Simulation of Impulse Buying Behavior in market: A Agent-Based Modeling Approach
Subject Areas :
Mohamad Reza Mehregan
Mohammad Aboie Ardakan
Zahra Sadeqi Arani
Mohsen Nazari
Omid Roozmand
1 - Tehran University
2 - Tehran University
3 - Tehran University
4 - Tehran University
5 -
Keywords: Agents -Based Simulation , Impulse Buying , Emotion Modeling, Culture, Personality, Reinforcement Learning.,
Abstract :
Impulse Buying is a complex human behavior that is influenced by psychological, social, situational etc. factors. This behavior is irrational and often takes emotionally. Modeling and simulation of Impulse Buying behavior help the researchers and managers to understand and predict behavior and planning. Thus, the aim of this paper is developing and proposes a conceptual and mathematical model to simulation of Impulse Buying behavior. The model focuses on the essence of human decision making which rooted in emotion as important drives for shaping and directing human behavior. The proposed model is developed based upon the consumer agent’s culture and personality and situational and seller characteristics. An agent based modeling used to simulation of Impulse Buying behavior.
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