 1351 – 1380
        mostafa gorji
        One of the streams of contemporary story-writing is political one. Titles of political fictions regarding their theme are worth more consideration than any other types of streams, to the extent that studying political fiction with focus on their titles- as meaningful an More
        One of the streams of contemporary story-writing is political one. Titles of political fictions regarding their theme are worth more consideration than any other types of streams, to the extent that studying political fiction with focus on their titles- as meaningful and autonomous units- is a type of criticism of fiction the main goal of which is mostly to explore the dominant political thought of the text. Here in this article, the author has studied titles of nearly 100 political fictions with a semiotic and semantic approach. The corpus includes 22 stories published in 1350’s, 33 stories in 1360’s, and 46 stories in 1370’s. While %9 of the titles are linguistically simple, % 86 are compound. This comes from the fact that author’s try to attract the readers’ attentions to their works; moreover, the very nature of this literary genre entails ambiguity and obscurity. An epistemological look at the corpus reveals that about %30 of titles include the words expressing senses like human suffering. As for the political fictions of 1360’s, it amounts to %45. In semiotic – semantic analysis of the titles one more consideration was made due to the kind of oppositions in titles of different periods: Titles chosen for the stories in a period may be suggestive of dynamism, and freedom, while at another period they may imply inaction, and captivity. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Critical Approach to compatibility of Bakthin’s Views with an Epic Work Like Shahnameh
        کاظم  دزفولیان
        Contemporary literary theorists have examined different literary genres from different standpoints. Among them Mhkail Bakhtin, a distinguished Russian literary critic, stands out from the rest. Highlighting his key concept of dialogism, Bakhtin among different literary More
        Contemporary literary theorists have examined different literary genres from different standpoints. Among them Mhkail Bakhtin, a distinguished Russian literary critic, stands out from the rest. Highlighting his key concept of dialogism, Bakhtin among different literary genres singles novel, especially Dostoyevsky’s novels as possessing dialogic or polyphonic quality where the voice of narrator isn’t dominant. In this article we aimed at examining compatibility of Ferdosi’s Shahnameh with Bakhtin’s views. Findings of the research show that some of the stories have dialogic and polyphonic quality. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Analyzing the movement of Iranian Mythological Themes and Narrations in Persian Novels. (Mordad 28, 1332 – 1387)
        سعید  بزرگ بیگدلی حسن  شاهی‌پور دکتر سید علی  قاسم‌زاده
        The emergence of mythology in the contemporary Persian novels, as the dominant literary discourse, is an epoch making movement. Based upon their vision and socio- political situation, many of the contemporary authors have used mythology in order to achieve two main goal More
        The emergence of mythology in the contemporary Persian novels, as the dominant literary discourse, is an epoch making movement. Based upon their vision and socio- political situation, many of the contemporary authors have used mythology in order to achieve two main goals: one, to present an interpretation of the world around, and the other, to enhance the esthetic and attractive values which they are to present in their works. According to the findings of the research, novelists within the 1340’s and 1350’s showed most concern toward restructuring and reproducing myth ever. A main reason was the authors’ nostalgias caused by the events such as the defeat of folk movement and the coup of Mordad 28th which mad long and deep impression on them. The most tendencies to myths in post-revolution period can be seen in 1370’s and 1380’s. However, the authors’ motivations differ from those of the pre-revolution period. A vast number of writers follow modernist and postmodernist movements and aesthetical tastes; some try to strengthen and revive national features, turn back to their traditional origins rather than pure imitating the West. The present research seeks to study and analyze how the mythological theme and narratives have been reflected, reproduced in the contemporary Iranian novels from mordad 28th 1332 to 1387. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Dissonance of Theory and Written Word (Study and Criticism of “Sparrows Sense Heaven”)
        Alireza  Siddiqui
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presen More
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presence of the writer within the story for distorting the borders between the reality and imagination are among the features and characteristics which categorize this work as a post-modern novel. Still, and at points, one can spot and observe issues which have no relation with the post-modernism teachings. The present essay first points to the post-modernism characteristics of the novel, and then criticizes the non-relevant elements. It also shows that using the methods related to this process- which claims one of its major duties to be revealing a character as a symbol and representative of the sacred defense war soldiers- is not in its right and due place; as the post-modernism attitude and insight towards man and life does not correspond with the existing attitude in this novel. Obviously despite the emphasis of all the characters on describing an ideal character in the novel, we are not even facing a multi-voiced novel either. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Linguistic Survey of the Postmodern Literary Style in Persian Novels
        ساناز  رحيم‌بيكي محمود  براتي محمدرضا  نصر اصفهاني
        In recent decades, along with the global wave of postmodern literature, we have been witnessed novels in Persian fiction which claim to have new attitudes and a new approach to writing in this genre which naturally includes language and style. Since language is the most More
        In recent decades, along with the global wave of postmodern literature, we have been witnessed novels in Persian fiction which claim to have new attitudes and a new approach to writing in this genre which naturally includes language and style. Since language is the most important element of the style in literary studies, any change in the form and content of the language in a literary work would be a sign of alteration in the artist attitude towards his/her external and internal world. So, it seems significant to analyze the influences of the postmodern literature philosophy on the language of Persian novels, since language and its associated elements and concepts have a central status in postmodern literature known by its way of using language to recreate the fictional world. The present article will analyze the linguistic patterns of Persian postmodern novels, and with a critical approach, explain different ways in which linguistic elements have been used in these novels. In order to find the linguistic arrangements that create this style, the linguistic elements ,inspired by layered stylistics, will be determined and categorized at three levels: phonetic, lexical, and syntactic. Also, linguistic characteristics of the text and their roles in reproducing the postmodern attitude or moving away from it at these three levels are described and examined in the fictional world of these novels. Investigating the language in these works reveals no distinctive stylistic properties at phonetic level; and at the lexical level, words have both literary and conversational functions. They are also grammatically cohesive. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Analysis of index novels of the Pahlavi era with an approach to the signs of decline and social corruption
        kamran parsinejad Shahnaz  Sedaghatzadegan Parvaneh  Danesh
        Fiction" like other disciplines of social sciences is organically linked to society and of course "sociology".One of the most important issues in fiction is the description of society, the reflection of social conditions and harms. The present study, which is in the cat More
        Fiction" like other disciplines of social sciences is organically linked to society and of course "sociology".One of the most important issues in fiction is the description of society, the reflection of social conditions and harms. The present study, which is in the category of "sociology in literature", has been conducted to analyze and explain the category of "social decline and corruption" in the Pahlavi era. The most significant social corruption in the Pahlavi period was the phenomenon of prostitution, which is still one of the biggest social issues in Iran.One of the prominent characters and brigades in the novels of that time were "prostitutes". The living conditions, sufferings, beliefs and causes of their prostitution in the context of the novels of the time were shown greatly bold at that time. In fact, the writers of that time had devoted all their efforts to describing the prevailing socio-political conditions and social corruption. At the same time, they have tried to establish an emotional connection between the audience and the prostitutes. In this study, the most significant novels that were created in the first and second Pahlavi period in connection with social decline and corruption have been analyzed from a literary and sociological point of view. The population studied in this research are the types of corrupt people in the society who are the main cause of prostitution and social corruption. In this regard, seven prominent and influential novels created in the Pahlavi period have been studied in order to access the social facts of the period in question, the situation of corrupt people to be carefully and meticulously analyzed literary and sociological. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Investigating the evolution of modern humanism of female characters in Persian novels
        Parivash Mirzaeyan jahangir safari Narges  Bagheri
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint inv More
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint investigates the effects of modernity on Iranian women by reviewing selected Persian novels which were published in this three periods of time: from 1300 to 1320, from 1320 to 1345 , and from 1345 to 1357 . The research demonstrates that generally in the first period, the evolution caused by the prevalence of modern humanism has not been able to liberate women thinking from traditional perspectives. In the second period, growing the popularity of modernity elements has provided a variety of human interests and desires for women. Although increasing feminist ideas shows the prevalence of modern rationalism in this period, behavioral contradictions between women reveals the superficiality of the viewpoint among them. Overindulgence in following instinctive desires in the third period indicates a jump in humanistic thinking. During this period, the passivity caused by fatalism has also been criticized by the authors. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Transcendental Homelessness: Depression and Romanticism in Sadegh Hedayat
        Ali Khalandi Hatam Ghaderi
        Transcendental homelessness implies a situation in which collapses human’s connectedness with the meaningful resources, which give meaning to the human existence and being. Human being is the child of a certain time/space, and any event which disturbs the continuum wi More
        Transcendental homelessness implies a situation in which collapses human’s connectedness with the meaningful resources, which give meaning to the human existence and being. Human being is the child of a certain time/space, and any event which disturbs the continuum will also disturb subjectivity. Whenever the state of time/space order gets into crisis and meaningful transcendental resources become inaccessible to human, he suffers from transcendental homelessness. The most important consequences of transcendental homelessness are depression and romanticism. If human being lose his/her roots in time/place and find it alienated with himself/herself, then get depressed; For the purpose of making it tolerable, he/she creates a subjective world which can satisfy him/her. Romanticism is the very consequences of that subjective world. Sadeq Hedayat, one of the most important writers in our contemporary history, based upon our propositions in this article, has suffered from transcendental homelessness. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Critique of Reza Zangiabadi's Novel "Shekar-e Kabk (Hunting in Quebec)" Based on Jacques Lacan Psychology’s Theory
        ayoob moradi
        Jacques Lacan is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in the science of psychology after Sigmund Freud, whose ideas have been influential not only in the field of psychology, but also in other fields such as literature, anthropology, social sciences and women More
        Jacques Lacan is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in the science of psychology after Sigmund Freud, whose ideas have been influential not only in the field of psychology, but also in other fields such as literature, anthropology, social sciences and women's studies. The most important idea of this contemporary psychologist is to describe the process of individuality under the threefold system of imaginary and symbolic and the realm of reality. Reza Zangiabadi's novel "Shekar-e Kabk (Hunting in Quebec)" is one of the remarkable works of recent years, which, in addition to its success among the audience, has been selected as a novel by the jury of the 12th Golshiri Foundation Literary Award. This novel tells the story of an innocent teenager who turns into a ruthless murderer due to the hardships and events of life. The present article, written in a descriptive-analytical manner, seeks to examine the process of transforming Ghodrat from an innocent adolescent into a psychotic and isolated person, using Jacques Lacan's ideas. The results show that the transition of this character from the imaginary to the symbolic realm, which is accompanied by the absence of the mother, due to the negative and dysfunctional role of the father -which according to Lacan is the subject's psychological node in the symbolic realm- causes his permanent suspension and suspicion of social order. As a result, she has taken refuge in maternal objects. This is in conflict with the nature of the symbolic realm and results in mental disorders such as paranoia, fear, isolation and suspicion in the subject. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Analysis of The elements of story the novel of "The Burnt Earth" by Ahmad Mahmoud
        Ali Azizi ziba qalavandi seydhamzeh abedi
        Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the contemporary novelists that according the geographical location of his life who has touched the war and its events closely. He strives to highlight the problems of the war-torn people. The theme of this novel is clarifying the difficulties th More
        Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the contemporary novelists that according the geographical location of his life who has touched the war and its events closely. He strives to highlight the problems of the war-torn people. The theme of this novel is clarifying the difficulties that have happened to the war-torn people. This library research has tried to analysis the elements of the story the "burnt earth" novel by Ahmad Mahmoud. View Angle is the first singular person that is expressed in the language of the main character. This novel is dealt with the story of the early months of the war and the events that took place in Ahwaz. Characters are less important than incidents and events and are marginized in this novel. The dialogues in this novel are suited to the social classes of people. The tone is serious and free from any jokes. The setting of the novel is also accompanied by fear and intimidation. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Reflection on Folk Beliefs in Novels of Kelidar, Missing Soluch, and Past Days of Old People by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
        Rajabali  Salahi ali tasnimi Mahyar Alavi moghaddam Mahmoud Firouzimoghaddam
        Folk beliefs are directly related to the culture of every nation because such beliefs are a kind of moral-social phenomenon, which is affected by human life and their reactions to nature and the surrounding mysterious environment. When human could not find any logical r More
        Folk beliefs are directly related to the culture of every nation because such beliefs are a kind of moral-social phenomenon, which is affected by human life and their reactions to nature and the surrounding mysterious environment. When human could not find any logical relation between extraordinary incidents and phenomenon turned to whispers and prayers to forget calamities and gain desired outcomes. Hence, beliefs were formed in their minds gradually. Most of these beliefs are rooted in a lack of enough knowledge of ancient people. Mahmoud Dowlatabadi used many folk beliefs when required in narratives included in selected novels. This study aimed at reflecting on folk beliefs in his novels named Kelidar, Missing Soluch, and Past Days of Old People. Belief folks manifest the popular culture or folklores existing in the context of life and culture of nations that are represented in various forms. The study of folk beliefs does not mean its approval. However, it is not possible to ignore great attention paid to such superstitions either in literature or community regarding issues that are not understood or perceived based on rational thinking. Examination of and reflection on beliefs clarify many dark sides of ancestors’ lives helping the posterity not to follow such beliefs blindly and not to believe in such superstitions. In this research, the beliefs were collected from selected novels by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi. There are numerous antecedents and evidence, but some of them were chosen and summarized in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        15 - A review of the characteristics of immigration literature novels
        Somayeh  Dehghan
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of More
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of literature and the entry of the term "migration literature" into the dictionary of political literature and cultures of the nations of the West is the product of the years after World War I and World War II. In line with the contemporary literary trends of Iran that became popular in Iran after the constitution and especially from the Pahlavi II era, due to the migration of many elites, young people and writers to Europe and America in search of developing education and finding a suitable job and a better future, and also Due to the effects of war and economic disturbances, a wide range of immigrants affected by dual factors took up writing and wrote short and long stories or stories. Among the novels of the authors in question, the selected novel shows the author's style and expression more than his other works. Although writers such as Ismail Fasih have written many of their works on the issue of immigration, this research has been examined in the field of immigration literature. The migration literature has special characteristics, such as dealing with the problems and sufferings of immigrants, which this research has dealt with in detail. In general, by analyzing the selected novels, we have realized that despite the influence of the authors from the thoughts and culture of the West, they are not removed from the past and the culture of the mother country; Therefore, modernity and its conflict with tradition, and the consequences of migration are the main themes of these works. Manuscript profile
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        16 - A review of the characteristics of immigration literature novels
        Mohammad Tala  Rakhshan
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of More
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of literature and the entry of the term "migration literature" into the dictionary of political literature and cultures of the nations of the West is the product of the years after World War I and World War II. In line with the contemporary literary trends of Iran that became popular in Iran after the constitution and especially from the Pahlavi II era, due to the migration of many elites, young people and writers to Europe and America in search of developing education and finding a suitable job and a better future, and also Due to the effects of war and economic disturbances, a wide range of immigrants affected by dual factors took up writing and wrote short and long stories or stories. Among the novels of the authors in question, the selected novel shows the author's style and expression more than his other works. Although writers such as Ismail Fasih have written many of their works on the issue of immigration, this research has been examined in the field of immigration literature. The migration literature has special characteristics, including dealing with the problems and sufferings of immigrants, which this research has dealt with in detail. In general, by analyzing the selected novels, we have realized that despite the influence of the authors from the ideas and culture of the West, they are not removed from the past and the culture of the mother country; Therefore, modernity and its conflict with tradition, and the consequences of migration are the main themes of these works. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Psychological Criticism of the Novel "BanouGavazn (Mrs. Deer)" by Maryam Hosseinian Based on the Concept of Psychological Fantasy
        ayoob moradi
        As the first psychologist to propose the idea of the unconscious, Sigmund Freud mentions a process called "fantasy" whose function is to resolve or moderate internal conflicts. Phantasies whose origin is the desires stored in the unconscious and their main function is t More
        As the first psychologist to propose the idea of the unconscious, Sigmund Freud mentions a process called "fantasy" whose function is to resolve or moderate internal conflicts. Phantasies whose origin is the desires stored in the unconscious and their main function is to provide abstract conditions for the mental satisfaction of these desires and wishes. That is, a person who is unable to fulfill his desires in reality creates conditions to satisfy his desires during dreaming. The same trick that Tata, the main character of the novel "BanouGavazn(Mrs. Deer)" uses to vent her anger. The novel "Banou Gavazn (Mrs. Deer)" is one of the contemporary fiction works that attracted the attention of readers and critics after its publication. A narrative whose main axis is the fantasy of the main character in the mind and the effects of this type of fantasy in real life. Considering the success of this novel among the audience as well as the author's special view on the concept of psychological fantasy in the design of the narrative, in this article, through the analytical-descriptive method, an attempt will be made to investigate the origins of the tendency towards fantasy in the main character and the characteristics of this fantasy. The results show that the anger resulting from Tata's troubled past, along with the anger from the conditions of unwanted pregnancy, causes her to settle accounts with the culprits of her life conditions by using the symbolic characteristics of the deer such as anger, agility, cruelty and masculinity. A destructive anger that ultimately has negative effects on "Tata" herself. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Jewish behavioral characteristics and field performance in contemporary Arab stories (a Case Study Dom Lefatier Sahion Hare Al-yahod and Rabi Har)
        Ebrahim Barzegar ardashir sadraldini mostafa yegani
        Reflecting on today's Arab fiction literature, we find many fictional works influenced by the war between Arab Muslims and Sionism, and the authors of these works were directly or indirectly influenced by this phenomenon to introduce the real face of the usurper Jewish More
        Reflecting on today's Arab fiction literature, we find many fictional works influenced by the war between Arab Muslims and Sionism, and the authors of these works were directly or indirectly influenced by this phenomenon to introduce the real face of the usurper Jewish to the world. The Jewish people, with their special characteristics, have been introduced as the worst enemy of Islam, and no one can confront Muslims as stubbornly as he does. The current research, which was written in a descriptive-analytical way, with the aim of introducing the face of the Jew in the novels of Elihud Dom Lefatier Sahion Hare Al-yahod, Rabi Har, the findings indicate that in both novels, they talk about historical events in their works and using their capacities Fiction is a lasting narrative of the facts, and they have used all the components and narrative as a sign to explain their beliefs and ideology, so that the real image of the Jews is clarified. In these novels, it clarifies the background in which martyrdom operation begins and answers the questions raised in the international arena about resistance, martyrdom and what the West calls terrorism. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Jewish thought and ideal in contemporary Arab novels (case study: novels of Ahmad and Dawood and Siddiqti al-Yehudiya)
        Ebrahim Barzegar ardashir sadraldini mostafa yegani
        The novel is one of the literary genres in the literature of resistance, which was considered by some committed and patriotic writers after the presence of the Zionist regime in the region. Hence, Arab writers in their writings try to strengthen the spirit of unity amon More
        The novel is one of the literary genres in the literature of resistance, which was considered by some committed and patriotic writers after the presence of the Zionist regime in the region. Hence, Arab writers in their writings try to strengthen the spirit of unity among the people by stimulating a sense of national zeal, especially towards the element of language. At the same time, he is not unaware of world affairs beyond the geographical boundaries of the land in which he was born. Reflecting on today's Arab fiction, we find many works of fiction influenced by the war between Arab Muslims and Zionism, whose authors were directly or indirectly influenced by this phenomenon to introduce the true face of the usurping Jew to the world. The Jewish people, with their special characteristics, have been introduced as the worst enemy of Islam, and no one stubbornly confronts the Muslims. The present study, which has been written in a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of introducing the Jewish face in the novels of Ahmad and David, and Sediqati Al-Yehudi, the findings indicate that in both novels, they talk about historical events in their works and using the capacities of fiction literature, a lasting narration of facts has been expressed and they have used all the components and narrative as a sign to explain their desired beliefs and ideology. To shed light on the true image of the Jews. In these novels, they shed light on the context in which the operation of martyrdom begins, and answer the questions raised in the international arena about resistance, martyrdom, and what the West calls terrorism. Manuscript profile
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        20 - انعکاس اوضاع اجتماعی فرهنگی جامعه در اشعار رمانتیسم انسی الحاج و هوشنگ ابتهاج
        salim ghaderi naser hosini Ardeshir  Sadroddini
        <p>The romanticism movement had many followers all over the world who presented their works to the reader as one of the pioneers of this school. The main purpose of the research is to explain the basis of the approach of Ansi al-Haj and Hoshang Ebtahaj in the romantic s More
        <p>The romanticism movement had many followers all over the world who presented their works to the reader as one of the pioneers of this school. The main purpose of the research is to explain the basis of the approach of Ansi al-Haj and Hoshang Ebtahaj in the romantic school and a comparative study of the style of those two poets taking into account the social and cultural situation. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In order to collect the materials needed to investigate romanticism in the poems of Ansi al-Haj and Hoshang Ebtahaj, first, studies will be conducted on the influence of the school of romanticism in literature, as well as its effect on the poems of Alhaj and Ebtahaj, and the required materials will be extracted from books, articles and authoritative scientific sites. By describing and analyzing these materials and data, romanticism and its various manifestations in the poems of Al-Hajj and Ibtahaj are compared and its most important trends and manifestations are shown. In this research, the results show that Ibtahaj uses romanticism in the field of struggle, politics and love for freedom and revolution, and he directs his efforts to political protest and social work, and in Alhaj's poems, mixing romanticism with revolutionary and dynamic literature is one of the characteristics. Y A poem is considered a poet. Also, Ibthaj considers death in the field as a worthy death and it is equivalent to victory, but in al-Haj's poem, he has a different interpretation and death is a window that opens another hope for him. Ibtahaj is one of the poets who has many skills in dealing with inner desires and spiritual sufferings and romanticism of nature, and the romanticism of the return of nature can be seen in Al-Haj's poems.</p> Manuscript profile