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        1 - Technology Development in Research and Technology Organizations
        reza bandarian mahdi bandarian
        Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) according to their mission are responsible for technology development and facilitating its commercialization in order to enhance and support the technological and innovative capabilities of relevant and related industries. Th More
        Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) according to their mission are responsible for technology development and facilitating its commercialization in order to enhance and support the technological and innovative capabilities of relevant and related industries. The complexity and specific nature of the technology development process in RTOs in order to effective respond to the needs of industry require to designed a technology development and commercialization process which encompasses different requirements to meet the numerous challenges and problems in this direction and lead to matching between type and time of technological demands of industry and technology development and commercialization process of RTOs. In order to respond to these challenges, this paper attempt to present a modified model for the technology development and commercialization in RTOs. This model is adjusted based on the existing literature using the case study (multiple) of technology development and commercialization process in best practices by using qualitative analysis. After explaining the model, finally concluded with the analytical implication of the model. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Surveying Technology Commercialization Models and Proposing an Indigenous model for supporting Technology commercialization in Iran
        reza bandarian علی حیدری  
        The purpose of the research and technology is reaching to the needed technological and innovative achievements for improving the technological and innovative capabilities of industries in order to their competitiveness. Thus, wealth creation from research and technology More
        The purpose of the research and technology is reaching to the needed technological and innovative achievements for improving the technological and innovative capabilities of industries in order to their competitiveness. Thus, wealth creation from research and technology activities, required the commercialization of its achievements. Hence, according to the Iran’s direction toward Software movement and knowledge-based economy development, infrastructure and requirements for commercialization of technological achievements which are products of scientific development and knowledge-based economy will be provided. In this paper, after defining the technology commercialization according to the different views and surveying necessity reasons of technology commercialization in the process of technology development, different kinds of existing models of technology commercialization in each approach will be mentioned. Then, the world leading countries in technology commercialization and their measures are discussed and various models of technology commercialization support are described and analyzed in some of them. Finally, with a national view to the development and commercialization of technology in Iran, the various required supports for commercialization in the country, and especially financial support, and its models will be cited. At the end the key success factors of commercialization at the national level and the required measures that must be done at the national level is described. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - review on commercialization liner models and survay their differences and common points
        farzaneh bayattork قاسم رمضاني نرگسي
        Today, researches importance is because of innovation and innovation importance is because of economic profit. Researches commercialization is the important portion of innovation process and without that, no product or technology can influence into the market. Commercia More
        Today, researches importance is because of innovation and innovation importance is because of economic profit. Researches commercialization is the important portion of innovation process and without that, no product or technology can influence into the market. Commercialization is a process to make profit from innovation via applying new technology to generate new products, processes, services and selling them in markets. In most of new technologies, commercialization implies production scale, increasing from initial sample to mass production and accessing to more resources. It is required to be familiar with commercialization models for using its concept in organizations. Technology commercialization models are consisting of the maps of activities development paths and strategic planning for technology commercialization. These models are divided to linear and nonlinear models. Linear models show a combination of experience and specialty in the fields of research, product development, marketing and business development. Therefore in this research in addition to defining commercialization, the eight important models from linear commercialization models and their differences and common points will be studied. The conclusions of this study show that the best theoretical framework in commercialization patterns, regardless of organization specifications in which innovation system is working, is the Jolly model. This model because of details determination of commercialization process and attention to market needs, related to other models, is more applicable. This model with Gold Smith model which prescribe a set of instructions for each stage of business cycle, can be applied as a model to develop and commercialize new products Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Emerging Knowledge base Business Technology Commerce Pattern
        habibollah  tataeian esmaiel ghaderifa mahdi elyasi jahanyar bamdadsoufi
         Research findings play a significant role in promoting the quality of human life and the development of the community's welfare and international economic and social developments, but these findings, as long as they are not applied and are not available to the public o More
         Research findings play a significant role in promoting the quality of human life and the development of the community's welfare and international economic and social developments, but these findings, as long as they are not applied and are not available to the public or available to applicants They will not be of much importance and will have the cost of research Will not be compensated. The main purpose of this research is to design the Emerging Technologies Commercialization Model in knowledge-based companies. In fact, this research seeks to analyze and identify the direct and indirect barriers to the success of the commercialization of emerging technologies in knowledge-based companies. Make Therefore, it has been tried to create a good framework for this research by drawing on previous research and documentary studies. Then, based on the original framework, we will examine the case studies and analyze them. To study the case studies of 10 research companies that were selected from the list of knowledge based companies of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, the tools of interviewing and studying the documents of these companies were used to extract the conceptual model of the research. The conceptual model derived from the review of these companies in terms of business disclosure, organizational factors, life cycle, government policy, ecosystem of innovation, environmental factors, market development, and the success of the commercialized product. Validity and reliability of the research were measured through a group of 15 experts and 5 re-interviews. To analyze the data, open and axial coding was used and the software MAX QDa Data from the interviews were analyzed. Finally, a technology cube including 6 policy packages was presented as research proposals. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Oil Industry Research Institute, sixty years of experience and knowledge on the path to effectiveness in the oil industry
        jafar tofighi Ahmad Ruzbehani Ali  Khanagha
        With more than 60 years of experience, the Petroleum Industry Research Institute is the oldest and largest applied research and technology institute in Iran. This research institute is one of the several government research and technology institutes in Iran, which is un More
        With more than 60 years of experience, the Petroleum Industry Research Institute is the oldest and largest applied research and technology institute in Iran. This research institute is one of the several government research and technology institutes in Iran, which is under the Ministry of Oil and its activities focus on the oil and gas industry. This article is a brief overview of the major achievements of the research institute in the last 42 months that have influenced the development of Iran's oil and gas industry. After a brief introduction of the research institute, some major achievements are presented in 3 sections: "Exploration and Production", "Downstream Industries" and "Energy and Environment". The article then goes on to describe other research activities such as the commercialization of research and development results as well as social responsibilities. The ultimate goal of this paper is to show the impact of investment from public sources on research and development and its impact on the country's oil and gas industry; Which has led to the creation of significant amounts of added value and self-sufficiency of the country in some strategic products. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Entrepreneurial University, Requirements and Musts
        heydar mirfakhreddin
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic managem More
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic management from government to market and have led to a change in attitudes toward research in universities and research centers, the demand has emerged that universities should minimize the public resources used in research. To compensate and play a more active role in the growth and development of society.At the same time, the formation of the knowledge-based economy has highlighted the role of knowledge as a more prominent factor in creating added value, wealth creation than the traditional factors of production in the economy, namely land, labor and capital. In addition to research and education, the university has another third role, which is to participate in the socio-economic development of society.These changes in the approach to resource allocation and the role of knowledge in wealth creation and the change in the direction of economic management have led to growing attention to the commercialization approach to research results in universities and research centers in developed countries. He concluded that research results should be sold to private and public sector companies in order to create other sources of revenue for these centers while funding research activities.Commercialization means turning research results into products, services, and processes that can be sold. Thus, this process emphasizes the application of research results and the creation of economic value for these results.As a result, fostering entrepreneurial ideas in the process of business development for wealth creation, value creation, taking advantage of comparative opportunities and advantages, and combining innovations and technologies in the direction of economic dynamism; Directing stray capital and directing investment flows in productive and entrepreneurial businesses within the university's capabilities;Social partners and students and teachers; It is recommended to prevent the erosion of entrepreneurial businesses in the light of continuous and process-oriented facilitations in the dimensions of consulting, financial, institutional, etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Investigation of Nano Technology Development and It is Managerial Challenges in Iran
        Ali Forghani Reza Ansari
        Nano Technology is known as one of the origins of the technological changes and industrial revolution in recent years. Because of this fact, many countries have started to enable themselves in this field of technology. In 1980s, this technology got involved in industry More
        Nano Technology is known as one of the origins of the technological changes and industrial revolution in recent years. Because of this fact, many countries have started to enable themselves in this field of technology. In 1980s, this technology got involved in industry and has been assigned a lot of research budgets by itself. Now this technology is in the primary stages of growth and it would be impossible to predict it is trends precisely. But no one can be inattentive to its evolution in our country. In this paper we have considered the necessity of Nano Technology development in the country and three factors have been identified; the first factor is the economic opportunities, the second one deals with commercialization polices, and the third one is intellectual property rights. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of National Measures Taken in the Field of University-Industry Cooperation; Identify, Prioritize and Provide Solutions for Excellence
        Seyed Maseood  Ghoreishi mehdi majidpour babak negahdari morteza mousakhani
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous nat More
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous national measures have been taken in cooperation with the university and industry, which need to be evaluated. Two main goals are pursued; One is to discover the extent to which the goals and functions of the actions taken in the field of university-industry relations have been achieved, and the other is to provide executive solutions to improve the current path and move towards the excellence of university-industry cooperation. In this research, using methods such as library studies, interviews with experts and the focus group, first the measures taken in the field of cooperation between the university and the statistics industry and then by surveying experts, the effectiveness of each measure in terms of each criterion and The rate of fulfillment of each criterion was calculated in terms of measures taken and analyzed using statistical mean method. It can be said that none of the measures that have been taken so far in the field of industry-university relationship have had the desired efficiency and also the efficiency criteria have not been met to an acceptable level in most of the executive measures. At the end, several proposals were presented, including the establishment of the executive headquarters of university-industry cooperation and the privatization of offices related to industry and university entrepreneurship Manuscript profile