The Role of the Workplace Spirituality and Resilience in Prediction of Psychological Well-being of Employee
Subject Areas : Psychology
1 - Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Arak University, Arak, I. R. Iran
Keywords: workplace spirituality, resilience, psychological well-being, employees,
Abstract :
The present research was performed with the purpose of examination the role of workplace spirituality and resilience in predicting the psychological wellbeing of employees. The research had a correlational design on the type of predictive study. The population was all of the employees of Markazi Province Electeric Distribution Company in years of 2015-16, that 396 persons of them were selected by stratified random sampling based on their job conditions, and were examined. For collecting the data, the Workplace Spirituality Scale, Resilience Scale and Psychological Well-being Scale, were performed, and the acquired data were analyzed by pearson correlation coefficient and simultaneous multiple regression. The findings indicated that the workplace spirituality and resilience with a direct and significant relationship, explained about 14 percent of variance of psychological well-being of employees that in this context resilience had significant proportion in predicting of psychological wellbeing and its, factors, but the workplace spirituality had significant proportion only in predicting the factor of self-acceptance. As a result, it can be said that workplace spirituality and resilience have a significant role in psychological well-being.
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