Investigating the Moderating Role of Cultural Homogeneity in the Relationship between Internal Marketing and Employee Satisfaction among Tourism staff in Iraq, Turkey, and Western Iran,
Subject Areas :
Fakhrodin Maroofi
Seyed Farhad Hosseini
1 -
2 - Razi University
Keywords: Internal Marketing#Job Satisfaction#Cultural Homogeneity#Tourism ,
Abstract :
The role of internal marketing in employee satisfaction has been empirically investigated in more than 200 researches so far. However, few studies have addressed the role of employees in cultural backgrounds. Taking this literature gap into consideration, this descriptive survey study sought to survey the moderating effect of cultural homogeneity on the relationship between internal marketing and employee satisfaction in the workplace. The study's statistical population comprised the Iranian, Iraqi, Turkish, and Kurdish tourism employees, out of which 338 staff were selected via the available sampling method. The required data were collected through library research and questionnaires. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the collected data. The results of the study indicated that there was a positive correlation between internal marketing and employee satisfaction (0.53). Moreover, the study's practical and theoretical findings confirmed that cultural homogeneity could further enhance internal marketing and employee satisfaction (0.678).
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