An Analytic-Comparative Study of the Theory of “Necessity of Fixed Affirmation” in Sayyid Sanad and Mullā Ṣadrā
Subject Areas :
Fatemeh Abedini
Ali Arshad Riahi
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Keywords: principle of presupposition fixed affirmation positive affirmation Mullā Ṣadrā Sayyid Sanad ,
Abstract :
Regarding the “principle of presupposition”, which is one of the important principles in the realm of philosophy, philosophers are unanimous in support of the “necessity of positive affirmation; however, there are some disagreements among them in relation to the “necessity of fixed affirmation”. Two theories have been presented on fixed affirmation: many well-known philosophers maintain that fixed affirmation is not necessary, while some others believe in the opposite. Mullā Ṣadrā is one of the followers of the latter position. He has quoted the theory of the lack of the necessity of fixed affirmation from one of its believers without providing the source. Some of the commentators of his works have attributed it to Sayyid Sanad in addition to Sayyid Sharīf al-Jurjānī and ‘Allāmah Jalāl al-Dīn Dawānī. Nevertheless, the quoted theory does not correspond to what is found in Sayyid Sanad’s manuscripts and, conversely, he appears to believe in the “necessity of fixed affirmation”. The argument of the lack of necessity of fixed affirmation belongs to his contemporary thinker, ‘Allāmah Dawānī. Finally, the authors conclude that, while benefitting from Sayyid Sanad’s theory, Mullā Ṣadrā has provided a specific theory which is different from his.
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