Reflection on Folk Beliefs in Novels of Kelidar, Missing Soluch, and Past Days of Old People by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Rajabali Salahi
ali tasnimi
Mahyar Alavi moghaddam
Mahmoud Firouzimoghaddam
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4 - Department of Persian Literature and Language, Torbat-e-heydariye Branch, Islamic Azad university, Torbat-e-heydariye, Iran
Keywords: Beliefs, Kelidar, Missing Soluch, and Past Days of Old People Novel, Mahmoud Dowlatabad.,
Abstract :
Folk beliefs are directly related to the culture of every nation because such beliefs are a kind of moral-social phenomenon, which is affected by human life and their reactions to nature and the surrounding mysterious environment. When human could not find any logical relation between extraordinary incidents and phenomenon turned to whispers and prayers to forget calamities and gain desired outcomes. Hence, beliefs were formed in their minds gradually. Most of these beliefs are rooted in a lack of enough knowledge of ancient people. Mahmoud Dowlatabadi used many folk beliefs when required in narratives included in selected novels. This study aimed at reflecting on folk beliefs in his novels named Kelidar, Missing Soluch, and Past Days of Old People. Belief folks manifest the popular culture or folklores existing in the context of life and culture of nations that are represented in various forms. The study of folk beliefs does not mean its approval. However, it is not possible to ignore great attention paid to such superstitions either in literature or community regarding issues that are not understood or perceived based on rational thinking. Examination of and reflection on beliefs clarify many dark sides of ancestors’ lives helping the posterity not to follow such beliefs blindly and not to believe in such superstitions. In this research, the beliefs were collected from selected novels by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi. There are numerous antecedents and evidence, but some of them were chosen and summarized in this paper.
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