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        1 - چابکی؛ رهیافتی نوآورانه در مدیریت دانشگاه‌ها
        امین باقری کراچی abbas abbaspour
      • Open Access Article

        2 - بهینه‌کاوی تجارب موفق جهانی دانشگاه پژوهی و تبیین جایگاه این واحد در دانشگاه ها (مطالعه موردی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی)
        drnemati drnemati
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Identifying and Investigating Organizational Factors for the Implementation of Open Innovation in Iran Universities
        mahdi mohajerani karimi fariba mohammad ali nadi
        The main purpose of this research is to identify and investigate the organizational factors for implementing open innovation in Iran universities. This study was a qualitative-quantitative research. The field of research in the qualitative section was all open innovatio More
        The main purpose of this research is to identify and investigate the organizational factors for implementing open innovation in Iran universities. This study was a qualitative-quantitative research. The field of research in the qualitative section was all open innovation articles and books in the period from 2007 to 2018 and open innovation components were extracted by thematic analysis in an inductive manner. In this research, the "Thematic Network" was used. The validity of the research was approved by the referee by the audit method. To calculate reliability, coding was done by studying row to row of selected resources manually by two individuals individually. After coding, the results of these two coding were compared by the Holsti method. The result of thematic analysis was the extraction of 20 basic themes from different sections of the articles. From these basic themes, 3 organizing themes and finally global theme of “organizational factors” were extracted. Then the proposed innovation model was designed and a questionnaire was prepared for fitting this model. The proposed model has three factors related to the organizational preparation, human resource preparation, and setting up for idea creation, which offered three dimensions for the university to exploit the open innovation. The statistical population in the quantitative part of the research was the managers of the centers of growth and innovation of various universities, including State universities, Islamic azad universities, Payam Noor universities, Scientific and Applied Sciences universities, and Medical universities licensed by the Ministry of Science and also faculty member of entrepreneurship management. To evaluate the content validity of the questionnaire, the Lawshe method was used. In order to study the structural validity of the test, the analysis of the questions was done by confirmatory factor analysis method. All calculated factor loads were greater than 0.6 indicating their favorable condition. Also, all calculated pi values were less than 0.05 which indicated a significant relationship between each factor and the main factor higher than its own. The reliability of the final test was also examined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. All calculated Cronbach's alpha coefficients were greater than 0.7 which showed reliability acceptable. the results of the validity and reliability testing of the quantitative part confirmed the proposed model. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Incentives and Methods of Moving towards Self-governance at Iran’s Universities: A Critical Investigation
        mohammadreza zahiremami
        The author of this research is an experienced investor with a long-standing and established presence in the industry and has a dynamic relationship with local universities. He considers the first step as clearly defining the goals of academic self-governance, followed b More
        The author of this research is an experienced investor with a long-standing and established presence in the industry and has a dynamic relationship with local universities. He considers the first step as clearly defining the goals of academic self-governance, followed by a thorough identification of incentives for self-governance at higher education institutions. Why should universities be self-governed?What measures need to be taken to achieve “self-governance” at universities?Below, the underlying reasons for progressing towards “self-governance” in higher education institutions will be explained in detail: -The need for investment to develop infrastructure pertinent to universities. -The Government’s limited and arguably insufficient funding for universities. -The need to foster financial and income diversity among universities. -Benefiting from the process of financing as a tool for transformation. -The need to increase welfare benefits and enhance general standards of living for academics through wealth creation by universities themselves. -The need for quantitative and qualitative enhancement of resources made available to university researchers, specialists, and consultants in the field of Industry and Economy. -Helping mitigate the “brain drain” crisis . -The need for improved standards of accountability with respect to university stakeholders. (Through a more prominent involvement of universities in the nation’s development process). -The need for innovation in the field of technology. -Increasing the competitiveness of local universities in accordance with international standards. -The need for independence and financial autonomy of universities to grow and evade restrictions. In this section, we will attempt to clarify our definition of "self-governance at universities" as financial self-governance – aiming to minimize reliance on public funds as the main source of endowments. By emphasizing on the lawful self-governance of universities, in line with their institutional missions, the potential of universities will no longer be constrained by the “what ifs” and “only ifs” commonly heard at academic institutions dependent on public funds. The need for self-governance (financial self-sufficiency) can also be traced in the Constitution. Finally, it is essential to note that by paving the way for self-governance at universities through the allocation of responsibilities among academia as their “national commitment”, we can help transform the industry and promote the sustainable development of the country. Addressing the methods of achieving self-governance, we should reevaluate our perception of universities by looking through a different lens. Perceiving universities as “enterprises” or “firms” reveals the nuanced dimensions of the issue and allows for greater emphasis to be put on "industry" as the main customer of universities. At the third and final stage of the quest, the deviser of the Bridge plan suggests that there will be a systematic yet creative connection between the notion of academic self-governance and the Bridge plan itself. The wagons of academic self-governance will fit perfectly on the railway tracks of the Bridge plan, and the train will head for the destination. In this part, we will provide a brief overview of the Bridge plan for those not familiar with it. The Bridge Plan: The metaphorical use of the term “bridge” is meant to describe the dynamic relationship between the industry and universities, as the driving forces behind the economic development of the country. It should be noted that the Bridge plan is a trnasformational progress towards tackling the most fundamental issues in the national economy–through a process-oriented and purposeful act of “bridgin Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Model of Talent Search for Faculty Members in Comprehensive Universities with Regional Performance Level based on Human Resources Development Strategies (A Case Study: Lorestan University)
        unes romiani Khodayar abili javad porkarimi saeid frahbakhsh
        Talent management is one of approaches that could assure the universities that competent and talented individuals could receive appropriate job positions and focuses on the significance of managing people and situations at different organizational levels. The current re More
        Talent management is one of approaches that could assure the universities that competent and talented individuals could receive appropriate job positions and focuses on the significance of managing people and situations at different organizational levels. The current research was conducted with the aim of designing a model of talent search for academic staff members in comprehensive universities with regional performance level based on the principles of human resources development. The research method of this study was applied in terms of purpose and exploratory in terms of data collection. In the qualitative phase, the statistical population consisted of academic and executive experts, 19 of whom were purposefully selected and interviewed in a semi-structured manner. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included all the academic staff members of Lorestan University, (n=307) and 110 individuals were selected as a sample using stratified random sampling. The tool of data collection in the qualitative part was semi-structured interviews and in the quantitative part two researcher-made questionnaires used for the purpose of accreditation and validation of the exploratory model. The results showed that the educational component (scientific mastery, effective teaching, learning), the research component (application of knowledge, research ability, scientific writing and publication, analysis), and the consulting component (consulting business environments, consulting students and advice to the community) constitute the main dimensions of the model, in addition, the results of the t-test in the validation section of the model indicated that all components have sufficient validity to be included in the final model. Furthermore, the findings of the research revealed that all observable and immediate variables had a factor load higher than 0.70 on their current variable; therefore, it was significant at the 0.01 level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Identification of The Factors Affecting Credentialism in the Higher Education System of Iran
        Nasrin Karimi Asl hamidreza araste kamran mohamadkhani Mostafa Edjtehadi
        The purpose of this research was to identify the factors influencing degree orientation in the country's higher education. The research method is the qualitative content analysis method of the document analysis type, and it is classified in the field of applied research More
        The purpose of this research was to identify the factors influencing degree orientation in the country's higher education. The research method is the qualitative content analysis method of the document analysis type, and it is classified in the field of applied research. The statistical population of the research included research articles related to degree orientation in the country's higher education. The number of 15 articles in the 20-year period from 1380 to 1400 was selected using the purposeful sampling method. After selecting the research articles, in order to analyze the qualitative data obtained from the analysis of the research documents, open coding and axial coding and selective encoding were used. In the first stage 330 concepts were identified. In the second stage, all the identified concepts were classified into 24 more general components and finally the factors affecting degree orientation in the higher education system can be divided into 3 main categories of political and structural conditions (6 components), the country's scientific and educational environment (10 components) and social and cultural conditions (8 components) were classified. Some of those factors are rooted in the educational system and the scientific environment of the country, as well as the structure and function of the university and the management methods of the university. One part is rooted in the structural and political system and is caused by the functional bias of the trustee and government institutions, and the other part is rooted in the social and cultural system. Manuscript profile