Scientometrics and content analysis of research in the field of organizational entrepreneurship from the perspective of individual and group entrepreneurship in the organization
Subject Areas :
Hossain Sahebi
Hamideh Reshadatjoo
Mohammad Aboie Ardakan
1 - Ph.D student in entrepreneurship, higher education major, Faculty of Management and Economics, Research Sciences Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Research Sciences Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran
Keywords: Organizational entrepreneurship, individual entrepreneurship, group entrepreneurship, scientometrics, citation analysis, synonym network,
Abstract :
Addressing corporate entrepreneurship has grown significantly in recent years and is known to be an important factor affecting success of an organisation. Nevertheless, the importance of the subject and research in this field, especially in domestic research, is neglected and there is a wide disagreement in this field. This research has been done by scientometric method, and by using the method of citation analysis, evaluation technique and content analysis of documents; It intends to review studies in the field of corporate entrepreneurship and systematize past research to provide a conceptual model using content analysis of documents. The statistical cumulation of this research includes all the documents presented in the Scopus database with 1325 documents, including articles, books, etc. until 2019. Which is done using Bibexcle and VOSviewer software evaluation and illustration. Based on the content analysis of the documents; Research in the field of "corporate entrepreneurship from the perspective of individual and team entrepreneurship in the organization" is divided into four general sections. The first part of the research related to the pillars of corporate entrepreneurship includes innovation, strategic renewing, and business within the organization. The second part is related to individual entrepreneurship in the organization that concerns entrepreneurial orientation, motivation, ideation and creativity, work experience, acquisition Knowledge and skills development are highlited. The third part is related to team entrepreneurship in the organization, topics such as organizational recruiting capacity, independence, awarding system and effective behavior were identified in the process. The fourth and final part deals with motivating corporate entrepreneurship. It includes factors such as institutional, structural, managerial and environmental
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