• List of Articles افتراق

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The legal status of possessions in the parliament
        Javad  Vahidizadeh seyyedeh maryam asadinejad
        Although sale contract is a binding and uncancellable contract, if the seller and buyer sign the sale contract in a meeting place, as long as they are in the meeting place they can cancel the contract without explanation of their reason. In fact, it is the application o More
        Although sale contract is a binding and uncancellable contract, if the seller and buyer sign the sale contract in a meeting place, as long as they are in the meeting place they can cancel the contract without explanation of their reason. In fact, it is the application of the meeting place contract that creates such a right for the parties. Nevertheless, the buyer and seller can exclude the “meeting place option” through including a condition in the contract or by leaving the meeting place or separation of the parties or the seizure of the sold item/price. As there is a difference of opinions among the jurists as regards the mode of dissolution that is the goal of “meeting place option”, the jurists are also divided on the the seizure of the sold item/price of the option because the separation of parties and the seizure of the sold item/price are two sides of the same coin. Some jurists believe that the seizure of the sold item/price may result in the cancellation of option but some others would even imply the implementation of the option of meeting place and the bindingness of the contract. In the present essay, after the analysis of the concept of “metting place option”, we discuss the conditions of the realization of metting place option as well as those occasions that lead to the cancellation of the meeting place option and the finalization of the sale contract. Moreover, our study of the public notion of the seizure of the sold item/price renders it clear that option belongs to the contract not to the exchanged items. Also the material seizures that takes place being informed of the existence of the option leads to the cancellation of the meeting place option but such modes of seizure like selling or leasing the sold item by the seller might be understood as an act of actual cancellation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Critical thinking and Islamic training: Difference and similarity's dimensions
        The goal of research is the dimension of differences and similarities thinking and Islamic educating and training and the method of studying in describing document analysis. The tool of data gathering is indexing from resources and written documents in educating and Isl More
        The goal of research is the dimension of differences and similarities thinking and Islamic educating and training and the method of studying in describing document analysis. The tool of data gathering is indexing from resources and written documents in educating and Islamic training and critical thinking. The information which gather are shown follows; 1- analysis، comment، evaluation، presumption، explaining and self-regulating from critical thinking that has paid attention and emphasis on both matters.2. The goal of Islamic training is of please God، but critical thinking is the growth of mental skills that is the basic differences between two categories. 3. With respect to Islamic training view point critical thinking is one the thinking goals in achieving intellectualization and moving all around nel the world or and where or one and God direction. 4. With attendance to Islamic emphasis on unrecieieving works without reason and proof contradiction that critical thinking is one of the social and rational growth principles in Islamic training. 5. Critical thinking is the most important growth and movement process that is completing dated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Introduction to the concept of “up” and “down” in the event of archetype Islamic-Iranian architecture with an emphasis on distinguishing between the semantic fields of people attitudes (Cases study: Toopkhane square, Laleh Park, shahzade garden, naqhsh-e- jahan square)
        Naser Barati elham kakavand
        In purposive architecture in the field of environmental interventions, there are many details of size, shapes, combinations and certain mysteries that distinguish architectural elements, even in a single society. Reflection in the mysterious urban biological system, ori More
        In purposive architecture in the field of environmental interventions, there are many details of size, shapes, combinations and certain mysteries that distinguish architectural elements, even in a single society. Reflection in the mysterious urban biological system, originates from the debate of thought and intuition, reason and love, and knowledge and insight. The present article explores the explanation and revelation of an ancient pattern that has linked many of our architectural elements throughout history.An archetype with “Up-Down” concepts that has reflected from the people’s imagery into the in urban architecture space. In the meantime, the question arises that what is the connection between these ideas, behaviors, the value system and the human living space system, especially in cities? To achieve this, the content analysis method is used. First, the relationship between the elements is conceived qualitatively and afterwards, the relation between the phenomena is explained by selecting the study areas and surveying citizens based on the semantic differentiation method. The results indicate that the idea of perfectionism and movement towards peak and perfection (up and down) in Iranian literature and culture has always been present and the association of its meaning in people’s minds, has led to the formation of a specific spatial arrangement and urban living system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Manifestations of differential penal policy towards child victims with a look at the Child and Adolescent Protection Law adopted in 2020
        bahram jafary
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and prec More
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and preclude secondary child victimization. Using the library and descriptive method, the present study, with emphasis on the Child and Adolescent Protection Law, attempts to discuss the aspects of the differential policy approach aimed to protect child victims in the iranian legal system. The results indicate that there were scattered, yet inadequate, regulations protecting children in various substantive and formal aspects in the past; However, while developing the scope of differential protecting regulations, the enactment of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law in 2020 has provided considerable preventive and monitoring- oriented views, especially through making legal intervention in favor of children and adolescents that are at risk or victimization. It can be said that this law clearly factors in differential policies including determining several crimes and specific punishments aimed at protecting children and adolescents and considering special institutional, disciplinary and judicial organizations with the aim of managing, preventing and dealing with child victimization and limiting its effects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - تدریس بر اساس تفاوتهای فردی وبررسی تأثیر آن در افزایش سطح یادگیری دروس ریاضی و علوم دانش آموزان دوره راهنمایی تحصیلی
        مینا  حاجی زاده