Designing a model of factors affecting the development of human resources in the National Iranian South Oil Company
Subject Areas :Latif Sakhaeipour 1 , seyed Aliakbar Ahmadi 2
1 - PhD, Department of Public Administration, Graduate Education Center, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Public Administration, Graduate Education Center, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Development human resources, Human resource management, theme analysis, National Company of Southern Oil Regions,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to design a model of factors affecting the development of human resources in the National Company of Southern Oil Regions. In terms of purpose, this research is applied, and in terms of research method, it is a mixed type of research. In the qualitative part, first, by conducting theoretical studies, the factors affecting the development of human resources in the National Company of Southern Oil-Producing Regions were identified from a conceptual perspective. Then, in order to collect the required information, 25 experts familiar with the subject were asked to answer the questions. In the quantitative part, 341 official employees of the National Company of Southern Oil-Producing Regions were selected as the sample size by random sampling method. The method of determining the validity of the questionnaire is also formal and content. Based on the findings of the research, 7 main components and 88 sub-components were identified, the main components of which are recruitment and employment of human resources, training of human resources, management and performance evaluation of human resources, management of processes, management of human resources systems, management of talents and They are succession management. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the 7 main factors and the design and optimization of human resources management. After examining the fit of the measurement part and the structural part of the model, it can be said that the overall fit of the research model is very appropriate and approved.
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