The Theoretical Underpinning of Political Culture of Elite Area and Good Governance in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
hanieh graeeli korpi
Masoud Motalebi
Hosain Abolfazli
Ali Salehifarsani
1 - PH.D Student in Political Science of Iranian Issues, Semnan Islamic Azad University, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Semnan Islamic Azad University, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Semnan Islamic Azad University, Iran.
4 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد سمنان، گروه علوم سیاسی
Keywords: Political Culture, Good Governance, Democracy, Elite Area. ,
Abstract :
Good governance refers to achieving the rule of law, transparency, accountability, participation, equality, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, individual freedom, press freedom, and active civil society. Along with these prerequisites, political culture, and in particular the political culture of the elites, is crucial in institutionalizing the principles of good governance, especially in developing countries. This subject has drawn the attention of certain good governance studies academics in recent decades. The results showed that if the political culture of the elites is democratic or accepts at least some minimal democratic values, it can act as the basis for advancing democracy or political development in the sense of raising political participation and competition. In societies where, for various and complex reasons, the political culture of the elites is anti-participatory in the sense of being anti-democratic, authoritarian political structures and an ideology consistent with it can pose a significant barrier to the advancement of democratic indicators. A political culture that is authoritarian and non-participatory acts as a factor that hinders political development. In contrast, democratic and participatory ideals and attitudes significantly influence a country's political development. This is more evident in emerging nations when elite political culture has a more robust coefficient of determination.
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