Designing a Model of Training Managers for Future
Subject Areas :Hoda Jajarmi 1 , Ali Asghar Pourezzat 2 , Kamal Dorrani 3
1 - Ph.D. Student of Public Administration, Faculty of management, University of Tehran, Kish International Campus ,Kish, Iran
2 - Professor, Faculty member of Tehran University, Faculty of Management, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, faculty member of Tehran University, faculty of Psychology and Educational sciences, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Education system transformation, Managerial skills, Training future managers, Secondary education,
Abstract :
This research focuses on the need to develop meaningful training programs as a part of the reform of the secondary education system. Given that preparing the future managers is a responsibility we all share today, this study aims at designing a model for training future managers. This study adopted a qualitative exploratory approach. Accordingly, subsequent to reviewing the related literature, the semi-structured interviews with 15 selected senior managers in the Ministry of Education as well as experts and elites of the field were done. Participants were selected based on the snowball method. The interviews continued until the saturation level was achieved. Then, interviews were analyzed using the thematic analysis method. After analyzing the data and extracting the codes, they were classified into three major categories: 47 basic concepts, 18 organizers, and 5 inclusive themes, as the components of the model. The five inclusive themes were named as self-management, social factors, management of others, planning and the education system policy, and educational skills. Then, the model was designed based on the relationships among the themes. Finally, the research findings suggested that teaching management skills to adolescents, based on the recommended model of secondary school education system transformation, would lead to changes in the educational policy and development of such management skills as communication skills, critical thinking, leadership, and teamwork. At the end, recommendations are made based on the sub-themes obtained in each area and the key points raised by the experts of the field.
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