Corporeal Resurrection Based on Ibn ‘Arabī’s Gnostic Principles
Subject Areas : Studies on gnosis and Islamic Kalam
Hadi Jafary
Ali Arshad Riahi
1 - PhD in Transcendent philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Professor at the Islamic Philosophy and Kalam Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: corporeal resurrection, Ibn ‘Arabī, comprehensiveness, names, soul, renewal of likes, epiphany,
Abstract :
Ibn Arabi is one of the gnostics who has paid particular attention to Man’s corporeal resurrection and its quality in his works. When demonstrating corporeal resurrection, he mainly relies on unveiling and intuition rather than rational demonstration. However, the authors of this paper believe that Man’s posthumous corporeal dimension in purgatory and the hereafter can also be proved based on Ibn ‘Arabī’s gnostic principles. Apart from the quality of corporeal resurrection, the question is whether corporeal resurrection itself can be demonstrated relying on such principles or not. This study, which was carried out following the method of content analysis, aimed to provide a convenient response to this question and, thus, concluded that corporeal resurrection is demonstrable based on some of Ibn ‘Arabī’s principles such as Man’s distinction and determination in the process of ascent, the relationship between the macro-anthropo and micro-anthoropo, the theory of contrasting names, nobility of sensory faculties, creation of Man in God’s face, gnostic knowledge of the soul, Man’s level of comprehensiveness and moderation, and repetition in epiphany and renewal of likes. The authors also conclude that the idea that Man is originally an incorporeal existent and finally returns to his incorporeal birthplace is absurd. They argue that the human face must possess a body; hence, even if Shari’a has not spoken of corporeal resurrection, it can be proved based on gnostic principles.
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