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      • Open Access Article

        1 - An Investigation on the Effect of Multifactor Model of Improving Critical Thinking in E-learning Environments
        mohammadreza nili jamshid heydari hossein moradi
        In the third millennium, people deal with multiple, diverse, and complicated problems as they cannot possess full control over the information, which is constantly produced and accumulated. Having a high skill of critical thinking for assessing the results of different More
        In the third millennium, people deal with multiple, diverse, and complicated problems as they cannot possess full control over the information, which is constantly produced and accumulated. Having a high skill of critical thinking for assessing the results of different issues and decision making about them based on evidences is an unavoidable necessity. The researchers of this work proposed a model with seven factors (components) for critical thinking in e-learning environments. The statistical group of this work is the M.Sc. medical education students of  AZAD university e-learning environments, and the students of the same field from Islamic Azad University traditional education system studying during 2011-2012. Among the research community, 47 members were selected based on a simple random method and divided into two trial (with 23 members) and reference (with 42 members) groups. To train the trial group, the seven-factor critical thinking training scale was utilized in e-learning environments in 15 sessions with empirical sciences course. In the reference group, the same seven-factor critical thinking training scale was used in the classroom environment in lecturing in 15 sessions with empirical sciences course. The model factors and components are challenge, representation, creation of opportunity, creation of motivation, logical analysis, encouragement, responsibility, and commitment. Both groups were subject to two pretest and posttest steps within two trial groups, which were considered as reference to each other. Both groups responded to the Watson- Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal within two pretest and posttest steps, while the covariance analysis statistical test was used for analysis of the results. The results indicate significant difference between the scores between trial and reference groups in improving the critical thinking of the students in terms of inferential, assumption detection, deduction, interpretation, and logical reasoning evaluation components (p=0.001). According to the results, in terms of improving critical thinking, the trial group trained in the e-learning environment indicates higher scores as compared to the group trained in the traditional classroom environment. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Henry Corbin, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and the Cosmic Political Thought: A Critical Appraisal
        Ahmad bostani
        Henry Corbin was the first thinker who attempted to apply philosophical hermeneutics as an analytical tool for understanding the Shiite texts in particular, and Iranian intellectual history in general. Making use of various intellectual traditions, including phenomenolo More
        Henry Corbin was the first thinker who attempted to apply philosophical hermeneutics as an analytical tool for understanding the Shiite texts in particular, and Iranian intellectual history in general. Making use of various intellectual traditions, including phenomenology, hermeneutics, Christian theology, and Platonic tradition, he provided a methodological and hermeneutical approach to the Iranian intellectual heritage. Although there are a literature body regarding his significance in the Islamic and Shiite scholarship, a critical evaluation of his works, and especially his own hermeneutical approach, has not been done yet. This paper aims to discuss Corbin’s hermeneutical approach from a critical and philosophical-political perspective. Thus, it will be demonstrated that his hermeneutics suffers from three main deficits: the lack of critical dimension, over-interpretation, and finally de-politicization of Islamic and Iranian intellectual and religious tradition. All of these three issues are rooted in a “cosmic” ontology in his philosophical system that makes no room for an intersubjective and social realm. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Critical thinking and Islamic training: Difference and similarity's dimensions
        The goal of research is the dimension of differences and similarities thinking and Islamic educating and training and the method of studying in describing document analysis. The tool of data gathering is indexing from resources and written documents in educating and Isl More
        The goal of research is the dimension of differences and similarities thinking and Islamic educating and training and the method of studying in describing document analysis. The tool of data gathering is indexing from resources and written documents in educating and Islamic training and critical thinking. The information which gather are shown follows; 1- analysis، comment، evaluation، presumption، explaining and self-regulating from critical thinking that has paid attention and emphasis on both matters.2. The goal of Islamic training is of please God، but critical thinking is the growth of mental skills that is the basic differences between two categories. 3. With respect to Islamic training view point critical thinking is one the thinking goals in achieving intellectualization and moving all around nel the world or and where or one and God direction. 4. With attendance to Islamic emphasis on unrecieieving works without reason and proof contradiction that critical thinking is one of the social and rational growth principles in Islamic training. 5. Critical thinking is the most important growth and movement process that is completing dated. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Explain the Position of critical Thinking in Epistemic Deontology of Ethic of Belief
        فرامرز محمدی پویا        
        The aim of this study is explain the position of critical thinking in epistemic deontology of ethic of belief. So، used from conceptual analysis method for analyzing epistemic deontology and critical thinking and explain the position of critical thinking in epistemic d More
        The aim of this study is explain the position of critical thinking in epistemic deontology of ethic of belief. So، used from conceptual analysis method for analyzing epistemic deontology and critical thinking and explain the position of critical thinking in epistemic deontology. The findings show that for rationality to the beliefs and regard of ethic of Belief، should provide the necessary and sufficient reasons for belief (Evidentialism). Achieving to this reasons and evidences needed to investigate about the belief (Epistemic Deontology). For to conduct the research، should have rules that their application cause done efficiently epistemic deontology process. Critical thinking consists of skills that each can be as a rule and will use in the process of investigation a belief. These rules include "judge with clear criteria and avoid hasty judgments"، "questioning"، "self-correction"، "to distinguish strong from weak reason"، "Failure to follow the majority and truth-seeking"، "analyzing"، "perfect review"، "obvious and avoid ambiguity"، "avoid prejudice"، "comprehensive review"، " flexibility"، " follow up doubts"، "listening to opposite opinions"، "separate belief from the owner belief"، "review defaults" that with use in process of ethic of belief، cause epistemic deontology be lawful. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Multicultural Learning Environments Based on Constructivism
        iraj hidari Mohammad sifie hosain moradimokles
        Today, the proper and effective use of multimedia learning environments requires the design, compilation, and integration of the components of the field of science education. One of the main components that has been overlooked in these softwares is the critical thinking More
        Today, the proper and effective use of multimedia learning environments requires the design, compilation, and integration of the components of the field of science education. One of the main components that has been overlooked in these softwares is the critical thinking component. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the curriculum of the sixth elementary school curriculum based on the constructivist approach (Van Morinbour's multimedia model) and its impact on critical thinking skills in two interpretive and inferential areas. This research was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the curriculum was designed and prepared with the emphasis on interpretive and inferential skills based on the Van Mearburn multimedia model. In the second stage, the effect of the application of the educational package prepared on the basis of interpretive and inferential skills was assessed by semi-experimental and based on pre-test and post-test design. The results showed that the teaching of thinking and research based on the educational package prepared on experimental and experimental inferential skills had a significant effect (P <0.05). According to the results of the research, the application of the curriculum of thinking and research with constructivist approach increases the skills of critical thinking in two areas of interpretive skill and inferential skills of learners Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The relationship between organizational procrastination and components of psychological capital in employees: The mediating role of critical thinking
        Leila Nikrad Ahmad Baseri Hossein Bigdeli
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of critical thinking in the relationship between procrastination and psychological capital in employees. The research method was descriptive and correlational and the method of structural equation modeling. The More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of critical thinking in the relationship between procrastination and psychological capital in employees. The research method was descriptive and correlational and the method of structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all employees of Parsian Bank of Tehran in 2020-2021 with a volume of 2600 people and 300 samples were selected by stratified sampling method. Measurement tools were Saffarinia et al. (2011) organizational procrastination questionnaire، Luthans et al. (2007) ، psychological capital scale and Ricketts critical thinking questionnaire (2003). Data were analyzed by SPSS25 and LISREL software. According to the results، the factor load of the direct path of the effect of psychological capital on procrastination was not significant، but with the mediation of critical thinking، this path became significant at the level of 0.05.Then، in order to modify the model، paths whose factor load was not significant were removed. Finally، the modified model had a good fit. According to the results، it can be said that the more psychological capital and critical thinking a person has، the less negligence he will have. Therefore، by using appropriate executive strategies to increase the psychological capital of employees، a step can be taken to reduce organizational procrastination. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Coping Styles and Critical Thinking Skills of Students with Perceived Stress of Earthquake
        Fariborz Nikdel
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between coping styles and critical thinking skills of university students with their perceived stress after Yasouj earthquake (April 2018). The research method was non-experimental and correlational. Statistical po More
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between coping styles and critical thinking skills of university students with their perceived stress after Yasouj earthquake (April 2018). The research method was non-experimental and correlational. Statistical population of the study consisted of students of Yasouj universities in the academic year of 2017-18. The sample of the study included 280 students selected through multistage cluster random sampling. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI), and Coping Innventry for Stressful Situations (CISS) were administered. The results showed that there was a negative and significant relation-ship between problem-oriented coping style and students' perceived stress. Also, there was a positive and significant relationship between students' emotion-oriented coping style and their perceived stress. The relationship between avoidant coping style and students' perceived stress was not significant. Critical thinking had significant negative relationship with students' perceived stress. The results of step wise regression analysis showed that emotion-oriented coping style, critical thinking, and problem-oriented coping style were respectively predictors of students' perceived stress. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Comparative Study on Critical Thinking in Social Philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for Children Program”
            yahya ghaedy
        This article is a comparative study between foundations, goals, and methodology of critical thinking in social philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for children”(P4C) program, and criticizing them. In order to realize this goal 3 questions are investigated on 3 as More
        This article is a comparative study between foundations, goals, and methodology of critical thinking in social philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for children”(P4C) program, and criticizing them. In order to realize this goal 3 questions are investigated on 3 aspects of foundations, aims and methods; and their relationship is studied. The result shows some similarities and differences between them. Similarities in foundations like being affected by Socrates, emphasize on thinking position in philosophy more than metaphysical subjects. About similarities in aims intellectual growth and to create better life is common in two approaches but the meaning of better life for them is different; for Horkheimer it means creating happiness for more people but in P4C program it means living in a democratic society with responsible and thoughtful citizens. Differences like adopting with social circumstances and the place of knowledge in social critic are mentioned. In methodology the main difference is to present certain and definable method for improving critical thinking in p4c but Horkheimer argue that critical thinking is a continuous process, so he doesn’t present a definite method only speaks of negative critique. The result of this study can be used for other researchers in philosophy and philosophy of education and other educational fields, curricula developer in educational systems, especially in developing an educational model for educating critical thinking. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Examining teaching methods in primary school students
        Abdul Hossein Peshgo Golnar  Bergrizaneh Zahra kshavarz
        The process of education and teaching methods and techniques along with training has an important place. The method means "the way of doing something" and the teaching method means "an orderly, regular and logical way to present the lesson" and the teaching method is "a More
        The process of education and teaching methods and techniques along with training has an important place. The method means "the way of doing something" and the teaching method means "an orderly, regular and logical way to present the lesson" and the teaching method is "a set of regular measures and ideas that the teacher adopts to achieve the educational goals according to the conditions and opportunities" Teaching is the interaction between the teacher and the student, which is carried out based on the regular and purposeful design of the teacher to change the student's behavior. In the present research, which was carried out under the title of "Evaluation of teaching methods in elementary school students", it is perhaps the only method in this research. which teaches the content with the cooperation of students and indirectly. Then, group and social education methods (based on cooperation) were identified as the most appropriate educational models in elementary ages, especially for establishing high-level intellectual skills such as critical thinking, and were analyzed and interpreted. In the results of the research, in addition to introducing selective teaching methods, their merits and demerits were discussed and their relationship with the concepts and characteristics of critical thinking were shown and analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Analyzing the methods of teaching critical thinking in primary school students
        sadeg peshgo Hamid Reza Roshan Nesab Yaqub  Hosseini Nejad
        Abstract In the current research, which was carried out under the title "Analysis of the methods of teaching critical thinking to primary school students", based on the same research method, after studying the theoretical foundations, to collect all the concepts relate More
        Abstract In the current research, which was carried out under the title "Analysis of the methods of teaching critical thinking to primary school students", based on the same research method, after studying the theoretical foundations, to collect all the concepts related to the education and upbringing of primary school children, and then to collect all the materials and resources related to Critical thinking was discussed. During these studies, all available teaching methods and relevant books and articles were also studied and reviewed. After putting together all the data collected from different teaching methods due to the importance of the age of the elementary school and of course the interpretations given in this research, finally, in addition to introducing the selected teaching methods, they discussed their merits and demerits and their relationship with the concepts and characteristics of thinking. We have shown criticism and analyzed it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Cultivating critical thinking and its approaches
        Ali Bakhsh   Nazariani Asl sharullah Allameh Hakimeh  Moradi Behrooz rahbarian
        Defenders of critical thinking believe that critical thinking can increase the general impact of human characteristics on social classes and groups. Critical education and critical thinking emphasize the role of empowering human resources. In such a way that learners de More
        Defenders of critical thinking believe that critical thinking can increase the general impact of human characteristics on social classes and groups. Critical education and critical thinking emphasize the role of empowering human resources. In such a way that learners develop critical thinking and practice and pay attention to the criterion of sufficiency in this regard. The purpose of this research is to cultivate critical thinking and its approaches. The research method is documentary-analytical. The results showed that more attention should be paid to developing critical thinking methods in people. Also, in the education process, while strengthening the spirit of criticism in teachers, it is necessary to create the spirit of criticism and the field of investigation and research in students. It has stated the results of the related researches, which confirm the effect of this method in the development of research thinking. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Analysis magical realism in the metamodernism approach in order to present its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empath
        mustafa Zabandan mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Akbar panahi dorcheh
        This paper was conducted with the aim of analysis magical realism in the Metatmodernism approach in order to provide its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The main components of metamodernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanti More
        This paper was conducted with the aim of analysis magical realism in the Metatmodernism approach in order to provide its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The main components of metamodernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates metamodernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and metamodernism. This literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered one of the effective components of metamodernism. Considering the importance of this component in the approach of metamodernism, this research has analyzed magical realism in the approach of metamodernism in order to provide its implications creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using the content analysis research method. Also, there is a research community, relevant and accessible documents and articles in the field of magical realism and metamodernism. The tool for recording and maintaining information in this research was the fiche. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help the growth of learners, promote critical thinking and intellectual exploration, empathy, intercultural sensitivity and a deeper understanding of complex issues. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - An Analysis of Magical Realism in the Meta-modernism approach in order to Present its Educational Implications in Intellectual Inquiry and Empathy
        mustafa Zabandan mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Akbar panahi dorcheh
        This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-roman More
        This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates Meta-modernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and Meta-modernism. Literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered as one of the effective components of Meta-modernism. Considering the importance of this component, this research has analyzed magical realism in this approach in order to provide its implications for education. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using content analysis in relation to the relevant and accessible documents and articles. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help learners in intellectual growth, critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, empathy, intercultural sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of complex issues Manuscript profile