Identifying the behavioral dimensions and components of entrepreneurial coaches
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Azizi
hamid hosseinlo
yousef vakili
1 - Tehran
2 - Tehran
3 - Kharazmi
Keywords: coaching, entrepreneurial coaching, coaching behavior, SMEs,
Abstract :
Objective: Today's business community needs entrepreneurship coaches more than anything else. Entrepreneurial coaches encourage entrepreneurs to turn their strategic vision into action. This research aims to identify the components of entrepreneurial coaches in small and medium businesses of the pharmaceutical industry. Method: Developmental-applied research method and qualitative data collection were used. In order to identify the components of entrepreneurial coaches in small and medium businesses, 16 experienced and knowledgeable experts in the field of coaching who were selected in a purposeful manner and specifically from the snowball technique. Open and central coding has been used to analyze the data. Results: The analysis of the findings showed that the factors and components of entrepreneurial coaches in small and medium businesses consist of three factors: knowledge and skills of coaching, psychological characteristics and actions of entrepreneurial coaches.
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