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        1 - A Corpus-based Approach toward Modal Verbs of Six Texts from 6th Century
        اشرف  شیبانی اقدم راحله  غلامی
        The usage of modal verbs are reviewed in corpus of six texts from 6th Hegira (Atbat-al Katba, Asrar al-Tawhid, Tazkerat-al Ulia, Maqamat-e Hamidi, Kelileh and Demneh and Rahat-al Sudur). The results show that the usage amount of these verbs is considerable among other k More
        The usage of modal verbs are reviewed in corpus of six texts from 6th Hegira (Atbat-al Katba, Asrar al-Tawhid, Tazkerat-al Ulia, Maqamat-e Hamidi, Kelileh and Demneh and Rahat-al Sudur). The results show that the usage amount of these verbs is considerable among other kinds of verbs. In modal constructs, modal adjectives and adverbs help enrich the meaning of necessity, possibility, capability and wanting in addition to modal verbs. Regarding the contextual and functional meaning, the concepts of commitment, necessity and … are more considerable in a work like Atbat-al Katba. Political, narrative and mystical insights, character, social power and status are among the factors the affect their amount of application and degree of modal elements. The study shows that the difference of genres brings about even little differences. The depiction of general features of a period style and personal experiences of every author are related to a subject which is dealt with in this study. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Searle and the Logical Status of Fictional Stories
        Gholamreza Hosseinpour
        Searle basically draws attention to the subtle differences that exist between different types of verbal verbs.According to him, speaking or writing in a language is the performance of a very specific type of spoken verb, which is called illocutionary acts.In this respec More
        Searle basically draws attention to the subtle differences that exist between different types of verbal verbs.According to him, speaking or writing in a language is the performance of a very specific type of spoken verb, which is called illocutionary acts.In this respect, the existence of a narrative discourse poses a problem for one who believes in such a view; That is, how can we understand a work of fiction, even if the author's seemingly violates some important rules of language use?Searle's great effort, in this context, is to analyze the concept of fiction but not the concept of literature. In fact, the aim is to explore the difference between fictional and serious utterances not to explore the difference between figurative and literal utterances.According to Searle, The author of a work of fiction pretends to perform a series of illocutionary acts, normally of the assertive type. He believes what makes fiction possible, is a set ofextralinguistic, nonsemantic conventions that break the connection between words and the world established by the semantic rules of speech acts and in the same sense, the pretended performances of illocutionary acts which constitute the writing of a work of fiction consist in actually performing utterance acts with the intention of invoking the horizontal conventions that suspend the normal illocutionary commitments of the utterances. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine, analyze and critiqe Searle's view of the logical status of fictional discourse. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The "Bestowal Theology(2)"; The Implications of the Principle of "Bestowal" in divine Attributes and acts
        hasan Mohamadi ahmad abadi saeed motaqi far
        The principle of "the Donor of a thing must already have it" used in Two Manners for Proving of divine attributes. In one application used for proving of Absolute perfection Attributes and in another used for proving each of the perfection attributes Including All kinds More
        The principle of "the Donor of a thing must already have it" used in Two Manners for Proving of divine attributes. In one application used for proving of Absolute perfection Attributes and in another used for proving each of the perfection attributes Including All kinds of Divine knowledge like essential and intuition Knowledge, Knowledge to other one Before Creating, Knowledge to other one after creation, Active Knowledge and intuition Knowledge To another. As it is used in Proving of Attributes like Divine Power, Life, Will, necessity, goodness, righteousness, Simplicity, richness and ownership. This Principle also used for Proving of Basic Statements Related to divine acts Including The principle of "One", Extending existence ,the worlds of Existence, The invention of the universe and the Perfection of creation. This text, By proving the influence of this rule in most important issues of Islamic theology, justified Islamic theology as a "Bestowal theology ". Manuscript profile
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        4 - The study of Attar's deterministic thought based on Unity of acts (tawhid al-af'al (and Nearness to God via supererogatory worships (Qurb al-Nawafil)
        Abolfazl  Afshari Pour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The subject of determinism and free will, among the various philosophical, theological and mystical issues, is one of the topics that has always been considered by various religions and sects. In this regard, philosophers and non-philosophers also agree on this question More
        The subject of determinism and free will, among the various philosophical, theological and mystical issues, is one of the topics that has always been considered by various religions and sects. In this regard, philosophers and non-philosophers also agree on this question of whether the actions and behaviors that occur to man or what happens to him are all in the hands of man himself or under the influence of other factors and forces. The belief that man is a free or compelled has always influenced man's social vision. Its importance is such that great men, artists and virtuous people like Attar with all their scientific insight and taste and intuitive understanding seek to answer this question to get an appropriate answer on the issue of human determinism and free will. Attar is a Ash'ari in theology and is also a Sufi. But unlike the Ash'arites and the Sufis, who are absolute determinists, he has expressed different views on determinism and free will. Attar does not accept verbal, reprehensible and disgusting determinism and in many cases he means determinism, as a mystical point of view and describing the attribute of the tyranny of God, and explaining the satisfaction of the servant against the truth and Unity of acts. Hence, Attar's view of Unity of acts, which is one of the monotheistic levels, has caused his thought to be similar to the theological beliefs of the Ash'arites. The results of this research, which has been obtained by library method, descriptive-analytical method and document research, show that Attar in the universe, according to the principle of Unity of acts, sees God as the only agent in the universe and The issue of determinism from a mystical point of view by depriving man of any power and will is explicitly raised and in many of his poems. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Examining The Methods Of Compensation For Minor Damages In Iranian And British Law
        Maryam  Tafazoli Mehrjardi Behshid Arfania
        The purpose of civil liability is to compensate the injured party. If the terms and conditions of civil liability of the minor guardian are met, the injured party has the right to seek compensation from the guardian. In Iranian law, the purpose of compensating the inj More
        The purpose of civil liability is to compensate the injured party. If the terms and conditions of civil liability of the minor guardian are met, the injured party has the right to seek compensation from the guardian. In Iranian law, the purpose of compensating the injured party is to return him/her to his/her former state. This means that the damage caused should be compensated and restored in a way as if it has not been occurred at all. The minor guardian, like any other civil responsible person, is only liable for the attributable damages resulting from the minor’s act. In the common law system, civil liability arises from the act or omission, which has caused damage to the other, mainly due to the negligence of the perpetrator, and he/she must take action to compensate it. If in order to determine the pattern of care and compliance, the performance of the harmful person is evaluated with the performance of the normal person, which is sometimes related to the action of the harmful person such as probability of loss and probable damage and sometimes related to the injured person. Manuscript profile