Extracting Systems of Knowledge Management ecosystem, using data mining techniques
Subject Areas :
Maryam Hourali
amir Mohtarami
1 - Malik Ashtar University of Technology
2 - دانشگاه صنعتی مالک اشتر
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Systems, Service, System,
Abstract :
Knowledge management is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing knowledge of an organization. A knowledge management system is known as a knowledge base and is a comprehensive system that can provide many methods for providing documentation. The knowledge management system is a platform that covers the organization's collective knowledge and creates a centralized repository for storing and accessing the organization's activities. organizations do this through a tool or software specifically designed for knowledge management. Knowledge management systems refer to a class of information systems applied to organizational knowledge management and have been developed to support and promote organizational processes of creating, storing, retrieving, transferring and applying knowledge, in the company's organizational workplace. Various categories of knowledge management systems have been presented in articles. In this article, the main principles of knowledge management have been extracted with a new approach. For this purpose, first the main life cycle activities have been identified. Then, by reviewing conventional knowledge management systems and brainstorming sessions, the main services have been identified. Finally by applying clustering on the extracted services based on the k-means algorithm, the services have been clustered and the main systems have been extracted. In order to evaluate the quality of extraction systems, we have benefited experts, and experts in the field of knowledge management evaluated the quality of extraction systems at an optimal level. It is expected that by implementing these systems in different industries, it will be possible to help spread knowledge management in the industry as much as possible.
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