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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Concept of Death in view of “Qeysar Aminpour” in his First Poesy
        مهدی  فیروزیان نسیم  عظیمی‌پور
        Qeysar Aminpour (1960- 2007) is one of the famous representatives of Revolution and Resistance Literature. In the first poesy of Qesar Aminpour (poems of two books named Morning Breath and Sudden Mirrors) which are composed during war years, death and its different mani More
        Qeysar Aminpour (1960- 2007) is one of the famous representatives of Revolution and Resistance Literature. In the first poesy of Qesar Aminpour (poems of two books named Morning Breath and Sudden Mirrors) which are composed during war years, death and its different manifests are the most brilliant concepts in his poetry. He did not mention to natural death in this period and views war-caused deaths from two viewpoints: 1- people viewpoint: death is a disastrous event for innocent children and women and it has an abominable face which shows the brutality of enemy and the obscenity of war; 2- combatants’ viewpoint: death, i.e. martyrdom, has a sublime value and poet always tries to produce a beautiful manifest of death. After clarifying these mentioned viewpoints, we tried, in two sections of Martyrdom and Martyr, to introduce artistic methods of Qeysar Aminpour in dealing with Concept of Death from second viewpoint (Martyrdom) through Metaphor, Simile and Symbol- with mentioning to artistic beauties of his poetry- and finally we decoded some other of his poets based on these data and knowing his literary method and thinking system. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Ontological Foundations of Political Idealism in Islamic Philosophy with Focus on the Illuminationist Philosophy of Suhrawadi
        Ahmad bostani
        In this paper, we focus on the relationship between ontology and political thought in Moslem philosophers’ views, especially in Iran. According to ancient philosophical systems, the ontological point of view is very important, and every intellectual argumentation, inclu More
        In this paper, we focus on the relationship between ontology and political thought in Moslem philosophers’ views, especially in Iran. According to ancient philosophical systems, the ontological point of view is very important, and every intellectual argumentation, including political one, must be understood in the light of ontology. Islamic political philosophy consists in an idealism that rejects the political reality and opens new ideal horizons. This political idealism is based on the ontological foundations of Islamic philosophy; therefore, understanding Islamic political philosophy implies understanding its ontological and cosmological basis. This is important for the present article, especially in this point that according to Muslem philosophers an ideal political system should be of the same system as the whole cosmos. Discussing the basis of ideaism, the present paper, as a case study, aims to show that the Illuminationist philosophy of Suhrawadi has elaborated a new ontological system, based on the Light, and therefore, it can provide a new model for ideal politics. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Spiritual Rhetorics effects in the Poems of Rafiq Esfahani
        Leila adlparvar
        From the aesthetic point of view, it is the knowledge by which the beauties of speech are revealed. Rafiq Esfahani is one of the poets whose interest in the Rhetorics spiritual industries has been used in the poetry to exert modest beauty in his poetry. In this descript More
        From the aesthetic point of view, it is the knowledge by which the beauties of speech are revealed. Rafiq Esfahani is one of the poets whose interest in the Rhetorics spiritual industries has been used in the poetry to exert modest beauty in his poetry. In this descriptive-analytical method, the author of this study is to determine and study the Rhetorics spiritual arrays in the court of Rafiq Esfahani. The main question of the study is what are the important Rhetorics arrays used in his court? By studying the poetry of Rafiq Esfahani, we find that Rhetorics spiritual arrays have played a significant role in creating the images and beauty of his words. To express his thoughts and thoughts In addition to the imagination, he has used other exquisite industries such as: Equivoque, Apostrophe, Rhetorical Question, Verse , subtraction, Zeugma and Merismus , Conglobatio, Allusion , Allusion,Epanados, Amplification, Congeries and ... Manuscript profile
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        4 - Genealogy and Identity of the World of Suspended Ideas in Illuminationist Philosophy
        Seyyed Mohammadali  Dibaji
        The theory of suspended ideas is one of Suhrawardī’s most important philosophical innovations. Several challenging queries have been ventured regarding this theory; for example, questions have been raised about the identity of this world in the hierarchy of the realms o More
        The theory of suspended ideas is one of Suhrawardī’s most important philosophical innovations. Several challenging queries have been ventured regarding this theory; for example, questions have been raised about the identity of this world in the hierarchy of the realms of being. This question, in its Illuminationist sense, has been posed as follows: Is the identity of this world of the type of light, darkness, or a combination of both of them? Another question asks whether this theory is related to the legacy of Islamic philosophy, wisdom, and kalām, and to which views it leads in its genealogical sense in the history of these three disciplines. The findings of the present study indicate that the discussions of the faculty of imagination in Fārābī’s philosophy, imagination and spherical souls in Ibn Sīnā’s philosophy, the belief in Purgatory in Islamic kalām, and the theory of allegory in gnosis are the philosophical and ideological legacies which have influenced the explanation of this theory. On the other hand, resorting to Suhrawardī’s principles and arguments to explain this theory and the identity of the world of Ideas indicates that the existents of the world possess collective modal ideas and both luminous and dark identities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Explaining the Concepts of Illuminationist Philosophy in Iranian Houses
        ‏Takameh Abbasnia Tehrani Khosro  Sahhaf Hassan  Rezaei Abolghasem  Qavam
        Illuminationist philosophy is a discoursive-intuitive and light-centered school of philosophy. It has exercised a significant effect on Iranian art and architecture because of the Iranian-Islamic philosophical concepts that it employs. The present paper examines the ef More
        Illuminationist philosophy is a discoursive-intuitive and light-centered school of philosophy. It has exercised a significant effect on Iranian art and architecture because of the Iranian-Islamic philosophical concepts that it employs. The present paper examines the effects of Illuminationist views as a common language for the design of spiritual houses in the contemporary era. Hence, following a descriptive-analytic method, the authors initially explain some of the concepts and ideas in Suhrawardī’s Illuminationist philosophy and then examine their manifestation in the architecture of Iranian houses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Comparison of the Immateriality of Sensory and Imaginal Perceptions with the Growing Block View of Time
        Mahdi Assadi
        One of the important problems that has remained untouched in Sadrian philosophy is the growing block view of time. On the basis of the growing view of time is the non-existence of future, while the past and present have their fixed places. Muslim philosophers have not d More
        One of the important problems that has remained untouched in Sadrian philosophy is the growing block view of time. On the basis of the growing view of time is the non-existence of future, while the past and present have their fixed places. Muslim philosophers have not directly addressed this idea; however, it seems to be necessary for demonstrating some statements of Sadrian philosophers about the immateriality of sensory and imaginal perceptions and memory. When we perceive something using our senses or imagination, the perception remains in our mind exactly in the same way that it had appeared. This paper is intended to illustrate that this view is, in fact, unrelated to immateriality and, in case of admissibility of its arguments, can only prove the growing block view of time. In line with this approach, the author has critically examined the literature on this theory in pre-Sadrian philosophers, particularly Suhrawardī’s claim as to attributing the idea of the growing block to some thinkers. Suhrawardī maintains that, as each of the motions has come into existence, so the whole of the motions have come into existence, and they are together in existence. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Effects of the Views of Ibn Sīnā and Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī on Mullā Ṣadrā’s Theory of the Immateriality of the Soul
        Davood  Mohamadiany
        The immateriality of the soul has always been one of the important psychological discussions in Islamic philosophy and given rise to various related theories. Mullā Ṣadrā has discussed the problem more than any other philosopher and claims to have some innovative views More
        The immateriality of the soul has always been one of the important psychological discussions in Islamic philosophy and given rise to various related theories. Mullā Ṣadrā has discussed the problem more than any other philosopher and claims to have some innovative views regarding the imaginal immateriality of the soul. Here, the author intends to criticize Mullā Ṣadrā’s view based on a study of the views of Ibn Sīnā and Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī. Mullā Ṣadrā claims that he is the first to have provided a theory on the immateriality of the soul; however, a study of the works of Ibn Sīnā and Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī reveals that this theory has indeed a longer history than what Mullā Ṣadrā attests. Ibn Sīnā’s words on the demonstration of the immateriality of the soul are quite clear; nevertheless, they raise some doubt concerning the imaginal immateriality of the soul. Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā adduce two different reasons to prove this immateriality. However, Mullā Ṣadrā has also demonstrated imaginal and super rational immateriality of the soul and rejected some of Ibn Sīnā’s reasons about the immateriality of the soul. The present paper criticizes Mullā Ṣadrā’s view and approach in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Critique of the Theory of Transmigration and Shahrzūrī’s Demonstrative Arguments Based on Ibn Sīnā’s Principles
        Mahmud Saidiy
        The theory of the transmigration of the soul is one of the oldest views that has been propounded in the history of thought in order to explain the quality of reward or punishment of human beings and the nature of the eternity of the human soul. Shahrzūrī is one of the m More
        The theory of the transmigration of the soul is one of the oldest views that has been propounded in the history of thought in order to explain the quality of reward or punishment of human beings and the nature of the eternity of the human soul. Shahrzūrī is one of the most prominent Illuminationist philosophers, who has presented a coherent theory for the demonstration of ascending and descending transmigration. He has initially criticized Ibn Sīnā’s arguments on refuting the theory of transmigration and, then, provides some reasons to prove it. The present study demonstrates that Shahrzūrī’s criticisms of Ibn Sīnā’s arguments are wrong because, given the capability of the body, the active intellect grants the soul to the body. To prevent the soul’s lingering for doing acts, there must be a temporal concurrence and equality between the numbers of previous and new between-body states of the soul. Shahrzūrī’s arguments for proving the theory of transmigration are defective because the problems of the inhibition of the gathering of two souls in a body and the lack of concurrence and equality between the previous body of the soul and its next body still remain to be solved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Absurdity of Imagination in Transcendent Wisdom: An Epistemological Critique of the Proof of Lack of Material Properties and the Addition of Opposites in Imagination
        reza jamalinezhad SEYED SADRADDIN TAHERI Abolfazl Mahmoodi
        In the present article, in line with the problem of cognition and knowledge, an attempt has been made to give a brief explanation of some epistemological principles of the celibacy of imagination in transcendent wisdom, such as the relation between the issuance and the More
        In the present article, in line with the problem of cognition and knowledge, an attempt has been made to give a brief explanation of some epistemological principles of the celibacy of imagination in transcendent wisdom, such as the relation between the issuance and the subject of the soul to imaginary forms. Imagination is one of the broad concepts that are discussed in the fields of epistemology, ontology and anthropology and has a different place in each field. In the epistemological system of transcendent wisdom, imagination is the bridge between the intellectual and sensory powers, and in this way the epistemological problem is solved by the connection between sensory and intellectual perceptions. Have celibacy. The abstraction of this power is based on several arguments. The most important proofs of the abstraction of the imagination in transcendent wisdom is one argument of lack of material properties and the other argument of imagining contradictory things. To review the power of these arguments in the direction of the problem of cognition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Clarifying the dignity of self-examination in proving the absolutism of imagination in supreme wisdom
        reza jamalinezhad Seyyed Sadroddin Taheri Abolfazl Mahmoodi
        In transcendental wisdom, imagination is one of the levels of perception, and the power of imagination is considered one of the types of inner senses. Malasdra has established several proofs for the isolation of this power. In the present article, first, one of the most More
        In transcendental wisdom, imagination is one of the levels of perception, and the power of imagination is considered one of the types of inner senses. Malasdra has established several proofs for the isolation of this power. In the present article, first, one of the most important proofs of the power of imagination It is investigated and after that, it has been tried to explain its aspects in the issue of abstraction of the imagination, considering the importance of self-importance in relation to perceptual forms. In the transcendental wisdom, considering the dignity of the soul, the ratio of the power of imagination to imaginary forms is not the ratio of ability and passivity; Rather, it is an active and emitting relationship, that is, the soul invents and composes imaginary forms. The mentioned claim is based on the fact that the soul goes through the process of perception, including sensory, imaginary and intellectual perception, and is the subject of sensory, imaginary and intellectual forms in each stage of perception. At the beginning of creation, the soul lacks all levels of perception; But during the path of physical movement, it gradually reaches the stage of creating and composing images. The above theory has some ambiguities, ambiguities that also affect the celibacy of the imagination, and without solving these ambiguities, the proof of the celibacy of the imagination is not free from problems and problems. The expression of these ambiguities can be clear and precise when in The present research can be aimed at explaining, evaluating and investigating these uncertainties. Manuscript profile