• List of Articles تعالی

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Modeling the knowledge management assessment for inovation in IRIB(TV)
        mahnaz dolatpasand
        the purpose of this study is to achieve a model for measuring knowledge management for inovation in the Islamic Republic of Iran TV. The present study is a qualitative study based on grounded theory. In this research, snowball sampling method was used. Based on the samp More
        the purpose of this study is to achieve a model for measuring knowledge management for inovation in the Islamic Republic of Iran TV. The present study is a qualitative study based on grounded theory. In this research, snowball sampling method was used. Based on the sampling and theoretical saturation, 10 experts from the field of knowledge management and media participated. Immediately after the interview, based on the open coding, the axis and selection was done. The findings showed that, in terms of experts, the six main themes of the model of KM are presented in the Islamic Republic's TV. In this research, different models of KM assessment were examined. By examining different models and answering the research questions, it was determined that knowledge management in the strategic planning of the Islamic Republic of Iran's TV was not obvious. The Islamic Republic of Iran's TV is not up-to-date in terms of knowledge and is not flexible enough to respond to the new needs of the audience. Experts and proprietors believe the output of the TV knowledge of the Islamic Republic is less favorable. Improving the performance of the Islamic Republic in the field of manufacturing processes, the quality of products or services by the use of knowledge by the owners of the field of knowledge management is not very positive. Finally, an analytical model for measuring knowledge management for inovation was presented in the Islamic Republic's TV.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Symbolism in Ave Sina’s Poem of Einiyyeh, and its Effect on the Thought of Muslim Gnostics
        علی  فتح اللهی علي  نظري
        How the human soul falls from the upper world and descends in the body cage is one of the complex philosophical and Gnostic debates. The duality of subtle spirit and dirty body is a matter of debate in most philosophical and Gnostic schools. Defending the duality doctri More
        How the human soul falls from the upper world and descends in the body cage is one of the complex philosophical and Gnostic debates. The duality of subtle spirit and dirty body is a matter of debate in most philosophical and Gnostic schools. Defending the duality doctrine, like many other Muslim Gnostics, Ave Sina is considered as one of the pioneers in symbolically depicting the fall of the soul into the body. His Poem of Einiyyeh, among the works of Muslim scholars, follows such a view. The present article studies symbolism, its development, and the relevant factors in developing mystical-gnostic stories in the works of Muslim thinkers. The other focus of the research is to explore the traces of Gnosticism, neo-Platonism, and Akhavan-ol-Safa in the Poem of Einiyyeh, and their influence on its mystical concepts, and the compatibility of its symbolic language with the Sufi terms and expressions used by Muslim Gnostics, along with the study of the belonging of spirit to the upper world, its unwillingly Fall, and the duality of the soul and body. At the end, we will study the ways to set the everlasting subtle spirit free from the prison of the body. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Study of Rumi and Rumi-Researchers in English Speaking Countries
        Ahmad تميم‌داري
        The subject of this paper relates to comparative literature and the impact the literary figures, thinkers and illustrators have taken from Persian literary works; especially Rumi’s most significant and prominent works. The method of research in this essay is referentia More
        The subject of this paper relates to comparative literature and the impact the literary figures, thinkers and illustrators have taken from Persian literary works; especially Rumi’s most significant and prominent works. The method of research in this essay is referential and inductive. We have made an attempt to become familiar with the great American and English men of letters; ones who have compiled important works through either translation or adaptation and made a serious effort to introduce the Persian literature, especially Rumi’s poetry in the English speaking countries. Since the eighteenth century, and following movements such as studying Iran, Islam, and the East, Persian literature was noticed and therefore some of the literary men, scientists, and illustrators begun translating and adapting the Persian literary works. It was in the same century that the study of Rumi’s works became significant. The English and American Transcendentalists both idealized the school of Transcendentalism through studying and having researches on Rumi’s works. It was about late nineteenth century, in 1870, that Mankar Daniel Canoy published The Sacred Anthology of Oriental Texts. Some of Rumi’s stories stated the ideals of social moral and behavioral issues. William R. Alger, one of Emerson’s friends, published The First American Anthology of Oriental Literature. Edward J. Brown translated the prose introduction of The First Volume of Massnavi into English. The climax of studies on Rumi’s works was done by Reynold Elaine Nicholson; who published eight books for the interpretation and paraphrase of Massnavi and actually devoted fifteen years of his life to this issue. Arthur J. Arbery is counted as one of the great thinkers in the field of Rumi studies. James J.Koan, an art teacher, rewrote fifty of the selected poems from Nicholson’s Poetry- taken from Shams Tabrizi’s Book of Poetry- in a modern poetic structure. And finally Andrew Harroy created some works as memorials of Rumi’s works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Ethical and Behavioral Standards: Legal Reading and Their Social Effects
        Mohammad Reza  Vijeh Azad  Rezaei
        Ethical and behavioral standards (professional standards) are based on several principles, values and ethical standards related to occupations that ethical standards like ethical and value declarations determine ethical virtues and behavioral standards set them to guide More
        Ethical and behavioral standards (professional standards) are based on several principles, values and ethical standards related to occupations that ethical standards like ethical and value declarations determine ethical virtues and behavioral standards set them to guide the members of minor areas. On the other hand, in particular, our country faces a range of problems and challenges such as the water crisis, the environmental crisis, the crisis of public trust and other social crises which in many cases may threat the integrity of the country. It is believed that such problems are derived from inattention of moral values, preference of personal and group interests to public interest and corruption in general and etc,. Our assumption is that the adoption of professional standards in every kind and in particular, legal perceptions of them will lead to the rule of ethical values at the levels of occupation at first and then, lead to ethical excellence of a large part of society. In the meantime, we found through descriptive-analytical study that ethical excellence, fight against corruption and the strengthening of public trust, the safeguarding of citizenship rights, the strengthening of professional solidarity, the preservation of the dignity and integrity of the minor areas, and etc., will be prove to be true as the positive effects that can overcome many of mentioned problems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - An Explanation of Bliss on Organizational Management from the Perspective of Islamic teachings
        alireza nobari
        We, the Muslims, believe to the God as the only creator and ruler and general governor of the cosmos. We are also believer that his words(in QURAN )is the last sent message to human beings , which is sent to prophet Mohammad as a role model of humankind and receiver of More
        We, the Muslims, believe to the God as the only creator and ruler and general governor of the cosmos. We are also believer that his words(in QURAN )is the last sent message to human beings , which is sent to prophet Mohammad as a role model of humankind and receiver of revelation and after him followed by innocent IMAMS to direct people for reaching to the perfectionism and the best way of life. However, concerning the mentioned points by leader of IRAN Ayatollah Khamenei about paying attention to art and social, it is great to note that international re-Searchers in management and social have gained some fantastic results in relation with humankind behavior and environment that is used in organismic and social affairs, whereas the most important parts of these findings are available in general principles of ISLAM that whit applying these aforesaid principles we can provide felicity in both material and spiritual aspects for human beings. Naturally its task of Islamic speculative and researchers. Hence, it would be the trouble of researchers that how to accommodate organismic and social affairs to Islamic principles? How to change the manpower’s conception as the most important part of an organization coincidental with applying Islamic doctrines? In this Article by using of hermeneutics methods , alongside the interpretation of QURAN and academic sources of management, we tried to coordinate the role of human-power and management methods with the philosophy of creation, and meantime we tried to clear the way of accede to commonweal and evince whatever has been found or will be found in new sciences, is intangible in Islamic principles and profoundly attention and enough focus is required to form capacity about this case in people and we can come to conclude that it is the GREATNESS OF ISLAM. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Resistance businesses based on Islamic teachings
        sayyedmahmoud hashemi
        Trade and business have a long history in human civilization. Humans have long been involved in business to meet their needs. Hard work and resistance to hardships is one of the basic teachings of Islam and diligence is a form of worship from the Islamic point of view. More
        Trade and business have a long history in human civilization. Humans have long been involved in business to meet their needs. Hard work and resistance to hardships is one of the basic teachings of Islam and diligence is a form of worship from the Islamic point of view. As a result, religious and jurisprudential teachings in Islam pay special attention to this matter. For a business to be sustainable, it must be able to use existing advantages and at the same time discover new opportunities. Resistant business is a business that is called Have resilient, dynamic and potential for growth, prosperity and progress in crisis situations. The present study is of applied type and has been done by descriptive-analytical method. Accordingly, all valid documents related to Islamic business and teachings and other reliable sources of narrative that were central to the explanation of resistance business have been exploited. First, describe resistance business and strategies for realization It and the role of religious teachings in the resilience of businesses in natural and man-made crises are discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The effect of cognitive load on trust to the others: The Mediating Role of personality transcendenceo
        Ali Pakizeh sadegh hekmatiyan fard Sara Mansourizade عادل حیدری
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive load on trust of others with the moderator role of personality transcendence. Participants in the present study, which were experimentally conducted, were students of the Persian Gulf University in the More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive load on trust of others with the moderator role of personality transcendence. Participants in the present study, which were experimentally conducted, were students of the Persian Gulf University in the academic year of 96-95. Of the 125 students who were ready to participate in psychological research, 85 were randomly selected. After completing the Pakizeh personality trancsendence Questionnaire, In different cognitive load conditions (No cognitive load to memorize four three-digit numbers), The scenario of others was carried out. To analyze the data of this research, descriptive statistics (standard deviation and mean) and also hierarchical regression analysis using Baron and Kini methods have been used. Findings show that cognitive load reduces trust (R=0/482), and Personality transcendence have a moderating role in relation to these variables. Due to the impact of trust on the cognitive load and the reduction of trust and the increase in the amount of information in the Contemporaneously and considering the relationship of trust with mental health and the lack of scientific research in this field in Iran, It is worth further research on trust and cognitive load relation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Motion Algorithm from EFQM toward BSC in order to prioritize improvement projects of self- assessment.
        mohammad saleh  owlia mohammad hosein abooie پرستو دمرچی
        EFQM excellence model with specifying the position of organization in the path of excellence is a practical tool in order to understand its deficiencies and shortcoming, so that with providing guidelines in the form of improvement projects helps organizations to advance More
        EFQM excellence model with specifying the position of organization in the path of excellence is a practical tool in order to understand its deficiencies and shortcoming, so that with providing guidelines in the form of improvement projects helps organizations to advance the process of appropriate management systems .EFQM self- assessing model as a tool of Total Quality Management is facing with the problem of the lack of prioritizing improvement projects because of the lack of facilities and limits of resources in enterprises hence there are the necessity of strategic prioritizing of self-assessment projects in the organization. The aim of this study is to provide the steps of moving the EFQM model to BSC model as a strategic management tool by using FTOPSIS and FANP techniques in order to strategic prioritize the improvement projects of the EFQM self-assessment. This study is functional in terms of the objective and in terms of method is a survey research and in terms of the collection of information is a field research. Statistical society consists of 7 persons of Yazd municipal managers in the form of excellence team and interview and questionnaire are tools used in the research. The result of prioritizing improvement projects led to determine importance of internal process perspective in the organization in the organization and prioritize 21 improvement projects including “ provision and updating of educational electronic ID”,” personal relocation in occupational category according to given training”,” create documentation center in municipality” Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Explaining the Patterns of Excellence in Excellence for Activist Organizations
        Maryam Gholizadeh  
        Despite the vast application of excellence models in modern organizations, it is not clear that which one is more appropriate. This paper is aimed to choose the most proper Excellence patterns to be employed to realize the excellence goals in progressive organizations. More
        Despite the vast application of excellence models in modern organizations, it is not clear that which one is more appropriate. This paper is aimed to choose the most proper Excellence patterns to be employed to realize the excellence goals in progressive organizations. For this study, not only we studied the literature of research, but also we employed Fuzzy Delphi technique to filter and select superior excellence patterns. The conducted idea analysis was filtered during two steps using Cheng & Lin approach. The study population was comprised of 30 industry experts and university faculties. In order to study and analyze, 12 excellence patterns were selected from different fields including human resources, training, ethics, and knowledge management from which 5 excellence models were chosen after filtering experts' opinions. It is considered that through this process, the excellence path for organizations will be defined and will make them capable to take actions in order to realize the excellence goals in much shorter period of time Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - An Integrated DEMATEL and Fuzzy ANP Techniques Based Assessment Model For Intrapreneurship with Approach EFQM
        Kazem Nasiri Kashani Fazlolah Jamalou Leila Kiani
        In today's world, quick changes have varied the competition and also have faced organizational stakeholders with world’s challenges. In this turbulence environment, Intrapreneurship is functionality that can save today's systems as a new phenomenon in the economy at thi More
        In today's world, quick changes have varied the competition and also have faced organizational stakeholders with world’s challenges. In this turbulence environment, Intrapreneurship is functionality that can save today's systems as a new phenomenon in the economy at this critical period and play a more active role in economic development. Today, business excellence models also have an important role to deploy the key factors of organizational success and make performance improvements. These models provide the assessment criteria in both enablers and results and make guidelines for organizations to measure their progress and performance in the field of quality and organizational excellence. So it allows creating the needed infrastructure and capabilities for Intrapreneurship based on the EFQM Excellence Model. Therefore, after identifying the effective factors of implementation Intrapreneurship, these features are classified due to their nature at four main criteria include "leadership", "Policy and Strategy", "employees" and "partnerships, resources and processes" that all of them are the enablers of the EFQM model. This paper presents an analytical modeling method that makes practicable a qualitative relationship between the elements of Intrapreneurship. We used the integrated approach of fuzzy Dematel and fuzzy modeling network analysis to determine the relationship and weight relative importance of each element in model. The results indicated “leadership” at the main criteria level has the most highly effect and “employees” has the most important coefficient. Also "senior management support" has the highest importance coefficient and highly effect in the sub-criteria. In this study we presented individual entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurship assessment model that is a comprehensive model and can be used in different organizations and finally we evaluated this model in Iran Power Development Company. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - An Integrated DEMATEL and Fuzzy ANP Techniques Based Assessment Model For Intrapreneurship with Approach EFQM
        In today's world, quick changes have varied the competition and also have faced organizational stakeholders with world’s challenges. In this turbulence environment, Intrapreneurship is functionality that can save today's systems as a new phenomenon in the economy at thi More
        In today's world, quick changes have varied the competition and also have faced organizational stakeholders with world’s challenges. In this turbulence environment, Intrapreneurship is functionality that can save today's systems as a new phenomenon in the economy at this critical period and play a more active role in economic development. Today, business excellence models also have an important role to deploy the key factors of organizational success and make performance improvements. These models provide the assessment criteria in both enablers and results and make guidelines for organizations to measure their progress and performance in the field of quality and organizational excellence. So it allows creating the needed infrastructure and capabilities for Intrapreneurship based on the EFQM Excellence Model. Therefore, after identifying the effective factors of implementation Intrapreneurship, these features are classified due to their nature at four main criteria include "leadership", "Policy and Strategy", "employees" and "partnerships, resources and processes" that all of them are the enablers of the EFQM model. This paper presents an analytical modeling method that makes practicable a qualitative relationship between the elements of Intrapreneurship. We used the integrated approach of fuzzy Dematel and fuzzy modeling network analysis to determine the relationship and weight relative importance of each element in model. The results indicated “leadership” at the main criteria level has the most highly effect and “employees” has the most important coefficient. Also "senior management support" has the highest importance coefficient and highly effect in the sub-criteria. In this study we presented individual entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurship assessment model that is a comprehensive model and can be used in different organizations and finally we evaluated this model in Iran Power Development Company. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Identifying factors affecting bancassurance desks efficiency, Case study: Bank MELLAT and MA Insurance
        حمیدرضا نورعلیزاده علی  بنیادی نایینی Mohsen Sadeghi
        A majority of studies around efficiency assessment just estimate it. Indeed, they don’t address the roots of inefficiency of DMUs. These shortcomings could be resulted from silo approaches conducted by researchers. Our research aims address this gap. We propose a two-st More
        A majority of studies around efficiency assessment just estimate it. Indeed, they don’t address the roots of inefficiency of DMUs. These shortcomings could be resulted from silo approaches conducted by researchers. Our research aims address this gap. We propose a two-stage procedure in which first, the efficiency of bancassurance desks are estimated by DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and then, roots of inefficiency are identified by a survey designed based on enabler section of European Foundation for Quality Management model (EFQM) and conducted among bancassurance desks employees. This study is applied in terms of purpose, and mathematical as well as statistical in terms of data analysis. The population of this study consisted of all bancassurance desks of BANK MELLAT in 2015. After efficient and inefficient branches of bancassurance have been estimated and ranked, in order to identify factors affecting efficiency, a questionnaire designed according with criteria of EFQM. Reliability of questionnaire was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and normal distribution of data was tested by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The effects of variables (factors) on efficiency were evaluated via regression analysis, then obtained answers were tested for research questions. The results of ranking the impact of factors on the efficiency of bancassurance desks showed that employees, partnerships and resources, products and services, strategy, and leadership are the efficient factors, respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - تعیین یک الگوی اندازه گیری سطح بلوغ در حوزه مدیریت نگهداری و تعمیرات (مورد مطالعه : یک سازمان فناور )
          Mohammad Hussein Karimi gavareshki Jafar Gheidar- kheljani
      • Open Access Article

        14 - اعتباریابی مدل تعالی آموزش و توسعه منابع انسانی ایران
          Mohammad عموزاد azam molamohamadi
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Presenting the Quality Improvement Model of Virtual Education for Human Resource Development: Farhangian University (Qualitative Study)
        mozhgan esmaeilnia Hosseinali Kouhestani Ali Maghool Hassan nodehi
        The purpose of this research was to present the Quality Improvement Model of virtual education for Human Resource Development at Farhangian University. This research has been carried out in the framework of a qualitative approach based on the Grounded theory method. In More
        The purpose of this research was to present the Quality Improvement Model of virtual education for Human Resource Development at Farhangian University. This research has been carried out in the framework of a qualitative approach based on the Grounded theory method. In this regard, semi-structured interviews were conducted using purposeful approach and application of theoretical saturation criterion with 18 experts and professors and students of Farhangian University of North, South and Razavi Khorasan. To evaluate the validity and reliability of data, two methods are implemented; the members' matching methods as well as peer review. Open and axial coding method was used to analyze the data. Finally, the categories are categorized into 14 main categories in the six dimensions of the paradigm model as causal (teaching and learning activities, human actors, management), phenomenon: quality improvement in virtual education of Farhangian University, strategies (micro level, intermediate level, macro level), contextual conditions (nature of virtual education of Farhangian University), intervening conditions (1. internet, 2. hardware facilities, 3.web) and consequences (individual, organizational and transactional outcomes). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Clustering Iranian Gas Industry Managers and Ranking Their Competencies via the EFQM Excellence Model-based Evaluation with an Artificial Intelligence Approach
        Ali reza Zamanian Majid Jahangirfard Farshad Hajalian
        This study attempted to lay the ground for linking human resources data based on the results of the organizational excellence model for about 51 parent and subsidiary companies of the National Iranian Gas Company using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning m More
        This study attempted to lay the ground for linking human resources data based on the results of the organizational excellence model for about 51 parent and subsidiary companies of the National Iranian Gas Company using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning methods. The goal was to present a model for clustering chief organizational managers based on the companies’ evaluation using the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)-based excellence model. The unique characteristic of this method is that it is formed based on the actual performance and output of successful organizations, headed by successful managers and leaders. Accordingly, a performance-based excellence model can be achieved in the future. The outcomes of model evaluation for 2017, 2018, and 2019 for 51 companies affiliated with the National Iranian Gas Company were first clustered. Clustering was performed for 3776 pieces of data via AI-based methods, and coding was done in Python. This applied study aimed to design and develop a novel method for discovering the experts and scientifically classifying the organization’s human resources based on credible data. It also aimed to integrate novel scientific domains of AI, including clustering, to pave the ground for human resources research. In the applied dimension, the results were used in organizational planning and decision-making to generate a tool whereby the future managerial performance of the organization and staff can be predicted based on appropriate human resources data. Finally, a ranking is presented based on the competency gap by using Fisher discriminant ratio (FDR). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Presenting a model for human resource development in Shiraz Municipality using a mixed exploration plan
        Masoud paydari
        This article aims to provide a model for human resource development in Shiraz Municipality. In terms of purpose, it is an applied-developmental research and in terms of data collection method, a cross-sectional research. To achieve the research goal, a mixed exploratory More
        This article aims to provide a model for human resource development in Shiraz Municipality. In terms of purpose, it is an applied-developmental research and in terms of data collection method, a cross-sectional research. To achieve the research goal, a mixed exploratory design has been used. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes human resources professors and managers with a history of Shiraz Municipality. Purposeful sampling was performed and 15 subjects achieved theoretical saturation. The statistical population of the quantitative section also includes 3400 employees of Shiraz Municipality, which with the Cochran's formula, the sample size was estimated at 345 people. The required sample size was provided by stratified sampling method in four regions of Shiraz. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data. The basic categories of human resource development were identified by content analysis method and the final model was validated by partial least squares method. Qualitative data analysis was performed with Maxqda software and quantitative data with Smart PLS. The results show that inclusive categories are categorized in terms of strategic, educational, and growth factors. Strategic marketing factors are organizational factors that form the underlying elements of the model. Organizational categories of strategic factors include human resource management strategy and employee performance management. Organizing categories of educational factors also include organizational needs assessment, human resource needs assessment, and human resource training. Organizational categories related to growth and development also include the development of staff careers and the perceptual development of staff and the improvement of human resources. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - تعالی سازمانی کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بر اساس سبک های رهبر (عملگرا، تحول گرا، بدون رهبری)
        فتاح ناظم
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Organizational readiness to accept the model of excellence in Islamic Azad University: A Mixed Approach
        seyedeh somayeh mosavi siyahdele Samad  jabbariasl Musa Rezvani Chamanzamin
        The readiness of organizations to establish management systems is an important issue. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for organizational readiness to accept the model of excellence in the Azad University. In this study, a combined (qualitative and quanti More
        The readiness of organizations to establish management systems is an important issue. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for organizational readiness to accept the model of excellence in the Azad University. In this study, a combined (qualitative and quantitative) sequential exploratory method was used. The method used in the qualitative part of the research is foundation data theory. In the present study, in order to collect data in the qualitative part, the interview tool was used and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire was used. The statistical population of the study includes professors of management in the free universities of Guilan province. In the qualitative section, in order to conduct interviews, the opinions of 10 professors related to the research topic and in the quantitative section, in order to complete the questionnaires, the opinions of 150 people were used. In order to analyze the data obtained from the interviews, the coding method was used in MAXQDA software and in order to discover the relationship between the identified factors, the interpretive structural modeling method was used in MICMAC software. Data analysis from semi-structured interviews consisted of 180 open source code in the form of nine classification concepts and in four main categories including managerial and attitudinal-behavioral factors (as link variables), external factors (as independent variables), and the establishment of the excellence model. (As dependent variables) were divided. Data analysis of the quantitative part of the research was also performed using the partial least squares method in smartPLS software. The results of the quantitative part of the research also showed that all three factors include managerial factors (creating an atmosphere conducive to change, planning and organizing, learning, commitment), attitude-behavioral factors (perceived usefulness and perceived ease) and external factors (policies and rules). Upstream, credits, and culture) have a significant role on the readiness of the free university in implementing the model of excellence, and among these, managerial factors have played the most effective role. Also, the attitude-behavioral factors of the performers have an effective role on the readiness of the university to establish a model of excellence. On the other hand, external factors, both directly and indirectly and through managerial factors and attitudinal-behavioral factors have an effective role in the readiness of the Azad University to establish a model of excellence, so that this factor is the main motivator of Azad University affiliates to establish a model of excellence. . Findings show that the readiness of universities to establish models of excellence depends to a large extent on the performance of its managers. Highly committed managers can create a positive atmosphere in the university for the acceptance and implementation of those models with proper planning, control and supervision, and thus address many internal problems such as attitudes and behavioral factors of members of the organization, which mainly manifest themselves in the face of change. Data and even overcome external problems Manuscript profile
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        20 - Islam views the economic performance of women and their role in the economic development of the Muslim community
        Soheila Biria
        By explaining the genuine status of women, Islam has considered many financial and economic rights for women; however, in Islamic financial law, women have no financial responsibility for providing the family means of livelihood for their household. Therefore, women hav More
        By explaining the genuine status of women, Islam has considered many financial and economic rights for women; however, in Islamic financial law, women have no financial responsibility for providing the family means of livelihood for their household. Therefore, women have financial independence, and all rights such as inheritance, dowry, alimony, income from work belong to women based on the Islamic legal system. No one has the right to attack, demand, and seize this right. In addition, women are involved in the foundation of economic development and the creation of human capital. This paper explores the Islamic view of women's economic status. Then, the role of women in the economic development of Islamic society is evaluated, and suggestions are made to enhance women's empowerment. This article is descriptive and analytical. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Study procedure Tolerance of thoughts and behavior Based on Islamic teachings
        mohammad saeeid shafiei shirin shafiei
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        22 - Designing a core competency model for Iranian gas industry managers based on the results of EFQM by artificial intelligence method
        Ali reza Zamanian Majid Jahangirfard Farshad Haj alian
        The success of organizations in achieving strategic goals is highly dependent on how the managers of that organization perform, and this success is more directly related to the selection and appointment of competent and knowledgeable managers at the top of the organizat More
        The success of organizations in achieving strategic goals is highly dependent on how the managers of that organization perform, and this success is more directly related to the selection and appointment of competent and knowledgeable managers at the top of the organizational pyramid. Competency-based management is a strong approach to developing and maintaining the organization's human capital in the long run, and competency models are a useful tool for identifying and developing the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by managers. In general, competency is a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities, interests and personality traits that enable employees to perform job-related activities effectively and perform job performance as expected or beyond expectations. Do." In accordance with the competencies defined in the evaluation center of the managers of the National Iranian Gas Company and according to the nature of trainable competencies, three categories of communication competencies, managerial and leadership competencies, cognitive and one category of untrained personality competencies have been defined. In this article, we have tried to achieve a set of core competencies in the field of competencies of gas industry managers, which has been achieved based on the performance of managers in organizational excellence. These core competencies are the beacon of the organization in achieving strategic goals and can be purposefully effective in the shortest time and with the least cost in the development process of the managers of the organization. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The Comparison between individuality, personhood and transcendence of the source of meaning with spirituality
        mahdi yarmohammadi Abbas Izadpanah Seyed Ahmad Reza  Shahrokhi
        Spirituality as a human phenomenon is based on various intellectual foundations, especially theological beliefs. Every theological school proposes a particular kind of spirituality corresponding to its beliefs about the source of meaning. In fact, what and the limits of More
        Spirituality as a human phenomenon is based on various intellectual foundations, especially theological beliefs. Every theological school proposes a particular kind of spirituality corresponding to its beliefs about the source of meaning. In fact, what and the limits of spirituality are determined by theological beliefs. The author of the article tries to evaluate the spirituality according to the view of theological schools on the three characteristics of individuality, Personhood and transcendence. The result of the research, which is derived from library data and analytical method of reasoning, indicates that the birth of spirituality due to the connection with the source of meaning depends on its individuality; and possibility of prayer, chant, supplication, personal communication and devotion to the source of meaning is tied to its personhood. Excess in the transcendence destroys the Personhood and the shortage in it will cause the meanness of the source of meaning; Therefore, the knowledge of the divine names and attributes and manifestation of some of them in the heart of the spiritual human being, depend on presenting a transcendence image while being Immanence of the source of meaning. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Assessment of organization efficiency using an integrated model of EFQM-network data envelopment analysis
        Alireza Khosravi Mohammad Fallah Esmaeil Najafi
        Establishment of the modern managerial systems is one of the most important steps for the excellence of organizations. The European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) is one of the technics that has started from Europe during the two recent decades and nowadays man More
        Establishment of the modern managerial systems is one of the most important steps for the excellence of organizations. The European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) is one of the technics that has started from Europe during the two recent decades and nowadays many organizations are in the process of implementing this model with- in their managerial domain. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a known nonparametric tool for evaluating the organization’s efficiency. In addition to having the capability to measure the total efficiency of a system, network DEA is able to calculate the efficiency of system components. Since EFQM can be considered as a multi-stage system, existence of network DEA along with it can improve the analysis. In this paper, an integrated model has been suggested based on EFQM and Network DEA for assessing the organization’s operation. For this purpose, at first the EFQM has been considered as a ‘four-stage system’ including leadership (the first stage), activities related to employees, policy, strategy and partnership (the second stage), processes (the third stage), and results (the fourth stage). Then considering 32 sub-criteria in EFQM, input and output variables have been determined for each one of the four stage s and on this basis math form for Network DEA model has been developed for this 4-satge system. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Transcendence and Man’s Existential Width in the Ontological Systems of Mullā Ṣadrā and Heidegger
        Fatemeh  Ghadimi Paindeh Monireh  Sayyid Mazhari Zeinab Sadat Mirshamsi
        Heidegger has provided some innovative interpretations regarding several topics particularly in relation to human existence. His views about human beings are comparable to those of Mullā Ṣadrā in certain respects. One of them is their belief in man’s transcendence and e More
        Heidegger has provided some innovative interpretations regarding several topics particularly in relation to human existence. His views about human beings are comparable to those of Mullā Ṣadrā in certain respects. One of them is their belief in man’s transcendence and existential width. Both thinkers maintain that man is not an entity imprisoned in itself; man, who is the source of many possibilities and is aware of them, is subject to “becoming” and can become what they are not at the present time. In other words, man can go beyond the existing situation and attain transcendence. Although there is a similarity in this regard between the thoughts of these two thinkers, it should be considered that in Mullā Ṣadrā’s ontological system, the human soul, owing to its essential immateriality, always enjoys a perception and understanding of its identity as connected to an unlimited being and infinite truth. The human soul, which entails the whole limits of being in itself, tries to grant meaning to its existence through gaining proximity and similarity to that infinite truth in the course of traversing its out-of-itself stages. The soul’s developmental journey for reaching the ultra-rational stage also continues after death. By contrast, in Heidegger’s ontological system, truth is based on Dasein, whose being real indicates that it is the only existence in the world. It also means that, without being connected to a mysterious and transcendent power, Dasein always possesses a pre-knowledge of everything that comprises the world and continually perceives things with no cover at highest levels of clarity. Therefore, Dasein relies on itself in transcendence, the continuation of which is motivated by actualizing its existential possibilities until it dies. Death is the last existential possibility of Dasein upon which it attains its end. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Reflecting on the Professional Excellence Curriculum of Teacher Educators in Finland and the United States
        Zohreh Ababaf
        Professional excellence in teacher education significantly enhances the quality of teacher education systems and produces competent teachers who contribute to the improvement of the national education system. Hence, this study aims to explore the components of the profe More
        Professional excellence in teacher education significantly enhances the quality of teacher education systems and produces competent teachers who contribute to the improvement of the national education system. Hence, this study aims to explore the components of the professional excellence curriculum in teacher educators in Finland and the United States, as two developed countries, based on a theoretical research plan using a documentary-analytical strategy. The data collection method involved studying written sources including books, articles, and documents on the curriculum for professional excellence in teacher education in Finland and the United States from 2000 to 2023. Based on the analysis of data, three principal categories were extracted: vision, content, and implementation methods of the curriculum. Each of these three principal categories of the professional excellence curriculum includes several components. Future study, as a dominant component in the vision of the countries' curricula, has been an influential factor in shaping the content and implementation methods of curricula. The content of the curriculum has been flexible and inclusive. The link between theory and practice is emphasized. In terms of implementation, educational strategies and justice-based and anti-colonial strategies have acted as two complementary strategies. In the whole curriculum, respect for professional independence and the development of a sense of agency have been emphasized as effective components in the professional excellence of educators. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Cultivating individual and social virtues in comparison of Torah and Quran
        Mohammad Ali  haghdel sayed abbasinya Saied  GHolampour Hadi  Razaghi Harikandei
        Cultivating social virtues, which requires attention to individual virtues, is one of the most important teachings of the holy books of religions. In order to preserve and cultivate individual virtues, the Qur'an has put forward orders and religious rules to preserve th More
        Cultivating social virtues, which requires attention to individual virtues, is one of the most important teachings of the holy books of religions. In order to preserve and cultivate individual virtues, the Qur'an has put forward orders and religious rules to preserve the human personality and its development, and by raising the level of the teachings of the Bible, has created a new chapter of interaction and ethical approaches in human relations, the Torah is another holy book that has been studied since then, but unlike the Qur'an, in the moral law of the Torah there is a wall of distinction between a Jewish person and a non-Jewish person, which causes The impossibility of generalizing its teachings to all human beings, it is stated in its teachings: Jewish love and affection should not go to the level of strangers. In many cases, followers of other religions have been referred to as slaves and slaves. In this research, a comparison has been made between the teachings of the Qur'an and the Torah regarding individual and social virtues, and in it, it has been tried to provide the ground for the audience to understand the difference between the views of the Qur'an and the Torah in this field, away from religious prejudice and based on facts. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The effects of collective piety on self-improvement in Islamic society
        ebrahim ebrahimsalim siamak jafarzadeh reza nik khah
        <p>The purpose of writing the present research is to examine the effects of collective piety in religious society, which is the most important factor of human happiness and salvation in terms of refinement and self-cultivation. The key that has been emphasized by the Qu More
        <p>The purpose of writing the present research is to examine the effects of collective piety in religious society, which is the most important factor of human happiness and salvation in terms of refinement and self-cultivation. The key that has been emphasized by the Quran, hadiths and imams is to be known more and the results of the research show that "collective piety" is a phrase against collective debauchery and is considered one of the very important and vital pillars for the emergence, continuation and survival of the Islamic society. It means that a certain social group should do a good deed that cannot be realized externally for the sake of God, and its observance has been emphasized a lot, and one of its most important effects can be civilization building, spreading justice, fighting oppression, He pointed out the ability to provide guidance, increase insight, help from the unseen, the descent of divine blessings, and so on.</p> Manuscript profile