A Philosophical Reading of the Social Dimension of Perfect Man in Nahj al-Balāghah Based on Transcendent Philosophy
Subject Areas :sayyed mohammad ali mirdamadi 1 , , sayyed mahdi emami jomae 2 , Majid Sadeghi Hasan abadi 3
1 - PhD candidate of Islamic Philosophy and Kalam, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Professor, Islamic Philosophy and Kalam Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Islamic Philosophy and Kalam Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: perfect Man’s social dimension, Nahj al-balāghah, Transcendent Philosophy, vicegerency, transcendent society,
Abstract :
This paper aims to provide a general picture of the social dimension of perfect Man based on the statements in Nahj al-Balāghah and their philosophical analysis relying on the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. This social dimension includes the characteristics of a perfect Man in interaction with other human beings within his social and this-worldly structure. The knowledge of perfect Man in this area reveals his civilizational role in the human society and in the actualization the Transcendent society. This study was carried out following a descriptive-analytic method. According to the teachings of Nahj al-Balāghah and the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, beginning a philosophical revolution in society and leading it in the right direction are accomplished through intrinsic awakening and flourishing of human beings and revealing their intellectual treasures. Such treasures provide the basis for the social activities of perfect Man which, along with his other ontological perfections and because of people’s obeying him, result in the social, cultural, political, and economic development and prosperity and the establishment of transcendent society. Hence, the centrality and leadership of perfect Man and people’s obedience for him are the foundations and most important pillars of the realization of the idea of transcendent society.
قرآن كريم.
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