Strategies for retention human resources in knowledge-based companies in university
Subject Areas :
saeed khademian
seyed mojtaba mahmoudzadeh
hamed dehghanan
mohamad saleh torkestani
1 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
2 - َAllameh tabtaba'i university
3 - Faculty member
4 - Faculty member
Keywords: retention strategies, key human resources, knowledge-based companies,
Abstract :
Human resource management affects the recruitment, empowerment and retention of productivity and effectiveness of the organization. Given the nature of knowledge-based companies and human resources working in these companies, identifying strategies to retain these knowledgeable people within the organization is essential so that the organization can use the capabilities and expertise of these people to achieve their goals. The research method consists of two parts: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative part analyzes the subject literature and interviews with CEOs of knowledge-based companies, and the quantitative part analyzes the confirmatory factor of the components of the identified variables. Key variables affecting the retention of key employees in academic knowledge-based companies: salaries and benefits, company profit sharing and rewards and shareholding of key employees, work independence, work life balance, motivational job and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, vision and goals Support for management and leadership, learning opportunities and career advancement, organizational culture and communication, and participation in decision making. The results show that all components and strategies identified based on the results of data analysis have been effective on the retention of key human resources, but organizational strategies have shown the greatest impact on the retention and also the component of rights. And the advantages in service compensation strategies, the component of learning opportunity and progress in organizational strategies and job motivation and job satisfaction in job strategies have had the greatest impact on the organization.
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