Assessing the impact of electronic Human Resource Management on creation of organizational agility (study of case: Bushehr Banks)
Subject Areas :
fakhrieh Hamidianpour
Majid Esmaeilpour
Habibeh Firoozi
1 - 1Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Marketing Management, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University Bushehr, Iran.
3 -
Keywords: electronic human resource management (E-HRM), E-learning of human resources, E-payment of human resources, E-performance appraisal of human resource, organizational agility,
Abstract :
Agility is a series of capabilities and competencies, which can cause survival and growth of the organization in business environment. One of the approaches that help organizations to enhance agility is electronic human resource management (E-HRM) approach. The main objective of the present study is finding an answer for this issue that how one can use E-HRM approach to develop organizational agility. In this study that has been conducted using survey method, after review of foreign and domestic research literature and construction of conceptual model, a questionnaire would be provided and distributed among employees of bank branches of Bushehr City in Iran and finally, collected data from 315 questionnaires would be analyzed using structural equation modeling method. Obtained results from the study confirm the presented conceptual model and indicate that using E-HR, Electronic payment of human resources, human resources maintenance and electronic performance appraisal of human resources and also electronic human resource management (E-HRM) can affect organizational agility significantly in confidence level of 99%. In addition, effect of variables of Electronic employment of human resources and human resource communications on organizational agility has not been confirmed.
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